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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices among food service staff with regards to food hygiene in hospitals in Edirne, Turkey, and to provide baseline data for implementing HACCP in hospital food services by carrying out a questionnaire by a face-to-face interview. The current study shows that food service staff in Edirne hospitals have insufficient knowledge regarding the basics of food hygiene. And also revealed a discrepancy between attitudes and practices towards food hygiene. There is an immediate need for continuous training among food handlers regarding safe food handling practices.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in food service operation at the main campus of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) regarding food safety. Data were collected from 112 food handlers through questionnaires which consisted of questions about knowledge, attitudes and practices. The results showed that there was significantly positive correlation among the three levels and respondents possess good scores for knowledge (19.68 ± 3.87) about personal hygiene, foodborne diseases and temperature control of food; for attitudes (89.26 ± 8.66) on safe food handling, and for practices (90.02 ± 8.23), specifically for appropriate hand washing, use of gloves in food preparation and prevention of food hazards. About 73.2% of respondents never attend any training related to food safety and majority show poor knowledge of pathogens associated with disease-causing agents as well as critical temperatures for storage of ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, effective and ongoing training on food safety and hygiene must be given to all food service employees to ensure the safety of food provided.  相似文献   

Wen-Hwa Ko 《Food Control》2013,29(1):192-197
This study investigates relationships among food safety knowledge, attitudes and hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) practices in restaurant employees in Taiwan. The authors administered a baseline questionnaire to 542 restaurant employees to assess their food safety knowledge, attitude and HACCP practices. A total of 421 valid questionnaires were returned and used in analysis. Mean scores for each survey item were calculated and used in a structural equation model (SEM) designed to assess interrelationships between the three. Participants scored an average 84.7% correct in food safety knowledge, with highest and lowest correct scores in, respectively, the food poisoning and good hygienic practices (GHP) constructs. The highest score in the attitude section was “concern for food safety” followed by “self-improvement.” With the exception of the food poisoning construct, this study found correlations among knowledge, attitude, and HACCP practices, with attitude mediating the relationship between knowledge and HACCP practices. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the food safety knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of food handlers from institutional food service establishments that serve hospitals, boarding senior high schools and prisons in Accra, Ghana. A total of 278 food handlers (56.8% of hospital, 30.9% of schools and 12.3% of prison food service) participated in the cross-sectional study. Data was collected by face-to-face interviews, and responses were scored to determine the level of food safety KAP. Respondents who scored ≥70% of the maximum possible score were adjudged to have sufficient knowledge and practices and positive attitudes. Results showed that respondents generally had insufficient food safety knowledge and practices with means scores of 20.99 ± 7.64 (46%) and 9.35 ± 5.62 (52%) respectively. Attitudes towards food safety were generally negative but with a comparatively higher mean score of 12.64 ± 3.06 (63%). Areas of most concern were 1) Lack of knowledge of sources of contamination/cross-contamination and appropriate holding temperatures for food. 2) Poor practices included multiple freeze-thaw cycles for frozen food and 3) Infrequent hand washing during food preparation after coughing or sneezing. There is the need for continuous risk based training to educate and effect behavioral changes among food handlers. This process will encourage positive attitudes towards food safety and consequently promote good food safety practices.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food workers in four meat processing plants in the Fars province, southern Iran. A self-administered, structured questionnaire was designed and completed by 97 food workers during November 2006–January 2007. Results indicated that the respondents had acceptable level of knowledge, excellent attitudes and poor practices toward food hygiene measures. Almost all of the food workers (97.9%) were aware of the critical role of general sanitary measures in the work place while there was lack of knowledge about microbial food hazards in the majority (67–78%) of them. A significant negative correlation was observed between knowledge and practices (rs = −0.20, P = 0.04), and attitudes and practices (rs = −0.27, P = 0.009), revealing that increased knowledge and even attitudes toward food safety does not always result in positive change in food handling behaviors.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2006,17(4):317-322
The purpose of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning food safety issues among food handlers in Turkey, conducting face to face interview and administrating questionnaire. Of the 764 food handlers who responded, 9.6% were involved in touching or distributing unwrapped foods routinely and use protective gloves during their working activity. A majority of participants (47.8%) had not taken a basic food safety training. The mean food safety knowledge scores was 43.4 ± 16.3. The study demonstrated that food handlers in Turkish food businesses often have lack of knowledge regarding the basic food hygiene (critical temperatures of hot or cold ready-to-eat foods, acceptable refrigerator temperature ranges, and cross-contamination etc.). There is a immediate need for education and increasing awareness among food handlers regarding safe food handling practices.  相似文献   

An online survey was conducted to describe stakeholders' perceptions, attitudes and practices towards risk prevention in the food chain and to explore if common features could be extracted from different fields of competency or groups of stakeholders. Out of 80 participants, 60% believed that pathogenic microorganisms were the main hazard to prevent. Twenty-four percent perceived climate change as the main risk factor. Seventy-three percent believed that hazards in the food chain are preventable and they often showed a positive attitude towards risk prevention measures. The opinion of 75% of stakeholders was that prevention measures should be compulsory and under the shared responsibility of both food business operators and competent authority. Seventy-five percent of the respondents had recent experience with particular hazards and declared to have undertaken risk reduction measures. Incentives to implement measures were policy obligation and public health consequences whereas barriers were budgetary reasons and doubts about their effectiveness. However, there was not always a complete agreement between the perceived usefulness of risk prevention measures and their effective implementation, and conversely. No significant difference could be observed in the perceptions, attitudes and practices towards risk prevention between neither groups of stakeholders nor their fields of competency. The results are important for improving the risk communication process because the same issues can be emphasized when promoting risk prevention in the food chain regardless of the type of food sectors and the groups of stakeholders.  相似文献   

In order to identify risk factors contributing to foodborne disease outbreaks in Guangdong province, China, the present study evaluated the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of food safety among food handlers in a coastal resort area that has a high incidence of foodborne disease outbreaks from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The KAP of 171 food handlers from 22 food establishments—including seven food establishments in which outbreaks had occurred and 15 in which outbreaks had not occurred—were evaluated.A self-administered questionnaire designed to access the KAP of food safety was completed by the food handlers. The majority of respondents didn't know the maximum stored time at room temperature and the most common agent of foodborne disease in seafood. Most of the respondents' attitudes about food safety and training were positive. When asked about the practices undertaken, about one-fifth of the respondents admitted they had mixed food (raw and cooked) containers in varying degrees. There was significant variance among different food establishments, different ages, and different times of training. Training programs may achieve good results, but training should be more selective, educate the trainees to realize food safety is more important than fresh seafood, target how to cook seafood and lower the risk of microbiology in food, and conduct particularly focused training among managers and newcomers.  相似文献   

This study had the major objective of determining the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of vendors and consumers of street food in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Haiti currently has no food safety legislation in place. 160 consumers and 80 vendors from four different communes (Tabarre, Delmas, Pétion-ville and downtown Port-au-Prince) volunteered to participate in the study. In general, consumers and vendors exhibited average food safety knowledge and attitude levels. Gender, training, level of education and location did not have a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the level of food safety knowledge of the consumers. Vendors were determined to have higher levels of food safety knowledge than consumers, whilst trained vendors had better food safety knowledge and attitudes compared to untrained vendors. The majority of vendors and consumers were aware of the importance of washing hands and proper cleaning with regards to the prevention of foodborne diseases. However, some other aspects were of concern. Consumers and vendors did not know that Hepatitis A, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus spp. are pathogens responsible of foodborne diseases. They also had difficulties in identifying the groups at risk of foodborne diseases and most were unaware of the importance of reheating food to fight against foodborne diseases. In the observational part of the study, it was found that in 60% of the cases, flies and animals were evident around the stall and 65% did not have access to potable water. The majority served food with bare hands and did not wash their hands after handling money. Additionally, 70% of the vendors did not chill pre-cooked food. The conditions in which street food vendors operate in Port-au-Prince are largely unacceptable from a food safety point of view and an effort should be made to provide them with adequate infrastructure including potable water, toilets and waste disposal facilities. The results of this study should be used to generate part of the impetus towards the development of enforcement of appropriate food safety legislation in Haiti.  相似文献   

Food safety concerns have existed for a long time, as millions of people across the globe suffer from food borne disease every year. Contamination of food owing to limited knowledge of food safety practices primarily increases the risk of food borne illnesses. In the present study, quantitative research was carried out to gauge the level of food safety knowledge amongst people living in Ireland. A total of 1069 participants from all over the Republic of Ireland contributed to the survey (of which 821 were included in this research). Results showed that the residents of Ireland overall had an average level on knowledge of food safety practices (67.0% passing rate). They had an average level of knowledge in food storage (52.8% passing rate), usage and maintenance of the kitchen facilities (59.0% passing rate), and personal hygiene (61.0% passing rate). Conversely, they had a critically low level of knowledge in food handling (10.8% passing rate) and food poisoning (20.1% passing rate). The results of the present study also showed that, the level of knowledge of food safety practices varies amongst the residents based upon their gender, age, place of residence, education level, and marital status, while no significant difference in the knowledge level was observed based upon their per capita income. The study thus, highlights that there is scope for improvement for the residents to advance their knowledge of food safety practices. Therefore, it can be recommended that researchers, educators, food safety communicators, and the media can engage in educating the population, to help the residents advance their food safety knowledge to safer food practices.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2010,21(10):1318-1321
This survey evaluated the knowledge of managers and food handlers, who work in restaurants functioning in two large supermarket chains in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo (Brazil), concerning food allergies. Twelve restaurants were evaluated, representing a total of 74 people (12 managers and 62 food handlers). Results have shown that even though the survey showed that food handlers had some knowledge on food allergies, allergic people must stay on the alert, questioning the place where they are going to have their meals in terms of the ingredients used, verifying whether the food is really free of allergens, and always observing the labels of food products. This is needed since there is no real concern by these establishments in preparing safe meals in terms of food allergies.  相似文献   

This study aimed to measure food safety knowledge among food service staff in hospitals in Jordan. A total of 532 food service personal (dietitians, cooks and food workers) from 37 hospitals (public, private, and university hospitals) were conveniently selected to participate in this cross sectional study. The participants completed a questionnaire composed of two parts (general characteristics and food safety knowledge). The overall food safety knowledge of food service staff is fair with a mean score of 56.3 out of 90 points (62.5%). Respondents had sufficient knowledge on “cross contamination prevention and sanitation” aspect, while they had very poor to good knowledge on “foodborne pathogens and related symptoms and illnesses”, “safe storage, thawing, cooking, holding and reheating of the foods”, “health problems that would affect food safety” and “personal hygiene” aspects. There were no significant associations between the total food safety knowledge score and age, educational level, marital status, income, experience, nature of work and attending course(s) on food safety. Respondents from public hospitals and who believed that HACCP is not important for food safety had significantly lower food safety knowledge score than those from private sector (OR: 3.3, CI: 1.76–6.01) and those who believed that HACCP is important (OR: 3, CI: 1.64–5.36), respectively. Food workers and respondents who have experience ≤48 months had significantly lower food safety knowledge score than dietitians (OR: 2.6, CI: 1.33–5.2) and those who have experience > 48 months (OR: 1.9, CI: 1.06–3.51), respectively. There is an urgent need for tailored food safety education and training programs that improve food safety knowledge of food service staff in hospitals in Jordan.  相似文献   

This study had the major objective of evaluating the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers and vendors of street foods in Ho Chi Minh City (MCMC), Vietnam. There were three main surveys performed in this study. A total of 120 consumers and 40 street food vendors from four districts [Binh Thanh (BT), Thu Duc (TD), district 3 (D3) and district 8 (D8)] in HCMC contributed to the study on a voluntary basis. The surveyed consumers had adequate levels of food safety knowledge and attitudes. No significant difference (p > 0.05) occurred between the food safety knowledge levels of the consumers on the basis of gender. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) occurred on the basis of age, education level, food safety training status and location. In contrast, the street vendors had poor food safety knowledge and attitude levels. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the food safety knowledge levels of the vendors on the basis of gender and age. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found on the basis of food safety training status and education level. It was also noted that the vast majority (95%) of the vendors had not received any food safety training. With regards to the practices, it was determined that 52.5% of the vending sites were open air stands without any protection from the sun, wind and dust. 52.5% the vending stalls had no direct access to potable water, while 47.5% did not have adequate hand washing facilities and a further 30% lacked proper waste water and food disposal facilities. In addition, 52.5% of the vendors did not separate raw, partially cooked food and cooked food products. These findings highlighted that street food vendors in HCMC generally have poor food handling practices and most are operating under unhygienic conditions. These results should provide the Vietnamese government with even more reasons to increase their current efforts to improve the safety of street foods and food safety awareness of the consumers.  相似文献   

This study determined the impact of culture and environment on knowledge and attitudes of hawkers towards food safety, foodborne illnesses and their prevention. One hundred hawkers in Kuala Lumpur (KL) were interviewed, using a structured interview schedule. Environment did not effect hawkers’ knowledge and attitudes. Education influenced knowledge and attitudes scores of the interviewees. Differences in knowledge of the ethnic groups were in cross-contamination, equipment, utensils and premises, personal hygiene, hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and food regulations and control. Malay and Indian hawkers had better educational background, hence better knowledge and attitude scores than Chinese. The findings highlight the importance of education to bridge cultural gaps in food safety knowledge and attitudes. A strong relationship exists between the knowledge and attitudes of hawkers.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2014,35(2):428-435
The purpose of this study was to investigate the hand hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers from 38 primary schools in Hulu Langat district, Selangor State in Malaysia. Hand hygiene knowledge, principally regarding ready-to-eat foods, the existence of bacteria and correct hand-washing methods were lacking among the food handlers. From the observations reported herein, the use of masks and hand-washing with proper technique were neglected by most food handlers. In the demographic profile analysed, there were significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in the following areas: hand-washing practices between genders (p = 0.039), hand hygiene attitudes and glove use between nationalities (p = 0.002 and p = 0.029, respectively); and personal hygiene knowledge between groups with different levels of education (p = 0.048). This study revealed a slightly positive relationship between hand hygiene knowledge and self-reported practices of food handlers (r = 0.249, p = 0.022). The results showed that further continuous effort should be invested in hand hygiene education and enforcement for food handlers from primary schools in the Hulu Langat district. This study provided data about the current knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers from institutional foodservice operations in Malaysia regarding hand hygiene.  相似文献   

In terms of public health, food allergen management (FAM) is one of the major areas of food safety management, required by standardised food safety management systems (FSMSs). This study involved performing an evaluation of the scope of application of FAM and identification of non-conformity areas in 24 small food production facilities where FSMSs are implemented. Conformity with the 41 criteria was evaluated by the semi-structured interview method with direct on-site observation. The percentile Conformance Index (CI) and the relative Conformance Index (CIREL) were established, calculated by the relativisation methods (i.e. evaluation and metrisation), applied in quality engineering. The highest level of non-conformities in the 7 groups of criteria established in the form of a questionnaire was found in Cleaning (CI 29.6–47.2%, CIREL 0.03–0.32), Transport & Storage (CI 30.6–54.2%, CIREL 0.05–0.69) and Hazard Awareness (CI 27.8–59.3%, CIREL 0–0.52). Factors which make it difficult to implement FAM included access to the validated methods of assessment of cleaning effectiveness in removing specific allergens, as well as good practices in separation of allergenic and non-allergenic materials during transport and storage, and personnel training in allergen control. These findings show clearly that implementation and certification of standardised FSMSs is a guarantee of implementation of FAM on a higher level of conformity with the evaluation criteria compared to those facilities which apply only the Codex HACCP principles. The conformity indexes CI and CIREL proposed in this paper can be applied not only to determine the areas of non-conformity for FAM, but they can also be used to characterise and monitor FAM-related elements of FSMSs as part of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2013,31(2):642-648
In French institutional food services, cooked food must be cooled within 2 h of cooking and the temperature of the cooked food must then be lower than 10 °C to avoid significant growth of Clostridium perfringens. However, food placed on trolleys and put in a rapid cooling unit (a blast-chiller) shows great variation in temperature. What criterion should then be used to decide when the trolley can be removed from the blast-chiller? We studied four different strategies of when to remove the trolley by fitting 217 time–temperature profiles collected in a central hospital kitchen to mixed-effect models. We modelled the temperatures between and within containers holding meals on trolleys. We compared the strategies as to the probability that C. perfringens can proliferate to at least 1 log CFU g−1. For each strategy, this probability was plotted against the probability of the trolley leaving the blast-chiller. The probability of leaving the blast-chiller varied, depending on the number of measurements taken on the trolley and on the points where temperature was measured. The best strategy depends on the risk of C. perfringens growth exceeding 1 log10 CFU g−1 the food service operator accepts and the temperature monitoring protocol that is implemented.  相似文献   

Little is known about the home food safety practices of Mexican-Americans living in the U.S. The current study examined the knowledge, perception of food safety risk and factors associated with home food safety practices among the Mexican-Americans who cook regularly for their families. Ten focus group interviews in New York and Texas identified a number of issues. Most participants did not defrost properly (i.e., placed frozen meat in the sink or countertop) and did not handle leftovers safely (i.e., cooled down more than 2 h at room temperature). Although participants reported good hygienic practices in the use of utensils when cooking, there seemed to be limited awareness of the dangers of cross-contamination when handling raw meats and produce; unsafe thawing of raw meats by leaving the raw meat in the sink or counter, and handling of cooked meats. Many incorrectly believed that the appearance of cooked meats was an indicator of safety, and that a food thermometer was unnecessary. These focus group findings informed a probability–based web panel survey (N = 468) of Mexican-Americans who cook for their families in the United States. The survey study reports two major findings: (1) Mexican-Americans' perception and awareness about food safety risk were closely related to their reported food preparation practices (except for eating raw eggs) and (2) Mexican-Americans born in the U.S. and those of Mexican origin living in the U.S. differed in their level of risk awareness and in their compliance with some associated food safety practices. Practical implications are discussed for designing targeted communication campaigns to increase compliance with safe home food preparation practices.  相似文献   

Night markets are a unique part of Taiwanese culture and are ideal places to visit to taste local delicacies. “Visiting night markets” not only has become a habit for local residents, but also a particular favorite for non-local tourists. Street food vending in the night markets has been increasing for several years but this growth presents public health challenges, with evidence of diarrheal diseases. Therefore, there are emerging needs for understanding the hygiene knowledge and practices of food vendors to ensure hygienic preparation of street foods. This empirical study can be used in understanding the current situation of food hygiene practices in tourist night markets and in exploring proper strategies for improving food safety at the markets.  相似文献   

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