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综合颜色纹理形状特征的图像检索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
图像特征的提取和使用在基于内容的图像检索中至关重要.研究了在基于内容的图像检索系统中整合颜色,纹理,形状的提取方法.将图像按照一定的规则进行分块,对各个分块分别进行各种特征向量的提取.颜色特征的提取是基于YUV颜色空间的颜色直方图,纹理特征的提取采用Gabor滤波器,形状特征的提取是基于Zernike矩的计算.实验结果表明,综合图像的颜色、形状和纹理特征提高了图像检索的准确性.  相似文献   

This paper describes a color-texture-based image retrieval system for query of an image database to find similar images to a target image. The color-texture information is obtained via modeling with the multispectral simultaneous autoregressive (MSAR) random field model. The general color content characterized by ratios of sample color means is also used. The retrieval process involves segmenting the image into regions of uniform color texture using an unsupervised histogram clustering approach that utilizes the combination of MSAR and color features. The color-texture content, location, area and shape of the segmented regions are used to develop similarity measures describing the closeness of a query image to database images. These attributes are derived from the maximum fitting square and best fitting ellipse to each of the segmented regions. The proposed similarity measure combines all these attributes to rank the closeness of the images. The performance of the system is tested on two databases containing synthetic mosaics of natural textures and natural scenes, respectively.  相似文献   

A new approach for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is described. In this study, a tree-structured image representation together with a multi-layer self-organizing map (MLSOM) is proposed for efficient image retrieval. In the proposed tree-structured image representation, a root node contains the global features, while child nodes contain the local region-based features. This approach hierarchically integrates more information of image contents to achieve better retrieval accuracy compared with global and region features individually. MLSOM in the proposed method provides effective compression and organization of tree-structured image data. This enables the retrieval system to operate at a much faster rate than that of directly comparing query images with all images in databases. The proposed method also adopts a relevance feedback scheme to improve the retrieval accuracy by a respectable level. Our obtained results indicate that the proposed image retrieval system is robust against different types of image alterations. Comparative results corroborate that the proposed CBIR system is promising in terms of accuracy, speed and robustness.  相似文献   

Scalable color image indexing and retrieval using vector wavelets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a scalable content-based image indexing and retrieval system based on vector wavelet coefficients of color images. Highly decorrelated wavelet coefficient planes are used to acquire a search efficient feature space. The feature space is subsequently indexed using properties of all the images in the database. Therefore, the feature key of an image not only corresponds to the content of the image itself but also to how much the image is different from the other images being stored in the database. The search time linearly depends on the number of images similar to the query image and is independent of the database size. We show that, in a database of 5,000 images, query search takes less than 30 msec on a 266 MHz Pentium II processor, compared to several seconds of retrieval time in the earlier systems proposed in the literature  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore image retrieval mechanisms based on a combination of texture and color features. Texture features are extracted using Discrete Wavelet Frames (DWF) analysis, an over-complete decomposition in scale and orientation. Two-dimensional (2-D) or one-dimensional (1-D) histograms of the CIE Lab chromaticity coordinates are used as color features. The 1-D histograms of the a, b coordinates were modeled according to the generalized Gaussian distribution. The similarity measure defined on the feature distribution is based on the Bhattacharya distance. Retrieval benchmarking is performed over the Brodatz album and on images from natural scenes, obtained from the VisTex database of MIT Media Laboratory and from the Corel Photo Gallery. As a performance indicator recall (relative number of correct images retrieved) is measured on both texture and color separately and in combination. Experiments show this approach to be as effective as other methods while computationally more tractable.  相似文献   

This method presents extraction of effective color and shape features for the analysis of dermatology images. We employ three phases of operation in order to perform efficient retrieval of images of skin lesions. Our proposed algorithm used color and shape feature vectors and the features are normalized using Min–Max normalization. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique for multi-class classification is used to converge the search space more efficiently. The results using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve proved that the proposed architecture is highly contributed to computer-aided diagnosis of skin lesions. Experiments on a set of 1450 images yielded a specificity of 98.22% and a sensitivity of 94%. Our empirical evaluation has a superior retrieval and diagnosis performance when compared to the performance of other works. We present explicit combinations of feature vectors corresponding to healthy and lesion skin.  相似文献   

结合了均值漂移算法和区域合并算法,取长补短,提出了一种融合颜色和区域信息的彩色图像分割方法。该算法首先利用均值漂移求取各个局部极值(聚类中心),在带宽求取和权重设置上使用了自适应法则,使算法更具有适用性;然后使用一个基于阀值的区域合并算法,解决了均值漂移对纹理和关照变化的过分割。实验证明,该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

A technique to retrieve images by region matching using a combined feature index based on color, shape, and location is presented within the framework of MPEG-7. Dominant regions within each image are indexed using integrated color, shape, and location features. Various combinations of regions are also indexed. The resulting indices and related metadata are stored in a Hash structure, where similar images tend to form clusters. The retrieval process is non-cascading and images can be retrieved based on color, shape or location and also based on a combined color–shape–location index. Results obtained show that retrieval effectiveness increases in non-cascaded region-based querying by combined index.  相似文献   

A new image indexing and retrieval system for content based image retrieval (CBIR) is proposed in this paper. The characteristics (vector points) of image are computed using color (color histogram) and SOT (spatial orientation tree). The SOT defines the spatial parent-child relationship among wavelet coefficients in multi-resolution wavelet sub-bands. First the image is divided into sub-blocks and then constructed the SOT for each low pass wavelet coefficient is considered as a vector point of that particular image. Similarly the color histogram features are collected from the each sub-block. The vector points of each image are indexed using vocabulary tree. The retrieval results of the proposed method are tested on different image databases, i.e., natural image database consists of Corel 1000 (DB1), Brodatz texture image database (DB2) and MIT VisTex database (DB3). The results after being investigated show a significant improvement in terms of average precision, average recall and average retrieval rate on DB1 database and average retrieval rate on texture databases (DB2 and DB3) as compared with most of existing techniques on respective databases.  相似文献   

In recent years, the rapid growth of multimedia content makes content-based image retrieval (CBIR) a challenging research problem. The content-based attributes of the image are associated with the position of objects and regions within the image. The addition of image content-based attributes to image retrieval enhances its performance. In the last few years, the bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) based image representation model gained attention and significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of CBIR. In BoVW-based image representation model, an image is represented as an order-less histogram of visual words by ignoring the spatial attributes. In this paper, we present a novel image representation based on the weighted average of triangular histograms (WATH) of visual words. The proposed approach adds the image spatial contents to the inverted index of the BoVW model, reduces overfitting problem on larger sizes of the dictionary and semantic gap issues between high-level image semantic and low-level image features. The qualitative and quantitative analysis conducted on three image benchmarks demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach based on WATH.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust color image retrieval method using visual interest point feature of significant bit-planes. We firstly extract the visually significant bit-plane image from the original color image according to the bit-plane theory and noise attack characteristic. And then, we extract the visual interest points from the original color image by using the significant bit-plane image and multi-scale Harris–Laplace detector, and construct the fuzzy color histogram of visual interest points. We finally compute the similarity between color images by using the fuzzy color histogram of visual interest points. Experiments on large databases show that the proposed algorithm is significantly more effective than the state-of-the-art approaches. Especially, it can retrieve the noise-attacked (including blurring, sharpening, and illumination, etc.) image effectively.  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索(Content-based Image Retrieval,CBIR)以其极高的理论与应用价值成为了图像处理领域的研究热点。提取和匹配图像特征是CBIR的主要手段。然而提取图像的有效特征是极其困难的。利用HSV颜色空间特性以及人类对颜色的感知规律,提出一种颜色识别方法。应用此方法对图像的像素进行一种保持结构的分类,并在类内提取结构特征。图像的特征匹配将在同类像素集合间进行,降低了图像特征提取与匹配的复杂性。实验表明,提出的图像检索方法有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - A digital image watermarking technique is proposed to hide the relevant information in color digital images. The image is converted from RGB color space to YCbCr...  相似文献   

Segmentation is one of the most important pre-processing steps toward pattern recognition and image understanding. It is often used to partition an image into separate regions, which ideally correspond to different real-world objects. In this paper, novel color image segmentation is proposed and implemented using fuzzy inference system in optimized color space. This system, which is designed by neuro-adaptive learning technique, applies a sample image as an input and can reveal the likelihood of being a special color for each pixel through the image. The intensity of each pixel shows this likelihood in the gray-level output image. After choosing threshold value, a binary image is obtained, which can be applied as a mask to segment desired color in input image. Besides using fuzzy systems, optimizing color space for segmentation is another feature of proposed method. This optimizing is implemented by genetic algorithms and influence on system accuracy. Two applications of developed method are discussed, and still it could be applicable in wide range of color image segmentation or object detection purposes.  相似文献   

A similarity measure for silhouettes of 2D objects is presented, and its properties are analyzed with respect to retrieval of similar objects in image databases. To reduce influence of digitization noise as well as segmentation errors the shapes are simplified by a new process of digital curve evolution. To compute our similarity measure, we first establish the best possible correspondence of visual parts (without explicitly computing the visual parts). Then the similarity between corresponding parts is computed and summed. Experimental results show that our shape matching procedure gives an intuitive shape correspondence and is stable with respect to noise distortions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a new content-based image retrieval approach for biometric security, which is based on colour, texture and shape features and controlled by fuzzy heuristics. The proposed approach is based on the three well-known algorithms: colour histogram, texture and moment invariants. The use of these three algorithms ensures that the proposed image retrieval approach produces results which are highly relevant to the content of an image query, by taking into account the three distinct features of the image and similarity metrics based on Euclidean measure. Colour histogram is used to extract the colour features of an image. Gabor filter is used to extract the texture features and the moment invariant is used to extract the shape features of an image. The evaluation of the proposed approach is carried out using the standard precision and recall measures, and the results are compared with the well-known existing approaches. We present results which show that our proposed approach performs better than these approaches.  相似文献   

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