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85 male and 40 female psychologists (mean age 47.9 yrs) and psychiatrists (mean age 54.8 yrs) were administered the Attitudes Toward Women Scale and the short form of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory to assess the effects of sex, sex role attitudes, professional affiliation, and therapeutic orientation on sex-role attitudes and sex-role stereotyping. In general, Ss demonstrated relatively liberal sex role attitudes. However, more liberal attitudes were endorsed by psychologists than by psychiatrists and, within disciplines, by younger Ss and those with fewer years of experience. Regarding sex role stereotyping, Ss with less liberal sex role attitudes exhibited stereotyping to a significantly greater extent than did those with more liberal attitudes. Female Ss endorsed as great a double standard of mental health as did males. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Girls and boys aged 7, 10, and 14 yrs told stories involving nurturant and dominant adult characters. Differences between nurturant and dominant stories, in the relative mention of male and female characters, were evaluated. It was found that (a) orientation to same-sex adults decreased with age; (b) children attributed nurturance to same-sex characters but attributed dominance to male characters; and (c) there was a developmental increase in the attribution of dominance to male characters and in the attribution of nurturance to female characters. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed sex bias among psychotherapists in treating women patients, and found that both male and female therapists showed sexist attitudes. Task force recommendations for altering this situation are presented. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research documents that mental health professionals' attitudes reflect the general public's stereotype of women as hyperemotional. This article reports the results of 6 studies exploring the existence of a complementary stereotype of men as hypoemotional. As predicted, counselors and college students consistently stereotyped men as hypoemotional (all ps?p?  相似文献   

Examined sexual preferences and practices among 165 Mexican-American (86 male, 79 female) and 99 Anglo (47 male, 52 female) undergraduates. The instrument used was the Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Test (SKAT; Lief & Reed, 1972). The 1st section of the SKAT consists of 4 attitude subscales dealing with autoeroticism, abortion, heterosexual relations, and sexual myths. The 2nd section includes 50 true-false items testing knowledge of the biological, psychological, and social facts of human sexuality. The last section focuses on the respondent's sexual value system and practices. The effect of ethnicity was assessed controlling for Ss' age, gender, religious preference, and socioeconomic status. The dependent variables were Ss' sexual attitudes, knowledge, sexual value system, and sexual practices. Significant differences were obtained between Mexican Americans and Anglos in attitudes, knowledge, value system, and practices, in clear support of the hypotheses. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrated implicit gender stereotyping. A target's social category determined the use of previously primed stereotyped information, without Ss' awareness of such influence. After unscrambling sentences describing neutral or stereotyped behaviors about dependence or aggression, Ss evaluated a female or male target. Although ratings of female and male targets did not differ after exposure to neutral primes, Ss exposed to dependence primes rated a female target as more dependent than a male target who performed identical behaviors (Exp 1A). Likewise, Ss rated a male, but not a female, target as more aggressive after exposure to aggression primes compared with neutral primes (Exp 1B). Exp 2 replicated the implicit stereotyping effect and additionally showed no relationship between explicit memory for primes and judgment of target's dependence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Much research emphasizes heuristic use of stereotypes, though stereotypes have long been considered as capable of influencing more thoughtful processing of social information. Direct comparisons between thoughtful and nonthoughtful stereotyping are lacking in the literature. Recent research in attitude change emphasizes the different consequences of judgments arising from relatively thoughtful versus nonthoughtful processes. Therefore, increased thought could not only fail to decrease stereotyping but might also create stereotypic perceptions that are more likely to have lasting impact. The current studies demonstrate thoughtful and nonthoughtful stereotyping within the same setting. More thoughtful stereotyping is more resistant to future attempts at change and to warnings of possible bias. Implications are discussed for the typical research questions asked after observing stereotypic judgments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the appropriateness of course choices made by 96 female and male high school counselees as rated by 13 female and male counselors to determine if there was a sex bias effect. The sex, grade, and the ability level of ratees were controlled for in a 4-way analysis of variance. The Ss were randomly assigned to each counselor to ensure equal numbers of males and females from each grade and each ability level. The counselors were given achievement information, ability-level data, courses previously taken, grades received, and information about future plans. Each S was rated 5 times by the counselors. No significant differences were found between the ratings of the female and male counselors. Significant findings are (a) the higher the ability level of the counselee, the more appropriate were the courses; and (b) females were rated as having more appropriate courses than were males (using post hoc procedures, the significant difference occurring at the junior year in high school). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on the theory that stress accounts for the high proportion of daughters born to schizophrenic women, the relation of maternal stress to fertility and sex ratio was examined in 24 female virgin Long-Evans hooded rats. 12 Ss were stressed in wire-screen cocoons for 4 hrs/day for 1 wk before conception. The influence of the father on sex ratio and fertility was controlled by mating the same males (n = 4) with stressed and with unstressed females. Stressed females gave birth to significantly fewer males and significantly smaller litters than unstressed controls. It is concluded that the male zygote and fetus are evidently more vulnerable to stress than their female counterparts. (15 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Implicit (unconscious) gender stereotyping in fame judgments was tested with an adaptation of a procedure developed by L. L. Jacoby, C. M. Kelley, J. Brown, and J. Jasechko (1989). In Experiments 1–4, participants pronounced 72 names of famous and nonfamous men and women, and 24 or 48 hr later made fame judgments in response to the 72 familiar and 72 unfamiliar famous and nonfamous names. These first experiments, in which signal detection analysis was used to assess implicit stereotypes, demonstrate that the gender bias (greater assignment of fame to male than female names) was located in the use of a lower criterion (B) for judging fame of familiar male than female names. Experiments 3 and 4 also showed that explicit expressions of sexism or stereotypes were uncorrelated with the observed implicit gender bias in fame judgments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analysis of 878 hand films shows the carpo : metacarpal ratio to be a sensitive quantitative index of progression of carpal involvement in rheumatoid arthritis. This index, easily calculated by dividing the lengths of the carpus by the third metacarpal, showed marked consistency in the ratio regardless of age, race, or sex in normal adults. A decreased ratio correlated highly with recognized radiographic stages of rheumatoid arthritis and thus suggested utility in longitudinal studies of patients with this disease.  相似文献   

It is hypothesised that the occurence of coitus-induced ovulation could be an important factor affecting the sex ratio in human progeny. The slight preponderance of males in human sex ratio at birth, 106 : 100, could be influenced considerably by the coitus-induced occurence.  相似文献   

Conducted an observational analysis of the male and female role models presented on 10 popular commercially produced children's TV programs. Striking sex differences (p  相似文献   

Examined the cognitive processes underlying stereotyping, and the effects of multiple social categories in impression formation. 60 Canadian students (aged 17–29 yrs) assessed the stereotypes of men, women, 20 or 70 yr olds, and French or English Canadians. Ss were then introduced to 8 target individuals representing combinations of gender, age and ethnicity, followed by a memory test. Stereotype judgments were relatively more automatic than nonstereotype judgments. Individuals tended to be perceived in terms of their gender and age; this effect was more pronounced on stereotype traits than on the nonstereotype ones. Memory was found to be better for age and gender than for ethnicity, and the speed for making such judgments followed the same pattern. Results support the view that individuals are perceived in terms of stereotypes and suggest that certain salient characteristics will be more influential in a particular context. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two approaches may be used to study the function of cytochrome P-450 in insects: (a) an evaluation of the spectral and catalytic properties of the hemoprotein while associated with microsomal membranes; (b) the solubilization, resolution and purification of the microsomal mixed-function oxidase system. The first approach has provided some understanding of the biochemical factors involved in the metabolism of a variety of compounds, including pesticides, drugs, hormones and many other xenobiotics. However, solubilization of the monooxygenase system allows the study of each of its components individually, providing a better insight on the sequence of events leading to the hydroxylation of a substrate, the type of intermediates formed, and the rate-limiting step(s). This report discusses studies carried out with the monooxygenase system associated with microsomal membranes, as well as procedures to solubilize and partially purify its components from housefly microsomes. The latter involves solubilization with either Triton X-100 or sodium cholate, followed by either ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephadex G-200, DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography or by omega-amino-n-octyl-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. These procedures have shown that two cytochrome P-450 species (P-450 and P-450I) are present in microsomes isolated from a resistant housefly strain. Induction with either naphthalene or phenobarbital appears to increase cytochrome P-450I preferentially.  相似文献   

The effects of age stereotyping on subjects' ratings of interviewee potential were investigated using a simulated auditory interview. Male and female participants (N?=?156) listened to a 12-min interview of a supervisory candidate applying for a temporary position in industry and then rated the interviewee's qualifications for the supervisory position. Participants gave higher overall interview ratings to a younger interviewee even though he had the same qualifications as an older interviewee. Ratings given to the older interviewee, however, were not significantly different from those given to an interviewee whose age was not designated. The findings are discussed in terms of the influence of both positive and negative age stereotypes on ratings of applicant potential. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 50-item Supervisor's Problems Test was developed and tested in 3 companies against superior ratings of "good" and "poor" supervisors. Scores were also correlated with scores on verbal intelligence tests and on the F scales. "1. The test differentiates significantly between supervisors high in understanding of how to effectively supervise and those low in this understanding. 2… . [it] has a low relationship with verbal intelligence. 3… . [it] is substantially related to the democratic-authoritarian dimension of personality as measured by the F Scale." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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