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基于轴承生产特征,探讨了推力关节轴承工艺路线与现实特征,制定了科学设计实践策略,对提升推力关节轴承安全可靠性、优化加工生产效益、促进工艺优化改进有着重要的实践意义。 相似文献
介绍了大包转台用推力关节轴承的设计和加工要点,并详细介绍了该轴承的摩擦副选择、固定,润滑槽的设计,双金属材料的加工与整形以及轴圈、座圈的加工。 相似文献
分析铝合金材质关节轴承的加工难点,对影响轴承加工的各主要因素进行改进,通过不断优化确定改进后的工艺流程,实际生产表明,优化工艺后工件各项精度满足要求。 相似文献
针对重型汽车推力杆的实际工况要求,设计推力杆用自润滑关节轴承,介绍了轴承的设计方案和加工要点,以及摩擦副的选择、球头销及外圈的挤压成形。经试验证明,自润滑关节轴承采用的新型双金属自润滑材料具有高承载、耐冲击、耐磨损、长寿命、免维护自润滑的特性,避免了对环境的污染。 相似文献
文海鹏 《机械工人(冷加工)》2009,(19):27-28
柱塞是起升液压缸上的一个零件,一套起升液压缸分为:缸体,一级、二级、三级柱塞。起升液压缸是钻机或修井机起升井架用的一个重要部件,柱塞加工质量的高低,决定着产品的使用性能。随着我厂钻机和修井机生产产量的增加,柱塞加工越来越多,传统加工工艺方法已经不能满足生产能力,改进加工工艺势在必行。 相似文献
V形推力杆的加工工艺 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
推力杆主要是应用在载重汽车或客车的非独立悬架的单轴或双后桥重型汽车上,连接着车架与车桥,其目的主要是为了克服钢板弹簧只能传递垂直力和侧向力而不能传递牵引力、制动力及其相应的反作用力矩。目前,各型推力杆广泛应用于国内各大主机厂所生产的载重汽车和客车上。近年来,一种新型的推力杆即V形推力杆开始在一些主机厂的高档客车和重型汽车上运用。载重汽车悬挂用推力杆总成装置,作为汽车多轴悬挂系统有组成部份,通常设置在载重汽车中、后桥上,一端与车身铰接,另一端则与中桥相铰接。其作用主要是传递纵向力及其力矩和横向力及其力矩,如牵引力、制动力及汽车转弯时的离心力等。 相似文献
本文介绍了连铸机蝶式钢包回转台推力关节轴承工作状态、轴承座圈摩擦副及润滑特点,对推力关节轴承受力和寿命进行了分析和计算,总结了推力关节轴承座圈修复再造的过程及修复要点.通过对轴承修复再造进行总体拥有成本分析和修复轴承使用状态情况,验证了修复能够有效延长轴承使用寿命,降低了企业备件采购成本,达到了提升设备整体性能及节约能... 相似文献
Load and flow versus air-gap curves and stability maps have been obtained for an industrial externally-pressurized air-lubricated thrust bearing with a central restrictor. Supply pressure and pocket depth were treated as parameters. Bearing stiffness was estimated by using a computer to fit a polynomial type curve to the test data. The results show that whereas the effect of inserting a pocket into the bearing improves its load capacity, there is no significant improvement in film stiffness at design conditions. The suggestion is made that the diameter of the orifice in the restrictor should be increased. As pocket depth is increased beyond the design value the bearing becomes prone to pneumatic hammer. 相似文献
This work presents an experimental study to assess the performance characteristics of hydrostatic thrust bearings. A test rig is designed for testing two configurations of hydrostatic bearings compensated by a capillary tube, one with a mid-circular recess and the other with multi-sectors (four recesses of different recess radii ratios). The performance characteristics have been measured, namely, oil film thickness, recess pressure, pressure distribution and oil flow rate. A specially devised computer program using an iterative technique has been adopted to compute numerically the pressure distribution and predict other performance characteristics. Good agreement has been obtained between predicted theoretical performance and that experimentally measured. The results demonstrate that the bearing recess size and location have a great influence on the performance of the hydrostatic thrust bearing. 相似文献
Design charts are presented of a dynamically loaded thrust bearing with as annular recess. The effect of non-parallelism between the bearing and the runner surfaces is also considered, since this is a common problem in hydrostatic thrust bearings. Based on pre-assigned dynamic excitations the pressure equation is solved numerically by finite difference methods to render the bearing performance characteristics namely: load capacity; bearing stiffness; damping coefficient; and lubricant flow rate. Results concluded that the bearing performance chareacteristics are dependent on the bearing radii ratios, the squeeze number, the bearing number and the tilt parameter. 相似文献
原来生产的推力球轴承的钢球数量为偶数且钢球直径较小。根据市场需要,开发设计了大量奇数钢球和钢球直径较大的轴承产品。为满足该类轴承的生产需要,对原铜保持架锁球模具结构进行了改进,保证了产品质量和生产效率。 相似文献
简要地从数控工艺和普通工艺各自特点分析出发,讲述了如何把握好数控加工工艺内容的教学,如何实现大工艺背景下的数控工艺和普通工艺的结合,探讨了数控加工的工艺设计问题. 相似文献
Performance characteristics of capillary and orifice-compensated flexible thrust bearings are presented for various values of the restrictor design parameter, Cs2, and the deformation coefficient, Cd. Interactions between Cs2 and Cd are studied for various bearing configurations. 相似文献
在可倾瓦推力轴承系统中,利用薄膜压力和薄膜厚度的Taylor级数展开式,对瞬态雷诺方程进行了求解,求出了薄膜力和瓦块所受力矩的Taylor级数展开式,建立了镜板和可倾瓦自由振动时的微分方程及其特征方程,以出口处与入口处薄膜厚度的比值,外载荷、瓦块倾角、镜板速度和薄膜动力粘度等为变量,经判断霍尔维茨行列式的值大于零时,表明可倾瓦推力轴承系统具有稳定性。一旦瓦块的支点确定后,出口处入口处薄膜厚度的比值即可确定,而与其它参数无关。镜板和瓦块的运动微分方程可进行解耦合求解。 相似文献