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分子蒸馏法制备鱼油多不饱和脂肪酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了多级分子蒸馏法提取深海鱼油中多不饱和脂肪酸的工艺方法,通过对压力和温度的控制得到不同多不饱和脂肪酸含量的各级鱼油产品,当蒸馏温度为110℃以上,蒸馏压力为20Pa以下时,经过三级串联分子蒸馏,得到高碳链不饱和脂肪酸质量分数为90.96%的鱼油产品,并用气相色谱法测定了产品的脂肪酸组成,分析了产品的理化指标.  相似文献   

Fractionation of palm kernel oil (PKO) by short path distillation (SPD) at two feed flow rates (135 g/h and 195 g/h) and six distillation temperatures, TD,s (200, 210, 220, 230, 240 and 250 ℃) was investigated. Other distillation parameters, such as vacuum pressure (0.001 mbar), blade rotation speed (400 rpm) and temperature of the feed material (60 ℃) were kept constant. The fractionated products, known as residue and distillate, were analysed for physico-chemical properties including fatty acid composition (FAC), triacylglycerol (TAG) composition, slip melting point (SMP), thermal analysis by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and solid fat content (SFC). Product yield was measured as well. Crystallisation behaviour of PKO and the fractionated products were studied by measurement of isothermal crystallisation, Tc,. at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ℃. The distillates, collected at all fractionation temperatures, were enriched with caprylic, capric and lauric acids. These fractions were also concentrated with low molecular weight and C36 TAGs. Distillates obtained at higher TDis (230-250 ℃) exhibited higher in SMP and SFC. On the other hand, the residual oils collected at all fractionation temperatures contained higher amount of long-chain fatty acid and palmitic acid. These fractions were enriched with high molecular weight TAGs. Residues obtained at lower Tois (200-220 ℃) were low in SMP and comparable SFC with PKO. Changes in fatty acid and TAG composition resulted in different crystallisation behaviour of the fractions. Distillates collected at all fractionation temperatures crystallised in a sharper peak while residues obtained at higher T Dis (230-250 ℃) showed broader crystallisation peaks, as shown by the DSC thermograms.  相似文献   

分别采用甲酯化-分子蒸馏法及直接分子蒸馏法去除米糠毛油中的游离脂肪酸。前者甲酯化反应的酯化率为96.4%,谷维素回收率为98.71%;分子蒸馏通过单因素试验确定的最佳条件为蒸馏温度120℃、预热温度80℃、内冷温度40℃、刮膜器转速400 r/min、进料流量3 m L/min,最终产品收率为83.4%,酸价0.14 mg KOH/g,脂肪酸甲酯的清除率为97.04%,谷维素总回收率为98.39%。后者直接分子蒸馏的最佳蒸馏温度为170℃,最终产品收率为87.9%,酸价0.44 mg KOH/g,游离脂肪酸的清除率为97.6%,谷维素回收率91.65%。2种方法对比,前者虽步骤较多,但蒸馏温度低,谷维素损失少,因此更具优势。  相似文献   

采用索氏抽提法分别提取棕榈果肉和棕榈果仁中的油脂,以氢氧化钾—甲醇溶液对油脂进行甲酯化处理,用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)法分析。从棕榈果肉和棕榈仁的油脂中均分离并鉴定了9种脂肪酸,其中棕榈果肉中饱和脂肪酸质量分数为49.5%,主要有棕榈酸和硬脂酸,不饱和脂肪酸主要有油酸、亚油酸以及少量的亚麻酸和13,16-二十二碳二烯酸。棕榈仁中饱和脂肪酸80%以上,其中月桂酸质量分数达到41.5%,肉豆蔻酸和棕榈酸含量也较高,此外还含有少量的己酸、辛酸、癸酸和硬脂酸,不饱和脂肪酸有油酸和亚油酸。  相似文献   

崔刚 《食品科学》2010,31(24):236-240
采用分子蒸馏技术,依据Box-Behnken 设计原理和响应面分析法,探讨分子蒸馏不同因素对分离、提取大蒜中大蒜精油的影响,选择最佳提取条件。结果表明:当控制系统的压力105Pa、进料速度1.2g/min、进料温度40~55℃范围内,蒸馏温度45.1℃时具有最好的二次分子蒸馏效果,大蒜精油的外观质量明显提高,平均总提取率可达0.476%,大蒜精油中水分为0.15%,纯度达99.85%。  相似文献   

Palm oil is the major vegetable oil used worldwide due to its unique properties. The effect of crude palm oil acidity on the final free fatty acids (FFA) content, neutral oil loss (NOL), and nutraceutical compounds, such as carotenes, total tocols (tocopherols and tocotrienols), squalene, and phytosterols was investigated. A central composite design was employed to study the influence of the refining conditions: temperature (200 to 260 °C), steam percentage (0.5% to 3.5%), and initial FFA content (2.2% to 6.0%) on the quality of the refined product. The results revealed that initial palm oil acidity is a statistically important parameter to obtain commercially acceptable values for final FFA content. The increase of temperature presented the most important effect on the reduction of all nutraceutical compounds. The highest tocopherols (88%), phytosterols (98%), and squalene retention (84%) was obtained when applying the mildest temperature (200 °C). From the experimental results, 3 equations were generated enabling the prediction of the free fatty acids content, the tocols content, and the losses of neutral oil. Therefore, this work contributes to the understanding and optimization of the process for the production of palm oil with high nutraceutical quality and low free fatty acid contents.  相似文献   

刘雷  陈星  吴琼  刘博 《食品科学》2012,33(12):24-27
采用响应面试验设计,以温度、真空度、刮板速度为试验因素,以VE得率为响应值,建立数学模型,优化分子蒸馏法提取南瓜籽油脚中VE的工艺条件。结果表明,最佳提取条件为温度220.26℃、真空度0.11mbar、刮板速度649.3r/min。在此条件下,VE得率的模型的预测值83.31%,验证实验得到的VE得率为84.25%。所得回归模型拟合情况良好,达到设计要求。  相似文献   

分子蒸馏技术分离纯化大蒜精油的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用刮膜式分子蒸馏技术对大蒜油中的有机硫化物二烯丙基二硫醚(DADs)和二烯丙基三硫醚(DATs)进行的提纯。试验研究了温度、真空度、进料速度、刮膜转速对有效成分(DADs和DATs)分离纯度和得率的影响,在单因素试验基础上通过L_9(3~4)正交设计试验,确定了一级分子蒸馏的最佳工艺参数为:温度50℃,真空度200Pa,进料速度1.5mL/min,刮膜转速200r/min。以一级分子蒸馏所得原料进行多级蒸馏试验,通过五级分子蒸馏,最终产品中DADs和DATs的纯度和得率分别可达到85.03%和54.35%。  相似文献   

Incorporation of palm oil (PO) increased the α-and γ-tocotrienol content of eggs, liver, meat and adipose tissue. Total tocotrienols were higher in eggs, liver and adipose tissue of hens fed 1.5% PO than those fed 3.5% PO. An increase in retinol was observed in the eggs, liver and dark meat of hens fed PO diet. Feeding diets containing 1.5 or 3.5% PO increased the α-and β- carotenes in eggs and liver tissue. However, carotenoids were not detected in white meat, dark meat or adipose tissue. Dark meat incorporated higher levels of tocopherols and retinol than white meat. The diets had no effect on egg or yolk weight. Egg yolks from hens fed PO had higher yolk color than those without PO. Addition of tocopherol mix in the control diet increased total tocopherol content in all tissues.  相似文献   

采用分子蒸馏技术进行稻米油脱酸研究。在单因素试验的基础上进行Box-Behnken响应曲面试验设计,重点考察温度、转速和进料速度对酸值的影响,得到分子蒸馏脱酸最佳操作条件及二次响应面模型,最佳工艺条件为温度208℃、转速183r/min、进料速度2.05mL/min,此时所得酸值为1.01mg/g KOH。  相似文献   

响应面法优化分子蒸馏技术纯化孜然精油工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用分子蒸馏技术对孜然油树脂进行纯化研究,考察蒸馏温度与蒸馏压力对孜然精油得率及枯茗醛含量的影响。应用响应面法对其工艺参数进行优化,得到了孜然精油得率及枯茗醛含量最佳操作条件和二次响应面模型。结果表明,蒸馏温度和蒸馏压力对精油得率和枯茗醛含量的影响都达到极显著水平;通过数值优化法综合考虑2个试验指标,得到的最优纯化工艺条件为蒸馏温度77℃、蒸馏压力122Pa,在此条件下,精油得率为34.24%,枯茗醛含量为30.43%。  相似文献   

运用索氏提取法取得火麻仁脂溶性成分,主要考察了不同蒸馏温度对分子蒸馏制备火麻仁精油组分的影响.通过GC - MS分析得出,250℃条件下蒸馏的火麻仁精油分离出136种成分,鉴定出115种挥发性成分,占该火麻仁精油总成分的98.81%,且精油的组分数量随蒸馏温度的增加而增加.其主要物质有:反-1-异丙基-4-甲基环已烷(22.56%)、乙酸(8.43%)、茴香脑(6.50%)、反-3-甲基-6-(1-甲基乙基)环已烯(5.06%)、1-甲基萘(4.36%)、已醛(3.87%)、己酸(2.63%)、萘(2.93%)等物质.  相似文献   

进口棕榈油产品脂肪酸成分分析和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对进口棕榈油产品中脂肪酸成分进行分析,比较不同产品脂肪酸成分不同,从而可辨别它们不同特性,为在实际工作中鉴别提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Chamaerops humilis L. var. argentea André (C. humilis) date palm seeds are an underutilized source of vegetable oil, and no studies describing their physicochemical characteristics to indicate the potential uses of this seed or seed oil have been reported. The oil content of the seeds is about 10%, mainly composed of oleic acid (38.71%), lauric acid (21.27%), linoleic acid (15.15%), palmitic acid (9.96%), and stearic acid (7.17%). The tocol (tocopherols and tocotrienols) content is 74 mg/100 g, with δ‐tocotrienol as the major contributor (31.91%), followed by α‐tocotrienol (29.37%), γ‐tocopherol (20.16%), and γ‐tocotrienol (11.86%). Furthermore, this oil shows high thermal stability. The differential scanning calorimetery curves revealed that the melting and crystallization points are 9.33 °C and –15.23 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

超临界萃取和分子蒸馏技术对玫瑰精油提取分离的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用超临界CO2萃取技术提取玫瑰精油,然后用分子蒸馏对所得的萃取物进行精分离,得到高质量的玫瑰精油.基于超临界流体萃取原理,通过单因素和正交实验研究了超临界CO2萃取玫瑰精油的最佳工艺条件:原料粒度60目,流量18L/h,萃取时间1.5h,温度40℃,压力16MPa.初步确定分子蒸馏的工艺参数为蒸馏温度60℃、真空度800Pa、转速250r/min、受热时间2h  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fatty acid, tocopherol, tocotrienol and carotene contents were assessed in four oil palm species from the National Centre of Agronomical Research of Côte d'Ivoire, two of which were the basal Lamé (HP1) and Deli (HP2) collections and two of which resulted from crossings between HP1 and HP2 varieties of Eleais guineensis, HP3 and HP4 being identified as the first and second cycle selection, respectively. RESULTS: Palm oil species were characterized by the richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids composition (48–60%) compared to saturated fatty acids (40–52%), especially the first variety, which was from the base collection, and the two hybrids ensuing from crossing. Total carotene content of those varieties was higher and accounted for 832–3575 µg g?1, and the β‐carotene level (580–2390 µg g?1) was predominant. Total vitamin E content was 864–1124 µg g?1, with a notable higher content of tocotrienols, especially γ‐and α‐tocotrienol, ranging from 400 to 515 µg g?1 and from 238 to 350 µg g?1, respectively. CONCLUSION: Crossing seemed to be useful in improving the performance and analytical characteristics of the base collection materials. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to investigate the potential of unhydrogenated palm oil (PO), with and without peanut shell flour (PSF), to prevent oil separation in peanut butter. Percent oil separation, texture and color attributes were measured after 0, 1 and 2 wk storage at 15, 25 and 35°C. Computer-generated contour plots indicated that 2.0–2.5% PO should effectively stabilize peanut butter stored at 21–24°C for ≥ 1 year without affecting color. PSF (≥ 0.8%) decreased L value of color by a 5% but did not increase firmness of experimental products containing PO. Samples stabilized with PO were softer than those containing a commercial stabilizer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Studies have shown that palm oil is an effective stabilizer in peanut butter. The objective of our investigation was to better define the role of palm oil as a stabilizer. Peanut butters without and with palm oil added at concentrations of 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5% (w/w of peanuts), and Fix-X™ (hydrogenated rapeseed and cottonseed oils as commercial control) were stored at 0, 21, 30, and 45 °C for 23 wk. Palm oil improved the oil holding capacity (OHC) of peanut butters, but had no effect on their adhesiveness and hardness characteristics. The unstabilized and palm oil-stabilized peanut butters were not as good as the Fix-X™ stabilized peanut butters with regard to their OHC, hardness, and adhesiveness characteristics.  相似文献   

分子蒸馏法富集甜橙油特征香气成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘克海  陈秋林  谢晶  王锡昌 《食品科学》2012,33(10):200-203
采用分子蒸馏法(短程分子蒸馏器)富集甜橙精油中的特征香气成分,如癸醛、辛醛、芳樟醇及巴伦西亚桔烯等,同时采用气相色谱-质谱联用法进行检测。通过各参数优化比较,最终确定分子蒸馏条件为温度30℃、压力150Pa、转速200r/min、流速8mL/min。在此条件下,各成分富集结果为辛醛(由0.46%提高到1.55%)、癸醛(由0.59%提高到9.11%)、芳樟醇(由0.71%提高到5.84%)、巴伦西亚桔烯(由0.24%提到高7.96%)。分子蒸馏技术可用于甜橙油特征香气成分的高效富集。  相似文献   

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