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开发利用雨水资源是钢铁企业摆脱有限水资源束缚、可持续发展的重要出路之一。雨水是宝贵的淡水资源,要先利用再排放,尽量将雨水渗入到地下或加以直接利用,实现雨水的资源化、生态化利用。  相似文献   

在以可持续发展为主导的当今社会,为了充分利用雨水资源,节约电能资源,可以利用房屋本身结构将雨水集中用微型水利发电机进行发电,产生的电可以储存到蓄电池中用于照明系统供电.这套系统若被大面积使用其经济价值和节能效果不可估量.  相似文献   

本文分析了上海市的水资源利用现状,提出了城市水资源的开流节源主要在于雨水利用和节水。在雨水市政利用方面要注重规划,在其他建筑利用雨水时要注重设计。节水方面介绍了世界先进国家的相关措施和政策,并提出了节水的相关建议。  相似文献   

雨水流量的简化计算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了暴雨强度公式中降雨历时t与汇水面积F及地块形状之间的关系,从而提出了简化雨水流量计算的方法,利用计算机编程构造了计算表格,为快速求得雨不流量提供数据库与手凹的双重服务。  相似文献   

分析了某有色冶炼企业雨水系统存在的环境安全隐患,按照雨污分流、节水减排的原则,提出了对该企业厂区雨水系统进行综合治理的改造思路及具体实施方案。实践证明,在有效地分区域、分类收集、处理初期雨水和后期雨水,将膜分离技术应用于初期雨水处理系统后,厂区各类雨水均能达到国家标准后回用,实现了有色冶炼企业雨水和重金属减排的目标。  相似文献   

本文根据雨水管道的计算特点,在分析了影响雨水流量计算和管径确定的各种因素后,利用计算机程序简化了雨水流量的计算,同时提出了一种新的优化雨水管道设计方法,得到了较为满意的使用结果。  相似文献   

文章针对火法、湿法冶炼工艺并存的重金属冶炼企业工业、废水中重金属污染物的来源、危害 ,分析、探讨了实现工业废水无污染排放的途径。认为搞好雨水排放既是从根本上消除重冶企业工业废水中重金属污染的需要 ,又是实现工业废水无污染排放的关键。  相似文献   

通过对厂区初期雨水的研究,提出雨水利用设想。项目实施后每年可回收利用雨水85万m。,减少随雨水外排的重金属锌137kg/a、铅550kg/a,水质符合《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-96)要求,具有良好的环保效益和经济效益,符合清洁生产要求。  相似文献   

以不锈钢为主要特点并作为花园的主要材料使该主题更加鲜明。不锈钢用作花园的围栏,这种设计简单,呈现出漂亮的小栅格和立柱。花园分设几个台阶,在每个台阶的前面都使用了抛光的不锈钢带钢,具有镜面效果,使花园显得更大更深。  相似文献   

李为堂  刘荣  王敏 《云南冶金》2024,(1):161-167
针对初期雨水收集系统采用人工手动控制工艺流程,存在需4人轮班值守、人工效率低、日均供水仅150 m3且供水不稳定的问题,采取将各水池水位信号引入PLC,进而让PLC根据水位信号自动控制雨水收集系统工艺流程,搭配上位机远程监视的措施,达到无人值守、24 h不间断供水、日均供水500 m3的效果,可节约成本2 500万元。  相似文献   

Storm water control measures (SCMs), also known as best management practices (BMPs), such as rain gardens, are designed to infiltrate storm-water runoff and reduce pollutant transport to surface waters. The life span of these SCMs may be limited depending on the composition of sediments in runoff water. Settling of fine sediments may clog soil pore spaces, reducing the infiltration capacity of the soil and reducing the potential benefits of this SCM. A study was conducted on a Villanova campus rain garden that accepts runoff from an adjacent parking lot to determine if there was a relationship between the accumulation of fine sediments over time and the infiltration capacity. The soil textural profile within the rain garden was characterized prior to SCM installation (2001), after installation, after five years, and after seven years of receiving storm-water runoff. Infiltration data were collected by the single-ring infiltrometer method in 2006 and 2009. Differences in soil texture were found between locations within the infiltration basin, and accumulation of fines smaller than 0.1 mm was observed at both locations sampled in 2009. Infiltration rates were significantly different between the two locations measured within the rain garden, but infiltration rates did not change significantly over time within those regions. This SCM was designed at a 10:1 watershed to SCM area ratio, which is twice what is recommended by the PA DEP BMP Manual. The data collected over the seven years since installation indicate that while fines have accumulated in the SCM there has been no significant change in infiltration potential.  相似文献   

使用常规的高空、地面资料以及非常规的卫星云图、闪电定位仪资料,对2010年2月28日雨雪天气过程进行了分析,揭示这种雨雪、霰、雷电多种天气现象并存的天气发生、发展的物理机制.结果表明,南方气旋和西风槽相结合,容易在山东省形成较大降水;700 hPa西南急流为降水的产生提供了充沛的水汽条件;降水多发生在垂直速度的上升区和大值区;低层辐合、高层辐散的抽吸机制,有利于形成较大的降水;闪电活动越频繁越容易出现强对流天气,正闪的出现是强对流结束的一个重要标志.  相似文献   

Rain gardens are infiltration systems that provide volume and water quality control, recharge enhancement, as well as landscape, ecological, and economic benefits. A model for application to rain gardens based on Richards equation coupled to a surface water balance was developed, using a two-dimensional finite-volume code. It allows for alternating upper boundary conditions, including ponding and overflow, and can simulate heterogeneous soil-layering or more complex geometries to estimate infiltration and recharge. The algorithm is conservative, and exhibits good performance compared to standard models for several test cases (less than 0.1% absolute mass balance error); simulations were also performed for an experimental rain garden and comparisons to collected data are presented. The model accurately simulated the matrix flow, soil water distribution, as well as deep percolation (potential recharge) for a natural rainfall event in the controlled experimental setup.  相似文献   

采用常规资料、多普勒雷达资料、自动站资料,对2010年8月19~22 日铁岭地区出现的暴雨到大暴雨天气过程进行诊断分析.结果表明,受高空槽、副热带高压后部深厚的暖湿气流和切变线共同影响,铁岭地区出现了暴雨到大暴雨天气;这次过程主要影响系统是地面气旋倒槽;700和850 hPa 切变线、急流使中低层辐合加强,形成了较强的动力抬升和水汽辐合;铁岭地区处于强而宽的假相当住温锋区中.位势不稳定的建立是造成此次强降水的必要条件.  相似文献   

针对株洲冶炼厂硫酸库储酸罐外表的腐蚀情况进行分析,认为当地的降雨情况、空气温度、风向等因素对加剧储酸罐的腐蚀有相当重要的影响。提出在储酸的建设中,如果能结合具体情况深入探讨环境因素对腐蚀的影响,将有助于进一步降低防腐成本、延长储酸罐的使用寿命。  相似文献   

Basic relationships are derived for calculating the flow attenuation and depth of storm water on roofs. Hyetographs and corresponding hydrographs are specialized to the case of roof drainage and incorporated in methods which are presented for analysis and design of roof drains. Roof storage and outflow are characterized for various roof geometries and outflow devices. The methods are applied to examples found in the literature, including those in standards of Factory Mutual Insurance Company, ASCE, and others. Assumptions implicit in those standards are tested and their limitations demonstrated. A critical duration at which the greatest water depth and outflow occur must be found on a case-by-case basis. The critical durations can differ significantly from the fixed durations specified in standards. The corresponding maximum water depths and peak outflows can also differ accordingly. For determination of roof loads, these results will have their greatest importance in warmer climates in which the rain loads govern over snow loads. An example of design specifically for flow attenuation is also presented.  相似文献   

对屋顶花园的本土化设计与建造进行了研究.从屋顶花园的历史出发,总结了屋顶花园的发展现状.认为屋顶花园不仅可以提供公共休憩空间,实现建筑的隔热保温、隔音降噪,达到储水、减轻城市排水系统压力的作用,更能美化环境,改变局部气候,丰富我国城市空间中的俯仰景观,补偿地面绿化面积不足,改善生态质量.最后提出屋顶花园的设计原则,包括:①增强安全意识,注重屋顶载荷设计;②强调生态使用,注重绿化覆盖率;③彰显艺术特色,建立景观层次;④谨慎投资,节约建造成本,注重后期养护管理.  相似文献   

综述了园林植物体细胞胚发生的研究进展,认为植物种的基因型、外植体的类型、外源激素、外界条件以及培养基成分等是影响园林植物体胚发生的重要因子,同时对园林植物体胚发生的起源、生物反应器、现存问题和应用前景进行了阐述.  相似文献   

对成都市常见园林树木上蚂蚁种类进行调查研究,得知目前成都市园林树木蚂蚁种类共计29种,分属4亚科16属.属敷比例最高的是切叶蚁亚科,种教比例最高的为蚁亚科,其中,布立毛蚁[Paratrechina bourbonica(Forel)]为优势种,所占比例为33.5%.此外,比较了不同树木上所采集到的蚂蚁处数和种数的差异,以女贞树上采集的蚂蚁处数最多,树木支撑、枯树桩、朽木等上采集的蚂蚁种类最为丰富.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological Effect of La-Gly on Soybean Harmed by Acid Rain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Theharmfulnesofacidrainisoneoftheseriousenvironmentalproblemsofthemodernworld.Chinahasbecomethethirdlargeareaofacidraininthew...  相似文献   

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