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模糊栅格区域的层次拓扑关系模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
空间区域拓扑关系建模是空间推理和地理信息系统(GIS)等领域的一个主要研究内容,近年来模糊空间区域建模及其拓扑关系分析显现出越来越重要的作用.根据栅格数据模型下模糊区域的特征和实际应用领域中拓扑关系分析的特点,提出了一种模糊栅格区域的层次拓扑关系模型,该模型利用3个谓词的真值来分析栅格区域间的拓扑关系,将分明栅格区域作为特例统一处理,能够根据谓词的多种真值实现模糊栅格区域在多个层次上的拓扑关系分析.该模型表达能力强、易于实现,并且在实际应用中得到了令人满意的结果. 相似文献
在地理信息系统(GIS)中,针对现实世界复杂的地理现象和地理实体具有模糊不确定性而造成实体之间拓扑关系描述困难的问题,文中首先从四交模型和九交模型对空间实体间拓扑关系进行概述,然后在点集拓扑学的基础上,分析了复杂的模糊地理实体间拓扑关系形式化描述模型,并对该模型进行详细、准确的形式化描述和严格的数学表达,最后提出对模糊地理实体拓扑划分的改进方法和扩展模型。分析结果表明,该模型可以实现从简单实体到复杂实体的分析和模糊划分。 相似文献
一种基于关系模型的模糊数据库系统模型 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
数据库管理系统的广泛应用,使得数据库的研究也随之快速发展,如何表达模糊数据,如何执行模糊查询越来越成为数据库研究的重要课题之一,提出一个基于关系模型的模糊数据库系统的理论模型,利用模糊集的方法表达模糊数据,模糊查询和模糊关系,最后给出了一个模糊数据库系统实现的例子。 相似文献
Jrv 粗糙 Vague 区域关系是一类重要的不确定拓扑关系,在空间数据库、图形图像处理和空间数据挖掘等领域具有重要的作用。为了弥补已有方法的不足,论文对 Jrv 粗糙 Vague 区域关系的蕴涵式进行了研究,新给出了八种蕴涵式。利用给出的蕴涵式,可进一步增强 Jrv 粗糙 Vague 区域关系的推理能力。 相似文献
Multi-level Topological Relations Between Spatial Regions Based Upon Topological Invariants 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Topological relations have played important roles in spatial query, analysis and reasoning. In a two-dimensional space (IR2), most existing topological models can distinguish the eight basic topological relations between two spatial regions. Due
to the arbitrariness and complexity of topological relations between spatial regions, it is difficult for these models to
describe the order property of transformations among the topological relations, which is important for detailed analysis of
spatial relations. In order to overcome the insufficiency in existing models, a multi-level modeling approach is employed
to describe all the necessary details of region–region relations based upon topological invariants. In this approach, a set
of hierarchically topological invariants is defined based upon the boundary–boundary intersection set (BBIS) of two involved
regions. These topological invariants are classified into three levels based upon spatial set concept proposed, which include
content, dimension and separation number at the set level, the element type at the element level, and the sequence at the
integrated level. Corresponding to these hierarchical invariants, multi-level formal models of topological relations between
spatial regions are built. A practical example is provided to illustrate the use of the approach presented in this paper.
Zhilin LiEmail: |
GIS中由单种细节方向关系推理拓扑关系的方法 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
介绍了一种用细节方向关系来处理与参照对象内部有关方向的方法,以弥补外部方向关系的不足;提出了描述两个方向关系之间的关系的九交模型,并得到了19条根据细节方向关系推理拓扑关系的规则,通过这些规则即可得到未知的拓扑关系,而不需要任何几何计算.由于规则推理比几何计算速度快、内存消耗小,因此推理能够提高基于空间关系的空间数据查询的速度和效率。 相似文献
GIS中由多种方向关系推理拓扑关系的方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了根据多种方向关系(包括内部、边界、环部和外部等方向关系)推理拓扑关系的方法.在推理中,首先提出了根据单种方向关系推理拓扑关系的规则;然后,将多种方向关系的组合分为4种基本类型,每种类型的推理方法和规则可表示为单种方向关系推理的组合;最后,讨论了根据多种方向关系可得到的拓扑关系的几何关系、约束条件和推理规则,根据多种方向关系推理拓扑关系的方法和规则可用于空间数据库查询和基于内容的数据检索. 相似文献
利用简化9交模型进行三维拓扑分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对点、线、面和体等简单空间对象提出新的否定规则,对9交模型进行了简化.利用简化后的9交模型,仅需分析4组相交关系即可得出实际拓扑关系.在此基础上构建了拓扑关系推导表,可进一步分析复合空间对象之间的拓扑关系,并以线与体之间拓扑关系为例讨论了算法实现.与已有的算法相比,该算法能分析更为复杂的空间对象之间的拓扑关系. 相似文献
Weighted walkthroughs are a quantitative model for representing the spatial relation between two raster features in image databases. In this paper, we establish a correspondence between the weighted walkthroughs and qualitative models for spatial reasoning. We provide rules for estimating qualitative geometric properties and topological relations from the quantitative data that are computed for each pair of pixel sets. The approach has been tested through experiments with raster regions. 相似文献
In some spatial applications the objects of interest are fields, caused by spatially distributed sources, and one of the central questions is to find neighborhood relations between these fields. The motivating example for this paper is a cellular network: base transceiver stations transmit signals with continuous distribution, the signal strength, in an urban environment. In order to avoid interference, neighbored transceivers must not use the same frequency, so that neighborhood knowledge is one key to frequency planning. In this paper we define a concept of neighborhood for fields, and we propose a vector-based model to determine neighborhoods between given fields. In contrast to this vector-based model, the commonly used raster-based models suffer in urban areas from their resolution as well as from the prediction of signal propagation. 相似文献
John G. Stell 《Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence》2004,41(1):1-17
The spatial world consists of regions and relationships between regions. Examples of such relationships are that two regions are disjoint or that one is a proper part of the other. The formal specification of spatial relations is an important part of any formal ontology used in qualitative spatial reasoning or geographical information systems. Various schemes of relationships have been proposed and basic schemes have been extended to deal with vague regions, coarse regions, regions varying over time, and so on. The principal aim of this paper is not to propose further schemes, but to provide a uniform framework within which several existing schemes can be understood, and upon which further schemes can be constructed in a principled manner. This framework is based on the fundamental concepts of part and of complement. By varying these concepts, for example, allowing a part-of relation taking values in a lattice of truth values beyond the two-valued Boolean case, we obtain a family of schemes of spatial relations. The viability of this approach to spatial relations as parameterized by the concepts of part and complement is demonstrated by showing how it encompasses the RCC5 and RCC8 schemes as well as the case of egg–yolk regions. 相似文献
Brandon Bennett 《Constraints》1998,3(2-3):213-225
This paper examines the problem of testing consistency of sets of topological relations which are instances of the RCC-8 relation set Leeds92a. Representations of these relations as constraints within a number of logical frameworks are considered. It is shown that, if the arguments of the relations are interpreted as non-empty open sets within an arbitrary topological space, a complete consistency checking procedure can be provided by means of a composition table. This result is contrasted with the case where regions are required to be planar and bounded by Jordan curves, for which the consistency problem is known to be NP-hard.In order to investigate the completeness of compositional reasoning, the notion of k-compactness of a set of relations w.r.t. a theory is introduced. This enables certain consistency properties of relational networks to be examined independently of any specific interpretation of the domain of entities constrained by the relations. 相似文献