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合理利用焦煤资源 加速发展捣固炼焦   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张星原 《煤化工》2004,32(1):14-17
我国焦煤资源不足且分布不均,发展捣固炼焦不仅可以合理利用焦煤资源,降低炼焦原料成本,还可以提高焦炭质量,且有利于环境保护。我国已有引进配套和自行设计投运的4.3m捣固焦炉6座,对这些装置运行的经验总结并完善技术与管理水平,对进一步实现捣固焦炉大型化,具有很大的必要性。  相似文献   

针对大型高炉的发展趋势,进行了40kg捣固小焦炉试验和4.3m捣固焦炉生产试验,结果表明,在发挥捣固炼焦工艺优越性的前提下,通过合理配煤,严格控制进厂煤质,捣固工艺生产焦炭完全可以满足大高炉的生产需求。  相似文献   

在钢铁工业中,高炉炼铁工艺在今后相当长的时期内仍将占主导地位。尽管高炉炼铁的焦比一直在下降,但焦炭的需求量仍呈上升趋势。在焦炭生产中,若不能很好地解决环保问题,再加上焦炉的投资和生产费用日渐提高,必然会导致世界范围内出现焦炭供不应求的局面。这就向炼焦工业提出了  相似文献   

捣固炼焦值得关注的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙述了捣同炼焦配煤与焦炭质量的关系及捣固强度与配煤的关联性.指出:焦炭质量的基础是配煤质量,不会因煤准备和炼焦工艺等有根本性的改变;捣固炼焦可多用低变质程度,高挥发分气煤类的炼焦煤生产出一定质量的焦炭;捣同炼焦配煤适当增加黏结性配煤比例可提高焦炭质量,但用接近顶装焦炉的配煤进行捣固炼焦将丧失其优势并引发问题.捣固焦炉的...  相似文献   

刘淑芳 《燃料与化工》1997,28(2):104-110
自石油危机以来的21年间,日本的炼焦技术在适应原料和节能方面发展到了在世界上值得自豪的水平。但由于粗钢产量徘徊不前,使焦炭产量也停止了增长,也无望焦炉的更新,且日渐老化。尽管采取了延长现有焦炉炉龄、增加高炉喷煤量和实现不用焦炭的直接还原炼铁工艺的工业化,但在21世纪前半叶仍会出现焦炭严重不足的状况。  相似文献   

焦炭是高炉的重要的燃料,起到了还原剂、骨架、和提供热量的作用,焦炭质量的好坏直接影响高炉的生产,本文对焦炭质量的影响因素进行分析。总结提高焦炭质量的方法以及炼焦工艺发展进行分析。  相似文献   

赵正兴 《燃料与化工》1998,29(4):222-224
0 前言 世界上无回收炼焦和联合发电装置正在美国内陆钢铁公司的印第安那哈博钢厂兴建,年产焦炭133万吨。炼焦厂由4座无回收焦炉组成,每座焦炉67孔,总计268孔,炉型与阳光煤焦公司范圣厂的143孔无回收焦炉相同。联合发电装置可生产蒸汽和电8.7万kW,焦炭供内陆厂日产9000t生铁的7号高炉使用,装置总投资3.5亿美元。该工程于1996年末开始设计,1997年1月14日开始施工,计划于1998年6月30日建成投产。  相似文献   

捣固炼焦技术的经济效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G. Veit  卢树忠 《燃料与化工》2000,31(3):153-155
在评价捣固炼焦技术的经济效益时,必须考虑到两个极为重要的方面,一是焦炭质量能否达到现代高炉的要求,二是环境保护要求可达到什么程度。本文将从上述两个方面来论述捣固炼焦是极为经济而有生命力的技术。并通过实例从定性和经济效益来阐述此项技术的优点,以纠正对捣固炼焦技术的偏见。1现代高炉要求的焦炭质量1997年的钢铁年鉴上刊登的一篇有关捣固炼焦的论文中提出:“由于装炉煤质量问题,特别是高挥发分煤的配比较大,与高炉相关的诸如焦炭反应后强度和焦炭反应性等焦炭质量达不到要求”的观点。但作者通过下面几个实例得出了…  相似文献   

美国南伊利诺斯大学的H·Marsh在“炼焦工艺”一文中论述了当今世界上新出现的四种炼焦工艺,这四种工艺是: (1)巨型炼焦反应器。巨型炼焦反应器与大容积焦炉相比,由于其开孔数量、出炉数和清扫面长度较少,可大大降低烟尘排放量。另外,由于延长了挥发物在煤料中的停留时间,焦炭质量得到了改善。 (2)无回收焦炉。无回收焦炉类似于早期的蜂窝炉,对挥发物不回收,全部用作炭化过程的燃料。Thompson无回收焦炉的煤饼尺寸为:宽3.67m,长14.33m,高0.609~0.965m,每炉装  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,科技的进步,炼焦工艺也越来越先进,通过提升焦炉的规模,提高煤的湿度、捣固等方法的方式,炼焦工艺在长时间的摸索中已经逐渐成熟。下面本文将对目前的炼焦工艺的过程和特点以及实验室角度和工业实际生产的角度分析炼焦工艺对于焦炭质量产生了怎样的影响,为满足今后不同需求对于炼焦生产及工艺的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

李应海  刘爽 《煤化工》2010,38(4):45-47
通过开展相同配煤比捣固炼焦与顶装炼焦200kg小焦炉实验、半工业性试验及5.5m焦炉工业生产等对比试验,可知捣固炼焦较顶装炼焦所得焦炭质量有明显改善,捣固炼焦有利于扩大炼焦用煤资源,降低生产用配煤成本。在攀钢大型高炉进行顶装焦炭与捣固焦炭应用效果对比后,可知使用捣固焦炭比用顶装焦炭高炉综合冶炼强度有所提高,增铁节焦效果明显。  相似文献   

近年来钢铁和焦化行业对捣固焦在大容积高炉上的应用进行了广泛的研究实践。分析了焦炭在高炉中的作用、焦炭质量变化对炼铁的影响、不同炉容级别高炉对焦炭质量的要求,介绍了不同钢企大容积高炉用捣固焦的配煤情况及国内2200 m3、3200 m3高炉应用捣固焦的实例。在考察了钢企使用的捣固焦配煤方案的基础上,临沂恒昌焦化股份有限公司进行了捣固焦配煤方案的模拟试验,得出5.5 m捣固焦炉在配煤比例合适的情况下,完全可以生产出符合大容积高炉要求指标的焦炭。建议炼铁行业和焦化行业加强合作,完善捣固焦的质量评价体系。  相似文献   

王建明 《燃料与化工》2014,(5):26-29,31
通过开展各单种煤煤质分析、结焦性能及配合煤细度研究,结合40kg试验焦炉数据和1750m3钒钛高炉对焦炭质量的要求,进行了6.25m捣固焦炉工业论证试验,提出了适用于钒钛高炉冶炼用焦炭经济性配煤结构,充分发挥了捣固炼焦优势。  相似文献   

文章介绍了安钢4000级高炉投产前,为保证7米焦炉生产焦炭满足炼铁生产使用,焦化厂展开了7米焦炉配煤结构科学制定和焦炭质量的技术攻关。通过采取矿点配煤、完善技防手段,提高配煤比准确率和干熄焦工艺改进等措施解决了焦炭生产过程中出现的焦炭灰分、硫分和强度波动较大的问题,取得了不错的效果,对同类焦炉焦炭质量控制具有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

炼焦煤质量与焦炉加热制度对焦炭热性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高炉冶炼强度及喷煤比的不断提高,炼铁生产对焦炭质量提出了更高的要求。焦炭的反应性和反应后强度是考核焦炭质量的重要指标,影响焦炭反应性和反应后强度的因素很多,本文根据梅山的生产数据,从炼焦煤的质量和焦炉加热制度2个方面对焦炭反应性及反应后强度的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

介绍了我国焦化工业的现状和高炉大型化对焦炭质量的要求,分析了我国独立焦化厂发展面临的积极因素和不利因素,提出了独立焦化厂与上游煤矿联合,向下游钢铁企业延伸的发展战略。独立焦化厂应严格管理,降低成本,节能减排,对焦炉煤气进行综合利用,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

The coking behaviour of coking coals after transport in experimental slurry pipelines and recovery from the slurry by oil agglomeration has been studied using a 100 kg test coke oven. It was shown that excellent quality coke could be made, in some cases stronger than would be produced from the same coals after conventional preparation. The improved coke strength was due to the fine grinding of the coals which was a characteristic of the agglomeration technique. The presence of diesel oil or kerosene had a retarding effect on heat transfer and in some conditions decreased coke oven productivity. Normal productivity was observed when tar was used as the agglomeration agent.A two-step process with recovery and re-use of oil is suggested and the potential improvement in yields of blast furnace coke per tonne of raw coal are presented.  相似文献   

In order to cover the increasing worldwide need for metallurgical coke, more and more efforts have been made during the last ten years to find new ways for the extension of the range of cokeable coals. In doing so it must be considered that the coke should meet the high quality requirements of modern blast furnace technology [1]. The efforts to produce by the formcoke process, independent from the raw material basis, a coke which is suitable for use in the blast furnace, was not successful. According to the results obtained until now, many problems still have to be dealt with in order to achieve a technical and economic break-through for this method and the form coke product. On the other hand it became evident that the conventional chamber coking method still offers considerable chances for development. This means that with the addition of supplementary procedure such as (1) an improved blending and grinding technique in conjunction with the utilization of auxiliary materials, (2) pre-heating and (3) densification of the charge, the range of the coals that are cokeable in horizontal chambers oven may be considerably increased (Fig. 1). Furthermore a considerable decrease in the processing costs can be achieved.  相似文献   

Determinations of weathered coal by petrographic methods, and coking tests in an 18-inch (12m) test oven were used to quantify the effects of weathered coal on coking properties and coke quality. The results show that the presence of weathered coal causes a decrease in coke stability and coking rate and an increase in coke reactivity and coke-breeze generation. Because these effects contribute to increased costs in both the coke plant and the blast furnace, every effort should be made to reduce the amount of weathered coal in coking coal mixes.  相似文献   

Several pitch materials and a petroleum coke were added to coke oven charges in an attempt to make good metallurgical coke from Canadian coal of poor coking quality. Coal and petroleum pitches were added to a low fluid western Canadian coal of medium volatile bituminous rank, and the blends coked in a technical-scale moveable wall test oven having a 230-kg charge capacity. Pitches improved coke tumble test indices, the principal coke quality parameter related to blast furnace performance. Varying levels of petroleum coke were added to an eastern Canadian coal of high volatile bituminous rank, and the blends, some partially briquetted, were carbonized in a test oven. Tumble indices of coke from the partially briquetted charges approached an acceptable level. These investigations confirm that petroleum products as well as coal derivative can play a useful part in the production of a metallurgical strength coke from poor or non-coking coals.  相似文献   

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