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20多年的改革开放,使中国经济发生了天翻地覆的变化。伴随着吃、穿、用、住、行的改善,使农民受益。人民生活质量的进一步改善,对住的要求显著提高,近十年来,住成为中国国民期望的主旋律。行对于汽车、高速公路、火车、飞机等为代表的产业得到了极大发展。穿、用、住和行极大地带动了重工业、化学工业、冶金工业、电子工业和轻纺工业所有行业快速发展。说明了中国经济在全面腾飞,中国人是富起来了。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦的美食充满了穆斯林特色以及南亚的特有香料所带来的奇异口感,蕴涵着阿富汗、土耳其和伊朗的中东风情,杂糅着欧洲、美洲与中国的美食特色,再加上历史上与印度的千丝万缕的联系,又使这里美食风格带着浓郁的印度风味。[编者按]  相似文献   

Weinberger K 《Food and nutrition bulletin》2005,26(3):287-94; discussion 295-6
BACKGROUND: Evaluation of agricultural research often neglects consumption and nutrition aspects. Yet agricultural research can address micronutrient malnutrition by improving both quantity and quality of food intake. OBJECTIVE: To briefly review the conceptual linkages between agriculture and nutrition, to estimate the strength of the relationship between iron intake and productivity outcomes, and to estimate the nutritional benefit of improved mungbean varieties in terms of net present value. This paper presents a methodology for assessing the nutritional impact of mungbean, and summarizes current impact evidence on the path from mungbean research to consumption. METHODS: A consumption study was conducted among female piece-rate workers in Pakistan to analyze the impact of iron consumption on productivity, measured in wages. A two-stage least-squares analysis was used to estimate the elasticity of iron intake on wages. The results derived from this study were extrapolated to country level using secondary data sources. RESULTS: We found that anemia among women was widespread. Approximately two-thirds of women suffered from mild or severe anemia (Hb < 12 g/dL). We found the elasticity of bioavailable iron on productivity measured in wages was 0.056, and the marginal effect was 9.17 Pakistani rupees per additional mg of bioavailable iron consumed. Using the model results we estimated the impact of mungbean research on nutrition, in terms of productivity effects, and found it was substantial, ranging from US dollar 7.6 to 10.1 million cumulative present value (in 1995 US dollar at 5% discount rate). CONCLUSIONS: Agriculture certainly plays an important role in the reduction of malnutrition. Agricultural research has greatly contributed to the reduction of hunger and starvation by providing millions of hungry people with access to low-cost staple foods. Now, as the challenge shifts to the reduction of micronutrient deficiencies, more efforts must be directed toward crops high in micronutrients, such as pulses and vegetables.  相似文献   

Fungi are commonly present in the environment and can grow under favorable conditions on an extensive variety of substrates. During harvesting, handling, storage, and distribution, agricultural commodities are subjected to infection by toxigenic molds, which may cause spoilage and produce toxic metabolites called mycotoxins. Fungal contamination of various food commodities with consequent exposure of the community to mycotoxins is a hazard that may exist depending on environmental factors, crop health, and soil conditions. Mycotoxins represent serious consequences due to substantial economic loss and risk to health. The environmental conditions of Pakistan with its mostly warm temperature are conducive to growth of toxigenic fungi resulting in mycotoxin production in different food items. Moreover, the poor conditions of storage and deficiency in regulatory measures in food quality control worsen the situation in the country. This review encompasses mycotoxin contamination of food and feed in Pakistan. High concentrations of mycotoxins are found in some commodities that are used on a daily basis in Pakistan, which may be a concern depending on dietary variety and health conditions of individuals in the population. Therefore, the mycotoxin contamination of foodstuff with exceeding levels represents a serious health hazard for the local population. There is a need to conduct more studies to analyze mycotoxin occurrence in all types of food commodities throughout the country. For consumer safety and the country's economy, the regulatory authorities should take into account this issue of contamination, and control strategies should be implemented and the quality control system of food improved.  相似文献   

王萍  ;Peggy图 《中国烹饪》2009,(9):110-111
夜色中的亚得格餐厅总是那么喧嚣,沉醉的空气里,洋溢着巴基斯坦烤串特有的香气和啤酒花的味道,让人忘记时间的存在。  相似文献   

Statement of Retraction

The following article has been retracted from publication in the Taylor & Francis journal, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B:

M. Abbas, M. R. Asi, F. Anwar, T. Mahmood, A. M. Khan and T. Yaqub, Assessment of aflatoxins in peanuts grown in the Pothohar area of Pakistan, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19393210.2013.820221. Version of record published online 26th July 2013.

The Editor of Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B and Taylor & Francis note that the policy of the journal is to consider only original material, and authors are required to make a warranty to the effect that articles are not under consideration for publication by any other journal. The article was published in good faith. Subsequently, it has become known that a similar article was submitted to and published in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 69 (2012). As this is contrary to our stated policy, the article is hereby retracted and should not be cited.

It is Taylor & Francis policy that the Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B article be kept online, but also stating that the paper has been retracted, together with a link to this Retraction to ensure the integrity of the scientific record.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦印刷和印艺(制版)工业协会( pakistan association of printing and graphic arts industry,缩写为PAPGAI)成立于1959年12月,其获得了商业部的许可证书。  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦西部发现了一种复杂的细粒宝玉石矿床。其产出的石材以其或浓或淡的绿色为特征,主要致色元素为铬。此类岩石的矿物组成在小的产出范围内亦有很大的变化,珠宝学家尚未完全了解其组成矿物(已知包括水钙铝榴石,透辉石,霓石,蓝透闪石,针纳钙石,绿泥石,钠沸石与方钠石等等)。以岩石学分类论,该类岩石为矽卡岩,一种经原岩交代变质作用后形成的岩石,通常为钙质硅酸岩。山南(Sannan)是产于此新矿床的矽卡岩的特定名称。  相似文献   

<正>在2019中国国际纺织面料及辅料(秋冬)博览会上,巴斯夫以化学引领新时尚为主题,展示了包括化纤原料、牛仔酶洗助剂和3D打印配饰等在内的一系列解决方案(图1),它们可令纺织行业的生产更为稳定、高效,并有助于减少碳足迹。此外,巴斯夫还在其主办的牛仔布产业发展新趋势论坛上,推出了全新品牌——PolyTHFTM Inside(图2)。采用该品牌认证的氨纶纤维的面料商,将获得性能优异的产品,且生产工艺稳定。PolyTHFTM Inside  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is a world wide nutritional problem especially in the developing countries that afflicts severely the health of pregnant and lactating women, infants and children. Women are the most vulnerable group affected by vitamin A deficiency during their pregnancy and lactating periods. Different strategies like food diversification, fortification, and supplementation are helpful to cope with vitamin A deficiency. Food fortification is the most cost effective, long-term approach, while supplementation is considered to be the fastidious way to uplift vitamin A status. Generally Retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate are used in different food products as fortificants against the Vitamin A menace. In addition to these food-based strategies, educating the people regarding health and nutrition can also play an effective role.  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is a world wide nutritional problem especially in the developing countries that afflicts severely the health of pregnant and lactating women, infants and children. Women are the most vulnerable group affected by vitamin A deficiency during their pregnancy and lactating periods. Different strategies like food diversification, fortification, and supplementation are helpful to cope with vitamin A deficiency. Food fortification is the most cost effective, long-term approach, while supplementation is considered to be the fastidious way to uplift vitamin A status. Generally Retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate are used in different food products as fortificants against the Vitamin A menace. In addition to these food-based strategies, educating the people regarding health and nutrition can also play an effective role.  相似文献   

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