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活化产物为压水堆核电站中主要辐射源,有必要对其建立分析手段。分析了压水堆核电站堆芯外材料中活化产物源项的产生途径,建立了压水堆核电站堆芯外材料中活化产物源项的计算模型,并分别基于矩阵指数法和切比雪夫有理近似法求解所建立的计算模型。开发了具有良好人机界面的计算程序CPAP,并采用典型材料活化例题与国外同类软件进行了对比测试。测试结果表明:CPAP程序对于测试算例的计算结果与国外同类软件的计算结果之间的偏差在工程可接受的范围内。CPAP程序具有人机界面友好以及求解器可选的优点,可广泛应用于压水堆核电站的设计、运行和退役阶段。  相似文献   

裂变产物作为一回路冷却剂中放射性核素的重要组成部分,在核电厂设计中具有非常重要的意义。文中对堆芯积存量计算模型、燃料包壳内裂变产物向一回路冷却剂释放模型、裂变产物在一回路中的平衡模型进行了分析与研究,并以典型压水堆核电厂为例进行了计算与验证,证实了本文中给出计算模型的合理性以及适用性,可供压水堆核电站裂变产物源项计算分析参考。  相似文献   

周岩  丁谦学  梅其良 《辐射防护》2015,35(Z1):90-95
研究反应堆相关结构材料活化源项,对核电厂设计、运行及退役都有十分积极的意义和价值。本文利用离散纵标程序DORT计算反应堆堆腔内的中子注量率空间分布情况,通过数值解析的方法计算反应堆堆腔内主要结构材料中活化产物的活度浓度,进而计算活化源强(即γ射线源强,表征γ射线发射率与γ射线能量的关系),分析并建立一套空间分布活化源项研究体系,并与基于点燃耗模型的ORIGEN程序计算结果进行比较。计算结果表明,在活化源强计算中,基于离散纵标法的活化源强计算方法,在堆内构件等中子注量率变化明显之处拥有显著的精度,而ORIGEN程序则比较适合于厂房空间及主设备等中子注量率变化不明显之处。  相似文献   

方岚  徐春艳  刘新华  吴浩 《辐射防护》2012,32(1):8-14,20
材料替代和一回路水化学控制是降低活化腐蚀产物源项的主要措施。本文介绍M310、AP1000和EPR三种压水堆核电站一回路水化学优化情况,比较三种压水堆一回路活化腐蚀产物源项,分析探讨水化学优化对源项降低的影响,最后对国内压水堆核电站一回路水化学优化提出建议。  相似文献   

为了开发拥有自主知识产权的核电厂主回路源项计算程序,对裂变产物的生成、释放和迁移等各个过程进行深入研究,建立和完善各个过程的计算模型,形成了一套完整的压水堆主回路裂变产物源项计算方法,在此基础上开发了主回路裂变产物源项计算程序,并进行了初步验证。  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站 (GNPS)投产运行以来 ,在辐射源项控制方面进行了一些有益的尝试 ,取得了明显的效果 ,其中一些方法来自国外的经验反馈 ,但更多的是通过自身的经验总结而形成的良好实践。最主要的控制措施有 :气态放射性和腐蚀活化产物的控制与去除 ,110mAg的跟踪与控制 ,一回路冷却剂pH值的提高 ,加大停主泵后一回路的净化流量和减小净化回路过滤器的孔径等。本文对这些辐射源项控制的有效措施进行了总结和分析  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站(GNPS)投产运行以来,在辐射源项控制方面进行了一些有益的尝试,取得了明显的效果,其中一些方法来自国外的经验反馈,但更多的是通过自身的经验总结而形成的良好实践.最主要的控制措施有:气态放射性和腐蚀活化产物的控制与去除,110mAg的跟踪与控制,一回路冷却剂pH值的提高,加大停主泵后一回路的净化流量和减小净化回路过滤器的孔径等.本文对这些辐射源项控制的有效措施进行了总结和分析.  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站(GNPS)投产运行以来,在辐射源项控制方面进行了一些有益的尝试,取得了明显的效果,其中一些方法来自国外的经验反馈,但更多的是通过自身的经验总结而形成的良好实践。最主要的控制措施有:气态放射性和腐蚀活化产物的控制与去除,^110mAg的跟踪与控制,一回路冷却剂pH值的提高,加大停主泵后一回路的净化流量和减小净化回路过滤器的孔径等。本文对这些辐射源项控制的有效措施进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

在燃料元件包壳未破损的情况下,来自蒸汽发生器传热管、堆内组件等设备表面的腐蚀或磨损产物对堆外辐射场的贡献率超过了 90%.为了降低反应堆停役期间的剂量或缩短大修工期,在停堆前采用氧化运行工艺,将空气或H2O2引入主回路水中,使活化腐蚀产物释放,然后通过树脂床快速去除回路中的腐蚀产物,降低停役时的辐射场剂量.本文对目前氧...  相似文献   

根据国内外核电厂主管道上沉积源项的运行经验数据,分析了两种主要核素Co-58和Co-60的沉积活度随电厂运行时间的变化趋势。在此基础上,采用一回路活化腐蚀产物源项计算软件预估了华龙一号的活化腐蚀产物沉积源项。在参考国内广泛运行的M310机型设计源项确定方法的基础上,分析给出了华龙一号活化腐蚀产物沉积源项的设计源项和现实源项,并与国内二代核电机组和国际三代核电机组进行对比,结果显示三者均处于同一量级水平,华龙一号与国际三代核电机组相差不大,且优于国内二代核电机组。分析结果显示本文预估的沉积源项具有一定的可靠性,华龙一号核电机组在活化腐蚀产物源项控制方面具有一定的先进性。  相似文献   

分析了压水堆核电厂运行状态下气液态放射性流出物的产生和排放途径,建立了压水堆核电厂运行状态下气液态放射性流出物源项的计算模型,开发了具有良好人机界面的计算程序CPGale,并采用国内在役压水堆核电厂的流出物源项实测值对程序进行了验证。结果表明,基于CPGale程序计算所得流出物源项相比实测值具有适度的保守性,可满足工程设计的需求。  相似文献   

According to the mechanism of the generation and reduction of the nuclide in the process of migration and release from the core to the containment and the environment after the pressurized water reactor (PWR) loss of coolant accident (LOCA), the calculation model of radioactive source term for LOCA was established. The comparative analysis of model calculation results was carried out. Finally, the model was applied to the source term analysis for the third generation PWR LOCA. The results show that the relative deviation between the calculation results of the model and TACTⅢ code is within ±0.05%, and the relative deviation between the iodine calculation results of the model and TITAN5 code is within ±0.5%, so the model calculation is accurate. For various nuclear motor types of PWRs, the removal mechanism and removal rate of nuclide in the containment are different, resulting in different I and Cs radioactivity release curves. The cumulative radioactivity of 131I, 134Cs, 136Cs and 137Cs released into the environment within 30 d gradually increases. The established model is highly versatile, which is based on the complete nuclide decay chain, considering the contribution of the precursor nuclides decay to the daughter nuclides, and the effective removal process of elemental iodine by spraying or natural removal.  相似文献   

Two methods are presented which serve to incorporate the fire-related risk into the current practices in nuclear power plants with respect to the assessment of configurations. The development of these methods is restricted to the compulsory use of fire probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) models. The first method is a fire protection systems and key safety functions unavailability matrix which is developed to identify structures, systems, and components significant for fire-related risk. The second method is a fire zones and key safety functions (KSFs) fire risk matrix which is useful to identify fire zones which are candidates for risk management actions. Specific selection and quantification methodologies have been developed to obtain the matrices. The Monte Carlo method has been used to assess the uncertainty of the unavailability matrix. The analysis shows that the uncertainty is sufficiently bounded. The significant fire-related risk is localized in six KSF representative components and one fire protection system which should be included in the maintenance rule. The unavailability of fire protection systems does not significantly affect the risk. The fire risk matrix identifies the fire zones that contribute the most to the fire-related risk. These zones belong to the control building and electric penetrations building.  相似文献   

The methods developed for full-power probabilistic safety assessment, including thermal-hydraulic methods, have been widely applied to low power and shutdown conditions. Experience from current low power and shutdown probabilistic safety assessments, however, indicates that the thermal-hydraulic methods developed for full-power probabilistic safety assessments are not always reliable when applied to low power and shutdown conditions and consequently may yield misleading and inaccurate risk insights. To increase the usefulness of the low power and shutdown risk insights, the current methods and tools used for thermal-hydraulic calculations should be examined to ascertain whether they function effectively for low power and shutdown conditions. In this study, a platform for relatively detailed thermal-hydraulic calculations applied to low power and shutdown conditions in a pressurized water reactor was developed based on the best estimate thermal-hydraulic analysis code, MARS2.1. To confirm the applicability of the MARS platform to low power and shutdown conditions, many thermal-hydraulic analyses were performed for the selected topic, i.e. the loss of shutdown cooling events for various plant operating states at the Korean standard nuclear power plant. The platform developed in this study can deal effectively with low power and shutdown conditions, as well as assist the accident sequence analysis in low power and shutdown probabilistic safety assessments by providing fundamental data. Consequently, the resulting analyses may yield more realistic and accurate low power and shutdown risk insights.  相似文献   

To estimate the success criteria of an operator's action time for a probabilistic safety/risk assessment (PSA/PRA) of a nuclear power plant, the information from a safety analysis report (SAR) and/or that by using a simplified simulation code such as the MAAP code has been used in a conventional PSA. However, the information from these is often too conservative to perform a realistic PSA for a risk-informed application. To reduce the undue conservatism, the use of a best-estimate thermal hydraulic code has become an essential issue in the latest PSA and it is now recognized as a suitable tool. In the same context, the ‘ASME PRA standard’ also recommends the use of a best-estimate code to improve the quality of a PSA. In Korea, a platform to use a best-estimate thermal hydraulic code called the MARS code has been developed for the PSA of the Korea standard nuclear power plant (KSNP). This study has proposed an estimation method for an operator's action time by using the MARS platform. The typical example case is a small break loss of coolant accident without the high pressure safety injection system, which is one of the most important accident sequences in the PSA of the KSNP. Under the given accident sequence, the operator has to perform a recovery action known as a fast cooldown operation. This study focuses on two aspects regarding an operator's action; one is how they can operate it under some restrictions; the other is how much time is available to mitigate this accident sequence. To assess these aspects, this study considered: (1) the operator's action model and (2) the starting time of the operation. To show an effect due to an operator's action, three kinds of control models (the best-fitting, the conservative, and the proportional-integral) have been assessed. This study shows that the developed method and the platform are useful tools for this type of problem and they can provide a valuable insight related to an operator's actions.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) type nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea. Yonggwang unit 3, which was constructed as a basis model for a Korea standard nuclear power plant (KSNP), is selected as an example for the presentation. This overview is derived from analyzing the I&C systems based on a top-down approach. The I&C systems consist of 30 systems. The 183 I&C cabinets are also analyzed and mapped to the systems. The overview is focused on an interface between the systems and the cabinets. This information will be used to understand the implementation of the I&C systems and to group the systems for an upgrade.  相似文献   

This paper presents some of the main technical features and insights of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP) units 5 and 6 probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) level 1. Probabilistic analyses and their applications in Bulgaria were given further impetus in recent years. More than 17 years after the first PSA study in Bulgaria in 1992 today probabilistic analyses receive increasing attention and application than ever before. The Bulgarian regulatory body (BNRA) is also interested in expanding their capability of reviewing and using PSA in plant safety assessments. In November 2008 within the framework of the program financed by European Union (PHARE), a project for assisting the BNRA in establishing the regulatory requirements on the base of PSA was completed. One of the objectives of this project was performance of the independent review of Kozloduy NPP units 5 and 6 PSA. This review was a new impulse for the authors to present in more details of Kozloduy NPP probabilistic assessment studies in the present paper.  相似文献   

核动力控制系统连续仿真和离散仿真的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用连续时间模型和离散时间模型对一个试验重水反应堆的功率控制系统进行仿真研究,并阐述了如何利用仿真工具分析和改善系统的固有缺陷,使之达到希望的控制效果。  相似文献   

During the process of core cooling at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants accident, large amount of contaminated water was accumulated in the basements of the reactor buildings at Units 1–4. The present study estimated the quantities of I-131 and Cs-137 in the water as of late March based on the press-opened data. The estimated ratios of I-131 and Cs-137 quantities to the core inventories are 0.51%, 0.85% at Unit 1, 74%, 38% at Unit 2 and 26%, 18% at Unit 3, respectively. According to the Henry's law, certain fraction of iodine in water could be released to atmosphere due to gas–liquid partition and contribute to increase in the release to environment. A lot of evaluations for I-131 release have been performed so far by the MELCOR calculation or the SPEEDI reverse estimation. The SPEEDI reverse predicted significant release until 26 March, while no prediction in MELCOR after 17 March. The present study showed that iodine release from accumulated water may explain the release between 17 and 26 March. This strongly suggests a need for improvement of current MELCOR approach which treats the release only from containment breaks for several days after the core melt.  相似文献   

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