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A model for the pressure-dependent diffusion and accumulation of hydrogen ahead of a decohesive intergranular crack front is developed. In the model, the pressure dependency of the diffusion is incorporated into the activation energy of an Arrhenius form of the material diffusivity along high-diffusivity grain boundaries. A key feature of the model is the ability to describe the trapping of hydrogen ahead of a decohesive crack front, which is observed in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Alignment空间是一种由度量空间产生的度量空间,其中的度量函数称为Alignment距离.本文首先利用扩张结构的方法直接证明了Alignment距离是度量空间中的度量函数.接下来讨论了Alignment空间中逆序列和子序列的Alignment距离之间的关系,给出了关于Alignment距离的一系列不等式.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a general class of Markov processes with discrete time parameter {X n : n = 0, 1, 2, …}, where the transitions from one state to another are determined by:

The functions h j (·) are strictly increasing, and in general the Markov processes have dependent increments. In section 1 the model is described more precisely. Considering the sequence of distribution functions F n(x) = Pr[X nx] (n = 0, 1, 2, ….) a numerical method is given by which upper and lower bounds can be determined for F n(x) (nn o). Numerical results are given for some special cases, and the determination of an alarm level in a flame failure control system is described as an application. The results show that the upper and lower bounds can lie very close together.  相似文献   

This paper deals with obtaining a prediction interval on a future observation X, in an ordered sample of size n from a two-parameter exponential distribution for the situation where some or all the first r observations X 1 < X 2 < … < X r , 1 ≤ r < sn, have been observed. The intervals are based on the statistic Z = (X s , – X r )/S v , where S v , is a function of the observations X 0A < X 1 < X 2 < … < X r , such that X s X r , and S v , are independent variables and 2vSv /σ has the distribution χ2(2v). The expressions for the quantiles zp are given and some problems of numerical determination of zp 's are discussed. The results can be also applied to related distributions.  相似文献   

Nozaki  Akihiro 《Behaviormetrika》1984,11(16):13-19
Behaviormetrika - The use of penalty marks in competitive examinations is discussed, using two new indices called gap coefficient and inversion rate, which are evaluated under certain assumptions...  相似文献   

We show that some experimentally observed features of vortex matter in high-T c superconductors may be interpreted in simpler ways than it is usually done. In particular, we consider magnetic flux creep at low temperatures as well as the irreversibility line in the HT phase diagram. We also discuss a new approach to the analysis of the equilibrium magnetization in the mixed state of type-II superconductors and we suggest an alternative configuration for the mixed state in magnetic fields close to the upper critical field.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the relative importance of second order terms in the biases and covariances of moment and maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters of two- parameter discrete distributions. It calls attention to the fact that first order asymptotics may be very misleading in cases where the estimators involve singularities, a not infrequent occurrence with compound distributions and mixtures of distributions.  相似文献   

记录作为实验室质量体系运行过程中产生的文件,在质量体系运行过程中,记录为可追溯性提供文件及提供验证、预防措施、纠正措施的证据,记录管理工作对于实验室质量体系的运行中有重要作用,本文讲述了质量体系运行记录的基本特点和记录所遵循的原则,结合自身实验室建设相关经验讲述实验室记录的编制设计和管理方法,提高实验室记录的管理水平。  相似文献   

Batches of items, assumed independent of one another, are to be sentenced using an acceptance sampling plan based upon a random sample of size n and an acceptance number cn Granting that the prior distribution of the probability of a defective item is a mixed binomial distribution, and using a simple cost criteria, a rapid technique is proposed for computing n and cn . The method appears robust over wide changes in the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

The Average Run Length of a Cusum chart for controlling a normal mean is calculated by solving the systems of linear equations which approximate the integral equations for the required quantities. The accuracy of approximation by this method is numerically evaluated and the results are compared with those obtained by other approximate methods. The construction and use of a new nomogram based on the contours of Average Run Lengths La . and Lr drawn in the hn/σ—|μ – k|√n/σ plane is discussed. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the flexibility and convenience provided by this nomogram in the design of Cusum charts.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the mechanism of the interactions between nondiffusing couplers and gelatin or hydrophilic synthetic polymers were investigated by viscometry, studying (a) the role played by the polymer; (b) the effect of the solvent; (c) the influence of operative factors.

The interactions between the polymers and the couplers examined depended on the type, molecular size and structure of the polymer and on the chemical structure of the coupler. In most cases a threshold polymer concentration was found, above which the interactions began to be evident.

Polar surface active solvents seem to interact with the coupler aliphatic side chain, hindering the coiling up of the polymer- coupler aggregates, while pre-warming of the samples hinders the building up of intermolecular aggregates.

An ageing effect of the polymer-coupler solutions was detected, which probably means that the aggregates undergo some structural and configurational changes during the storage time.  相似文献   

The dielectric constant, the dielectric loss and the power factor of three types of resins namely polyesteramide, alkyd polyesteramide and alkyd resins were measured with in the frequency range of 105 to 107 Hz and the temperature range of 20 to 50℃. The activation energy of dielectric relaxation and the entropy changes were also calculated using the usual rate equation. The results obtained are recorded and discussed.  相似文献   

Vietoris拓扑空间中的一些紧致性质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了Vietoris拓扑空间F0(X)中的一些紧致性质与拓扑空间X中紧致性质的关系,证明了(1)F(U^-1,…U^-n)在Vietoris拓扑空间F0(X)强紧致的充要条件是对每个i∈{1,…,n},U^ni在拓扑空间X中是紧致的:(2)如果F(X)是Vietoris拓扑空间F0(X)中的闭子集,那么X是局部紧的充要条件是F(X)是Vietoris拓扑空间F0(X)中的局部紧致子空间。  相似文献   

本文对内积空间的某些特征定理加以统一和推广并对某些特征作了评注。  相似文献   

本文证明了以下结论:算子关于一秩投影的绝对方差的绝对值的上确界等于这个算子到所有数乘算子的距离的平方;一个密度算子是忠实的当且仅当它是单射;算子列在密度算子ρ的值域的闭包上的强收敛性蕴含它关于ρ的a.s.收敛性;如果算子列关于每个密度算子是a.s.收敛的,那么它一定是强收敛的;算子列{An}强收敛于A当且仅当它是一致有界的且关于某个忠实的密度算子ρa.s.收敛于A。  相似文献   

Alkali processed inert type gelatin has been oxidized in a controlled stepivise fashion using H2,02. The difference between oxidation degree of gelatin was detected by a simple physical ripening test and potentiometric titration with AgNO3. The physical ripening was very influenced by pH and the variety of halide. The titration curve has an inflection point and the plot of pAg vs. logarithm of Ag ion concentration gives a straight line.  相似文献   

证明了DMRL序关系在平移变换下的不变性,并获得了一个充分必要条件,作为应用,进上步刻划了该序关系在更新过程中的行为特征。  相似文献   

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