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Dairy Herd Improvement Holstein herd summary records (n = 11,259) were obtained for the year ending 1998. Reasons cows reportedly left the herd based on termination codes were analyzed for the effect of region, herd size, and herd milk production level. Regions were: North, Midsouth, and South. Herd sizes were: small (25 to 99), low medium (100 to 149), high medium (150 to 299), and large (greater than or equal to 300 cows). Milk production levels were: low (less than 7258 kg), medium (7258 to 9072 kg), and high (greater than 9072 kg). The overall percentage of cows leaving the herd was higher in the Midsouth than the South and increased with herd size. Low producing herds reported a lower percentage of cows left than high producing herds. Herds in the South reported more cows leaving for reproduction, death, and low production and fewer leaving for mastitis. Herds in the North and Midsouth reported more cows leaving for injury/other and disease, respectively. Cows left herds for disease less frequently in the North. Large herds in the South had a higher percentage leaving for low production than any herd size group in the North. Small herds reported more cows leaving for reproduction and mastitis than high medium and low medium size herds. The percentage of cows leaving for feet and leg problems was lowest for small size herds. High producing herds reported more cows leaving for reproduction, mastitis, feet and legs and disease.  相似文献   

This study evaluated impacts of educational diagnostic teams of consultants used to transfer technology to dairy farms. Herd management performance changes were measured by comparing Dairy Herd Improvement data from 38 project farms to data from herds that were geographical contemporaries. The value of focused goals for effecting change was also assessed. Interviews provided producers' perception of project outcomes and insight on organization and conduct of dairy diagnostic teams. Changes observed in project herds were small compared with controls with tendencies for increased herd size and improved milk production per cow. Focused goals had greater impacts on increasing herd size, milk per cow, first lactation peak milk, reducing age at first calving, and percentages of cows with subclinical mastitis. Time, money, facility limitations, labor, and alternative priorities were the most cited constraints to implementing changes. Satisfaction scores of producers were significantly related to the degree that team recommendations were followed. Improved attitudes, quality of life, and financial well-being were benefits listed by a majority of producers from participation in the project. If similar projects were to be offered, 83% said they would participate again, and 69% indicated they would pay at least some of the costs. Project farms served as demonstration farms for 1930 other producers in their respective locales, resulting in a multiplier effect of original advice given by consultant teams. Suggestions by farmer participants for improvements in dairy diagnostic teams included needs for at least some unbiased team members, more frequent meetings, more follow-up on recommendations, and consistency of recommendations with family goals.  相似文献   

Forty-seven dairy herds (approximately 3,129 lactating cows) from northeast of Spain that were offering exactly the same lactating ration were surveyed to determine the effect of nondietary factors on herd performance. The survey collected information on the profile of the owners (their future intentions, the number of workers, and time devoted to the enterprise), information regarding the animals (reproductive performance, incidence of pathology, culling rate, etc.), information on the facilities (number of feeders, waters, stalls, cleanliness, etc.) and information on management practices (numbers of daily milkings, feed deliveries, feed push-ups, cleaning frequency, etc.). In addition, the chemical quality of drinking water from each dairy enterprise was determined. Also, amount of feed delivered to each herd, daily total milk production, and milk quality were obtained for each herd for a period of 8 mo before the fulfillment of the survey. Mortality rate of calves tended to be lesser in herds that weaned progressively than in those that weaned abruptly. Age at first calving was negatively correlated with level of milk production (mainly due to the type of heifer rearing system used). Culling rate tended to be lower in herds that used a close-up ration than in those that did not. Using gloves and paper towels (instead of cloth towels) tended to reduce the somatic cell count in milk. Concentration of calcium in the drinking water tended to be negatively correlated with the number of days open and with the proportion of cows culled due to infertility problems. Despite that the 47 herds fed the same ration and shared a similar genetic base, average milk production per cow ranged from 20.6 to 33.8 kg/d. A positive relationship (r = 0.57) between the number of stalls per cow and milk production was found. The most important nondietary factors that affected milk production in these dairy herds were age at first calving, presence or absence of feed refusals, number of free stalls per lactating cow, and whether feed was pushed up in the feed bunk. These factors accounted for more than 50% of the observed variation, not attributable to the diet, in milk yield.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation was used to predict the long-term financial performance related to the technical performance of dairy herds. The indicators addressed were derived from data collected routinely in the herd. They indicated technical performance that can be affected by the farmer or the consultant, and they were derived from expected cause-effect relations between technical performance and financial performance at the herd level. The study included the indicators shape of lactation curve, reproduction efficiency, heifer management, variation between cows in lactation curve persistency, mortality in cows and calves, dynamics of body condition, and somatic cell counts. Each indicator was defined by 2 or 3 levels, and 2- and 3-factor interactions were included in the simulation experiment, which included 72 scenarios. Each scenario was replicated 200 times, and the resulting gross margin per cow was analyzed as the measure of financial performance. The potential effects of the selected indicators on the gross margin were estimated by means of an ANOVA. The final model allowed estimation of the financial value of specific changes within the key performance indicators. This study indicated that improving the shape of the herd-level lactation curve by 1 quartile was associated with an increase in gross margin of €227 per cow year. This represents 53% of the additional available gross margin associated with all the management changes included in the study. The improved herd-level lactation curve increased the gross margin 2.6 times more than improved reproduction efficiency, which again increased the gross margin 2.6 to 5.9 times more than improved management related to heifers, body condition score, mortality, and somatic cell counts. These results were implemented in a simple “metamodel” that used data extracted from ordinary management software to predict herd-specific financial performance related to major management changes. The metamodel was derived from systematic experiments with a complex simulation model that was used directly for advanced herd-specific decision support. We demonstrated the use of these key performance indicators to forecast the financial consequences of different “what-if” herd management options, with emphasis on herd health economics.  相似文献   

Raising replacement heifers represents a substantial cost in dairy farms, with reproductive efficiency being one of the main factors driving the total rearing cost. Diseases during the preweaning period, such as diarrhea or bovine respiratory disease (BRD), are reported at high incidence risks worldwide. However, the long-term effects of disease before weaning on productive and reproductive performance remain controversial. This retrospective cohort study explored the extent to which diseases such as diarrhea or BRD during the preweaning period affected average daily gain (ADG), herd removal, reproductive indices, and 305-d mature equivalent milk production (305ME) of replacement heifers. The health, growth, and production records of 2,272 female calves from a large dairy herd were used; 487 and 926 of the calves had BRD and diarrhea, respectively, before weaning. The reproductive variables age at first service, age at successful service, age at calving, and pregnancies per artificial insemination were calculated. Associations of disease status with reproduction indices, removal from herd, ADG, and 305ME were evaluated by survival analysis and mixed models. Heifers with a history of BRD before weaning were less likely to be inseminated or achieve first calving than heifers without BRD. However, BRD status did not change the age at first insemination of calving among those being inseminated or reaching first calving, respectively. There were also no differences in ADG, 305ME, and pregnancies per artificial insemination between heifers with and without a history of BRD. A history of diarrhea preweaning was not associated with changes in the probability of being inseminated, having a confirmed pregnancy, or reaching first calving. However, heifers affected by diarrhea required more inseminations to become pregnant. Diarrhea status was also associated with a 325-kg reduction in 305ME in the first lactation and a 50 g/d reduction in ADG. Collectively, our results demonstrate some long-term effects of diseases before weaning on the reproductive efficiency of heifers and first-lactation 305ME production, but with limited effect on the time to achieve critical reproductive performance indicators.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association of herd size with animal welfare in dairy cattle herds. Therefore, 80 conventional dairy cattle farms were classified by the number of cows into 4 herd size classes, C1 (<100 cows), C2 (100–299 cows), C3 (300–499 cows), and C4 (≥500 cows), and assessed using multiple animal-based measures of the Welfare Quality Assessment protocol for dairy cattle. Data were recorded from April 2014 to September 2016 by an experienced single assessor in northern Germany. Each farm was visited 2 times at an interval of 6 mo (summer period and winter period) to avoid seasonal effects on the outcome. The average herd size was 383 ± 356 Holstein-Friesian cows (range 45 to 1,629). Only farms with freestall (cubicle) housing and a maximum of 6 h access to pasture per day were included in the study. Data were statistically analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model. None of the farms reached the highest overall rating of “excellent.” The majority of the farms were classified as “enhanced” (30%) or “acceptable” (66%), and at 6 assessments the farms were rated as “not classified” (4%). Regarding single indicators, mean trough length per cow, percentage of cows with nasal discharge, and vulvar discharge increased with increasing herd size, whereas it was vice versa for displacements of cows. Percentage of lean cows, percentage of dirty lower legs, and duration of the process of lying down showed a curvilinear relationship with the number of cows per farm. Herd size was not associated with any other measures of the Welfare Quality protocol. In conclusion, herd size effects were small, and consequently herd size cannot be considered as a feasible indicator of the on-farm animal welfare level. Housing conditions and management practices seem to have a greater effect on animal welfare than the number of dairy cows per farm.  相似文献   

Kernel processing and theoretical length of cut (TLOC) of whole-plant corn silage (WPCS) can affect feed intake, digestibility, and performance of dairy cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate for lactating dairy cows the effects of kernel processing and TLOC of WPCS with vitreous endosperm. The treatments were a pull-type forage harvester without kernel processor set for a 6-mm TLOC (PT6) and a self-propelled forage harvester with kernel processor set for a 6-mm TLOC (SP6), 12-mm TLOC (SP12), and 18-mm TLOC (SP18). Processing scores of the WPCS were 32.1% (PT6), 53.9% (SP6), 49.0% (SP12), and 40.1% (SP18). Twenty-four Holstein cows (139 ± 63 d in milk) were blocked and assigned to six 4 × 4 Latin squares with 24-d periods (18 d of adaptation). Diets were formulated to contain 48.5% WPCS, 15.5% citrus pulp, 15.0% dry ground corn, 9.5% soybean meal, 6.8% low rumen degradability soybean meal, 1.8% calcium soap of palm fatty acids (FA), 1.7% mineral and vitamin mix, and 1% urea (dry matter basis). Nutrient composition of the diets (% of dry matter) was 16.5% crude protein, 28.9% neutral detergent fiber, and 25.4% starch. Three orthogonal contrasts were used to compare treatments: effect of kernel processing (PT6 vs. SP6) and effect of TLOC (particle size; SP6 vs. SP12 and SP12 vs. SP18). Cows fed SP6 produced 1.2 kg/d greater milk yield with no changes in dry matter intake, resulting in greater feed efficiency compared with PT6. Cows fed SP6 also produced more milk protein (+36 g/d), lactose (+61 g/d), and total solids (+94 g/d) than cows fed PT6. The mechanism for increased yield of milk and milk components involved greater kernel fragmentation, starch digestibility, and glucose availability for lactose synthesis by the mammary gland. However, cows fed SP6 had lower chewing time and tended to have greater levels of serum amyloid A compared with PT6. Milk yield was similar for SP6 and SP12, but SP12 cows tended to have less serum amyloid A with greater chewing time. Cows fed SP18 had lower total-tract starch digestibility and tended to have lower plasma glucose and produce less milk compared with cows fed SP12. Compared with PT6, feeding SP6 raised linear odd-chain FA concentration in milk. Similarly, a reduction of these same FA occurred for SP12 compared with SP6. Cows fed SP6 had greater proportion of milk C14:1 and C16:1 compared with PT6 and SP12. Lesser trans C18:1 followed by greater C18:0 concentrations were observed for SP12 and PT6 compared with SP6, which is an indication of more complete biohydrogenation in the rumen. Under the conditions of this study, the use of a self-propelled forage harvester with kernel processing set for a 12-mm TLOC is recommended for WPCS from hybrids with vitreous endosperm.  相似文献   

Animal welfare assessments were conducted on 50 Australian pasture-based dairy farms of varying herd sizes: 16 small (<300 cows), 15 medium-sized (300–500 cows), 11 large (501–750 cows), and 10 very large (751+ cows). A protocol based on elements of Welfare Quality adapted for Australian conditions was developed to assess the broad categories of good feeding, housing, health, and appropriate behavior. Farm records, body condition scores, integument injuries, fecal plaques, avoidance distance of humans, and fecal pat scoring for acidosis assessment were undertaken. The mean maximum kilograms of grain fed per day significantly increased with herd size, from 5.2 ± 0.38 (small), 7.7 ± 0.29 (medium-sized), 8.8 ± 0.45 (large), to 10.1 ± 0.80 kg (very large). Acidosis was not related to herd size based on either farm records or fecal pat scoring. All cows had access to water for more than 12 h in a 24-h period. More larger farms had water points on the farm tracks or at the dairy. Very large farms (90%) were more likely than others (36–39%) to provide water suitable for human consumption. Integument lesions were not related to herd size and were uncommon; 56 and 84% of farms had no cows with lesions or hairless areas, respectively, and no farm had >6% integument lesions. Heat stress is an important welfare risk in Australia. All farms had some form of cooling strategy; shade in all paddocks was more common on smaller farms (>90%) than others (<75%). Sprinklers were more common on large or very large farms (>80%) than others (<65%). Mastitis and lameness were the most common health conditions, followed by dystocia, downer cows, and gastrointestinal diseases. Prevalence of lameness, mastitis, downer cows, dystocia, and gastrointestinal disease were not related to farm size. Larger farms were more likely to have electronic infrastructure to monitor or electronically draft cows for inspection. We found wide variation in the avoidance distance of humans, but this was not related to farm size. Larger farms had longer walking distances to pasture and longer time away from pasture, which could affect the time available for behaviors such as lying down. Animal welfare risks differ on Australian farms compared with housed cattle. As animal welfare is multidimensional, both animal- and resource-based indicators can be useful. Animal-based indicators have strengths in that, when measured accurately, they genuinely reflect the outcome being measured, but they also have weaknesses in that the point-estimate of a disease prevalence on a given day may not be representative of other times of year or differences in case definition may exist when farm records are used. Similarly, resource-based indicators have strengths in that they may be applicable to longer periods, but weaknesses because the fact a resource is present does not guarantee it is being used. Identifying the major risks to animal welfare on individual farms and ensuring a plan is in place to effectively manage them should be an important element of any on-farm animal welfare assessment protocol.  相似文献   

The Canadian dairy industry has created national standards to support the adoption of biosecurity practices and to reduce disease risks across the country. There is, however, very little information on the adoption of these practices. The present study aimed to describe the adoption of biosecurity practices on Canadian dairy farms shortly after the creation of the national standards and to identify demographic factors associated with practice adoption. In 2015, 2 questionnaires (phase 1 and 2) were administered to Canadian dairy farmers during an extensive cross-sectional study. Associations between adoption of biosecurity practices as well as associations between adoption of these practices and demographic variables were tested using multiple correspondence analysis. A total of 1,157 questionnaires were completed in phase 1, and a subsample of 368 respondents was selected using stratified random sampling to complete phase 2 during visits to the farms. There was a lack of investigation into general disease syndromes such as a high prevalence of abortion or an unexplained death (38 and 22% of respondents, respectively). Biosecurity measures within herds and between herds to minimize the spread of infection were not widely adopted (e.g., 27% of the respondents never housed sick or lame animals in their calving pen, 41% had closed herds, and 25 and 48% of the open herds had no strategy for introducing new additions and reintroducing returning animals, respectively). Cleanliness of the cows before calving was always ensured by 29% of the respondents, and 27% of the respondents reported always sanitizing the calving pen after each calving. Less than 15% of the respondents had measures in place to limit or control visitors coming on their farm. Moreover, less than half of the respondents reported requiring family members, employees, and visitors to wear farm-designated or clean boots and coveralls. From the multiple correspondence analysis, 2 dimensions were retained and were summarized as “animal movement, calving area, and visitor biosecurity” and “employee biosecurity.” Geographical region, type of housing, and milk production were associated with the “employee biosecurity” dimension. The present study demonstrates that many important biosecurity practices are not implemented on Canadian dairy farms; therefore, efforts to promote the adoption of these practices will be necessary to improve biosecurity in dairy herds.  相似文献   

Effect of lasalocid on performance of lactating dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty-two midlactation dairy cows were fed either a typical dairy diet or the same diet plus 340 mg lasalocid/d for 98 d. Diets were 65% forage (alfalfa and corn silage) and 35% concentrate (DM basis). Lasalocid did not affect production of milk (21 kg/d) or FCM (20 kg/d) or milk composition. Dry matter intake was slightly lower for cows consuming lasalocid than for control cows (19.6 vs. 20.6 kg/d). Lasalocid improved energetic efficiency by about 20% during the first 2 wk of the experiment, but treatment effects diminished as the experiment progressed. The period in which lasalocid had significant effects on energetic efficiency was also the period in which lasalocid increased ruminal propionate and decreased ruminal acetate concentrations. On d 7 of the experiment, cows fed lasalocid had lower acetate to propionate ratios as compared with control (3.0:1 vs. 3.7:1). No effect of treatment was observed on ruminal VFA during the remainder of the experiment. These data are interpreted to show that lasalocid improved the efficiency of converting dietary digestible energy into NE1 by altering ruminal fermentation, but this effect was relatively short-lived, since treatment effects on ruminal VFA patterns and energetic efficiency became negligible by 28 d.  相似文献   

Feeding régimes and feed analyses are reported for 55 dairy farms in Aberdeenshire during the winter of 1969–70. An assessment of the rations suggests that the most serious nutrient deficiency was in the energy supply to high-yielding cows. Phosphorus intakes were also low, particularly of low-yielding cows. The incidence of other nutrient deficiencies is discussed. On many farms proprietary mineral supplements, used at the recommended rates, were inadequate for correction of apparent mineral deficiencies.  相似文献   

Participation in milk-recording programs that provide data for national genetic evaluations of dairy cattle in the United States is voluntary, but the effectiveness of the evaluation system increases with the number of herds that contribute data. To investigate patterns of herd participation in Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) testing, periods of continuous testing were computed based on the year that a herd initiated or terminated testing and by geographical region. Continuous testing was defined as at least one test per 6-mo period. Some herds discontinued testing and then re-enrolled. Across all years (1960 through 2002), 65% of herds had one period of continuous testing (no testing lapse). The percentage of herds with testing lapses decreased as the number of lapses increased and as the initial test year became more recent; overall, only 1.5% of herds had more than 6 continuous testing periods. For herds that terminated DHI testing from 1960 through 2002, 64% were on continuous test for <3 yr. In general, herd frequencies decreased as continuous test period increased except for continuous testing of > or =20 yr, which increased to 13% for years 2000 to 2002. Herds with more recent termination dates had remained on continuous test longer, and one-third of herds that were still on test after June 2002 had been on test for at least 20 yr. The duration of herd participation was longest for the northeastern and mideastern United States and shortest for the southeastern United States. Multiple periods of testing with lapses of >6 mo between test periods represent a loss of data that could have enhanced the study and evaluation of genetic characteristics of US dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Cattle exhibit behavioral laterality, but the consistency and correlation between behaviors are unknown. Behavioral laterality was recorded in two herds of contrasting management intensity. The first was a small, extensively managed herd in Brazil, with cows and calves on rangeland, except when removed for handmilking in stalls. The second was a large, intensive British herd, with cows fed mostly indoors and calves removed for individual rearing soon after birth. In herd 1, the side of the body on which the following behaviors were performed was recorded: rumination (rumination), tail waving (tail), tongue protrusion during the initiation of a feeding bout (feeding), hind leg placement when lying (lying), and front leg initiating walking (walking). The distribution of left and right side dominance was normal for all behaviors, with positive correlations between walking and rumination, tail, and feeding, and between lying and rumination. In herd 2, rumination, feeding, and lying behaviors were similarly recorded, as well as parlor side-preference (parlor) and the side of a track chosen when returning to pasture (track). For all behaviors except track, the extent of left- and right-side dominance was not normally distributed, and more cows than expected showed strong laterality on the right or the left side. Parlor and track lateralities were correlated, indicating that cows that entered one side of the parlor also tended to choose the same side of the track. Strong laterality in the intensively managed herd therefore contrasted with that observed in the extensively managed herd and the reasons for such differences in laterality are uncertain.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to find the optimal proportions of pregnancies from an in vitro-produced embryo transfer (IVP-ET) system and artificial insemination (AI) so that profitability is maximized over a range of prices for embryos and surplus dairy heifer calves. An existing stochastic, dynamic dairy model with genetic merits of 12 traits was adapted for scenarios where 0 to 100% of the eligible females in the herd were impregnated, in increments of 10%, using IVP-ET (ET0 to ET100, 11 scenarios). Oocytes were collected from the top donors selected for the trait lifetime net merit (NM$) and fertilized with sexed semen to produce IVP embryos. Due to their greater conception rates, first ranked were eligible heifer recipients based on lowest number of unsuccessful inseminations or embryo transfers, and then on age. Next, eligible cow recipients were ranked based on the greatest average estimated breeding values (EBV) of the traits cow conception rate and daughter pregnancy rate. Animals that were not recipients of IVP embryos received conventional semen through AI, except that the top 50% of heifers ranked for EBV of NM$ were inseminated with sexed semen for the first 2 AI. The economically optimal proportions of IVP-ET were determined using sensitivity analysis performed for 24 price sets involving 6 different selling prices of surplus dairy heifer calves at approximately 105 d of age and 4 different prices of IVP embryos. The model was run for 15 yr after the start of the IVP-ET program for each scenario. The mean ± standard error of true breeding values of NM$ of all cows in the herd in yr 15 was greater by $603 ± 2 per cow per year for ET100 when compared with ET0. The optimal proportion of IVP-ET ranged from ET100 (for surplus dairy heifer calves sold for ≥$300 along with an additional premium based on their EBV of NM$ and a ≤$100 embryo price) to as low as ET0 (surplus dairy heifer calves sold at $300 with a $200 embryo price). For the default assumptions, the profit/cow in yr 15 was greater by $337, $215, $116, and $69 compared with ET0 when embryo prices were $50, $100, $150, and $200. The optimal use of IVP-ET was 100, 100, 62, and 36% of all breedings for these embryo prices, respectively. At the input price of $165 for an IVP embryo, the difference in the net present value of yr 15 profit between ET40 (optimal scenario) and ET0 was $33 per cow. In conclusion, some use of IVP-ET was profitable for a wide range of IVP-ET prices and values of surplus dairy heifer calves.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted with lactating dairy cows to determine effects on intake, performance, and chewing activity of supplemental fat in early lactation diets that differed in fiber level and particle size. In trial 1, whole raw soybeans were added at 11.6% of ration DM to alfalfa silage-based TMR containing either finely chopped silage or the same silage with 8.1% coarsely chopped alfalfa hay. Each combination of soybeans (0 or 11.6%) and silage (fine or hay added) was fed as an isocaloric, isonitrogenous TMR to eight Holstein cows in early lactation in a replicated Latin square design with 4-wk periods. Addition of soybeans decreased DMI for fine silage. With silage plus hay, soybean addition decreased milk yield and protein content but increased fat test so that FCM was unchanged. Silage plus hay promoted chewing activity with no interaction of forage particle size with fat addition on chewing activity. In trial 2, TMR based on alfalfa and corn silage contained either 25 or 29% NDF and 0 or 11.6% soybeans. Otherwise, trials 1 and 2 were similar. Soybean addition decreased DMI with low NDF diets. Addition of fat from soybeans had no effect on milk yield or composition, but low fiber decreased fat test and chewing activity. When .4 to .5 kg/d of supplemental fat from whole raw soybeans was fed, higher dietary NDF and larger particle size promoted greater intake with no effect on FCM yield.  相似文献   

The purpose was to determine the effects of the physical dimensions of the pen and group size and stocking density on cow activity. Cows (randomly assigned to 4 groups of 6 animals each) were tested in pens with 24 or 12 lying places and in groups with 12 or 6 cows. All groups were tested in each of the 4 treatments with treatment order allocated using a 4 × 4 Latin square. The distance moved and the number of movements were calculated using 5-min scan sampling of video recordings over a 48-h period. Time spent lying down, number of lying bouts, and the duration of each lying bout were recorded using activity sensors. Displacements at the feed bunk were assessed by continuous analysis of video for 3h after the delivery of the fresh feed in the afternoon. Cows moved greater distances when kept in a large versus small pens (330.2 vs. 270.1 ± 11.6 m/d; mean ± SE), irrespective of group size. Cows moved more often when kept in the larger pen (21.3 vs. 19.2 ± 0.63% of scans). The time spent lying down decreased when density increased (59.1 vs. 55.8 ± 2.3% of scans at 25% and 100% stocking, respectively). Treatment had no effect on the number of displacements at the feed bunk. Physical dimensions of the pen play an important role in how much cows move, and stocking density affects lying time.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between individual cow milk yield and fertility, accounting for the contextual effect of the herd. A data set including 657,968 lactations from 677 dairy herds in Argentina from 2001 to 2012 was used. The odds of pregnancy by 100 d in milk (DIM) were assessed by a multilevel logistic model (with cow as the first and herd as the second hierarchical level), and time to pregnancy was assessed by a proportional hazards regression model. Multilevel logistic models included the fixed effects of milk yield by 80 DIM, parity, year, and calving season at cow level and quartiles of herd milk yield by 80 DIM as a contextual effect. The proportional hazards model included the effect of daily cow-level milk yield as time-dependent variable, with milk yield at herd level as the stratification variable. Cows producing 1 standard deviation over the mean milk yield of their herd had 1.3 percentage point lower pregnancy by 100 DIM (from 31.4 to 30.1%; odds ratio = 0.942) when in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they increased 0.5 percentage points (from 27.9 to 28.4%) when in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. Only 4% of the observed variation in pregnancy by 100 DIM was explained by the random effect of the herd. Similarly, cows producing 1 standard deviation (8 kg/d) greater than the herd mean daily milk had 1.3% lower hazard of pregnancy (hazard ratio = 0.987) at 63 DIM in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they had 14.8% higher hazard (hazard ratio = 1.148) in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. The magnitude of the negative association between the cow's daily milk yield and the hazard of pregnancy increased with DIM. In conclusion, the relationship between milk yield and reproductive performance is statistically significant, but the effect size is practically small and is modulated by herd production level.  相似文献   

In a random regression test-day model, environmental effects in addition to individual animal factors can be included and analyzed. Moreover, instead of herd-year classification of the management groups, the herd-test-day classification within the model better accounts for month-to-month short-term environmental variation in production and somatic cell count (SCC) traits. The herd management levels of milk yield (milk deviation from whole-country mean, kilograms/day), protein and fat concentration (protein and fat deviation, %), and SCC (SCC deviation, 1,000 cells/mL) are used in the dairy herd management Web application “Maitoisa” (in English, “Milky”). This management tool helps to recognize several management problems. For recognition of systematic patterns and single unusual test-days, a monthly time-trend analysis was developed to smooth the random fluctuations and display the yearly production pattern. In addition to analyzing single test-day deviations from the mean, modeled herd solutions assist users in identifying repeated phenomena and enable the forecasting of the management pattern for the subsequent year. The solutions are displayed either as tables or graphs plotted by calendar months. In addition to management effects of the farmer's own herd, he or she can request country or region percentiles to be displayed in the graphs. The Web service has been offered to farmers and dairy advisors since 2001, and it has proved to be a powerful tool for herd monitoring and planning.  相似文献   

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