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《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(10):1349-1357
Gabor's expansion of a signal into a discrete set of properly shifted and modulated versions of an elementary signal is introduced; several examples of elementary signals are considered. An arrangement is described which is able to generate Gabor's expansion coefficients of a one-dimensional signal by optical means. An important feature of the optical arrangement is that it accepts the one-dimensional signal on a raster format; hence, the two-dimensional nature of the optical processing system is fully utilized.  相似文献   

In this paper we have obtained the maximum likelihood estimates of the fraction defective (p) when data from the curtailed sampling plans are subject to misclassification. We have assumed that the inspector classifies a defective as a nondefective when the kth defective appears at the kth inspection. The maximum likelihood estimate of the probability of misclassification is also obtained. The asymptotic variances and covariances of these estimates are derived. A numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

Development of a Spherical Induction Motor With Two Degrees of Freedom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on the development of a spherical actuator with two actuated degrees of freedom (DOFs). The electromechanical conversion principle is that of an induction motor. The paper first discusses possibilities of adapting the actuator to a spherical rotor actuated with an unlimited angular range along two DOFs. These concepts are then characterized and compared by analytical and numerical modeling, and the final shape of the actuator, composed of a two-layer rotor with teeth surrounded by five inductors, is described. A prototype has been built, and its performance, in terms of characteristic torque-speed and efficiency, has been measured.  相似文献   

本文详细叙述了自由度的定义、不确定度与自由度的关系及其估算方法。  相似文献   

在不确定度的评定过程中,有时需要计算自由度。本文将就如何理解自由度,特别是如何理解B类评定的标准不确定度的自由度,以及如何计算A类评定的标准不确定度的自由度、B类评定的标准不确定度的自由度,合成标准不确定度的有效自由度等。  相似文献   

Bastiaans MJ 《Applied optics》1994,33(23):5241-5255
Gabor's expansion of a signal into a discrete set of shifted and modulated versions of an elementary signal is introduced, and its relation to sampling of the sliding-window spectrum is shown. It is shown how Gabor's expansion coefficients can be found as samples of the sliding-window spectrum, in which the window function is related to the elementary signal in such a way that the set of shifted and modulated elementary signals is biorthonormal to the corresponding set of window functions. The Zak transform is introduced, and its intimate relationship to Gabor's signal expansion is demonstrated. It is shown how the Zak transform can be helpful in determining the window function that corresponds to a given elementary signal and how it can be used to find Gabor's expansion coefficients. The continuous-time and the discrete-time cases are considered, and, by sampling the continuous frequency variable that still occurs in the discrete-time case, the discrete Zak transform and the discrete Gabor transform are introduced. It is shown how the discrete transforms enable us to determine Gabor's expansion coefficients by a fast computer algorithm, which is analogous to the well-known fast Fourier-transform= algorithm.  相似文献   

《IEEE sensors journal》2008,8(10):1648-1655
This paper presents an input device with four degrees of freedom that can be used for various applications. The system comprises an array of lateral Hall elements implemented on a single chip in standard CMOS technology. A computationally efficient evaluation algorithm is presented that can be easily implemented on a simple microcontroller or dedicated hardware within the integrated circuit.   相似文献   

目的针对常用四角衬垫的七自由度包装衬垫进行动力学分析,为以后用该类型衬垫仿真奠定基础。方法使用Matlab进行编程产生随机高斯白噪声,并进行滤波处理,然后使用ode15s模块对以能量法建立七自由度的衬垫包装系统进行动力学微分方程求解。结果各支脚的垂直振动位移趋势一致,且数值大小低于8 mm,偏转角位移介于0.006~0.008 rad之间,被包装物垂直位移响应低于6~6.8 mm,验证了在该工况下缓冲衬垫的缓冲特性。结论在该激励作用和包装系统的减振作用下,被运输包装物得到了有效的防护,并且线性趋势和实测相吻合,仿真效果良好。  相似文献   

本文把Lindstedt的频率展开思想推广到高维系统,并通过引进自变量的非线性变换,给出一类多自由度非线性自治系统内共振锁相周期解的多频摄动法。最后给出该法的若干应用。  相似文献   

Driven by the ability to harvest waste heat into reusable electricity and the exclusive role of serving as the power generator for deep spacecraft, intensive endeavors are dedicated to enhancing the thermoelectric performance of ecofriendly materials. Herein, the most recent progress in superhigh‐performance GeTe‐based thermoelectric materials is reviewed with a focus on the crystal structures, phase transitions, resonant bondings, multiple valance bands, and phonon dispersions. These features diversify the degrees of freedom to tune the transport properties of electrons and phonons for GeTe. On the basis of the optimized carrier concentration, strategies of alignment of multiple valence bands and density‐of‐state resonant distortion are employed to further enhance the thermoelectric performance of GeTe‐based materials. To decrease the thermal conductivity, methods of strengthening intrinsic phonon–phonon interactions and introducing various lattice imperfections as scattering centers are highlighted. An overview of thermoelectric devices assembled from GeTe‐based thermoelectric materials is then presented. In conclusion, possible future directions for developing GeTe in thermoelectric applications are proposed. The achieved high thermoelectric performance in GeTe‐based thermoelectric materials with rationally established strategies can act as a reference for broader materials to tailor their thermoelectric performance.  相似文献   


The mathematical technique applied by Gori and Guttari for calculation of degrees of freedom in images formed by point-like elemental pupils is extended to continuous pupils. Eigenvalues of the imaging equation are calculated for the sinc as well as the sinc2 kernel. The effect of noise and ‘a priori’ information are taken into account.  相似文献   

张昌  武玉强 《包装工程》2020,41(11):166-173
目的为实现后续机械臂控制算法研究,检验机械臂运动学模型构建的正确性,基于PersonalRobotics,对六自由度机械臂进行运动学模型构建和轨迹仿真。方法通过标准D-H法建立运动学模型,实现机械臂的正、逆运动学方程求解,根据机械臂的结构特性,对传统逆向运动学求解的解析法进行改进。结果使用仿真软件Matlab验证了运动学模型建立的准确性,改进的逆向运动学求解算法降低了传统求解算法的复杂度。使用仿真软件Matlab验证了运动学模型建立的准确性,并通过Matlab对改进的逆行运动学求解方法进行了验证,结果表明,改进的逆向运动学求解速度是传统逆向运动学求解速度的一半。结论根据六自由度机械臂的运动学研究,对实际机械臂的运动控制具有一定的参考价值。在实际的P-Rob机械臂上进行了仿真数据的测试,再次验证了运动学模型建立的准确性,仿真数据可应用于实际的机械臂控制中。实验现象表明针对此机械结构的机械臂,使用改进解析法求解逆解的方法计算简单、误差小、可行性强。  相似文献   

The problem on Barnett slip of gas along a plane surface is solved within the suggested kinetic model for a diatomic gas with rotational degrees of freedom of molecules, which takes into account transitions from rotational degrees of freedom to translational and vice versa. The Barnett slip coefficient is obtained in the form of a function dependent on the frequency of inelastic collisions of gas molecules and on the coefficient of accommodation of tangential momentum.  相似文献   

介绍了大行程超精密二自由度机器人末端操作器及其驱动器。用研制的该二自由度机器人末端操作器与通用工业机器人PUMA562配合完成了精密装配作业,成功地提高了PUMA562的响应和定位精度。最后介绍了该操作器的应用前景。  相似文献   

We study a strongly correlated electron system with charge carriers characterized by different values of orbital quantum number. It is shown that such a system exhibits a tendency to phase separation owing to a competition between the charge localization in the orbitally ordered state and metallicity. The effect of orbital ordering on the phase separation is studied employing a minimal model including itinerant charge carriers at the orbitally ordered background. It is shown that at low doping, the phase separation may appear in systems with orbital degeneracy even without taking into account the magnetic structure. We considered this effect using two versions of the model. In the first one, we assumed that in the absence of doping, the orbital structure results from the interaction of core electrons with the lattice. Electrons appearing due to doping move in this background. In an alternative model, the same electrons take part in the formation of both band structure and orbital ordering.   相似文献   

目的设计一种二自由度的减振气囊装置,模拟整车运输过程,并计算仿真验证结构的减振性能,为后续研究整车货运包装减振提供基础。方法根据达朗贝尔原理简化被包装易碎件在运输过程中的理论模型,并建立车辆的运动学方程。使用Simulink等软件模拟滤波白噪声时域模型,并进行求解,通过振动模型分析得出与运输安全相关联的3个振动分析图,最后建立合适振动模型的评价机制。结果通过理论模型和仿真演示得到,在常规行驶速度40~50 km/h条件下,减振气囊的振幅为0.02 m,角变化范围为0.004~0.009 rad。结论在相关易碎件运输过程中,基于二自由度的减振气囊系统可靠性较好。  相似文献   

The phase diagram of high-T c superconducting copper oxides (HTSC) exhibits an unusual complexity which is, at present, beyond any microscopic modeling. Motivated by very recent experimental findings—(i) a giant isotope effect on T* and (ii) doping-dependent phonon anomalies and extra modes—the role played by the lattice is reinvestigated and the consequences arising for the striped phase are discussed. By including nonlinear higher-order phonon–phonon and density–density interactions in the Hamiltonian, an isotope effect on T* is obtained, as well as substantial q-dependent phonon anomalies, where both effects are strongly doping dependent.  相似文献   

具有刚度非线性双层隔振系统冲击响应数值分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对双层隔振系统中的弹性元件即隔振器采用非线性立方刚度模型描述,在此基础上建立了双层隔振系统的动力学方程。应用Runge-Kutta数值法求得系统的冲击响应,分析了双层隔振系统上下层质量之比、刚度之比以及隔振器阻尼和硬特性刚度系数对系统抗冲击性能的影响,对双层隔振系统的抗冲设计具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

The boundary-value problem on the slip of an inhomogeneous multiatomic gas along the spherical surface of small curvature is solved. For this purpose, a model kinetic equation that includes the rotational degrees of freedom of molecules is proposed. The solution is performed using the method of half-space moments. Gas-kinetic slip coefficients and jumps of macroscopic parameters of gas of the first and second order in the Knudsen number are obtained. These gas-kinetic coefficients are represented in the form of functions depending on the accommodation coefficient of tangential momentum, on the accommodation coefficients of the translational and rotational components of energy, and on the Prandtl number. For a number of multiatomic gases, calculations of the above-mentioned coefficients are performed.  相似文献   

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