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Almost every automated system has an embedded OS, and so there is an increasing demand for embedded OS. No single vendor dominates the marketplace. A growing number of companies have released open-source embedded OS, primarily those based on BSD Unix and Linux. These OS have the same appeal that open-source software has in other markets: they are relatively inexpensive and users have access to and can customize the source code. It is thought that they will become the accepted standards. Developments from Windows are also outlined. Developments of new architectures are also considered  相似文献   

嵌入式操作系统技术发展趋势   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:33  
从嵌入式操作系统发展的历史、嵌入式操作系统市场和技术发展的变化着手,通过分析当前典型嵌入式操作系统的特点,探讨嵌入式操作系统在可定制、面向对象、分布式等方面的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于智能手机的心电实时监护系统的设计*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了基于智能手机的心电实时监护系统的设计方法。该系统由测量节点、智能手机节点和监护中心端组成,智能手机节点通过蓝牙实时接收由穿戴式心电采集节点传来的心电数据,并将监护结果通过GPRS网络传输到监护中心端。该系统由病人随身携带,能对多种常见的心律失常症状进行智能诊断,提供实时准确的远程心电监护。通过功能测试,该系统运行良好。  相似文献   

The image quality of three organic light-emitting diode (OLED) based smart-phone displays was assessed at three levels of ambient lighting conditions corresponding to the darkroom, indoor and outdoor environment, respectively. Seven perceptual attributes, i.e., naturalness, colorfulness, brightness, contrast, sharpness, preference, and overall image quality (IQ), were evaluated in both standard dynamic range (SDR) and high dynamic range (HDR) mode via psychophysical experiments by rank order method, while readability was assessed only in SDR mode and gradation was investigated only in HDR mode. The experimental results demonstrate that, besides the color gamut, the tone reproduction curve is also an important factor affecting the colorfulness of mobile display in the two modes. Higher peak luminance would not mean better performance on brightness and contrast for HDR images, which is opposite to SDR mode. Further analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that the ranking results of all perceptual attributes are not significantly affected by the ambient lighting levels in both SDR and HDR modes.  相似文献   

SCSI协议用来与I/O设备尤其是存储设备通信。iSCSI是工作在TCP/IP之上的SCSI传输协议,其基本功能是将SCSI命令封装在IP包内,通过TCP/IP网络传输到存储设备,再由网络接收命令处理的结果。本文将介绍iSCSI在Linux和Windows 2000两种操作系统下的实现过程,论述 iSCSI的多用户访问和管理方法,最后对所实现的iSCSI系统的性能测试结果进行分析。  相似文献   

When a small, struggling, rural healthcare facility mustered the courage to purchase a state-of-the-art hospital information system, the results were dramatic. Today, receivables have risen significantly, and overall operating efficiency has measurably improved.  相似文献   

Software developers would rather not have to learn multiple interfaces and programming environments to work with different vendors' tools. This has encouraged the use of the multivendor integrated development environment (IDE). The article discusses the case for the development of a Java IDE. It describes 2 candidate IDE, NetBeans and Eclipse. Oracle has submitted to Sun a compromise Java IDE proposal designed to work with both NetBeans and Eclipse.  相似文献   

Security always has to be weighed against cost on the one hand and convenience on the other. But when the stakes are very high this compromise becomes skewed so that costs soar and user convenience plunges. This is the situation now emerging in the world of digital video given the scale of potential losses facing Hollywood and the broadcast industry in the emerging video Internet. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is determined that digital video content be encrypted at any place where it could potentially be copied, including not just interfaces such as USB ports and PCMCIA slots, but also the internal PCI buses of PCs. This will impose a significant cost because it will require PC makers to develop and integrate components capable of handling the encrypted video while still ensuring that it can be watched by the user. But this is good news for makers of dedicated onboard processors, who were rubbing their hands in glee at the recent Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco.  相似文献   

Government agencies use information technology extensively to collect business data for regulatory purposes. Data communication standards form part of the infrastructure with which businesses must conform to survive. We examine the development of, and emerging competition between, two open business reporting data standards adopted by government bodies in France; Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) (incumbent) and eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) (challenger). The research explores whether an incumbent may be displaced in a setting in which the contest is unresolved. Latour's translation map is applied to trace the enrollments and detours in the battle. We find that regulators play an important role as allies in the development of the standards. The antecedent networks in which the standards are located embed strong beliefs that become barriers to collaboration and fuel the battle. One of the key differentiating attitudes is whether speed is more important than legitimacy. The failure of collaboration encourages competition. The newness of XBRL's technology just as regulators need to respond to an economic crisis and its adoption by French regulators not using EDIFACT create an opportunity for the challenger to make significant network gains over the longer term. ANT also highlights the importance of the preservation of key components of EDIFACT in ebXML.  相似文献   

针对打击效果评估研究中缺乏打击后图像资源的情况,进行打击效果仿真研究,提出一种基于图像的打击效果仿真算法。通过分析目标场景遭受打击后的可能毁伤情况,建立了爆炸后碎片的分布模型、碎片生成和碎片灰度变化模型。以此为基础,通过实验仿真实现图像中目标区域的打击效果。实验证明,仿真效果逼真,符合之前提出的毁伤效果要求。目前,仿真结果已作为实验数据运用于SAR图像多功能处理系统项目中。  相似文献   

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