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The phase composition of Na x M x Ti8 – x O16(M = Al, Ga, In) materials was studied by x-ray diffraction. In the Al system, a hollandite phase was obtained in the composition range 0.67 x 2.0. The results are interpreted in terms of Goldschmidt's tolerance factor. It is shown that A2B8O16compounds with the hollandite or Na x TiO2-type structure are more difficult to prepare at smaller ionic radii of M. The assumption is made that the monoclinic Na x TiO2-type phase may, under certain conditions, have a channel structure.  相似文献   

The temperature dependencies of the resistivity for the superconducting ruthenocuprates of nominal compositions RuSr2GdCu2O8, Ru0.98Sr2GdCu2O8 and Ru0.5Sr2GdCu2.5O8?δ were examined for the magnetic field dependent characteristics of the superconducting transitions. The effect of the insignificant diminishing of the Ru/Cu ratio in parent RuSr2GdCu2O8 was confirmed as relevant for the stabilisation of the superconducting phase. Noted differences in the compared characteristics are interpreted for possible inhomogeneous nucleation of the superconducting phase in the parent ruthenocuprate. The phase anisotropy in RuSr2GdCu2O8 and Ru0.98Sr2GdCu2O8, in presence of the compounds Ru magnetism, appears to be a cause of a significant softening of the H c2(T) phase line. An anomalous lowering of the magnetoresistivity was observed in the approx. 10 K range above the onset of the superconducting transition, which may suggest the presence of enhanced superconducting fluctuations in the samples. The positive magnetic field shift of the temperatures, which limit the magnetoresistivity and the specific heat signatures of the magnetic ordered state of the Ru sublattice, suggests probing the influence of the ferromagnetic Ru interactions in an effective metallic-like conduction channel present in the samples. Superconducting characteristics of the Ru0.5Sr2GdCu2.5O8?δ reveal a significant contribution of the Gd paramagnetic signal at low temperatures, interpreted for the presence of a significant anisotropy of the superconducting phase. It is concluded that the Ru–Cu substituted phases of ruthenocuprates may present an opportunity to investigate the effectively anisotropic superconducting phase despite its comparatively high T c in the compounds related to the 123-type cuprate superconductor.  相似文献   

The electrical, magnetic, and structural properties of the non-superconducting RuSr2GdCu2Oz system were studied through Ba substitution on the Sr sites. Samples of the non-superconducting Ru(Sr2?x Ba x )GdCu2Oz system, with x=0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.50 were synthesized through the solid-state reaction method at ambient pressure, in air, at temperatures between 980?°C and 1025?°C. X-ray diffraction data show that substitution of Sr by Ba takes place iso-structurally into a tetragonal structure (space group P4/mmm, No.?123) with a solubility up to x=0.25. Rietlveld-refinement analysis indicates that the cell volume monotonically increases with barium content, while both Cu–O(1) and [1–Ru–O(1)] bond lengths, as well as the Cu–O(2)–Cu bond angles, all increase with increasing x with a maximum peak around x=0.15, and then all decrease for larger values of the barium content x, resulting into bell-type curves. The electrical resistance for the samples with 0 ≤x≤0.25 annealed in flowing oxygen at 960 °C for 2 h shows a semiconducting behavior. DC-magnetization measurements indicate that all samples exhibit ferromagnetic ordering with a magnetic transition temperature T Curie between 131 K and 141 K. Both the normalized resistance values (at a fixed temperature) and T Curie show each a similar bell-type dependence on x, a result that seems to be similar to that found for the bond lengths and angles. These five bell-type dependences on x suggest that a strong interplay among electrical, magnetic and structural properties are taken place in the non-superconducting Ru(Sr2?x Ba x )GdCu2Oz system.  相似文献   

We have prepared solid solutions based on whitlockite-structure ferroelectrics, Ca9 ? x Pb x R(PO4)7 (R = Sc, Cr, Fe, Ga, In), through Pb substitution for Ca. Single-phase Ca9 ? x Pb x R(PO4)7 materials with a polar whitlockite-like structure (sp. gr. R3c) exist in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5 for all of the R metals studied. X-ray powder diffraction profile analysis results for R = In (x = 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0) demonstrate that the trivalent cations reside on the octahedral site M5 of the whitlockite structure, the calcium cation occupy the M1–M3 sites, and the lead cations are located predominantly on the M3 site. Differential scanning calorimetry, dielectric permittivity, and second-harmonic generation data attest to a ferroelectric phase transition, whose temperature is 580–610°C in Ca9R(PO4)7 and decreases monotonically to 480–520°C as x increases to 1.5.  相似文献   

BaCe0·8???x A x Gd0·2O3???δ (A = In, Zr, Ta; x?=?0, 0·1) ceramics were synthesized by solid-state reaction method. Microstructure and electrical properties of BaCe0·8???x A x Gd0·2O3???δ ceramics were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and complex impedance analysis at intermediate temperatures of 573–1073 K in different atmospheres. BaCe0·8Gd0·2O3???δ , BaCe0·7In0·1Gd0·2O3???δ and BaCe0·7Zr0·1Gd0·2O3???δ ceramics exhibit a single cubic perovskite structure. BaCe0·7In0·1Gd0·2O3???δ ceramic has the highest conductivity of 4·6 × 10???2 S·cm???1 in air at 1073 K. BaCe0·7In0·1Gd0·2O3???δ and BaCe0·7Zr0·1Gd0·2O3???δ ceramics exhibit an excellent chemical stability against boiling water. Indium is a suitable doping element to promote the sintering densification and to enhance both electrical conductivity and chemical stability of Gd-doped BaCeO3 at operating temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of Ti additions on the wetting behavior of CaF2 by non-reactive liquid metals (In, Sn, Ga, Au, Ge) was investigated. Pure metals do not wet CaF2 while minor additions of Ti improve wetting. Small changes of the contact angle were observed in the CaF2/Au–Ti and CaF2/Ge–Ti systems, which are characterized by strong Me–Ti interaction in the melt, while considerable decrease of contact angle was obtained in the CaF2/In–Ti, CaF2/Sn–Ti and CaF2/Ga–Ti systems, which display a relatively weak Me–Ti interaction. According to a thermodynamic analysis and experiential observations, Ti does not react with the substrate to form condensed phases at the metal/CaF2 interface. Therefore, it was assumed that the mechanism of the wetting improvement is attributed to the Ti segregation at the interface. The results of the XPS analysis confirm a Ti enrichment of the region close to the interface, moreover, according to the high resolution XPS spectrum, obtained from this region, the position of the In4d peak has a chemical shift, which is typical for In–Ti intermetallic compounds. The XPS analysis does not provide sufficient evidence for the formation of the intermetallic interfacial layer at elevated temperature. Thus, further investigations have to be designed and conducted in order to clarify this issue.  相似文献   

The UV–VIS absorption spectra of thin film of Se98?x Zn2In x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6 and 10) chalcogenide glasses were measured in the wavelength range of 200–1100 nm by using spectrophotometer. It is observed from UV–VIS absorption measurements that the optical energy gap (E g ) decreases with In content and it found a minimum for the Se92Zn2In6 system. The refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), real dielectric constant (?′) imaginary dielectric constant (?″), absorption coefficient (α) are evaluated maximum for the Se92Zn2In6 composition. However, FTIR spectra were recorded in the wavenumber range 4000–400 cm?1. The FTIR recorded spectrum was shown to be a broad spectrum with increasing transmission in the MID (6–25 m) infrared region. The MID-IR spectrum transmittance percentage was also found to be considerably high for the Se92Zn2In6 system.  相似文献   


We follow the evolution of the electronic properties of the titled homologous series when n as well as the atomic type of A and M are varied where for n = 1, A = Ca, Sr and M = Rh, Ir while for n = 3, A = Ca, Sr and M = Rh. The crystal structure of n = 1 members is known to be CaRh2B2-type (Fddd), while that of n = 3 is Ca3Rh8B6-type (Fmmm); the latter can be visualized as a stacking of structural fragments from AM3B2 (P6/mmm) and AM2B2. The metallic properties of the n = 1 and 3 members are distinctly different: on the one hand, the n = 1 members are characterized by a linear coefficient of the electronic specific heat γ ≈ 3 mJ mol?1 K?2, a Debye temperature θD ≈ 300 K, a normal conductivity down to 2 K and a relatively strong linear magnetoresistivity for fields up to 150 kOe. The n = 3 family, on the other hand, exhibits γ ≈ 18 mJ mol?1 K?2, θD ≈ 330 K, a weak linear magnetoresistivity and an onset of superconductivity (for Ca3Rh8B6, Tc = 4.0 K and Hc2 = 14.5 kOe, while for Sr3Rh8 B6, Tc = 3.4 K and Hc2 ≈ 4.0 kOe). These remarkable differences are consistent with the findings of the electronic band structures and density of state (DOS) calculations. In particular, satisfactory agreement between the measured and calculated γ was obtained. Furthermore, the Fermi level, EF, of Ca3Rh8B6 lies at almost the top of a pronounced local DOS peak, while that of CaRh2B2 lies at a local valley: this is the main reason behind the differences between the, e.g., superconducting properties. Finally, although all atoms contribute to the DOS at EF, the contribution of the Rh atoms is the strongest.  相似文献   

The superconductivity depression mechanisms at x≈1/8 in La2−x Ba x CuO4 and Zn substitution in La2−x Sr x CuO4 were investigated by Raman scattering. About 80% of low-energy electronic states are two-dimensional at x≈1/8 and form the Fermi arc around (π/2,π/2). The low-energy states are composed of the resonant peak relating to the insulator–metal transition and the polaron states of the B 3u phonons. Zn substitution depresses the resonant peak, while the LTT structure depresses the polaron states. The superconductivity is suppressed if one of them is reduced.  相似文献   

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Tetragonal tungsten bronze Ca0.4SrxBa0.6?xNb2O6 (x?=?0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) ceramics were prepared by a conventional...  相似文献   

In order to investigate the origin of so-called 1/8 anomaly in La(Sr,Ba)-214, we have performed SR experiments for the low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) and low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) structure phases in La2–x Sr x Cu1–y Zn y O4 (LSCO) and La2–x Ba x Cu1–y Zn y O4 (LBCO), and decided the magnetic order temperature T m where -spin coherent rotation starts. 1% Zn-substitution depresses magnetic order in the LTT phase of LBCO while it induces or enhances magnetic order in the LTO phase of LSCO. With doping Tm rises first and keeps constant around x=1/8 and decreases in both Zn-substituted LSCO and LBCO. This implies that doped holes are never uniformly distributed on the CuO2 plane, suggesting the segregation of spin and hole around x=1/8.  相似文献   

The conductivities of the Zn1–xy M x M y O (M, M = Al, In, Ga, Y) and Zn1–x M x O (M = Al, In, Ga) systems were measured from room temperature to 1173 K in order to elucidate a dominant parameter of the conducting mechanism. The conductivity at 873 K first increased with the dopant content. However, it showed a maximum value at a given dopant content, and then gradually decreased. For the samples with the same dopant content, their conductivity at 873 K was strongly dependent on the mean dopant-ion radii, and reached a maximum value at around 0.51 Å of the mean dopant-ion radii. The results suggested that the conductivity of the system would be influenced not only by the dopant content, but also by the mean dopant-ion radii. It was found that the co-doped ZnO system of Zn0.995Al0.003In0.003O had a conductivity higher than that of the other usual mono-doped system.  相似文献   

In this report I will summarize the results of an extensive review of the low-temperature specific heat of the La-based high-temperature superconductors, withT c between 30 and 40 K, and the related nonsuperconducting compound La2CuO4. There have been two previous studies by Fisheret al. [1] and Fischeret al. [2] which also reviewed the low-temperature specific heat of these materials. This work was undertaken to extend a similar study of the 90 K superconductor YBa2Cu3O7– which we recently completed [3]. This review will focus exclusively on the low-temperature specific heat and will update the previous studies by including recent results.  相似文献   

Crystallization in the LiH–Ti2–Ge2–H2O and LiOH–SnO2–GeO2–H2O hydrothermal systems was studied at 500°C and 0.1 GPa. The phases crystallizing in the Ti system are Li2Ti[5]Ge[4]O5, Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2, Li3HGe4 [6]Ge3 [4]O16 · 4H2O, and Li2Ge[4]O3 (Ge in four- or sixfold oxygen coordination, and Ti in fivefold oxygen coordination). Over a wide range of TiO2 : GeO2 molar ratios (6 : 1 to 1 : 1), the dominant phase is Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2. At higher GeO2 contents (TiO2 : GeO2 = 1 : 2 to 1 : 6), both Li2Ti[5]Ge[4]O5 and Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2 crystallize. The crystallization fields of Ge-containing phases at TiO2 : GeO2 = 1 : 2 to 1 : 6 are (in order of increasing LiOH concentration) GeO2 (rutile structure), Li2Ti[5]Ge[4]O5 + Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2, and Li2Ti[5]Ge[4]O5 + Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2 + Li2Ge[4]3 + Li3HGe4 [6]Ge3 [4]O16 · 4H2O. The phases crystallizing in the Sn system are Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2, Li3HGe4 [6]Ge3 [4]O16 · 4H2O, and Li2Ge[4]O3. Tin is present in the form of SnO2 only. The structures of Li2Ti[5]Ge[4]O5 and Li2Ge[6]Ge2 [4]O6(OH)2 are characterized by the simplest type of matrix assembly: direct packing of substructural precursor units and their two-dimensional growth in various crystallographic directions.  相似文献   

Crystal structure and dielectric property of tungsten-bronze type microwave dielectric ceramics, i.e., BaOLa2O34TiO2 and Ba6-3x (Nd, M)d8+2x Ti18O54 (M = Y, Bi and x = 0.5, 0.7), are analysed. The optimum properties obtained in Ba(Nd1-xBix)2O34TiO2 were r = 89–92, Qf = 5855–6091 GHz, and f = –7–+7 ppm/°C x = 0.04–0.08. The Y-substitution in BaO(Nd1-xYx)2O34TiO2 reduces the dielectric constant r. Both the Y and Bi substitutions make r positive. The relative dielectric constant r and temperature coefficient r are 109.5 and –180 ppm/°C in BaOLa2O34TiO2, 76 and +40 ppm/°C in BaO(Nd0.77Y0.23)2O34TiO2, respectively. The crystal structures were refined by Rietveld method using x-ray and neutron diffraction data. The most reliable results were obtained by refining the cation positions using the x-ray data and the oxygens from the neutron with a superlattice structure model Pnam(c-axis 7.6 Å). The refined structures show that the a/c ratios are related to the apical oxygen displacements of the Ti–O octahedra. The substitution of the small radius atom, Y, produced a structure of severely tilted and distorted Ti–O octahedra and large a/c ratio, while the large radius atom, La, small a/c ratio. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed heat anomaly indicating suspected phase transition in these materials. The relation between r and octahedron tilting in tungsten-bronze type material is discussed in relation with complex perovskite structure.  相似文献   

The superconducting properties of Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2–xRx(R = Eu, Yb and Ag)Cu3OY have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, electrical resistance and the peritectic transition of these superconductors was studied kinetically under different atmospheres and temperature gradients. X-ray diffraction results show that the volume fraction of the high-Tc (2 2 2 3) phase decreases and that of the low-Tc (2 2 1 2) phase increases as Eu, Yb and Ag concentrations increase. The resistivity measurements reveal that the Tc onset decreases down to 100 K for Eu, 85 K for Yb and 106 K for Ag concentrations. These results are explained on the basis of possible variations of hole concentration with trivalent rare earth ion substitutions. Activation energies and frequency factors for crystallisation were determined by non-isothermal differential thermal analysis (DTA), employing different models. It was found that both peritectic transition and reaction rate were dependent on the ambient atmosphere. Kinetic studies under different atmospheres revealed that the thermal stability of Bi-2 2 1 2 phase was greatly enhanced under oxygen atmosphere.  相似文献   

The crystallization process of amorphous Fe80B20–x Si x (x=0, 2, and 8) ferromagnetic alloys has been studied by using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies. Results for samples heat treated at different temperatures for different times show that the crystallization of Fe80B20–x Si x samples having x=0 and 2 leads to -Fe and t-Fe3B, while for x=8, it leads to -Fe, t-Fe2B, and perhaps Fe-Si. It is further observed that the addition of silicon to the Fe-B system improves the thermal stability of the system.  相似文献   

This work studies the relationship between ferroelectric properties and structural features of the (Pb1 – y Ca y )(Zr0.8Ti0.2)O3 system with y = 0.0, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1. All of the samples were prepared by hot-pressing of PZT calcined powder, prepared by conventional ceramic route. Single phase compositions of rhombohedral (RH) structure were observed for the whole series of the samples studied in this work. However, a linear decrease of RH lattice constant a p is seen with increasing the Ca2+ concentration with a subsequent decrease of lattice strain expressed by (90 – p). Further, a sharp decline is also observed in the magnitudes of saturation polarization (P s) of the samples doped with 2 mol% Ca2+. However, the rate of decrease slows down for Ca2+ concentrations above this level. A diffuse phase transition was observed in the case of 10 mol% Ca2+-doped PZT(0.8) which is believed to be possibly due to the distribution in coupling strengths created from a random compositional fluctuations of Ca2+ and Pb2– ions on A-sites. The results are interpreted on crystal-chemical grounds. It is proposed that the long range coupling of (Zr/Ti)O6 coordination octahedra and Pb2+ ions, due to the covalency of the Pb–O bond, is interrupted by the incorporation of Ca2+. By considering the effect of calcium on coupling strength and coupling distribution, the observed dielectric response for the above compositions is qualitatively explained.  相似文献   

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