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在城市经济建设飞快发展的过程中,作为具有高效性、清洁性的新型能源,城市燃气已经广泛的应用到了人们日常生活和各行各业的生产活动中,让城乡居民的生活质量得到了大大的提升,在降低空气污染的同时还改善了环境。但随之而来的城市燃气爆炸事故给国家财产和人民的生命安全造成了巨大的损失,本文笔者就天然气的危险性入手分析,对发生燃气爆炸事故的原因和预防措施进行探索。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的发展,交通运输业对石油的需求量将会逐年增加。与普通汽油相比,乙醇汽油具有替代部分汽油,减少对石油资源的依赖;可再生;燃烧清洁,污染物排放少;辛烷值高;可保持发动机燃油系统和进气系统的清洁等特点。  相似文献   

乙二醇装置火灾,爆炸危险性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用道化学公司火灾爆炸 数危险评价法对乙二醇装置进行风险评价,定量地得出装置各单元的危险程度交提出了减少装置危险性的建议。  相似文献   

从过氧化甲乙酮(POMEK)的性质制备原理增物结构方面进行了危险性评价,并从计算和相关试验论证了POMEK的免除性。POMEK属高第三爆炸物,危险性很大,很易热分解,着火感度很高,且具有传爆性,可加入减敏剂降低其部分危险性,但仍要严格执行化学危险品安全管理规定。  相似文献   

介绍了事故爆炸的类型,能量,然害形式,破坏程度与范围。  相似文献   

为探究干燥前后褐煤的爆炸危险性,基于粉尘爆炸机理,通过粒度分析和爆炸性测定实验,分析了干燥前后褐煤粒径分布变化、扬尘特性及爆炸危险性变化.结果表明,干燥褐煤大粒径颗粒频数减小,小粒径颗粒频数增加,粒径变小,扬尘量增加;干燥褐煤最小点燃能量、粉尘云/层最低着火温度较干燥前褐煤都有所降低.干燥褐煤较原煤更易扬尘达到爆炸极限浓度,且更易发生着火燃烧爆炸,干燥褐煤爆炸敏感性和危险性都增加.  相似文献   

预测管道中气体爆炸超压的改进ME法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
王志荣  蒋军成 《化工学报》2004,55(9):1510-1514
分析了管道中可燃气体爆炸超压的特点,提出了利用ME模型预测管道中气体爆炸超压的新方法,在能量守恒定律和爆炸能量相似律分析的基础上结合爆炸反射压力理论修正了ME模型并用于封闭管道中气体爆炸超压的预测,利用修正的ME模型计算了甲烷在管道中的爆炸超压,对计算值与实验值同ME模型、TNT当量模型的计算值以及数值模拟计算结果进行了比较分析.实验的管道分别是直径为2m、长29m的大型圆管和边长为80mm、长24m的小型方管.数值模拟的独头巷道横截面是方形,边长为1.77m,巷道全长30m,瓦斯填充长度为6m.比较分析结果表明:修正的ME模型计算值与实验值以及数值模拟计算结果吻合较好.该方法可用于管道中气体爆炸灾害事故危险性分析与评估,给管道防爆泄压设计和爆炸防护提供重要参考.  相似文献   

近年来,南方某市供水管网埋地大口径玻璃钢原水管发生了6次较为严重的爆管事故,威胁了该管网的供水安全。为了研究管道出现事故的原因,对爆管处管道试样进行了力学性能试验,包括试样的拉伸、压缩、弯曲试验,同时根据管道所处地质条件,结合管道自身的力学性能参数对埋地玻璃钢管的受力性能进行理论计算和分析,包括管道长期变形、强度和管壁截面稳定。根据爆管处管道试验和理论计算结果推断管道爆裂的原因,同时提出相应建议以减少爆管事故的频繁发生。  相似文献   

An analytical model for small-scale single drop fuel coolant interaction based on fragmentation caused by the Taylor instability and transient heat transfer during collapse and bounce period is developed. According to our previous analysis, pressure in the vapor film blanketing hot surface increases transiently more than 10 MPa, when thickness of the vapor film decreases less than 10 μm. The transient high pressure makes vapor-liquid interface bounce and causes the Taylor instabilities at both sides of the vapor-liquid interfaces by the large acceleration. As the growth time of the interface instability is enough short compared with the bouncing time, the instabilities result to fragmentation and mixing of both liquids. In the proposed model, the fragmentation time and fragmented particle size were estimated from the growth rate and the wave length of the instability. The analytical model composed of a set of time dependent differential equations was numerically calculated by the Runge-Kutta-Gill method. The numerical results were compared with the experimental ones done in Sandia Laboratory.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(7):1271-1285
For a computer simulation of dehydration curves of foods, a new tank model is proposed that uses fish-paste sausage for drying that is accompanied by a poultice-up process. The model is proposed separately and is dependent on the moisture contents in Regions I (W 0 > 100%-d.b.) and II (W 0 < 100%- d.b.) and described by a two-term exponential expression for the two-tank model in Region I and a single-term exponential expression for a single tank model in Region II. The dehydration constants that appeared in the two equations could be evaluated quantitatively by the TPD, NMR, and SEM data obtained. By using the model equations, all the dehydration curves obtained under any drying condition were simulated, and the calculated curves agreed satisfactorily with the experimental curves derived from various drying conditions.  相似文献   

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