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People dynamically structure social interactions and activities at various locations in their environments in specialized types of places such as the office, home, coffee shop, museum and school. They also imbue various locations with personal meaning, creating group ‘hangouts’ and personally meaningful ‘places’. Mobile location-aware community systems can potentially utilize the existence of such ‘places’ to support the management of social information and interaction. However, acting effectively on this potential requires an understanding of how: (1) places and place-types relate to people’s desire for place-related awareness of and communication with others; and (2) what information people are willing to provide about themselves to enable place-related communication and awareness. We present here the findings from two qualitative studies, a survey of 509 individuals in New York, and a study of how mobility traces can be used to find people’s important places in an exploration of these questions. These studies highlight how people value and are willing to routinely provide information such as ratings, comments, event records relevant to a place, and when appropriate their location to enable services. They also suggest how place and place-type data could be used in conjunction with other information regarding people and places so that systems can be deployed that respect users’ People-to-People-to-Places data sharing preferences. We conclude with a discussion on how ‘place’ data can best be utilized to enable services when the systems in question are supported by a sophisticated computerized user-community social-geographical model.  相似文献   

We suggest that developing automata theoretic foundations is relevant for knowledge theory, so that we study not only what is known by agents, but also the mechanisms by which such knowledge is arrived at. We define a class of epistemic automata, in which agents’ local states are annotated with abstract knowledge assertions about others. These are finite state agents who communicate synchronously with each other and information exchange is ‘perfect’. We show that the class of recognizable languages has good closure properties, leading to a Kleene-type theorem using what we call regular knowledge expressions. These automata model distributed causal knowledge in the following way: each agent in the system has a partial knowledge of the temporal evolution of the system, and every time agents synchronize, they update each other’s knowledge, resulting in a more up-to-date view of the system state. Hence we show that these automata can be used to solve the satisfiability problem for a natural epistemic temporal logic for local properties. Finally, we characterize the class of languages recognized by epistemic automata as the regular consistent languages studied in concurrency theory.  相似文献   

Technology can improve the quality of life for elderly persons by supporting and facilitating the unique leadership roles that elderly play in groups, communities, and other organizations. Elderly people are often organizational firekeepers. They maintain community memory, pass on organizational practices, and ensure social continuity. This paper reports studies of several essential community roles played by elderly community members—including the role of volunteer community webmaster—and describes two positive design projects that investigated how technology can support new kinds of social endeavors and contributions to society by elderly citizens. Finally, the paper speculates on the utility of intergenerational teams in strengthening society’s workforce.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the process of a multi-disciplinary medical team meeting (MDTM), its functions and operation in colocated and teleconference discussions. Our goal is to identify the elements and mechanics of operation that enhance or threaten the dependability of the MDTM as a “system” and propose technologies and measures to make this system more reliable. In particular, we assess the effect of adding teleconferencing to the MDTM, and identify strengths and vulnerabilities introduced into the system by the addition of teleconferencing technology. We show that, with respect to the system’s external task environment, rhythms of execution of pre-meeting and post-meeting activities are critical for MDTM success and that the extension of the MDTM to wider geographic locations with teleconferencing might disrupt such rhythms thereby posing potential threats to dependability. On the other hand, an analysis of vocalisation patterns demonstrates that despite difficulties related to coordination and awareness in video-mediated communication (evidenced by increased time spent in case discussion, longer turns, decreased turn frequency and near lack of informal exchanges) the overall case discussion structure is unaffected by the addition of teleconferencing technology into proceedings.  相似文献   

People wish to maintain a level of awareness of timely information, including presence of others in the workplace and other social settings. We believe this provides better exchange, coordination and contact within a community, especially as people work in asynchronous times and distributed locations. The challenge is to develop lightweight techniques for awareness, interaction and communication using shared information appliances. In this paper, we describe the design of an exploratory responsive display projected within a shared workspace at the MIT Media Lab. The system uses visual sensing to provide relevant information and constructs traces of people’s activity over time. Such aware portals may be deployed in casual workplace domains, distributed workgroups, and everyday public spaces.  相似文献   

We apply powerful proof-techniques of concurrency theory to study the observational theory of Thielecke’s CPS-calculus, a distillation of the target language of Continuation-Passing Style transforms. We define a labelled transition system from which we derive a (weak) labelled bisimilarity that completely characterises Morris’ context-equivalence. We prove a context lemma showing that Morris’ context-equivalence coincides with a simpler context-equivalence closed under a smaller class of contexts. Then we profit of the determinism of the CPS-calculus to give a simpler labelled characterisation of Morris’ equivalence, in the style of Abramsky’s applicative bisimilarity. We enhance our bisimulation proof-methods with up to bisimilarity and up to context proof techniques. We use our bisimulation proof techniques to investigate a few algebraic properties on diverging terms that cannot be proved using the original axiomatic semantics of the CPS-calculus.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how a primitive form of communication emerges between adaptive agents by using their excess degrees of freedom in action and perception. As a case study, we consider a game in which two reinforcement learning agents learn to earn rewards by intruding into the other’s territory. Our simulation shows that agents with lights and light sensors can learn turn-taking behavior for avoiding collisions using visual communication. Further analysis reveals a variety in the mapping of messages to signals. In some cases, the differentiation of roles into a sender and a receiver was observed. The result confirmed that protocommunication can emerge through interaction between agents having generic reinforcement learning capability. This work was presented in part at the 12th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 25–27, 2007  相似文献   

In his seminal work, Harsanyi (Manag. Sci. 14, 159–182, 320–332, 468–502, 1967) introduced an elegant approach to study non-cooperative games with incomplete information. In our work, we use this approach to define a new selfish routing game with incomplete information that we call Bayesian routing game. Here, each of n selfish users wishes to assign its traffic to one of m parallel links. However, users do not know each other’s traffic. Following Harsanyi’s approach, we introduce, for each user, a set of possible types. In our model, each type of a user corresponds to some traffic and the players’ uncertainty about each other’s traffic is described by a probability distribution over all possible type profiles. We present a comprehensive collection of results about our Bayesian routing game. Our main findings are as follows:
•  Using a potential function, we prove that every Bayesian routing game has a pure Bayesian Nash equilibrium. More precisely, we show this existence for a more general class of games that we call weighted Bayesian congestion games. For Bayesian routing games with identical links and independent type distribution, we give a polynomial time algorithm to compute a pure Bayesian Nash equilibrium.
•  We study structural properties of fully mixed Bayesian Nash equilibria for the case of identical links and show that they maximize Individual Cost. In general, there is more than one fully mixed Bayesian Nash equilibrium. We characterize fully mixed Bayesian Nash equilibria for the case of independent type distribution.
•  We conclude with bounds on Coordination Ratio for the case of identical links and for three different Social Cost measures: Expected Maximum Latency, Sum of Individual Costs and Maximum Individual Cost. For the latter two, we are able to give (asymptotically) tight bounds using the properties of fully mixed Bayesian Nash equilibria we proved.
This work has been partially supported by the DFG-SFB 376 and by the European Union within the 6th Framework Programme under contract 001907 ( ). A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, pp. 203–212, July 2005.  相似文献   

Innovative organizations are increasing their use of distributed teamwork, but there are several difficulties in reaching shared understanding between the team members in these settings. A lack of awareness of other team members’ working processes is one of the drawbacks that a virtual team may face while attempting to collaborate on a shared task. In this study virtual teamwork was supported with a specific working model. The aim was to investigate virtual team members’ awareness of collaboration. One global team (N=19) within a single organization worked as a distributed team in a shared web-based workspace for three months. The data were gathered by means of questionnaires, log-files of the shared virtual workspace and collected company documents in order to find out how team members perceive their collaboration. Based on qualitative data analysis, three different aspects of collaboration awareness were identified: an awareness of the possibility for collaboration, an awareness of the aims of collaboration, and an awareness of the process of collaboration. The results presented in this paper give guidelines for discussing what the awareness of collaboration means in the context of distributed collaboration.  相似文献   

We shall introduce a set of fundamental legal concepts, providing a definition of each of them. This set will include, besides the usual deontic modalities (obligation, prohibition and permission), the following notions: obligative rights (rights related to other’s obligations), permissive rights, erga-omnes rights, normative conditionals, liability rights, different kinds of legal powers, potestative rights (rights to produce legal results), result-declarations (acts intended to produce legal determinations), and sources of the law. * Supported by the EU projects ONE-LEX (Marie Curie Chair) and ESTRELLA (6th Framework).  相似文献   

Location awareness can help facilitate a rendezvous of two or more persons. To further enhance the rendezvous experience, we conducted two complementary field studies to identify what information in a location-aware map application is important to rendezvous individuals (study 1) and to explore the use of autofocus, our automation technique to reduce user interactions with the rendezvous application while still providing relevant information to assist users with their navigation task (study 2). Overall, our results highlight the importance of maintaining the visibility of the user’s location in relation to that of their partner(s) and rendezvous location. Additionally, we show that automation is useful in the context of a rendezvous application, but that the considerations are significantly more nuanced than originally conceived. We discuss unique instances when and why the automation process broke-down or did not perform as required by users. The results of this work demonstrate the potential for automation in a location-aware rendezvous application and identify important design considerations for future work in this area.  相似文献   

The extremity in teenagers’ attitudes and actions coupled with the opportunities of mobile communication creates new behaviors and re-shapes existing ones. But, however meaningful the phone is in teenagers’ lives, it is not designed to support their need for emotional communication and group identity. The BuddyBeads project suggests alternative communication forms among teenagers, which emphasize their social structures, behaviors and needs. BuddyBeads are techno-jewelry items that facilitate non-verbal and emotional communication among group members, through codes and signals which the group decided upon together. Each group member has a matching jewelry piece and can use it to communicate her emotional state to the other group members.  相似文献   

Autonomous ai agents raise the issue of semantic interoperability between independently architectured and differently embodied intelligences. This article offers an approach to the issue with certain aspects that are close in spirit to the way humans make out meanings. Using a mathematical model of cognition, it is shown how agents with autonomously developed conceptualizations can bootstrap and unravel each other’s meanings ad hoc. The domain general methodology is based on the agents’ capability to deal with Boolean operations, and on the shared outside environment. No prior provisions are required. The formalized cognitive process consists of constructing, and solving, Boolean equations that are grounded in the shared environment. The process yields a testable conjecture about the grounded conceptual representation of the other, along with a testable conjectured translation that maps from that representation to one’s own.   相似文献   

We consider small world graphs as defined by Kleinberg (2000), i.e., graphs obtained from a d-dimensional mesh by adding links chosen at random according to the d-harmonic distribution. In these graphs, greedy routing performs in O(log 2 n) expected number of steps. We introduce indirect-greedy routing. We show that giving O(log 2 n) bits of topological awareness per node enables indirect-greedy routing to perform in O(log 1+1/d n) expected number of steps in d-dimensional augmented meshes. We also show that, independently of the amount of topological awareness given to the nodes, indirect-greedy routing performs in Ω(log 1+1/d n) expected number of steps. In particular, augmenting the topological awareness above this optimum of O(log 2 n) bits would drastically decrease the performance of indirect-greedy routing. Our model demonstrates that the efficiency of indirect-greedy routing is sensitive to the “world’s dimension,” in the sense that high dimensional worlds enjoy faster greedy routing than low dimensional ones. This could not be observed in Kleinberg’s routing. In addition to bringing new light to Milgram’s experiment, our protocol presents several desirable properties. In particular, it is totally oblivious, i.e., there is no header modification along the path from the source to the target, and the routing decision depends only on the target, and on information stored locally at each node. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, July 25–28, 2004.  相似文献   

Illness and trauma challenge self-narratives. Traumatized individuals, unable to speak about their experiences, suffer in isolation. In this paper, I explore Kristeva’s theories of the speaking subject and signification, with its symbolic and semiotic modalities, to understand how a person comes to speak the unspeakable. In discussing the origin of the speaking subject, Kristeva employs Plato’s chora (related to choreo, “to make room for”). The chora reflects the mother’s preparation of the child’s entry into language and forms an interior darkroom, the reservoir of lived experience, from which self-narratives issue. Unable to speak of their suffering, traumatized individuals need someone to help them make room for a time of remembrance, someone who is a willing and capable listener. I call such a person a healing witness. Through the mediating presence of the healing witness, fragmented memories of trauma are recreated and incorporated into self-narratives that are sharable with others. Unfortunately, opportunities for witnessing are vanishing. In the last section, I examine the failure of modern media and communication technologies to bear (“hold,” “carry,” “transport”) acts of witnessing. I argue that they perturb the semiotic. According to Kristeva, meaning arises from the dialectical tension between the semiotic (drives and affects) and the symbolic (logic and rules) and is threatened by arid discourse, psychosomatic illnesses, and outbreaks of violence when the semiotic is not represented. Unless we open technology to the imaginary, we risk losing the capacity to bear witness to one another and to create narratives and connections that are meaningful.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study of the ways in which a group negotiated the use of a new mobile technology. The group was made up of ski instructors who, during a one-week ski trip, were equipped with a mobile awareness device called the Hummingbird. The group was studied using ethnomethodologically inspired qualitative methods, with the focus on the group members’ different views of the Hummingbird’s intended use. Negotiations of use occurred using two methods: talk and action. The users negotiated issues such as where and when to use the technology, and whether to consider the Hummingbird a work tool or a gadget for social events. Further, the empirical results clearly show how negotiations of new, mobile technology differ from stationary technology.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has attracted increasing attention from marketing practitioners, but relatively few studies focus on the dissemination of eWOM communication from a message perspective. Online video is a prominent form of marketing promotion, yet again, little is known about which factors make online video engaging or how they influence recipients’ forwarding intentions. This study adopts Lasswell’s communication model to investigate the persuasiveness of online video and uses the source, content, and channel dimensions to examine three potentially influential factors: awareness of persuasive intent, perceived humor, and multimedia effect. Awareness of persuasive intent exerts a negative influence, whereas the humor and multimedia effects have positive influences on both attitude toward a received online video and forwarding intentions. Therefore, e-marketers should reshape video clips to be humorous, use multimedia effects, and disguise their commercial intent to attract recipients’ attention and persuade them to disseminate an online video.  相似文献   

Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Process-aware information systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual execution of business processes. Analysis of these execution logs may reveal important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions using decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis. In this paper we describe how the resulting model (including the discovered data dependencies) can be represented as a Colored Petri Net (CPN), and how further perspectives, such as the performance and organizational perspective, can be incorporated. We also present a CPN Tools Export plug-in implemented within the ProM framework. Using this plug-in, simulation models in ProM obtained via a combination of various process mining techniques can be exported to CPN Tools. We believe that the combination of automatic discovery of process models using ProM and the simulation capabilities of CPN Tools offers an innovative way to improve business processes. The discovered process model describes reality better than most hand-crafted simulation models. Moreover, the simulation models are constructed in such a way that it is easy to explore various redesigns. A. Rozinat’s research was supported by the IOP program of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. M. Song’s research was supported by the Technology Foundation STW.  相似文献   

Maintaining an awareness of the working context of fellow co-workers is crucial to successful cooperation in a workplace. For mobile, non co-located workers, however, such workplace awareness is hard to maintain. This paper investigates how context-aware computing can be used to facilitate workplace awareness. In particular, we present the concept of Context-Based Workplace Awareness, which is derived from years of in-depth studies of hospital work and the design of computer supported cooperative work technologies to support the distributed collaboration and coordination of clinical work within large hospitals. This empirical background has revealed that an awareness especially of the social, spatial, temporal, and activity context plays a crucial role in the coordination of work in hospitals. The paper then presents and discusses technologies designed to support context-based workplace awareness, namely the AWARE architecture, and the AwarePhone and AwareMedia applications. Based on almost 2 year’ deployment of the technologies in a large hospital, the paper discuss how the four dimension of context-based workplace awareness play out in the coordination of clinical work.  相似文献   

Individuals collaborating around and through computers benefit from receiving information that helps them understand one another, which is often termed awareness. This article explores what collaborators understand about each other’s emotions and the potential benefits for performance that might come from raising this understanding. In Experiment 1 co-located collaborators judged each other’s emotions after playing a game that required cooperative data collection and analysis. Their judgements were largely inaccurate and based on their own emotions, suggesting limited emotion understanding. Experiment 2 explored if this could be overcome by making collaborators aware of each other’s emotions. Co-located and remote collaborators played a cooperative puzzle-solving game under conditions of awareness or no awareness. Awareness was manipulated by making collaborators share their self-reported emotions during key moments of their game play. Both remote and co-located collaborators improved their performance after sharing their emotions. However, unlike co-located collaborators, remote collaborators also improved their understanding of each other’s emotions and experienced more positive affect. We conclude by discussing the content of collaborators’ emotion understanding and the probable mechanisms underlying the observed effects of being made aware of a partner’s emotions.  相似文献   

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