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Increased noise temperature induced by local-oscillator power has been measured in Schottky-diode millimetre-wave mixers at 250 MHz and 4.75 GHz. Electric-field calculations indicate a portion of this noise is due to intervalley scattering in the undepleted epitaxial layer directly adjacent to the Schottky-diode anode. A noise-temperature equation is presented, which accounts for both shot and thermal noise, where the thermal portion includes the intervalley scaltering component.  相似文献   

The low-frequency excess noise in Schottky barrier diodes has been investigated. In the ideal case where the saturation current is completely determined by thermionic emission of electrons, no 1/? noise will be produced in the barrier. The presence of trap states in the depletion region can lead to generation-recombination noise. At sufficient high forward currents 1/? noise can be generated in the series resistance of the Schottky diode. Deviations from the ideal diode, for example as a result of edge effects, produce 1/? noise and increase at the same time the ideality factor. It is empirically found that the 1/? noise level decreases very rapidly if the ideality factor tends to unity.  相似文献   

Noise measurements have been performed on forward and reverse-biased silicon Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were performed in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 50 kHz. Apart from excess noise observed for some diodes in a portion of this frequency range, the noise for the diodes was found to be in excellent agreement with shot-noise theory. Some refinements of the shot-noise theory have been considered, but the difference between the refined and the simple theories was not resolvable in our measurements. A useful noise-measurement technique is described.  相似文献   

Schottky barrier diodes of chromium on n-type epitaxial gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) were studied from 25°C to 440°C. The diodes showed significant rectification properties up to a temperature of 440°C. At high temperature the reverse leakage current was 1.15 mA at 25 V with a diode area of 1.14×10−3 cm2 as compared with 0.25-μA current at room temperature. The n factor derived from the slope of the ln I vs. V curves was 1.1. The barrier height for chromium was found to be 1.25 eV from the capacitance measurements and 1.12 eV from the saturation current vs. temperature measurements. The slope of the C-V curves yielded a carrier concentration of 6.0×1015 carriers per cm3.  相似文献   

Low frequency (0.455 MHz-250 MHz) noise measurements were performed on Schottky barrier mixer diodes known to perform well in millimeter wave receivers. The effects of anode diameter and bias current are investigated. Excess noise is found in the frequency range of interest. The excess noise magnitude is found to be dependent on anode diameter but appears largely independent of applied bias current.  相似文献   

Microwave measurements have been made of the equivalent circuit parameters and performance characteristics of unpackaged GaAs Schottky barrier mixer diodes. The dependence of mixer performance on series inductance, junction capacitance, and series resistance is delineated. Performance of mixer diodes in packaged and unpackaged form is compared.  相似文献   

The J-V characteristics of epitaxial Schottky barrier diodes are analyzed. Based on the assumption of negligible recombination in the epitaxial layer, formal solution from which the J-V characteristics can be calculated is derived. The solution is valid for all injection levels and reduces to the form I = Is[exp (q(V?IR)/kT) ? 1], where R is the series resistance of the epitaxial layer, under C12 C12V low-injection conditions. The analysis is justified by very close correspondence with exact numerical calculations using the Finite Element Device Analysis Program (FIELDAY) in which thermionic emission boundary conditions are implemented for both electrons and holes. It is shown that for low barrier Schottky diodes the minority carrier injection is negligible and the expression I = Is[exp (q(V?IR)/kT) ? 1] describes the I-V characteristics over large bias range. For high barrier C12 C12 V Schottky diodes the exact solution must be used as minority carriers are injected and the series resistance is decreased due to conductivity modulation effect.  相似文献   

Theoretical models for the generation-recombination noise and trapping noise in metal-semiconductor Schottky barrier diodes are developed. Low-frequency excess noise in Schottky barrier diodes is found to be dominated by the modulation of the barrier height φB caused by fluctuation in the charge state of traps or generation-recombination centers. This noise mechanism does not occur in p-n junctions. The bias and the temperature dependence of the generation-recombination noise is critically compared with the experimental data for forward diode current ranges from 3 to 300 µA and operating temperatures from -25° to 100°C. Trapping noise in Schottky barrier diodes is observed at low temperatures in diodes not intentionally doped with deep level impurities. The experimental results on trapping noise can be described by assuming that the trap states have a constant capture cross section and are uniformly distributed in space, as well as in energy. The surface potential at the diode periphery also has an important effect on the Schottky barrier diode noise. The best low-frequency noise behavior is found when the surface is at the flat-band condition. An accumulated surface is always associated with a large amount of low-frequency excess noise.  相似文献   

We have shown by numerical simulations of I-V-T curves that the ideality factor of inhomogeneous Schottky diodes does not increase for decreasing temperature to such extent as is commonly observed for Schottky diodes in experiment. The main consequence of such a result is that in spite of the fact that the barrier height inhomogeneities fullfil the conditions for barrier height lowering for decreasing temperature they might not be a general or the only reason for occuring of this effect in experimental structures. We found out much slower ideality factor temperature dependence than reported in the literature and the dependence was even not monotonous for simulation conditions used. We conclude that some other reason as barrier inhomogeneity is responsible for ideality factor temperature dependence.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the current I in reverse-biased Al/SiO2/n-Si, Al/SiO2/n-GaAs and Al/n-GaAs (with the native oxide) structures are measured. It is established that these dependences all have the property that the thermal activation energy decreases with increasing applied voltage and that at higher voltages the plots of ln I versus 1/T deviate from straight lines. The results can be explained on the basis of the fact that the current through the barrier is due to electron tunneling from surface states into the conduction band of the semiconductor. The field intensity in the Schottky barrier and the density of surface electron states in the interfacial layer of the semiconductor are estimated by comparing the experimental results with a tunneling theory that takes into account the effect of the semiconductor lattice phonons on the tunneling probability. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 32, 882–885 (July 1998)  相似文献   

Pt/4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes have been fabricated to investigate the effect of annealing on the electrical characteristics of the fabricated devices. The parameters such as barrier height, ideality factor and donor concentration were deduced from the current–voltage (I–V) and the capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements at room temperature. Diodes showed non-ideal behaviour like high value of ideality factor and lower value of barrier height. A barrier height of 1.82?eV was obtained from C–V measurements and it was 1.07?eV when obtained from the I–V measurements with ideality factor 1.71 for as-deposited diodes at room temperature. The diodes, therefore, were annealed in the temperature range from 25°C to 400°C to observe the effect of annealing temperature on these parameters. Schottky barrier height and ideality factors were found to be temperature-dependent. After rapid thermal annealing upto 400°C, a barrier height of 1.59?eV from C–V measurements and the value of 1.40?eV from I–V measurements with ideality factor 1.12 were obtained. Barrier heights deduced from C–V measurements were consistently larger than those obtained from I–V measurements. To come to terms with this discrepancy, we re-examined our results by including the effect of ideality factor in the expression of the barrier height. This inclusion of ideality factor results in reasonably good agreement between the values of barrier height deduced by the above two methods. We believe that these improvements in the electrical parameters result from the improvement in the quality of interfacial layer.  相似文献   

Lattice-matched Pt/Au–In0.17Al0.83N/GaN hetreojunction Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) with circular planar structure have been fabricated. The electrical characteristics of InAlN/GaN SBD, such as two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density, turn-on voltage, Schottky barrier height, reverse breakdown voltage and the forward current-transport mechanisms, are investigated and compared with those of a conventional AlGaN/GaN SBD. The results show that, despite the higher Schottky barrier height, more dislocations in InAlN layer causes a larger leakage current and lower reverse breakdown voltage than the AlGaN/GaN SBD. The emission microscopy images of past-breakdown device suggest that a horizontal premature breakdown behavior attributed to the large leakage current happens in the InAlN/GaN SBD, differing from the vertical breakdown in the AlGaN/GaN SBD.  相似文献   

In the letter, preliminary results are reported on GaAs Schottky mixer diodes on material grown by means of a new method based on organometallic cracking at low pressures.  相似文献   

Schottky barriers with a thermally oxidized mesa structure have been fabricated. The fabrication process is described. The mesa structure averts electric field crowding at the barrier periphery. The reverse diode characteristic shows a sharp breakdown at the voltage expected for an ideal, abrupt diode of semi-infinite extent and identical doping concentration.  相似文献   

Gallium arsenide diodes were made which had Schottky-barriers for both contacts. Devices which were too thick for space change reach-through to occur at breakdown showed microwave oscillations, while thin diodes did not oscillate. Additionally, the structures could be distinguished on the basis of the noise accompanying breakdown. The performance was analysed in terms of transistor theory in which there is avalanche multiplication in the collector space charge region. It was concluded that there is a smooth transition between the reachthrough breakdown characteristic of the BARITT and true avalanche breakdown. The nature of the breakdown depends on the base width and the emitter efficiency.  相似文献   

Results of the experimental study of Au n-type SiC Schottky barrier diodes at room temperature are presented. The diodes are fabricated by vacuum-evaporating gold on chemically etched n-type hexagonal (6H) SiC surfaces and exhibit excellent forward current vs voltage characteristics with the exponential factor n of about 1·07±0·02 for voltages between 0·35 and 0·85 V. The linear part of the characteristic, in a semi-logarithmic plot, extends over seven orders of magnitude in current. The forward current-voltage characteristics are found to agree quantitatively with the theory based on thermionic emission with the barrier height modified by image force lowering. The Schottky barrier height is determined from three independent techniques: differential capacitance vs voltage, photoresponse, and forward current vs voltage methods. The barrier height deduced from the three methods is about 1·40±0·05 V.  相似文献   

In a practical metal semiconductor Schottky barrier diode there is a certain amount of current flow by indirect tunneling through the barrier. Although this component of current is negligibly small compared to the thermionic emission or thermionic field emission current, a large low-frequency 1/f noise is associated with this multistep tunneling process. The multistep tunneling current introduces a random fluctuation of charge density at the trap states, which trap current carriers during the indirect tunneling process, in the space-charge region of the diode. The field intensity at the metal semiconductor interface is therefore modulated, which in turn modulates the Schottky effect and produces a random fluctuation of the diode current. The spectral intensity of noise due to this mechanism is calculated. Large flicker noise is expected at low frequencies.  相似文献   

Schottky barrier diode theory conventionally assumes that the barrier height remains constant with the applied bias. However, high ideality factors and certain anomalous capacitance-voltage characteristics can only be explained by letting the barrier height vary with the applied voltage. Changes in the occupation of surface states have been inferred to be the cause of this change in barrier height, although the precise nature of these surface states has not yet been determined. This article examines the role of monoenergetic interfacial defect states whose occupancy is dynamically controlled by the local carrier densities, rather than by equilibrium conditions. Certain types of surface donor and acceptor states are shown to have a strong influence on the resulting current-voltage characteristics. The Al/GaAs(100) system is discussed in detail and experimental results are compared to this analytic model  相似文献   

We have identically prepared Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) (21 dots) on the InSe:Cd substrate. The electrical analysis of Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd structure has been investigated by means of current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and capacitance-frequency (C-f) measurements at 296 K temperature in dark conditions. The effective barrier heights and ideality factors of identically fabricated Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBDs have been calculated from their experimental forward bias current-voltage (I-V) characteristics by applying a thermionic emission theory. The BH values obtained from the I-V characteristics have varied between 0.74 eV and 0.82 eV with values of ideality factors ranging between 1.49 and 1.11 for the Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBDs. It has been determined a lateral homogeneous barrier height value of approximately 0.82 eV for these structures from the experimental linear relationship between barrier heights and ideality factors. The Schottky barrier height (SBH) value has been obtained from the reverse-bias C-V characteristics of Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBD for only one diode. At high currents in the forward direction, the series resistance effect has been observed. The value of series resistance has been determined from I-V measurements using Cheung’s and Norde’s methods.  相似文献   

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