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Cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystalline thin films were prepared using the microwave-assisted chemical bath deposition method onto glass substrates at 80 °C. Aqueous solutions of either cadmium chloride or cadmium acetate and thiourea were used as sources of Cd2+ and S2− ions, respectively. Two sets of samples with different concentrations were prepared. A microwave oven was used as a heating source to synthesize the nanocrystalline CdS thin films. The prepared thin films had a good adhesion with no pinholes. These films were examined for their structural and surface morphologies by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. The optical properties were investigated using UV-vis spectrophotometer, photoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopy. Particle size values obtained from XRD were compared with these calculated using effective mass models. The values of optical band gaps according to optical transmission measurements decreased as the ion source molar concentration increased.  相似文献   

CdS thin films doped with metal-organic salts were grown on glass substrates at 90 °C by the chemical bath deposition technique. Metal-organic salts such as zinc acetate, chromium acetylacetonate, ammonium fluoride, aluminum nitrate, tin acetate and indium acetate were used. The chemical bath was prepared with cadmium acetate, ammonium acetate, thiourea and ammonium hydroxide. In the case of un-doped films, the S/Cd ratio was varied by changing the thiourea in the range 1-12. The best optical, structural and electrical properties were found for S/Cd = 2. The doped films were prepared by always keeping the ratio S/Cd constant at 2. The band gap (Eg) of doped and un-doped films was evaluated from transmittance spectra, where films with lower sulfur concentration exhibited higher Eg. X-ray analysis showed that both un-doped and doped films were polycrystalline with preferential orientation along the (111) direction and with the zincblende structure in all cases. The dark electrical results showed that CdS doped with Zn (1 at.%) exhibited the lowest resistivity values of 10 Ω cm.  相似文献   

Undoped and Sn-doped CdO thin films were prepared by the chemical bath deposition method by means of a procedure that improves the deposition efficiency. All as-grown films were crystallized in the cubic structure of cadmium peroxide (CdO2) and transformed into CdO with a cubic structure after an annealing process. The as-grown films have a high resistivity (> 106 Ω cm) and an optical bandgap around 3.6 eV. Undoped CdO displays an optical bandgap around 2.32–2.54 eV and has an electrical conductivity of 8 × 10− 4 Ω cm. The Sn incorporation into CdO produces a blue shift in the optical bandgap (from 2.55 to 2.84 eV) and a decrease in the electrical conductivity.The deposition procedure described here gives colloid-free surface thin films as indicated by the surface morphology analysis.  相似文献   

Chemical bath deposition (CBD) is one of the most common techniques for depositing CdS films. While there have been many studies on these films, and considerable characterization of their morphologies, most of this characterization has been by either X-ray diffraction or plan-view electron microscopy. With the exception of epitaxial films deposited on single crystal substrates, there has been little characterization of the cross-sectional structure of CBD CdS films. We show how, using a CdSO4 bath and ethylenediamine as complexant, dense, columnar films of predominantly cubic CdS can be very reproducibly obtained. The initial growth is disordered, but preferential growth perpendicular to the polar face results in highly textured growth. A similar, if somewhat less ordered, morphology is obtained from a commonly-used ammonia bath using CdCl2 as the source of Cd. Although not explicitly recognized, chloride baths in the literature exhibited sharp X-ray diffraction peaks and this is now connected with the growth mode these baths have in common with ethylenediamine baths.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline cadmium sulfide CdS thin films with relevance for optical applications were synthesized from aqueous solutions by chemical bath deposition. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction shows that the films formed on glass or silicon substrates are made up of nanocrystalline particles. About 80% of the particles have a diameter of 5 ± 1 nm. The nanoparticles have either sphalerite or wurtzite structure. The presence of the sphalerite phase is a signature of a highly non-equilibrium state of the nanocrystalline film. Kinetic studies show that the size of the nanocrystals and the relative fraction of the two phases do not depend on the deposition time once it exceeds a duration of 30 min. For longer times, the particle characteristics remain constant while the thickness of the film grows. Thermodynamical analysis of ionic equilibria allows to choose the reaction bath composition for the formation of cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2. The experiments provide strong evidence that the beginning of the deposition of CdS is accompanied by a formation of cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2.  相似文献   

Lei Wan  Zerong Hou  Hao Sun 《Thin solid films》2010,518(23):6858-6865
In order to study the CdS recrystallization mechanism, a comparative study was carried out on thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition. The CdS films were annealed in air with or without a CdCl2 coating layer. In-situ Raman spectra obtained during the annealing showed that both the air- and the CdCl2-annealing did not cause rearrangement of the neighboring atoms in the CdS clusters below ~ 300 °C. CdS thin film was partially oxidated to CdO and CdSO4 on the cluster surface when annealed in air. The oxides and the sulfur stoichiometric deficiency prevented the clusters to coalesce at higher temperatures. Coating thin CdS film with a thin CdCl2 layer protected it from oxidation during annealing in air and promoted formation of ClS and VCd point defects in CdS. The anti-oxidation was attributed to the incorporation of a significant amount of Cl into CdS to form the ClS, which prevented the oxygen in-diffusion and chemical bonding during the annealing. The anti-oxidation at the CdS nano-crystalline surface and the point defects formed in the CdS promoted coalescence of the neighboring clusters without the need of long-range redistribution of the atoms. Large CdS grains with good crystalline quality formed through recrystallization during the CdCl2 heat treatment, which provided the solid basis for the subsequent CdTe growth and high efficient CdS/CdTe solar cell fabrication.  相似文献   

Orthorhombic stannous sulfide (SnS) films were prepared by chemical bath deposition in which stannous dichloride (SnCl2), ammonium citrate (C6H5O7(NH4)3) and sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) were used as tin source, chelating reagent and sulfur source, respectively. The influence of the deposition temperatures and the concentration ratios of Na2S2O3/SnCl2 on the morphologies, compositions and electrical and optical properties of the SnS films were investigated. The results show that the compactness of the SnS films gets worse when the deposition temperature increases, while the compactness of the films gets better when the concentration ratio of Na2S2O3/SnCl2 increases. The compositions of the films (the molar ratio of S/Sn ranges from 46.7:53.3 to 48.9:51.1) are all close to the stoichiometric ratio of SnS, and the molar ratio of S/Sn in the films increases as the deposition temperature and the concentration ratio of Na2S2O3/SnCl2 increase. The optical bandgaps of the SnS films are in the range of 1.01 eV-1.26 eV. The dark conductivities and photo conductivities of the SnS films all increase as the deposition temperature and the concentration ratio of Na2S2O3/SnCl2 increase.  相似文献   

Shallow bath chemical deposition of CdS thin film   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium sulfide thin film was grown by shallow chemical bath deposition technique. This technique used a highly conducted hot plate to heat the substrate, while using a shallow bath for higher thermal gradients. As a result, large area uniformity could be achieved and the homogeneous nucleation was suppressed. More importantly, the solution used was greatly reduced, which is crucial for cost reduction in practice. The effects of temperature and shaking on the growth kinetics and film properties were investigated. The reaction activation energy was obtained to be 0.84 eV, and was not affected much by shaking indicating that the deposition is essentially reaction controlled. Furthermore, the films deposited at low or high temperature conditions had better photoconductivity.  相似文献   

Chemically deposited CdS thin films were analyzed in this work by means of the spectroscopic ellipsometry technique. The CdS thin films were deposited from an ammonia-free process at short durations in order to obtain information about the layer microstructure and kinetic growth process. We found that the conditions of the ammonia-free reaction solution promote the ion-by-ion deposition process at the early growth stages yielding a compact, high refraction index and highly crystalline oriented CdS layers. Using a concentration of 1.82 mg/ml of cadmium in the reaction solution, the resulting films possess a double layer microstructure which consists of an inner compact layer and an external porous one. The inner layer is developed during the first 15 min of deposition time and it reaches a thickness around of 80 nm. After this time and on this inner layer of CdS, it grows an external porous layer whose thickness increases with the deposition time. The formation of the CdS compact layer at the early stages is related with the ion-by-ion growth mechanism. The subsequent CdS porous layer is formed during the cluster-by-cluster growth stage at longer deposition times. By reducing the cadmium concentration in reaction solution down to 0.76 mg/ml, maintaining constant molar ratio concentrations of Cd/complexing and Cd/thiourea, the chemically deposited CdS films develop only the inner compact layer with a thickness of about 80 nm after 35 min of deposition time.  相似文献   

Ultrasonical colloid chemistry deposition (UCCD) has been widely used to fabricate columnar-structured cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films with ultra-fine particles. In conventional UCCD, the ultrasonic source is installed outside the reaction bath. In this study, an ultrasonic homogenizer was used as the ultrasonic source and was immersed directly in the bulk solution. The advantages of the ultrasonic homogenizer include homogeneous deposition, fine mixing, and enhancement of the ion-by-ion reaction. We compared the physical properties of CdS thin films prepared with and without ultrasound by using an X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscope, and 3D surface analyzer and UV-Vis-NIR measurements.  相似文献   

Cubic cadmium sulphide (CdS) thin films with (111) preferential orientation were prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique, using the reaction between NH4OH, CdSO4 and CS(NH2)2. The films properties have been investigated as a function of bath temperature and deposition time. Structural properties of the obtained films were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The structural parameters such as crystallite size have been evaluated. The transmission spectra, recorded in the UV visible range reveal a relatively high transmission coefficient (70%) in the obtained films. The transmittance data analysis indicates that the optical band gap is closely related to the deposition conditions, a direct band gap ranging from 2.0 eV to 2.34 eV was deduced. The electrical characterization shows that CdS films' dark conductivities can be controlled either by the deposition time or the bath temperature.  相似文献   

ZnS thin films prepared on quartz substrates by the chemical bath deposition (CBD) method with three type temperature profile processes have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and light transmission. One is a 1-step growth process, and the other is 2-steps growth and self-catalyst growth processes. The surface morphology of CBD-ZnS thin films prepared by the CBD method with the self-catalyst growth process is flat and smooth compared with that prepared by the 1-step and 2-steps growth processes. The self-catalyst growth process in order to prepare the particles of ZnS as initial nucleus layer was useful for improvement in crystallinity of ZnS thin films prepared by CBD. ZnS thin films prepared by CBD method with self-catalyst growth process can be expected for improvement in the conversion efficiency of Cu(InGa)Se2-based thin film solar cells by using it for the buffer layer.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline CdS thin films were deposited on glass substrates by an ammonia-free in-situ chemical reaction synthesis technique using cadmium cationic precursor solid films as reaction source and sodium sulfide based solutions as anionic reaction medium. Effects of ethanolamine addition to the cadmium cationic precursor solid films, deposition cycle numbers and annealing treatments in Ar atmosphere on structure, morphology, chemical composition and optical properties of the resultant films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and UV-Vis spectra measurements. The results show that CdS thin films deposited by the in-situ chemical reaction synthesis have wurtzite structure with (002) plane preferential orientation and crystallite size is in the range of 16 nm-19 nm. The growth of film thickness is almost constant with deposition cycle numbers and about 96 nm per cycle.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of annealing on PbS and Cd-doped PbS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition at different bath temperatures (Tb). The X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical absorption, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses have been performed to explore the properties of PbS and PbCdS films. From the XRD measurements, the particle size (D) of as-deposited PbS and PbCdS films is estimated to be 22 (27) and 12 (9) nm, respectively, for a Tb of 75 (85) °C. A reduction in D was noticed upon annealing the films at 200 °C, irrespective of the Tb and the doping. The optical band gap energy (Eg) of as-deposited PbS films grown at different Tb is found to be in the range of 1.22-1.42 eV. Doping of PbS with Cd and annealing have led to increase in Eg up to 2.61 (2.66) eV. Optical studies revealed prominent blue shifts in the Eg of as-deposited and annealed films due to quantum confinement effect. The addition of Cd into PbS was confirmed by EDX analysis.  相似文献   

利用薄膜分析系统测量不同沉积时间制备的ZnS薄膜透射谱,通过分析薄膜透射谱,来确定ZnS薄膜光学常数和禁带宽度.实验结果表明,在线性生长阶段,薄膜的沉积速率大约为1 nm/min,具有很好的线性关系,沉积0.5 h的ZnS薄膜在可见光范围内光透过率为82%左右.  相似文献   

Cadmium Sulfide CdS thin films were deposited by chemical bath deposition technique using ethanolamine as complexing agent instead of commonly used ammonia to avoid its toxicity and volatility during film preparation. In order to investigate the film growth mechanism samples were prepared with different deposition times. A set of substrates were dropped in the same bath and each 30 minutes a sample is withdrawn from the bath, by this way all the obtained films were grown in the same condition. The films structure was analyzed by X rays diffraction. In early stage of growth the obtained films are amorphous, with increasing the deposition time, the films exhibits a pure hexagonal structure with (101) preferential orientation. The film surface morphology was studied by atomic force microscopy. From these observations we concluded that the early growth stage starts in the 3D Volmer-Weber mode, followed by a transition to the Stransky-Krastanov mode with increasing deposition time. The critical thickness of this transition is 120 nm. CdS quantum dots were formed at end of the film growth. The optical transmittance characterization in the UV-Visible range shows that the prepared films have a high transparency ranging from 60 to 80% for photons having wavelength greater than 600 nm.  相似文献   

Thin films of cadmium and lead sulphides grown by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and remote plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (RPECVD) using dithiocarbamates as precursors were prepared on fused silica, sapphire, (111)Si and (111)InP substrates. These films were deposited in the temperature range 473–873 K. It was established that the activation energy of the CVD process is 191.5±1.5 kJ mol−1. The structure of polycrystalline films was halenide for PbS and wurtzite for CdS. It was also found that r.f.-plasma activation of the gas phase decreases remarkably the growth temperature and orders the film structure. RPECVD sulphide films had a high degree of preferred orientation.  相似文献   

CdS thin films were deposited on polyethylene naphthalate substrates by means of the chemical bath deposition technique in an ammonia-free cadmium-sodium citrate system. Three sets of CdS films were grown in precursor solutions with different contents of Cd and thiourea maintaining constant the concentration ratios [Cd]/[thiourea] and [Cd]/[sodium citrate] at 0.2 and 0.1 M/M, respectively. The concentrations of cadmium in the reaction solutions were 0.01, 7.5 × 10−3 and 6.8 × 10−3 M, respectively. The three sets of CdS films were homogeneous, hard, specularly reflecting, yellowish and adhered very well to the plastic substrates, quite similar to those deposited on glass substrates. The structural and optical properties of the CdS films were determined from X-ray diffraction, optical transmission and reflection spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy measurements. We found that the properties of the films depend on both the amount of Cd in the growth solutions and on the deposition time. The increasing of Cd concentration in the reaction solution yield to thicker CdS films with smaller grain size, shorter lattice constant, and higher energy band gap. The energy band gap of the CdS films varied in the range 2.42-2.54 eV depending on the precursor solution. The properties of the films were analyzed in terms of the growth mechanisms during the chemical deposition of CdS layers.  相似文献   

CdS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition technique are characterized using X-ray diffraction, optical absorption spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The results of the annealing studies on the films in flowing argon and air atmospheres are also presented in this paper. The resistivity has drastically reduced on annealing in flowing air which is attributed to the partial conversion of CdS to CdO phase.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy show that the crystalline state of indium sulphide thin films, elaborated by chemical bath deposition technique on various substrates, is strongly affected by deposition parameters (deposition time tD, pH solution and thioacetamide concentration), as well as by annealing treatment.We show that β-In2S3 thin films grown on glass substrate during tD=60 min, and annealed under nitrogen at 400 °C during 1 h are well crystallized according to the cubic structure with the preferential orientation (610). They have a good homogenity and crystallinity.  相似文献   

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