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基于对贵州省镇远县古城景区游客的随机问卷调查,借鉴国内外已有的游客满意度评价模型.运用主成分分析法,修正并构建以游客感知质量、游客满意度为结构变量,以景区形象、游客预期、景区基础设施、景观特点、景区门票价格等13项指标为观测变量的景区游客满意度评价理论模型.结果表明:游客对镇远古城的满意度不高,对观景设施、交通、住宿奈件、景观特点满意度较低,景区对游客吸引程度较弱.镇远古城游客综合满意度77.653.据此,政府应加强对景区基础设施的改造、景区特色的构建,提高旅游服务质量水平,从而实现镇远古城景区旅游经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

以儒家文化价值观为研究的切入点,以西安国内游客为研究对象,运用多元逐步回归方程的方法,揭示出儒家文化价值观对游客购物决策风格有着显著影响,主要表现在:"家庭声誉型"、"行为与身份相符型"及"无私与进取型",分别对"决策困惑与冲动型"、"购物成熟型"和"谨慎与实用型"、"追求新奇与自主型"购物决策风格有显著影响,并提出了旅游市场细分及营销策略建议.  相似文献   

通过对秦岭北麓地区的实地考察和调研,以宝鸡市凤县双石铺镇双石铺村为例,对该县的生态环境以及经济发展现状进行了研究,对治理中存在的问题进行了分析.并具体分析了农户户主的文化程度、户均人数等人口素质与人均收入的定量关系,对生态私有的可行性进行了对比说明.另外,具体分析了凤县的经济发展前景,对于秦岭的综合治理以及区域经济发展具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

介绍了鄢陵陵名优花木科技园的建设情况,从花卉产业发展和园区基本情况入手,突出其作为鄢陵花木规模化、标准化、公司化示范区的重要地位.通过对花卉企业的访谈和抽样调查,总结出园区发展的政府支持力度大、园区服务理念好、花卉旅游发展意识强、发展呈现规模化等方面的优势,同时也揭示出园区管理方面存在的3个问题,即企业花卉生产特色问题、园区流转土地农民的思想问题以及入驻企业的问题,最后从园区管理的视角下提出发展花卉旅游的建议,指出花卉旅游发展在基础工作方面应加强企业生产的特色化、规模化、标准化,探索多样性的土地流转方法,加强对农民工技能和思想培训;在政策扶持方面应加强园区标识、注重生态环境的保护、创新具有当地特色的旅游产品、加强宣传、突出具有参与性和体验性的项目.  相似文献   

旅游信息化是旅游业发展的必然趋势,而作为旅游业最核心的旅游景区,其信息化发展就成为了重中之重.景区信息化如何从合理的角度出发,帮助景区从根本上提升核心竞争力就显得极为重要.本文通过大量文献阅读和实地调研基础上,以四川省峨眉山景区为例,构建基于CRM的游客管理系统,在景区实现信息化的同时,着重突出对景区最重要资源游客的管理.本文给出了游客管理系统的框架,并对其它景区的相关系统构建给出了建议.  相似文献   

现有对感知价值维度的研究方法存在受研究者主观成分影响较大等局限性,不利于企业根据消费者感知价值来钊定科学的营销策略,故采用有别于传统的假设一验证的方法建构理论,运用扎根理论的研究方法论,对36名在校大学£的非结构性/半结构性访谈,研究消费者感知价值的实际维度。结果表明,消费者对移动服务消费的感知维度可分为素和价值、信任价值、价格价值、质量价值、便利价值、社会价值和认知价值七个维度。根据上述结果对移动服务消费旨的感知价值进行了实证分析,证实了定性研究的结果。这一源自消费者自身信息的信息提取流程而得出的结论可  相似文献   

文章利用珠江三角洲地区TPL(Third Party Logistics)企业的问卷调查数据,对影响TPL企业运营绩效和财务绩效的因素进行了实证研究.结果表明TPL物流服务网路对财务绩效有正面影响,而对运营绩效有负面影响.企业信息化应用能力对运营绩效有显著的正向作用,对财务绩效的影响则不显著;企业信息化软硬件基础对运营绩效和财务绩效的影响均不显著.管理层经营能力对运营绩效和财务绩效均有正向影响.最后分析了上述结论的成因,并提出相应对策建议.  相似文献   

文章以实证研究的方法,考察首都师范大学公共事业管理本科专业两年来实施探究式学习的基本情况,对探究式学习中的学习绩效、存在问题进行探讨,并指出大学本科实行探究式教学需要实现教师角色的转变、需要注重教学方式与教学理念的变革、需要教师具有强烈的责任感和爱心,探究式学习研讨班的实践不仅为其他类似专业实施探究式教学提供了示范意义,而且可为高校本科教学体制改革提供经验支持.  相似文献   

以"观念-技术-管理-制度"的基本理论框架来分析欠发达地区的旅游信息化建设情况,强调观念是根本、技术是投入、管理是过程、制度是保证,它们共同决定信息化的绩效.通过总结广西开展旅游信息化建设的探索和实践,以期为经济欠发达地区开展旅游信息化建设提供经验和借鉴.  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特地区生态环境脆弱,水土流失严重,人地矛盾十分突出,当地政府扶贫工作开展困难.该地区矿产资源比较丰富,以矿产资源开采为依托的矿业经济一直都是该地区经济发展的支柱;当地的资源型企业拥有雄厚的经济实力,鼓励其参与到本社区的扶贫工作中去,势必会对喀斯特地区的扶贫发展带来新的活力,研究该地区资源型企业参与当地政府的扶贫...  相似文献   

新疆库米什地区植被覆盖率低、基岩裸露度高,为遥感地质找矿提供了良好条件。为了提高该地区的找矿效率、实现找矿突破,系统收集了库米什地区的矿产、地质及遥感资料,并采用"掩膜+Crosta主成分分析+阈值分割"方法从ETM+遥感数据中提取了蚀变异常信息。在矿产、地质和遥感多源信息的基础上,总结出矿(化)点、岩体内外接触带、蚀变带、断层、羟基蚀变异常信息和铁染蚀变异常信息6个控矿因子,采用基于知识驱动的层次分析法建立了成矿预测模型,利用数学方法和GIS平台完成了综合成矿预测。最后,以部分未加入模型的矿点与野外实地考察结果,验证了成矿预测效果。结果表明:运用层次分析法在新疆库米什地区初步进行多源信息综合成矿预测,其结果具有一定的准确性,能够为该区进一步地质找矿工作提供参考。  相似文献   

采购绩效评价一直以来是企业关注的重点.就电子采购绩效评价的意义和水准基点法的定义、类型、优势以及水准基点的选择及水准基点法的实施过程进行了阐述.  相似文献   

高校教师绩效评价功能异化,评价的激励改进和导向功能得不到发挥是高校绩效评价制度受到人们批判和诘难的根本原因.高校教师绩效评价体系的改革,应以激励作为绩效评价的主要价值取向,构建评价与激励相结合的绩效评价体系.  相似文献   

眼镜框架铰链异型材扭曲原因初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨了异型材扭曲的主要原因系加工率不均匀促使变形不均匀加剧,从而引起型材扭曲,分析了与此有关的型材加工过程,提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

Despite its enormous potential to improve performance, hybrid concrete construction (HCC) is currently underutilized. To demonstrate the benefits of using HCC (sometimes referred to as “mixed” construction) within the industry, it is essential that transparent criteria to assess this structural frame type against alternatives be determined, defined, and evaluated. Following a thorough review of literature in the building performance domain, a survey of U.K. experienced practitioners including clients, engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, and main contractors was conducted to obtain their perceptions regarding the importance of structural frame performance criteria (SFPC). A factor analysis of SFPC revealed seven dimensions, interpreted as “physical form and space,” “construction process,” “long-term sustainability,” “establishing confidence,” “building impact,” “physical appearance,” and “client satisfaction.” These dimensions should improve the decision making process when selecting an appropriate structural frame during early project stages by providing a simple list of performance criteria to be considered. Although these SFPC and dimensions were originally developed to ensure that the benefits of using HCC were apparent during the frame selection process, they are equally applicable to all frame choice comparisons. As such, they may provide a valuable tool for ensuring added value and client satisfaction.  相似文献   

A study to evaluate corrosion rates was conducted using pile foundations abandoned during the reconstruction of I-15 through Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Corrosion rates were measured for 20 piles extracted from five sites after service lives of 34–38 years. Measurements were made of soil index properties, resistivity, pH, cation/anion concentrations, and water table elevation. The critical zone for corrosion was typically located within the groundwater fluctuation zone; but correlations with soil properties were generally poor. Despite low resistivity, average corrosion rates for pile caps in native soil were typically between 2 and 9?μm/year with a maximum of 19?μm/year and did not pose any structural integrity problems. Nevertheless, for abutment piles where chloride concentration was very high, the average pile corrosion rate increased to 13?μm/year within the embankment and the maximum corrosion rate was 48?μm/year in the underlying native soil. Based on data from this and previous studies, equations were developed to predict maximum corrosion loss for piles in nonaggressive soil as a function of time.  相似文献   

The Brent Reservoir was constructed in the mid-1830s and its siphon spillways were completed in 1936 to protect the dam from overtopping in the event of an extreme flood. Since completion, there have been problems with the hydraulic performance of the siphons, some of which primed simultaneously, causing flooding downstream. A physical hydraulic model study has been conducted to investigate the hydraulic performance of the siphons in order to establish reliable stage discharge relationships. The existing bellmouth siphon system was found to be unsuitable, causing the siphons to prime suddenly at discharges of around 3 m3/s. This was due to the sudden removal of an air pocket from the siphon’s crown. The model tests were carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the existing geometry was examined. Based on the results from stage 1 of the experiments, it was concluded that the air inlet requires redesign and various options to improve the air regulation should be considered. In the second stage, various options to regulate the inlet of air and establish stable siphon performance over the entire range of discharges were considered. It was found that the most stable conditions are provided by an air slot being cut into the spillway hood at an appropriate level. This geometry provides excellent air-regulated stability, unimpaired spillway capacity, and is insensitive to tail water level and wave conditions in the reservoir.  相似文献   

潘燚 《包钢科技》2015,41(1):84-87
文章针对企业在实现目标过程中市场、效率、质量、员工行为和态度、管理模式等对考核评价过程中产生的影响,通过推行"模拟法人运行机制"和"产供销运用快速联动机制",并运用卓越绩效管理模式,构建了行之有效的企业内部考核评价体系,找出了构建体系中各项指标的内部联系,解决了指标体系之间约束刚性和可操作性,以及静态指标对外部环境变化的适应性。  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of today’s construction industry compels construction partners to seek strategies in order to improve performance. Current research introduces a performance evaluation model for construction companies in order to provide a proper tool for a company’s managers, owners, shareholders, and funding agencies to evaluate the performance of construction companies. The model developed helps a company’s management to make the right decisions. Financial, economical, and industrial data are collected from Egyptian construction companies for nine consecutive years (1992–2000). Five indices (models) are developed: company performance score, economy performance score, industry performance score, performance index, and performance grade. The models developed consider companies in four construction sectors: general building, heavy, special trade, and real estate. These models accommodate the effect of macroeconomic and industry related factors and company size on the performance evaluation. The final outcome of current research is a performance grade, which provides the performance of a construction company. The developed model is validated, which shows robust results.  相似文献   

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