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The addition of autologous serum to mixtures containing human red cells, from pregnant and nonpregnant females, and sheep cells resulted in the formation of mixed aggregates containing both human and sheep red cells. In contrast, no aggregate formation occurred when autologous cord serum was added to mixtures containing cord red cells and sheep red cells. Heat inactivation of the adult serum or the presence of 0.15 M EDTA prevented the formation of mixed aggregates. These observations indicated that the mixed aggregates occurred through the complement-dependent red cell immune adherence (RCIA) phenomenon. The addition of untreated cord serum to mixtures containing inactivated adult serum restored the formation of mixed aggregates, indicating that the cord serum contained sufficient complement for RCIA. Natural antibody against sheep red cells was present in adult sera but was absent in cord sera. Using the RCIA receptor assay, the RCIA receptor activity of cord red cells was found to exceed significantly that of the adult pregnant cells (p less than 0.0025). It is postulated that this may represent an aspect of immune adaptation between mother and fetus.  相似文献   

Characteristics of dual-foil scattered electron beams shaped with a multileaf collimator (MLC) (instead of an applicator system) were studied. The electron beams, with energies between 10 and 25 MeV, were produced by a racetrack microtron using a dual-foil scattering system. For a range of field sizes, depth dose curves, profiles, penumbra width, angular spread in air, and effective and virtual source positions were compared. Measurements were made when the MLC alone provided collimation and when an applicator provided collimation. Identical penumbra widths were obtained at a source-to-surface distance of 85 cm for the MLC and 110 cm for the applicator. The MLC-shaped beams had characteristics similar to other machines which use trimmers or applicators to collimate scanned or scattered electron beams. Values of the effective source position and the angular spread parameter for the MLC beams were similar to those of the dual-foil scattered beams of the Varian Clinac 2100 CD and the scanned beams of the Sagittaire linear accelerators. A model, based on Fermi-Eyges multiple scattering theory, was adapted and applied successfully to predict penumbra width as a function of collimator-surface distance.  相似文献   

The continuous release of nitric oxide (NO) from the constitutive, endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase (e-NOS) serves mainly to keep the vasculature in a continuous state of active vasodilation. Although it has been suggested that NO production from e-NOS might also be affected by hemorrhagic shock (HS), this relationship is still controversial. Therefore, the roles of NO in the pathophysiology in hemorrhagic shock were reviewed. According to the previous reports, NO might play an important role in the pathophysioliogy of HS. In the early phase of HS, it may be possible that NO delivered from e-NOS serves a cytoprotective function in preventing shock-induced organ injury. This opinion suggests that endothelial NO production has a significant modulatory effect on vascular tone during hemorrhage, and that inhibition of NO production permits greater vasconstrictor influences leading to organ injury. NO production in the late phases of HS has an adverse effect on survival rate in the HS model. Moreover, the findings from an animal study of prolonged periods of HS suggest that excessive NO formation, including those produced from i-NOS, induces vascular hypoactivity and they have suggested that NOS inhibitors may improve the therapeutic outcome for patients suffering from HS. Therefore, it may be suggested that NO might play a biphasic role, cytoprotective during the early phase and cytotoxic late in HS.  相似文献   

Malabsorption of fat is an important gastrointestinal cause of malnutrition and growth retardation in childhood. The gold standard for the evaluation of fat malabsorption is the faecal fat balance method. The acid steatocrit method has recently been introduced as a simple method to evaluate faecal fat. The present study was aimed at evaluating the acid steatocrit in clinical practice. Faecal fat excretion and acid steatocrit results were determined in 42 children, half with and half without fat malabsorption. Acid steatocrit results correlated significantly with both faecal fat excretion (p < 0.01) and faecal fat concentration (p < 0.001). Sensitivity and specificity of the acid steatocrit for the diagnosis of malabsorption were 90% and 100%, respectively. We consider the acid steatocrit method useful for the screening and monitoring of patients with steatorrhoea.  相似文献   

Modern techniques of bone allograft surgery provide a treatment modality for management of difficult skeletal defects. In oncological limb-salvage surgery, allograft reconstructions permit re-establishment of skeletal continuity and function after a wide resection of bone tumour. Bone allografts are increasingly used in salvage of difficult bone stock deficiencies following failed total joint replacements. Union between the allograft and the host bone takes place slowly and the use of autogenous bone graft at the graft-host junction is recommended for induction of repair. Internal repair (revascularization and substitution of the original graft bone with new host bone) also progresses slowly and seems to be confined only to the superficial surface and the ends of the graft. Biomechanically, a massive allograft may serve a structural function in the absence of advanced revascularization and creeping substitution processes. Infection of an allograft is a disastrous complication, whereas non-union of the graft-host junction and fracture of the graft are amenable to surgical treatment. Osteochondral allografts tend to show gradual deterioration of the articular cartilage with time, necessitating occasionally late resurfacing arthroplasty. It is evident that there is more active immune response to osteochondral grafts than was thought previously. Bone allografts induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity specific for donor antigens similar to that seen after organ transplantations. Not only the basic mechanisms of bone allograft rejection but also the clinical features of bone allograft rejection are poorly characterized. Clinically, new non-invasive imaging techniques should be applied in determining the metabolic activity of bone in order to find the optimal loading of healing allografts. Although the clinical results of massive bone allografts are still not completely predictable, the method has proved to be a technically and biologically feasible alternative for non-biological skeletal reconstructions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In axial, coplanar treatments with multiple fields, the superior and inferior ends of a planning target volume (PTV) are at risk to get underdosed due to the overlapping penumbras of all treatment fields. We have investigated a technique using intensity modulated x-ray beams that allows the use of small margins for definition of the superior and inferior field borders while still reaching a minimum PTV-dose of 95% of the isocenter dose. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The applied intensity modulated beams, generated with a multileaf collimator, include narrow (1.1-1.6 cm) boost fields to increase the dose in the superior and inferior ends of the PTV. The benefits of this technique have been assessed using 3D treatment plans for 10 prostate cancer patients. Treatment planning was performed with the Cadplan 3D planning system (Varian-Dosetek). Dose calculations for the narrow boost fields have been compared with measurements. The application of the boost fields has been tested on the MM50 Racetrack Microtron (Scanditronix Medical AB), which allows fully computer-controlled setup of all involved treatment fields. RESULTS: Compared to our standard technique, the superior-inferior field length can be reduced by 1.6 cm, generally yielding smaller volumes of rectum and bladder in the high dose region. For the narrow boost fields, calculated relative dose distributions agree within 2% or 0.2 cm with measured dose distributions. For accurate monitor unit calculations, the phantom scatter table used in the Cadplan system had to be modified using measured data for square fields smaller than 4 x 4 cm2. The extra time needed at the MM50 for the setup and delivery of the boost fields is usually about 1 min. CONCLUSION: The proposed use of intensity modulated beams yields improved conformal dose distributions for treatment of prostate cancer patients with a superior-inferior field size reduction of 1.6 cm. Treatments of other tumor sites can also benefit from the application of the boost fields.  相似文献   

In routine dosimetry we assume separability of the collimator (Sc) and phantom (Sp) scatter components that together comprise the total scatter factor (Sc,p). In practice, the addition of blocking also affects the photon fluence attributable to the treatment head and flattening filter in a complicated way. The reduced aperture blocks out some of the head scatter contribution, while the block and tray add back secondary scatter. In the following we present techniques for directly measuring the aperture effect on Sc in air or in a full-scatter phantom. The change in Sc is found to be a scaleable quantity that can be modelled as a simple linear fit to the ratio of projected open-to-blocked equivalent square fields. Measurements have been made for 6, 18 and 24 MV photon beams on one Varian 2500 and two Varian 2100c accelerators. Results indicate a progressive loss of collimator scatter contribution with increased field blocking that is amplified with increasing energy. Block and tray scatter only contribute significantly to Sc for large fields and treatment distances of 80 cm or less. Application of these corrections in monitor unit calculations is presented.  相似文献   

Accurate, absolute quantification of activity in SPECT depends on the counting sensitivity of the gamma camera collimator system and on the contribution of the tail of the point spread function (PSF) that contains both scattered radiation and septal penetration. METHODS: These factors were studied for the radionuclides 99mTc, 131I and 123I on different cameras and collimators. The ability of the geometric mean line source scatter function subtraction technique to correct for the effect of the tail of the PSF was investigated in a computer simulation study with 99mTc and a physical phantom study with 123I. RESULTS: The sensitivities of 99mTc collimators were relatively constant with distance in air whereas those of 123I and 131I decreased considerably. For these radionuclides the contribution of the PSF tail was also increased as compared to 99mTc. The geometric mean line source scatter function subtraction technique was confirmed as being able to correct effectively for this factor. CONCLUSION: Collimator design affects both the fall off of sensitivity in air and the tail of the PSF. Attention to correction of these factors enables accurate quantification.  相似文献   

Etomidate (0.3 mg/kg) and thiopental (4 mg/kg) were administered IV for induction of general anesthesia, comparing heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and side effects. No significant difference between the drugs was found in the circulatory parameters, but respiration was more depressed by thiopental. A high incidence of the side effects of myoclonia and pain on injection was seen with etomidate. The incidence of side effects was not affected by speed of injection or type of premedication. Mechanisms to reduce the incidence of side effects are needed for etomidate to become a useful induction agent.  相似文献   

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) are found in sera from patients with vasculitis and less commonly in sera from other autoimmune diseases. ANCAs provide the only specific diagnostic test for vasculitis and are also useful in monitoring disease activity. The indirect immunofluorescence test remains the best screening test for ANCAs.  相似文献   

The pharmacology, mechanism of action, indications, interactions and clinical effectiveness of oral hypoglycemic agents, specifically the sulfonylureas and biguanides, are reviewed. The use of these agents is discussed in view of the findings of the University Group Diabetes Program study. It is concluded that oral hypoglycemic agents, in conjunction with diet and weight reduction, may be useful in selected patients but that insulin is preferable in most instances.  相似文献   

A study of arterial circles of Willis from a series of 715 consecutive autopsies in Ugandan Africans shows that severity of cerebral atherosclerosis increases with age. No significant difference exists between men and women nor among main tribal groups. The severity is less in Ugandan Africans than in United States blacks but is approximately the same in United States Caucasians. However, the Ugandan Africans show a more severe cerebral atherosclerotic involvement than do the Nigerians.  相似文献   

The use of multileaf collimators (MLCs) in radiation therapy is becoming increasingly widespread as more commercial vendors offer them as options on medical linear accelerators. In most of the commercially available multileaf collimators, the sides of the leaves have a 'tongue and groove' (TG) feature, which is necessary for blocking the straight through leakage when the leaves are staggered together. The dosimetric effects of the TG design have not been fully studied for applications in block replacement or in dynamic intensity modulation. This article analytically explains the TG effect by calculating a deficit in photon flux when the side of a leaf is exposed. It is shown that the maximum photon deficit occurs when the leaf thickness is shared equally by the tongue and groove of adjacent leaves. New designs are proposed based on the theoretical analysis and improvements of the new design in leakage and the TG effect are verified with Monte-Carlo simulations. Measurements of the TG effect on an MLC from one manufacturer are also conducted. The results of the measurements confirm the analytical explanations of the TG effect.  相似文献   

The proximity of the lens to the retina makes the treatment of retinoblastoma a challenge for external beam radiation therapy. The approximately 1 mm separation between the posterior edge of the lens and the anterior region of the retina causes a trade-off between coverage of the entire retina and excessive dose to the lens. A stereotactic, LINAC based, lens sparing technique for treating retinoblastoma is presented. The technique uses noncoplanar arcs with the lens at isocenter. A special noncircular collimator blocks the lens but it also causes the dose distribution to vary across the retina. A fluence modulation filter is used to reduce the dose inhomogeneity across the target. The resulting dose distribution is roughly hemispheric, providing both anterior coverage of the retina and lens blocking unlike conventional techniques. The method used to develop the collimator and filter assembly is presented. Dosimetry of the assembly was carried out using radiochromic film, and the results were entered in a treatment planning system. The dose distribution as measured in a phantom is provided and compared to calculations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of myocardial imaging by means of high-resolution single-photon emission tomography (SPET) with a pinhole collimator in rats with experimental infarction. Myocardial infarctions were induced in male Wistar rats by ligation of the left coronary artery for 30 min, followed by reperfusion. Two days after the reperfusion, pinhole SPET was performed after the intravenous administration of 111 MBq of thallium-201 chloride, using a rotating gamma camera equipped with a pinhole insert (2.0-mm aperture) in a low-energy pinhole collimator. SPET projection data were collected at 6 degrees increments over 360 degrees using a 4-cm radius of rotation to reconstruct the short- and long-axis images. Projection data were acquired in 15 or 30 s, the SPET imaging being accomplished within 40 min after the injection of 201Tl. After SPET, the rats were sacrificed to remove the hearts for autoradiography (ARG) and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining as a visual correlative study. Quantitative correlative studies between pinhole SPET and ARG were performed with linear regression analysis for infarct size and distribution properties (relative counts on SPET images and relative density on autoradiographs) on the short-axis sections. All infarcts (4 mm in minimum diameter) in seven rats were detected by pinhole SPET. The SPET images in rats with or without myocardial infarction were consistent with the findings of ARG and NBT staining. There were significant correlations between pinhole SPET and ARG with respect to the infarct size (r=0.933, P <0.001; n=15) and the relative radiotracer distribution (r=0.931, P <0.001; n=68). This study therefore confirmed the accuracy of myocardial pinhole SPET imaging in rats with myocardial infarction. This method may partially substitute for ARG and prove useful for assessing new myocardial imaging agents in vivo in small laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that direct nursing hours correlate with the cost of a patient stay in intensive care was tested. One hundred and thirty-nine patients were studied and the data collected included: (a) direct nursing hours applied to each patient; (b) a daily TISS score: (c) a detailed costing of each patient (all costs are shown in N.Z.$). There was a strong correlation between the direct nursing hours and the total cost per patient (r2 = 0.98) (total cost = 54 x direct nursing hours + 344). Also a strong correlation existed between the total TISS scores and the total costs per patient (r2 = 0.96) (total cost = 67.13 x TISS). Direct nursing hours offer a relatively simple and logical method of allocating costs per patient.  相似文献   

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