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为准确、高效地调控生物破乳菌对破乳活性物质的生产,采用自筛破乳菌Bacillus mojavensis sp.,以O/W型模型乳状液作为破乳对象,分别测定在不同培养时间,全培养液不同组分,以及不同碳、氮源的条件下对该菌破乳效能的影响情况.结果表明:培养时间在14~24h全培养液的破乳活性最高.全培养液和中层液破乳效能高,菌体不具备破乳能力.烃类碳源可诱发该破乳菌产生具有破乳活性的代谢产物,而碳水化合物可以促进破乳菌的生长,其中果糖+液体石蜡组成的混合碳源对破乳菌的生长和破乳效能最有利.混合氮源NH4NO3+酵母膏更适于该破乳菌的生长及破乳活性物质的产生.控制培养时间和碳源、氮源的种类,可有效调控该破乳菌代谢产物破乳活性的高低.  相似文献   

为解决现有生物破乳剂破乳效率低、稳定性差、易受环境影响、难以大规模生产的问题,将具有破乳效果的莫海威芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mojavensis)、枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)在改进的无机盐液体培养基中混合培养,得到了一种高效生物复合型破乳剂.生物复合型破乳剂全培养液在室温下,接触时间48h可...  相似文献   

L—色氨酸产生菌分批发酵动力学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于30L的发酵罐分批发酵实验数据,根据已建立的L-色氨酸发酵数学模型,应用MATLAB软件对模型进行最优参数估计和非线性曲线拟合,得到的结果相对误差较小,所建立的分批发酵动力学模型能较好地反映L-色氨酸分批发酵的过程。  相似文献   

水酶法提油是一种绿色环保的油脂提取方法,可以同时实现油脂和蛋白质的提取,但是在提取过程中容易产生稳定的乳状液,严重限制了水酶法提油在工业上的应用。以高油酸花生为原料,采用4种不同的破乳方法(物理法、化学法、酶法、盐法辅助微波)对水酶法提油过程中产生的乳状液的破乳效果进行了对比。结果表明:CaCl2辅助微波破乳具有最好的破乳效果,在390 W、30 s的条件下,破乳率达到(91. 87±1. 90)%。此外,对4种破乳方法提取的花生油的脂肪酸组成和品质进行了研究,发现花生油的脂肪酸组成无明显差异,且CaCl2辅助微波破乳提取的花生油品质优于常规加热破乳油。  相似文献   

研究了以三正辛胺、仲辛醇和磷酸三丁酯为载体,Span-80为表面活性剂,煤油为膜溶剂制成的乳状液膜处理含Cr(Ⅵ)水样的破乳方法,对离心破乳、化学破乳进行了实验研究,同时对破乳后的油相重新进行了制乳、破乳实验.实验结果表明,用破乳后的油相重新制乳,其Cr(Ⅵ)的提取率可达98%以上,再次破乳率可达90%以上.  相似文献   

微波辐射辅助破乳水处理工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以某汽车发动机制造有限公司排放的铸铁乳化废水为处理对象,研制了新型破乳剂A并辅以微波辐射,解决了原破乳工艺中存在的破乳效果差,效率低,出水COD超标等问题。考查了微波辐射功率、辐射时间、静置时间以及废水pH值对破乳效果的影响,确定了最佳的破乳工艺条件:采用破乳剂A使废水pH值为2~3,在微波功率600 W下辐射处理1 min后,室温下静置1 h。在此工艺条件下,COD去除率高达70%以上。通过对水样初始COD值对破乳效果的研究,发现微波辐射处理乳化废水具有较好的耐冲击负荷的能力。通过对水样的粘度、油珠粒径分布z、eta电位等参数的分析考查,探讨了微波辅助化学破乳的反应机制。  相似文献   

老化稠油破乳脱水实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据王集油田老化稠油含水状况及油品性质,进行破乳脱水实验研究.研究发现,单用破乳剂时破乳脱水困难,在加入一定量的脱水助剂FW后,其破乳脱水效果显著.研制的破乳脱水配方为破乳剂TY-1、TY-2、TY-3质量配比为4:2:1,用量为300×10-6,FW加量为0.9%,脱水效果较好.  相似文献   

原油破乳是石油炼制过程中至关重要的一道工序.文章介绍了乳状原油的结构及对工艺设备及管道的危害,分析了原油破乳机理,对现行主要破乳技术进行了详细介绍,为破乳技术在石油炼制中更广泛、科学的应用提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

针对目前生物破乳剂产生菌筛选方法和评价手段单一、操作复杂的问题,选用22株破乳菌(由本实验室筛选),测试血平板法、蓝色凝胶平板法、油平板法、液滴坍塌试验、排油圈法及表面张力法这6种方法检测菌株破乳能力的准确度.结果表明:前3种方法能快速判断菌源样品中潜在破乳菌的存在.其中血平板法更适用于初筛含油土壤中的破乳菌,识别率为92.9%;蓝色凝胶平板法可用于活性污泥中破乳菌的初筛;而77.3%的破乳菌可被油平板法识别.后3种方法可定量评价破乳能力.其中排油圈法评价准确度为95.5%;表面张力法评价准确度为86.4%;液滴坍塌试验仅适用于筛选自含油土壤的破乳菌,评价准确度为71.4%.  相似文献   

L-亮氨酸分批发酵动力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过检测发酵过程的基质浓度、菌体量和产物浓度,建立了一组反映TQ9806菌株L-亮氨酸分批发酵的动力学模型,结果显示该动力学模型可以很好的拟合发酵过程。  相似文献   

For further practical application,the phylogenetic analysis and de-emulsification properties study of strain XH1 with high de-emulsification efficiency isolated from crude oil contaminated soil in Daqing oil field were conducted with a surfactant-stabilized water-kerosene model emulsion. The factors influencing the de-emulsification efficiency and the generation site of de-emulsification active component of the strain were also investigated. The similarity of 16SrDNA sequences between strain XH1 and Bacillus mojavensis(DQ993678)was 99%. According to the physiological biochemical test,strain XH1 was preliminarily identified as Bacillus mojavensis. The logarithmic growth,stable phase and decline phase of strain XH1 were determined as 14,18 and 28 h,respectively. The best de-emulsification activity emerged after cultivating for 18h,and the complete de-emulsification was achieved at 24 h. The most favorable incubation conditions for de-emulsification occurred with pH of 6.0 at 30 ℃. The de-emulsification capability of strain XH1 was mainly resulted from extracellular metabolites. The above results indicate that strain XH1 has high de-emulsification efficiency and is potential as a commercial de-emulsifier.  相似文献   

以嗜酸放线菌701为菌株,在摇瓶培养条件下,研究嗜酸放线菌701产纤溶酶发酵过程中菌丝体生物量、纤溶酶生成量及残糖含量随时间的变化情况。采用Logistic和Luedekin_Piret方程,得到嗜酸放线菌701产纤溶酶的分批发酵动力学模型及模型参数,将实验数据与所得动力学模型进行验证比较,结果表明模型值与实验数据拟合性良好,模型基本可以反映嗜酸放线菌701分批发酵产纤溶酶的发酵动力学特征。  相似文献   

植物有效成分间歇浸取动力学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了植物有效成分间歇浸取动力学模型的理论基础、数学处理方法、发展沿革和研究进展.根据间歇浸取动力学模型特点将浸取动力学模型分为平衡浓度模型和瞬时浓度模型,详细介绍了两种模型的建立.大多数有关植物有效成分浸取动力学研究都是以平衡浓度模型为基础的,由于浸取过程中有效成分会参与反应或发生降解,真实的有效成分浸取平衡浓度很难测定,显然该模型对于易反应有效成分或微波、超声等强化浸取过程有不可克服的缺陷.瞬时浓度模型将广泛应用,但是数学处理难度增大.详细介绍了超声、微波等特殊物理场强化条件下浸取动力学方程建立的理论基础、数学方法和研究进展.  相似文献   

本文采用过渡态理论和量子化学计算方法,首次计算得到了甲硅烷裂解反应的速率常数和平衡常数,并对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Using powder-sintering method,SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-ZnO-R2O porous glass-ceramics were produced for analysis. Five samples with different SiO2 /CaO ratios were used in the research. The mechanical properties, microstructures and textures of porous glass-ceramics are investigated by using differential thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermal analysis ( TGA/SDTA) ,X-ray diffraction ( XRD) ,and scanning electron microsco- py ( SEM) . The activity energy of crystallization ( E) and crystallization kinetics parameter ( k) were calculated based on the modified JMA equation. The Avrami parameter n was obtained according to Augis-Bennett function. The results show that the k value of No. 1 sample ( SiO2 /CaO = 61∶ 18) is the largest among all samples, which tends to crystallize more easily,and crystallization processes of all samples are observed bulk crystallization. The main crystal phase observed is parawollastonite ( clinorhombic system) with puncheon shape. Poreforming agents decomposed at 100 - 500 ℃ form a large number of closed pores with micron dimension and several semi-open pores distribute uniformly in the glass-ceramics matrix. This work may be expected to be favorable for industrial scale applications of porous glass-ceramics in the field of building thermal insulation.  相似文献   

The effects of B2O3 addition on both the sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties of CaO-B2O3-SiO2 (CBS) glass ceramics were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The results show that the increasing amount of B2O3 causes the increase of the contents of [BO3],[BO4] and [SiO4],which deduces the increase of CaB2O4 and α-SiO2 and the decrease of CaSiO3 correspondingly.No new phase is observed throughout the...  相似文献   

The three host glasses doped with Yb^3+ were prepared by means of conventional melt quenching technology, and the influence on physical and spectral properties of phosphate glass due to addition of B2O3 was investigated and compared with silicate glass. The results show that due to the existence of OH^- impurities which induce the non-radiative route, the fluorescence lifetime of phosphate glass is shorter, so silicate glass has better spectral properties than phosphate glass. Silicate glass has more excellent thermal-mechanical properties than phosphate glass, but with the addition of B2O3, thermal-mechanical properties of phosphate glass are improved greatly without fluorescence quenching effect, and this kind of borophosphate glass will be the candidate to be used in high average power solid state laser.  相似文献   

为了研究钛酸钠锂(Na2Li2Ti6O14)负极材料嵌脱锂的动力学行为,用溶胶-凝胶法合成 Na2Li2Ti6O14负极材料,采用 X 射线衍射法(XRD)和电子显微镜(SEM)分别对材料进行物相分析和微观形貌的观察.采用恒流充放电测试、循环伏安法(CV)和恒电流间歇滴定法(GITT)研究了 Na2Li2Ti6O14的电化学性能和嵌脱锂过程动力学.研究结果表明,制备的 Na2Li2Ti6O14材料纯度高,结晶度良好,循环稳定性好;由不同扫描速率的循环伏安法测出的 Na2Li2Ti6O14中锂离子在氧化、还原峰对应的化学扩散系数 Da和 Dc分别为7.3×10-11和7.8×10-11cm2/s;由恒电流间歇滴定技术测得的锂离子在 Na2Li2Ti6O14电极中的扩散系数为10-11~10-8cm2/s.  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition process of air-aged La203 in argon atmosphere was studied using nonisothermal TG-DSC. X-ray diffraction and TG-DSC analysis showed that the aged powder was composed of La(OH)3 with small amounts of oxycarbonate. The decomposition process of air-aged La2O3 involves the two-step decomposition of La(OH)3 and the decomposition of oxycarbonate. The kinetic analysis of the two-step decomposition of La(OH)3 was carried out using Coats-Redfern and isoconversion (Ozawa) methods. The kinetics of the two-step decomposition can be described in terms of the nucleation and growth model A (m=1.5, m is the model parameter) and A (m=2.5), respectively. The apparent activation energy for the first step is 136-144 (Coats-Redfern) and 137-164 kJ/mol (isoconversion). The apparent activation energy for the second step is 191-194 (Coats-Redfern) and 186-213 kJ/mol (isoconversion).  相似文献   

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