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Claim requests for general costs according to the equivalence principle for the change of quantities and for delays of VOB/B contracts Following the equivalence principle the claim requests for general costs according to § 2 Abs. 5 and 6 VOB/B and also for delays according to § 6 Abs. 6 VOB/B were already described in former papers. In the actual paper the claim request for general costs for the change of quantities according to § 2 Abs. 3 VOB/B will be explained as well as a more detailed explanation of the consequences regarding the general costs due to delays according to § 6 Abs. 6 VOB/B respectively § 642 BGB. As result a new modular method for the claim requests for general costs will be presented, which can be described as explicit, uniform, comprehensible from the economical construction point of view and also consistent with the actual VOB/B requirements. The consideration of the equivalence principle implies that the balance between the contractual performance and compensation when the construction contract is concluded remains valid also after contractual changes. This assumption is of extraordinary importance as all construction experts and parties involved accept this principle.  相似文献   

Ivan ade 《Bautechnik》2015,92(3):196-200

Auf dem Konzerngelände eines weltweit tätigen Pharmakonzerns in Basel wurde ein vom Architekten Frank O. Gehry entworfenes skulpturales Bürogebäude geplant und fertiggestellt. Besonderes Augenmerk ist die transparente Stahl‐Glas‐Hülle, die aus verschieden zusammengesetzten Fassadenflächen besteht. Um die freie Geometrie dieses Gebäudes möglichst nahe an der Entwurfsidee in die Realität umzusetzen, wurde für alle Planungsbeteiligten verbindlich das CAD‐Programm CATIA in den Planungsprozess integriert. Das Ingenieurbüro schlaich bergermann und partner hat die komplette Tragwerksplanung (Entwurf, Ausführung, Bauüberwachung) erstellt. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Besonderheiten bei Entwurf, Konstruktion sowie Herstellung und Montage der ungewöhnlichen Stahl‐Glas‐Hülle. The free operation of surfaces and steel bars. On the premises of a worldwide operating pharmaceutical company in Basle, Suisse a sculptural office building designed by Frank O. Gehry has been planned and completed. An outstanding charm is given by the transparent steel‐glass‐envelope covering the relatively shifted and rotated slabs as a free formed folded structure consisting of steel bars. To realize the free building geometry very close to the design idea for all project members the CAD‐software CATIA was integrated into the planning process. schlaich bergermann und partner has covered the full scope of structural engineering from schematic design to execution phase. This paper describes the specialties during design, engineering, fabrication and erection of the unusual envelope made of steel and glass.  相似文献   

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