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基于客户端缓存提高Java RMI性能的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Java中的远程方法调用是实现分布式系统的主要技术之一,但在实际应用中,过多重复的远程方法调用会影响程序性能.给出了一种基于客户端缓存的RMI方法,使用客户端本地缓存保存使用过的存根和结果,当客户端需要调用远程方法时首先查询缓存中是否存在将要调用的存根或结果,如果存在就直接从缓存中返回而不需要通过网络进行RMI调用.经过性能比较可以发现客户端缓存的加入能有效减少重复RMI调用的次数,从而提高程序响应速度并减少了占用的网络带宽.  相似文献   

Discovering and exploiting instruction level parallelism in code will be key to future increases in microprocessor performance. What technical challenges must compiler writers meet to better use ILP? Instruction level parallelism allows a sequence of instructions derived from a sequential program to be parallelized for execution on multiple pipelined functional units. If industry acceptance is a measure of importance, ILP has blossomed. It now profoundly influences the design of almost all leading edge microprocessors and their compilers. Yet the development of ILP is far from complete, as research continues to find better ways to use more hardware parallelism over a broader class of applications  相似文献   

Java Servlet模式的WebGIS性能优化研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了使用Java Servlet模式实现WebGIS的优势与方法,采用GeoServer与OpenLayers结合的方式设计并实现了一种Java Servlet模式的WebGIS系统.由于服务器端性能的优劣直接影响到客户端用户的使用和体验效果,因此对WebGIS服务器端性能问题进行了深入研究,提出了JVM(Java虚...  相似文献   

Ghahramani  B. Pauley  M.A. 《Computer》2003,36(9):109-111
Java programs are executed by a Java virtual machine (JVM), which interprets intermediate compiled bytecode that is nominally platform independent. Although early versions of Java interpreted unoptimized bytecode in a relatively unsophisticated manner, recent developments including static analysis, just-in-time compilation, JVM optimization, and instruction-level optimizations have improved execution efficiency. Consequently, Java is now competitive with C and C++ for some applications and on some platforms. Despite Java's increasing popularity, there is a lingering perception that deficiencies in the language make it unsuitable for high-performance computing. In this paper we address some of those deficiencies and discuss the suitability of using Java in a distributed environment.  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - Modern computer systems often include specialized processors that are programmed in domain-specific languages. The compiler-in-the-loop technology, which assumes...  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of communication-free partition of iteration spaces and data spaces along hyperplanes. To finding more possible communication-free hyperplane partitions, we treat statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units. Instead of using the information about data dependence distance or direction vectors, our technique explicitly formulates array references as transformations from statement-iteration spaces to data spaces. Based on these transformations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for communication-free partition along hyperplanes to be feasible have been proposed. This approach can be applied to all programs with an imperfectly nested loop or sequences of imperfectly nested loops, whose array references are affine functions of outer loop indices or loop invariant variables. The proposed approach is more practical than existing methods in finding the data and computation distribution patterns that can cause the processor to execute fully-parallel on multicomputers without any interprocessor communication.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the challenge of transmitting a big number of files stored in a data center (DC), encrypting them by compilers, and sending them through a network at an acceptable time. Face to the big number of files, only one compiler may not be sufficient to encrypt data in an acceptable time. In this paper, we consider the problem of several compilers and the objective is to find an algorithm that can give an efficient schedule for the given files to be compiled by the compilers. The main objective of the work is to minimize the gap in the total size of assigned files between compilers. This minimization ensures the fair distribution of files to different compilers. This problem is considered to be a very hard problem. This paper presents two research axes. The first axis is related to architecture. We propose a novel pre-compiler architecture in this context. The second axis is algorithmic development. We develop six algorithms to solve the problem, in this context. These algorithms are based on the dispatching rules method, decomposition method, and an iterative approach. These algorithms give approximate solutions for the studied problem. An experimental result is implemented to show the performance of algorithms. Several indicators are used to measure the performance of the proposed algorithms. In addition, five classes are proposed to test the algorithms with a total of 2350 instances. A comparison between the proposed algorithms is presented in different tables discussed to show the performance of each algorithm. The result showed that the best algorithm is the Iterative-mixed Smallest-Longest- Heuristic (ISL) with a percentage equal to 97.7% and an average running time equal to 0.148 s. All other algorithms did not exceed 22% as a percentage. The best algorithm excluding ISL is Iterative-mixed Longest-Smallest Heuristic (ILS) with a percentage equal to 21,4% and an average running time equal to 0.150 s.  相似文献   

Wulf  W.A. 《Computer》1981,14(7):41-47
An examination of the relation between architecture and compiler design leads to several principles which can simplify compilers and improve the object code they produce.  相似文献   

Historically, compilers have operated by applying a fixed set of optimizations in a predetermined order. We call such an ordered list of optimizations a compilation sequence. This paper describes a prototype system that uses biased random search to discover a program-specific compilation sequence that minimizes an explicit, external objective function. The result is a compiler framework that adapts its behavior to the application being compiled, to the pool of available transformations, to the objective function, and to the target machine. This paper describes experiments that attempt to characterize the space that the adaptive compiler must search. The preliminary results suggest that optimal solutions are rare and that local minima are frequent. If this holds true, biased random searches, such as a genetic algorithm, should find good solutions more quickly than simpler strategies, such as hill climbing.  相似文献   

Explicit traceability between features and source code is known to help programmers to understand and modify programs during maintenance tasks. However, the complex relations between features and their implementations are not evident from the source code of object-oriented Java programs. Consequently, the implementations of individual features are difficult to locate, comprehend, and modify in isolation. In this paper, we present a novel remodularization approach that improves the representation of features in the source code of Java programs. Both forward and reverse restructurings are supported through on-demand bidirectional restructuring between feature-oriented and object-oriented decompositions. The approach includes a feature location phase based on tracing of program execution, a feature representation phase that reallocates classes into a new package structure based on single-feature and multi-feature packages, and an annotation-based reverse transformation of code. Case studies performed on two open-source projects indicate that our approach requires relatively little manual effort and reduces tangling and scattering of feature implementations in the source code.  相似文献   

Wang  Hui  Guo  Minyi  Wei  Daming 《The Journal of supercomputing》2004,29(2):157-170
In order to achieve higher load balancing, it is necessary to solve irregular block redistribution problems, which are different from regular block-cyclic redistribution. High Performance Fortran version 2 (HPF-2) provides irregular distribution functionalities, such as GEN_BLOCK and INDIRECT. This paper is devoted to develop an efficient algorithm that attempts to obtain near optimal scheduling while satisfying the conditions of minimal message size of total steps and the minimal number of steps for irregular array redistribution. The algorithm intends to decrease the computation costs by dividing the whole block into sub-blocks and solving the sub-problems accordingly, and then merging them together to get final results. Simulation results show that our algorithm has comparable performance with a relocation algorithm developed previously (H. Yook and M. Park. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Parallel and Distributed Computingand Systems, Nov. 3–6, MIT, Boston, USA, 1999).  相似文献   

A simple but generic procedure is suggested that may be employed in order to enhance the fault detection performance of any utilized algorithm. The procedure is based on suitable calibration of several algorithms and application of simple veto rules. A simple but quite representative example illustrates the proposed veto procedure along with the achievable gains.  相似文献   

Youtao Zhang  Rajiv Gupta 《Software》2006,36(10):1081-1111
We introduce a class of transformations that modify the representation of dynamic data structures used in programs with the objective of compressing their sizes. Based upon a profiling study of data value characteristics, we have developed the common‐prefix and narrow‐data transformations that respectively compress a 32 bit address pointer and a 32 bit integer field into 15 bit entities. A pair of fields that have been compressed by the above compression transformations are packed together into a single 32 bit word. The above transformations are designed to apply to data structures that are partially compressible, that is, they compress portions of data structures to which transformations apply and provide a mechanism to handle the data that is not compressible. The accesses to compressed data are efficiently implemented by designing data compression extensions (DCX) to the processor's instruction set. We have observed average reductions in heap allocated storage of 25% and average reductions in execution time and power consumption of 30%. If DCX support is not provided the reductions in execution times fall from 30% to 18%. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop algorithmic optimizations to improve the cache performance of four fundamental graph algorithms. We present a cache-oblivious implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for the fundamental graph problem of all-pairs shortest paths by relaxing some dependencies in the iterative version. We show that this implementation achieves the lower bound on processor-memory traffic of /spl Omega/(N/sup 3///spl radic/C), where N and C are the problem size and cache size, respectively. Experimental results show that this cache-oblivious implementation shows more than six times the improvement in real execution time over that of the iterative implementation with the usual row major data layout, on three state-of-the-art architectures. Second, we address Dijkstra's algorithm for the single-source shortest paths problem and Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree problem. For these algorithms, we demonstrate up to two times the improvement in real execution time by using a simple cache-friendly graph representation, namely adjacency arrays. Finally, we address the matching algorithm for bipartite graphs. We show performance improvements of two to three times in real execution time by using the technique of making the algorithm initially work on subproblems to generate a suboptimal solution and, then, solving the whole problem using the suboptimal solution as a starting point. Experimental results are shown for the Pentium III, UltraSPARC III, Alpha 21264, and MIPS R12000 machines.  相似文献   

A concept of automated test suites generation for testing compilers and other formal text processors is suggested. An approach based on the generation of tests from models is used.  相似文献   

Symbolic analysis is of paramount importance for parallelizing compilers and performance estimators to examine symbolic expressions with program unknowns such as machine and problem sizes and to solve queries based on systems of constraints (equalities and inequalities). This paper describes novel techniques for counting the number of solutions to a system of constraints, simplifying systems of constraints, computing lower and upper bounds of symbolic expressions, and determining the relationship between symbolic expressions. All techniques target wide classes of linear and non-linearsymbolic expressions and systems of constraints. Our techniques have been implemented and are used as part of a parallelizing compiler and a performance estimator to support analysis and optimization of parallel programs. Various examples and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our symbolic analysis techniques.  相似文献   

More than 90 percent of all microprocessors are now used for real-time and embedded applications. The behavior of these applications is often constrained by the physical world. It is therefore important to devise higher-level languages and middleware that meet conventional functional requirements, as well as dependably and productively enforce real-time constraints. We provide two contributions to the study of languages and middleware for real-time and embedded applications. We first describe the architecture of jRate, which is an open-source ahead-of-time-compiled implementation of the RTSJ middleware. We then show performance results obtained using RTJPerf, which is an open-source benchmarking suite that systematically compares the performance of RTSJ middleware implementations. We show that, while research remains to be done to make RTSJ a bullet-proof technology, the initial results are promising. The performance and predictability of JRate provides a baseline for what can be achieved by using ahead-of-time compilation. Likewise, RTJPerf enables researchers and practitioners to evaluate the pros and cons of RTSJ middleware systematically as implementations mature.  相似文献   

An augmented set of floating-point arithmetic operations which includes the accurate inner product can be routinely employed with benefit in some standard iterative numerical algorithms. Benefits include the requirement of fewer iterations for achieving computational convergence criteria and more accurate results for a given number of iterations. Not all algorithms are benefited, but favorable results have been obtained for the QR algorithm, the conjugate gradient algorithm and the separating hyperplane algorithm.  相似文献   

Since its release, the Java programming language has attracted considerable attention from the high‐performance computing (HPC) community because of its portability, high programming productivity, and built‐in multithreading and networking support. As a consequence, several initiatives have been taken to develop a high‐performance Java message‐passing library to program distributed memory architectures, such as clusters. The performance of Java message‐passing applications relies heavily on the communications performance. Thus, the design and implementation of low‐level communication devices that support message‐passing libraries is an important research issue in Java for HPC. MPJ Express is our Java message‐passing implementation for developing high‐performance parallel Java applications. Its public release currently contains three communication devices: the first one is built using the Java New Input/Output (NIO) package for the TCP/IP; the second one is specifically designed for the Myrinet Express library on Myrinet; and the third one supports thread‐based shared memory communications. Although these devices have been successfully deployed in many production environments, previous performance evaluations of MPJ Express suggest that the buffering layer, tightly coupled with these devices, incurs a certain degree of copying overhead, which represents one of the main performance penalties. This paper presents a more efficient Java message‐passing communications device, based on Java Input/Output sockets, that avoids this buffering overhead. Moreover, this device implements several strategies, both in the communication protocol and in the HPC hardware support, which optimizes Java message‐passing communications. In order to evaluate its benefits, this paper analyzes the performance of this device comparatively with other Java and native message‐passing libraries on various high‐speed networks, such as Gigabit Ethernet, Scalable Coherent Interface, Myrinet, and InfiniBand, as well as on a shared memory multicore scenario. The reported communication overhead reduction encourages the upcoming incorporation of this device in MPJ Express ( http://mpj‐express.org ). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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