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牛传染性鼻气管炎是由牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒引起的,以高热、上呼吸道疾病和流产为主要特征.该病是牛的重要传染病之一,给养牛业造成了巨大的经济损失.笔者从病原学、流行病学、临床症状与病理变化、发病机理、诊断方法、预防与控制6个方面阐述牛传染性鼻气管炎的研究进展.  相似文献   

副鸡禽杆菌是鸡传染性鼻炎的致病菌,主要引起鸡的生长发育受阻,产蛋量下降,给养鸡业带了相当大的经济损失.随着分子生物学技术的不断应用,副鸡禽杆菌的鉴定、分型技术、免疫保护相关基因和抗原分析等分子水平上的研究已取得了新的进展.综述了近年来有关副鸡禽杆菌的研究概况,为今后的相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

目的 探讨淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)/细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)介导的细胞因子诱导杀伤细胞(CIK)的体外抑瘤机制.方法 从白血病患儿外周血分离淋巴细胞,经过干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)、抗CD3单克隆抗体(CD3McAb)、白细胞介素-2(IL-2)诱导并与树突状细胞(DC)共培养,获得大量的DC-CIK.在经10、20μg/ml等不同质量浓度小鼠抗人LFA-1单克隆抗体处理后,采用MTT法研究DC-CIK细胞对多种白血病细胞株的杀伤活性,RT-PCR与Western blotting方法检测GATA-3和T-bet基因表达水平的变化.ELISA方法测定DC-CIK细胞释放细胞因子IL-12、IFN-γ、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的表达水平.结果 诱导后的DC-CIK细胞形态规则,经不同浓度的LFA-1单克隆抗体处理后,MTT结果:20μg/ml LFA-1单克隆抗体封闭组DC-CIK细胞对B95细胞杀伤作用下降最为明显(t=10.138,P<0.05);RT-PCR与Western blotting结果:20μg/ml LFA-1单克隆抗体封闭的B95细胞组,GATA-3基因mRNA水平和蛋白水平表达增加最为明显(t=16.386,P<0.05;t=22.652,P<0.05);同时T-bet基因mRNA水平和蛋白水平表达降低最为明显(t=17.728,P<0.05;t=17.452,P<0.05);ELISA结果:20μg/ml LFA-1单克隆抗体封闭的B95细胞组中细胞因子IL-12、IFN-γ、TNF-α分泌水平下降最为明显(t=21.621,P<0.05;t=13.739,P<0.05;t=15.278,P<0.05).结论 GATA-3和T-bet基因参与了LFA-1/ICAM-1介导的DC-CIK抑瘤途径,并且通过分泌Th1型细胞因子IL-12、IFN-γ、TNF-α等发挥抑瘤作用.  相似文献   

就近几年来猪水肿病的疫苗研究做一个全面的综述,为该病的预防及疫苗的研制提供理论依据.  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是由双链RNA(dsRNA)所介导的细胞内同源基因转录后沉默现象,是生物体在进化过程中普遍存在的一种基因调控机制.在抗肝炎病毒领域,RNAi技术可以抑制病毒复制,阻断病毒蛋白表达,为抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因治疗提供了新的策略.本文对RNAi在抑制HBV复制表达中的应用、存在的问题及发展前景等作简要综述.  相似文献   

用PCR-RFLP方法对118 头大长杂交母猪的ADAMTS-1基因进行分型,并分析了ADAMTS-1不同基因型母猪的产仔数差异.结果表明,在所检测的大长杂交猪群体中,基因A为0.56,基因B为0.44;不同基因型间产仔数表现出AB>BB>AA的趋势,AA型与BB型以及AB对猪的产仔数和产仔活数差异不显著.  相似文献   

近年来,对Bid蛋白的功能、Bid对细胞凋亡的调控及多种因素对Bid的调控等方面的研究推动了临床治疗的发展.Bid受凋亡信号刺激后形成截短型Bid片段(tBid),促进细胞色素C释放导致细胞凋亡,Bid介导受损组织发生凋亡,在许多疾病的发生及进展中起重要作用.在一部分疾病中Bid还显示出促凋亡和促增殖的双重作用.对影响Bid诱导凋亡过程的多因素研究也为实体瘤和恶性血液病的治疗提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

就茄子单性结实的资源、影响因素、遗传分析及在育种上的应用、发育过程等方面的研究展开分析,并且对茄子单性结实的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

喷射成形工艺的理论研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喷射成形是人为地控制凝固条件,经过金属熔体的分散、飞行快速冷却、半固态凝固及锭坯进一步冷却等阶段,得到特殊的锭坯组织的成形过程。沉积锭坯组织是上述四个阶段金属熔体凝固的综合结果。近终形成形是喷射成形技术的另一特点,喷嘴形式、喷嘴数量、沉积器的形状与运动方式影响和决定沉积锭坯的外形。材料的凝固与成形受众多因素影响,很多工艺参数的作用规律尚不明确,因此喷射成形过程的模拟研究十分必要。笔者介绍了目前喷射成形工艺中所涉及的理论问题与相关模型。  相似文献   

[目的]研究荷斯坦种公牛HSF1和HSBP1基因多态性.[方法]通过DNA测序技术对牛HSF1和HSBP1基因进行SNPs位点扫描,利用CRS-PCR和PCR-RFLP方法对4个单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)进行基因型分型,分析162头荷斯坦种公牛HSF1和HSBP1基因的多态性.[结果]扫描结果表明,在HSF1基因1451(G/T)处发现1个新SNP.在HSBP1基因第2内含子上发现3个新SNPs,分别为324(G/C)、589(C/T)和651(C/G).多态性分析结果表明,HSF1基因1451(G/T)住点的SNP的AA基因型频率最高,优势等住基因为A,而HSBP1基因3个SNP频率最高的基因型分别为AB、AA和BB,优势等位基因589(C/T)为A,而324(G/C)和651(C/G)均为B.χ<'2>适合性检验表明,HSF1基因1451(G/T)位点在荷斯坦种公牛群体中已达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P>0.05),而HSBP1基因324(G/C)、589(C/T)和651(C/G)位点的突变在荷斯坦种公牛群体中均未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05).[结论]该研究可为HSF1和HSBP1基因的功能研究提供试验依据.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was applied to detect BHV-1 in bovine semen inoculated with BHV-1. The technique was found to be 10(6) times more sensitive than a non-isotopic dot-blot hybridization method in detecting viral genomic DNA. Of the three primer pairs used, the one chosen from glycoprotein gC appeared to be most sensitive as it could detect up to 0.01 TCID50 of BHV-1 in the semen. The technique could be useful in screening breeding bulls or samples of frozen semen prior to use in artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein B homologs represent the most highly conserved group of herpesvirus glycoproteins. They exist in oligomeric forms based on a dimeric structure. Despite the high degree of sequence and structural conservation, differences in posttranslational processing are observed. Whereas gB of herpes simplex virus is not proteolytically processed after oligomerization, most other gB homologs are cleaved by a cellular protease into subunits that remain linked via disulfide bonds. Proteolytic cleavage is common for activation of viral fusion proteins, and it has been shown that herpesvirus gB homologs are essential for membrane fusion events during infection, e.g., virus penetration and direct viral cell-to-cell spread. To analyze the importance of proteolytic cleavage for the function of gB homologs, we isolated a mutant bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) expressing a BHV-1 gB that is no longer proteolytically processed because of a deletion of the proteolytic cleavage site and analyzed its phenotype in cell culture. We showed previously that BHV-1 gB can functionally substitute for the homologous glycoprotein in pseudorabies virus (PrV), based on the isolation of a PrV gB-negative PrV recombinant that expresses BHV-1 gB (A. Kopp and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol, 66:2754-2762, 1992). Therefore, we also isolated a mutant PrV lacking PrV gB but expressing a noncleavable BHV-1 gB. Our results show that cleavage of BHV-1 gB is not essential for its function in either a BHV-1 or a PrV background. Compared with the PrV recombinant expressing cleavable BHV-1 gB, deletion of the cleavage site in the recombinant PrV did not detectably alter the viral phenotype, as analyzed by plaque assays, one-step growth kinetics, and penetration kinetics. In the BHV-1 mutant, the uncleaved BHV-1 gB was functionally equivalent to the wild-type protein with regard to penetration and showed only slightly delayed one-step growth kinetics compared with parental wild-type BHV-1. However, the resulting plaques were significantly smaller, indicating a role for proteolytic cleavage of BHV-1 gB in cell-to-cell spread of BHV-1.  相似文献   

Bovine herpes virus-1 (BHV-1) infection appears to decrease the rate of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) influx into the lung in response to the secondary invader, Pasteurella haemolytica. It was postulated that BHV-1 may affect the rate of cellular infiltration by altering the function of the endothelium, thereby preventing PMN movement across the blood-tissue barrier. Therefore, we decided to investigate the effect of BHV-1 on the ability of PMN to adhere to lung endothelial cells (LEC). LEC were isolated from fetal bovine fetal tissue and were shown to function in PMN adhesion assays. Furthermore, enhanced PMN adhesion was observed after exposure of LEC to recombinant bovine TNF-alpha (rBoTNF-alpha) for 4, 8, 12, and 24 h. LEC infected with BHV-1 were shown to be less responsive to rBoTNF-alpha. However, infection of LEC with BHV-1 at an multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1.0 or 10 did not affect basal levels of PMN adhesion to these cells. Decreased PMN binding to BHV-1-infected LEC, simultaneously treated with rBoTNF-alpha, was observed at 10-12 h post-infection. The data suggest that BHV-1 may prevent cytokine-induced PMN infiltration of the lung through the modification of EC responses to cytokines.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), a homolog of herpes simplex virus gD, represents a major component of the viral envelope and is a dominant immunogen. To study the antigenic properties of the different regions of gD, we have expressed the full-length gD encoding gene and overlapping fragments spanning various regions of the gD open reading frame in a baculovirus (Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus)--insect cell (Spodoptera frugiperda, SF-9) system. Maximum levels of expression for all proteins were obtained 48 to 72 h post infection of SF-9 cells by recombinant viruses. Full-length and truncated recombinant gD proteins reacted specifically with anti-gD monospecific serum as determined by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting, indicating that the proteins retained their antigenicity. However, based on the reactivity with a panel of gD-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mabs), the full-length recombinant gD lacked proper expression for two highly neutralizing linear epitopes identified by Mabs R54 and 9D6. The rest of the epitopes appeared to be preserved and antigenically unaltered. Immunofluorescence studies of recombinant baculovirus infected SF-9 cells using gD monospecific serum, revealed no direct correlation between cellular localization of the expressed proteins and their amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

超声波雾化喷嘴的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
孙晓霞 《工业炉》2004,26(1):19-23,32
综述了超声波雾化喷嘴的研究进展情况,介绍了几种不同类型超声波雾化喷嘴的结构特点,简述了超声雾化机理。通过实验摸索声雾化燃烧器声学参数声压、频率等的变化规律。根据实验数据分析了声学参数随喷嘴结构参数变化的规律,并建立了相关的经验公式。但由于超声雾化机理较复杂,有待于更深入的研究,以解决工程应用中出现的问题。  相似文献   

生物质作为环境友好型的可再生资源对于解决能源危机和环境污染等问题具有重大意义.综述了生物质能的主要利用和开发形式,包括生物化学转化过程(沼气技术、燃料乙醇等)和热化学转化过程(热裂解、气化等).  相似文献   

镁合金的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了镁合金在改善耐高温性能、提高塑韧性及耐腐蚀性能和镁基复合材料等方面的研究进展,指出发展卤水镁盐工业是我国经济可持续发展战略所需,应开展盐湖老囟中镁资源的低温、无污染提取及储备高性能、高值镁合金技术的研究。  相似文献   

1. This was a randomized, double-blind comparison of the efficacy and safety of venlafaxine and fluoxetine in outpatients with major depression. 2. Three hundred fourteen patients were randomly assigned to either venlafaxine 37.5 mg twice daily or fluoxetine 20 mg once daily for a maximum of 8 weeks. 3. If the response was inadequate after two weeks of treatment, the dosage of venlafaxine could be increased to 75 mg twice daily. 4. A clinical response, defined as at least a 50% decrease from baseline in the total HAM-D score, was attained at week 6 in 72% of patients on venlafaxine and 60% of patients on fluoxetine (p = 0.023). 5. Among patients who increased their dose at 2 weeks, venlafaxine was significantly (p < 0.05) superior from week 3 onward on the HAM-D. 6. Venlafaxine 75 mg daily is comparable to fluoxetine, but at 150 mg daily, it may be superior to fluoxetine in outpatients with major depression who do not respond early to treatment.  相似文献   

We have constructed recombinants of bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) which express pseudorabies virus (PRV) gB, gC, gD or gE either individually or in combination. To test the protective immunity, mice were inoculated with these BHV-1 recombinants and challenged three weeks later with virulent PRV. A BHV-1 recombinant, BHV-1/TF7-1, which express PRV gC, gD, gE and gI but not PRV gB, protected all 7 mice from the challenge with 20 LD50 virulent PRV and 6 out of 7 from the challenge with 100 LD50 PRV, while one dead mice survived for 5 days after the challenge. All the control mice died in 3 days. BHV-1 recombinants which express PRV gB, gC and gD individually also gave some protection but not so effective as BHV/TF7-1. Before challenging with virulent PRV, sera were collected from immunized mice and antibody against PRV was assayed. Western blot analyses indicated that all the recombinants induced antibody in mice against PRV gB, gC or gD individually or in combination. Virus neutralizing (VN) titer against PRV was highest in mice which were inoculated with BHV-1/TF6-1, which expresses PRV gB. BHV-1/TF7-1, which was more effective to protect mice from the challenge of virulent PRV, induced lower VN titer.  相似文献   

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