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Autoignition experiments for n-butanol have been performed using a heated rapid compression machine at compressed pressures of 15 and 30 bar, in the compressed temperature range of 675–925 K, and for equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. Over the conditions studied, the ignition delay decreases monotonically as temperature increases, and the autoignition response exhibits single-stage characteristics. A non-linear fit to the experimental data is performed and the reactivity, in terms of the inverse of ignition delay, shows nearly second order dependence on the initial oxygen mole fraction and slightly greater than first order dependence on initial fuel mole fraction and compressed pressure. Experimentally measured ignition delays are also compared to simulations using several reaction mechanisms available in the literature. Agreement between simulated and experimental ignition delay is found to be unsatisfactory. Sensitivity analysis is performed on one recent mechanism and indicates that uncertainties in the rate coefficients of parent fuel decomposition reactions play a major role in causing the poor agreement. Path analysis of the fuel decomposition reactions supports this conclusion and also highlights the particular importance of certain pathways. Further experimental investigations of the fuel decomposition, including speciation measurements, are required.  相似文献   

To explore the possibility of simultaneously extending the lean extinction limit and reducing the emission levels with hydrogen addition, a computational study is performed to investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on the fundamental combustion characteristics of n-decane/air mixtures. It is found that a small amount of hydrogen addition can significantly promote the reactivity of n-decane/air mixtures, leading to shortened ignition delays at high temperatures, increased laminar flame speeds, and reduced extinction residence times. The results on emissions show that the addition of hydrogen leads to a reduction in CO emission index under fuel rich conditions, while NO emission index increases with increasing hydrogen addition for all the conditions examined. The extent of the hydrogen addition effects on different combustion responses at varying pressures has also been investigated. In addition, sensitivity analysis has been conducted to identify the key reactions that are responsible for the enhanced reactivity associated with hydrogen addition. The present results further demonstrate that with the aid of hydrogen addition, leaner and hence cleaner combustion can be achieved without compromising static flame stability.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental data for the oxidation of two surrogates for the large alkylbenzene class of compounds contained in diesel fuels, namely n-decylbenzene. A 57:43 molar% mixture of n-propylbenzene:n  -heptane in air (21% O2O2, 79% N2N2) was used in addition to a 64:36 molar% mixture of n-butylbenzene:36% n-heptane in air. These mixtures were designed to contain a similar carbon/hydrogen ratio, molecular weight and aromatic/alkane ratio when compared to n-decylbenzene. Nominal equivalence ratios of 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 were used. Ignition times were measured at 1 atm in the shock tube and at pressures of 10, 30 and 50 atm in both the shock tube and in the rapid compression machine. The temperature range studied was from approximately 650–1700 K. The effects of reflected shock pressure and equivalence ratio on ignition delay time were determined and common trends highlighted. It was noted that both mixtures showed similar reactivity throughout the temperature range studied. A reaction mechanism published previously was used to simulate this data. Overall the reaction mechanism captures the experimental data reasonably successfully with a variation of approximately a factor of 2 for mixtures at 10 atm and fuel-rich and stoichiometric conditions.  相似文献   

The pyrolysis of n-decane was investigated in a flow reactor at 5, 30, 150 and 760 Torr, and the oxidation of n-decane at equivalence ratios of 0.7, 1.0 and 1.8 was studied in laminar premixed flames at 30 Torr. In both experiments, synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry (SVUV-PIMS) was used to identify combustion species and measure their mole fraction profiles. A new detailed kinetic model of n-decane with 234 species and 1452 reactions was developed for applications in intermediate and high temperature regions, and was validated against the experimental results in the present work. The model was also validated against previous experimental data on n-decane combustion, including species profiles in pyrolysis and oxidation in high pressure shock tube and atmospheric pressure flow reactor, jet stirred reactor oxidation, atmospheric pressure laminar premixed flame, counterflow diffusion flame and global combustion parameters such as laminar flame speeds and ignition delay times. In general, the performance of the present model in reproducing these experimental data is reasonably good. Sensitivity analysis and rate of production analysis were conducted to understand the decomposition processes of n-decane.  相似文献   

Ignition delay times of Jet-A/oxidizer and JP-8/oxidizer mixtures are measured using a heated rapid compression machine at compressed charge pressures corresponding to 7, 15, and 30 bar, compressed temperatures ranging from 650 to 1100 K, and equivalence ratios varying from 0.42 to 2.26. When using air as the oxidant, two oxidizer-to-fuel mass ratios of 13 and 19 are investigated. To achieve higher compressed temperatures for fuel lean mixtures (equivalence ratio of ∼0.42), argon dilution is also used and the corresponding oxidizer-to-fuel mass ratio is 84.9. For the conditions studied, experimental results show two-stage ignition characteristics for both Jet-A and JP-8. Variations of both the first-stage and overall ignition delays with compressed temperature, compressed pressure, and equivalence ratio are reported and correlated. It is noted that the negative temperature coefficient phenomenon becomes more prominent at relatively lower pressures. Furthermore, the first-stage-ignition delay is found to be less sensitive to changes in equivalence ratio and primarily dependent on temperature.  相似文献   

Ignition delay time measurements were recorded at equivalence ratios of 0.3, 0.5, 1, and 2 for n-butane at pressures of approximately 1, 10, 20, 30 and 45 atm at temperatures from 690 to 1430 K in both a rapid compression machine and in a shock tube. A detailed chemical kinetic model consisting of 1328 reactions involving 230 species was constructed and used to validate the delay times. Moreover, this mechanism has been used to simulate previously published ignition delay times at atmospheric and higher pressure. Arrhenius-type ignition delay correlations were developed for temperatures greater than 1025 K which relate ignition delay time to temperature and concentration of the mixture. Furthermore, a detailed sensitivity analysis and a reaction pathway analysis were performed to give further insight to the chemistry at various conditions. When compared to existing data from the literature, the model performs quite well, and in several instances the conditions of earlier experiments were duplicated in the laboratory with overall good agreement. To the authors’ knowledge, the present paper presents the most comprehensive set of ignition delay time experiments and kinetic model validation for n-butane oxidation in air.  相似文献   

Rapid compression machine and shock-tube ignition experiments were performed for real fuel/air isobutane mixtures at equivalence ratios of 0.3, 0.5, 1, and 2. The wide range of experimental conditions included temperatures from 590 to 1567 K at pressures of approximately 1, 10, 20, and 30 atm. These data represent the most comprehensive set of experiments currently available for isobutane oxidation and further accentuate the complementary attributes of the two techniques toward high-pressure oxidation experiments over a wide range of temperatures. The experimental results were used to validate a detailed chemical kinetic model composed of 1328 reactions involving 230 species. This mechanism has been successfully used to simulate previously published ignition delay times as well. A thorough sensitivity analysis was performed to gain further insight to the chemical processes occurring at various conditions. Additionally, useful ignition delay time correlations were developed for temperatures greater than 1025 K. Comparisons are also made with available isobutane data from the literature, as well as with 100% n-butane and 50-50% n-butane-isobutane mixtures in air that were presented by the authors in recent studies. In general, the kinetic model shows excellent agreement with the data over the wide range of conditions of the present study.  相似文献   

M. Crochet 《Combustion and Flame》2010,157(11):2078-2085
The autoignition chemistry of lean n-propylcyclohexane/“air” mixtures (? = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) was investigated in a rapid compression machine at compressed gas temperatures ranging from 620 to 930 K and pressures ranging from 0.45 to 1.34 MPa. Cool flame and ignition delay times were measured. Cool flame delay times were found to follow an Arrhenius behavior, and a correlation including pressure and equivalence ratio dependences was deduced. The present ignition delay data were compared with recent experimental results and simulations from the available thermokinetic models in the literature. Negative temperature coefficient zones were observed when plotting ignition delay times versus compressed gas temperature. The oxidation products were identified and quantified during the ignition delay period. Formation pathways for the C9 bicyclic ethers and conjugate alkenes are proposed. The experimental data provide an extensive database to test detailed thermokinetic oxidation models.  相似文献   

The control of ignition timing in the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) of n-heptane by port injection of reaction inhibitors was studied in a single-cylinder engine. Four suppression additives, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), were used in the experiments. The effectiveness of inhibition of HCCI combustion with various additives was compared under the same equivalence ratio of total fuel and partial equivalence ratio of n-heptane. The experimental results show that the suppression effectiveness increases in the order MTBE < isopropanol ? ethanol < methanol. But ethanol is the best additive when the operating ranges, indicated thermal efficiency, and emissions are considered. For ethanol/n-heptane HCCI combustion, partial combustion may be observed when the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel is larger than 0.20; misfires occur when the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel larger than 0.25. Moreover, CO emissions strongly depend on the maximum combustion temperature, while HC emissions are mainly dominated by the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel. To obtain chemical mechanistic informations relevant to the ignition behavior, detailed chemical kinetic analysis was conducted. The simulated results also confirmed the retarding of the ignition timing by ethanol addition. In addition, it can be found from the simulation that HCHO, CO, and C2H5OH could not be oxidized completely and are maintained at high levels if the partial combustion or misfire occurs (for example, for leaner fuel/air mixture).  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to obtain experimental reference data in controlled, simple systems collected under MILD combustion. The combustion processes evolving under such conditions show behaviors specific to unique ranges of operating conditions that are not predictable using the available kinetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Autoignition of toluene and benzene is investigated in a rapid compression machine at conditions relevant to HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) combustion. Experiments are conducted for homogeneous mixtures over a range of equivalence ratios at compressed pressures from 25 to 45 bar and compressed temperatures from 920 to 1100 K. Experiments varying oxygen concentration while keeping the mole fraction of toluene constant reveal a strong influence of oxygen in promoting ignition. Additional experiments varying fuel mole fraction at a fixed equivalence ratio show that ignition delay becomes shorter with increasing fuel concentration. Moreover, autoignition of benzene shows significantly higher activation energy than that of toluene. In addition, the experimental pressure traces for toluene show behavior of heat release significantly different from the results of Davidson et al. [D.F. Davidson, B.M. Gauthier, R.K. Hanson, Proc. Combust. Inst. 30 (2005) 1175–1182]. Predictability of various detailed kinetic mechanisms is also compared. Results demonstrate that the existing mechanisms for toluene and benzene fail to predict the experimental data with respect to ignition delay and heat release. Flux analysis is further conducted to identify the dominant reaction pathways and the reactions responsible for the mismatch of experimental and simulated data.  相似文献   

Rapid compression machines (RCMs) typically incorporate creviced pistons to suppress the formation of the roll-up vortex. The use of a creviced piston, however, can enhance other multi-dimensional effects inside the RCM due to the crevice zone being at lower temperature than the main reaction chamber. In this work, such undesirable effects of a creviced piston are highlighted through computational fluid dynamics simulations of n-heptane ignition in RCM. Specifically, the results show that in an RCM with a creviced piston, additional flow of mass takes place from the main combustion chamber to the crevice zone during the first-stage of the two-stage ignition. This phenomenon is not captured by the zero-dimensional modeling approaches that are currently adopted. Consequently, a novel approach of ‘crevice containment’ is introduced and computationally evaluated in this paper. In order to avoid the undesirable effects of creviced piston, the crevice zone is separated from the main reaction chamber at the end of compression. The results with ‘crevice containment’ show significant improvement in the fidelity of zero-dimensional modeling in terms of predicting the overall ignition delay and pressure rise in the first-stage of ignition. Although the implementation of ‘crevice containment’ requires a modification in RCM design, in practice there are significant advantages to be gained through a reduction in the rate of pressure drop in the RCM combustion chamber and a quantitative improvement in the data obtained from the species sampling experiments.  相似文献   

In modeling rapid compression machine (RCM) experiments, zero-dimensional approach is commonly used along with an associated heat loss model. The adequacy of such approach has not been validated for hydrocarbon fuels. The existence of multi-dimensional effects inside an RCM due to the boundary layer, roll-up vortex, non-uniform heat release, and piston crevice could result in deviation from the zero-dimensional assumption, particularly for hydrocarbons exhibiting two-stage ignition and strong thermokinetic interactions. The objective of this investigation is to assess the adequacy of zero-dimensional approach in modeling RCM experiments under conditions of two-stage ignition and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) response. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are conducted for n-heptane ignition in an RCM and the validity of zero-dimensional approach is assessed through comparisons over the entire NTC region. Results show that the zero-dimensional model based on the approach of ‘adiabatic volume expansion’ performs very well in adequately predicting the first-stage ignition delays, although quantitative discrepancy for the prediction of the total ignition delays and pressure rise in the first-stage ignition is noted even when the roll-up vortex is suppressed and a well-defined homogeneous core is retained within an RCM. Furthermore, the discrepancy is pressure dependent and decreases as compressed pressure is increased. Also, as ignition response becomes single-stage at higher compressed temperatures, discrepancy from the zero-dimensional simulations reduces. Despite of some quantitative discrepancy, the zero-dimensional modeling approach is deemed satisfactory from the viewpoint of the ignition delay simulation.  相似文献   

Autoignition of iso-octane was examined using a rapid compression facility (RCF) with iso-octane, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon mixtures. The effects of typical homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) conditions on the iso-octane ignition characteristics were studied. Experimental results for ignition delay times, τign, were obtained from pressure time-histories. The experiments were conducted over a range of equivalence ratios (?=0.25-1.0), pressures (P=5.12-23 atm), temperatures (T=943-1027 K), and oxygen mole fractions (χO2=9-21%), and with the addition of trace amounts of combustion product gases (CO2 and H2O). It was found that the ignition delay times were well represented by the expression

The autoignition process of single n-heptane droplets in air is simulated for spherical symmetry and at constant pressure. Using a detailed transport model and detailed chemical kinetics, the governing equations of the two phases are solved in a fully coupled way. The ambient gas temperature is varied from 600 to 2000 K. Simulations are performed for isobaric conditions. The initial droplet radius ranges from 10 to 200 μm. The influence of different physical parameters, such as ambient pressure, droplet radius, or initial conditions, on the ignition delay time and the location of the ignition is investigated. The gas temperature turns out to be the parameter dominating the ignition process. The droplet temperature shows a minor influence on the ignition delay time. The influence of the droplet radius on the ignition delay shows a high sensitivity to other ambient conditions, such as ambient temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

This work focuses on understanding the formation and oxidation of soot when adding n-butanol, an oxygenated fuel, to n-dodecane. A two-stage burner was used to characterize the oxidation of soot from different n-butanol blends, 10%, 30%, and 60 mol% in n-dodecane. The two-stage burner isolates the soot oxidation process from the formation process. Soot is formed in a first-stage premixed burner under fuel-rich conditions, while in a second stage, the soot is oxidized under slightly fuel-rich conditions. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) was used to measure the soot particle size distributions in the flame at different heights during oxidation. Results showed a decrease in particle mass concentration (g/cm3) as the fraction of n-butanol increased, which indicates the capability of n-butanol to reduce soot particle number and mass. On the other hand, the results demonstrated that the increasing n-butanol reduces the difference between initial mass of soot particles entering and the final mass of soot particles leaving the second burner. This result implies that increasing the n-butanol concentration decreases the rate of soot oxidation. Two different fuel quality indicators are used to quantify our observations. The first one, “sooting tendency”, is calculated to show how the amount of soot formed in the flame is affected by using different n-butanol percentages. The second one, “sooting stability”, is defined for quantifying the stability of soot particles against oxidation. The results demonstrated that by increasing the n-butanol percentage, soot formation was suppressed. However, sooting stability increased with higher concentrations of n-butanol. The soot nanostructure was quantified by high-resolution electron microscopy and digital image processing. Image analysis revealed layer arrangement is in correlation with sooting stability. The results of interlayer spacing showed a decrease by increasing n-butanol at the same sampling height.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical studies have been performed on the thermal and chemical effects of buffer gas composition on low temperature ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane. Experiments were conducted using a recently developed rapid compression machine in the temperature range of 600–850 K. Three buffer gases were studied including nitrogen (N2), argon (Ar), and a mixture of Ar and carbon dioxide (CO2) at a mole ratio of 65.1%/34.9%. Iso-octane was studied at 20 bar, ? = 1, and a dilution level of buffer gas to O2 of 3.76:1 (mole ratio). n-Heptane was studied at 9 bar, ? = 1, and a dilution level of buffer gas to O2 of 5.63:1 (mole ratio). For experiments where two-stage ignition was observed, the buffer gas composition had no impact on the first-stage ignition time but, as expected, it caused differences in the total heat release, pressure and temperature rise after the first-stage ignition. As a consequence, significant differences were observed for the total ignition delay time as a function of the buffer gas composition, with up to 40% and 42.5% faster total ignition time for iso-octane and n-heptane, respectively, by using Ar instead of N2. The chemical effects of the buffer gas composition were studied experimentally by comparing the results of the N2 and Ar/CO2 (65.1%/34.9%) mixtures, recognizing that while the Ar/CO2 mixture has the same heat capacity as N2, its predicted combined third-body collision efficiency is about 76% higher than N2. The experimental results showed negligible chemical effects on the first-stage and total ignition delay times. Numerical simulations were carried out over a wider range of temperatures for pure N2, Ar, and CO2 as buffer gases. Results showed that thermal effects are very pronounced and dominated at the negative temperature coefficient and two-stage ignition conditions, which is consistent with the experimental results and previous studies in the literature. However, the simulation results also showed at temperatures higher than 850 K, the chemical effects of CO2 became more important than the thermal effects.  相似文献   

OH concentration time-histories during n-heptane and methylcyclohexane (MCH) oxidation were measured behind reflected shock waves in a heated, high-pressure shock tube. Experimental conditions covered temperatures of 1121 to 1332 K, pressures near 15 atm, and initial fuel concentrations of 750 and 1000 ppm (by volume), and an equivalence ratio of 0.5 with O2 as the oxidizer and argon as the bath gas. OH concentrations were measured using narrow-linewidth ring-dye laser absorption near the R-branchhead of the OH A-X(0,0) system at 306.47 nm. These current measurements together with our recent results for n-dodecane oxidation [S.S. Vasu, D.F. Davidson, Z. Hong, V. Vasudevan, R.K. Hanson, Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009), doi:10.1016/j.proci.2008.05.006] provide critically needed validation targets for jet fuel surrogate kinetic mechanisms and further improve understanding of high-pressure, high-temperature oxidation chemistry. Detailed comparisons of these OH time-histories with the predictions of various kinetic mechanisms were made. Sensitivity and pathway analyses for these reference fuel components were performed, leading to reaction rate recommendations with improved model performance. Current results are the first quantitative measurements of OH time-histories during high-pressure oxidation of these fuels, and hence are a critical step toward development of accurate reaction models for jet fuel surrogates.  相似文献   

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