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虚拟与增强现实技术越来越多地应用于互动旅游中,而文化遗产已经成为互动旅游的重要元素.本文以非物质文化遗产南音为例,在分析研究南音传承、发展与传播现状的基础上,提出了南音虚拟与增强现实互动旅游系统的设计思路.使用虚拟现实开发引擎Unity 3D及增强现实开发工具包Vuforia SDK,结合LBS(基于位置的服务)技术,...  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产是人类文明和历史文化的宝贵资源。运用本体技术可以实现非遗资源数字化管理,有利于非遗资源的保护、利用和共享。项目首次将文物保护领域的本体框架CIDOC CRM用于中国传统木结构建筑营造技艺这一非遗领域,并结合建筑领域的特性对CIDOC CRM模型结构进行选择和扩充,定义建筑领域非遗知识本体的概念类及其属性,并在实例化过程中运用TextRank算法处理文本语料,实现本体实例的扩充,将本体模型进行数据映射,存入Neo4j图数据库中,以知识图谱的形式实现可视化展示。实验表明:运用上述方法构建传统建筑非遗知识本体模型是可行的;创建的本体能将各种碎片化知识有效地连接在一起。该方法可用于对领域知识进行管理,将在建筑领域的非遗数字化保护和合理利用方面起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Kim  Hayun  Matuszka  Tamás  Kim  Jea-In  Kim  Jungwha  Woo  Woontack 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(24):26001-26029

Augmented reality (AR) has received much attention in the cultural heritage domain as an interactive medium for requesting and accessing information regarding heritage sites. In this study, we developed a mobile AR system based on Semantic Web technology to provide contextual information about cultural heritage sites. Most location-based AR systems are designed to present simple information about a point of interest (POI), but the proposed system offers information related to various aspects of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, linked to the POI. This is achieved via an information modeling framework where a cultural heritage ontology is used to aggregate heterogeneous data and semantically connect them with each other. We extracted cultural heritage data from five web databases and modeled contextual information for a target heritage site (Injeongjeon Hall and its vicinity in Changdeokgung Palace in South Korea) using the selected ontology. We then implemented a mobile AR application and conducted a user study to assess the learning and engagement impacts of the proposed system. We found that the application provides an agreeable user experience in terms of its affective, cognitive, and operative features. The results of our analysis showed that specific usage patterns were significant with regard to learning outcomes. Finally, we explored how the study’s key findings can provide practical design guidance for system designers to enhance mobile AR information systems for heritage sites, and to show system designers how to support particular usage patterns in order to accommodate specific user experiences better.


We present SmallWorlds, a visual interactive graph‐based interface that allows users to specify, refine and build item‐preference profiles in a variety of domains. The interface facilitates expressions of taste through simple graph interactions and these preferences are used to compute personalized, fully transparent item recommendations for a target user. Predictions are based on a collaborative analysis of preference data from a user's direct peer group on a social network. We find that in addition to receiving transparent and accurate item recommendations, users also learn a wealth of information about the preferences of their peers through interaction with our visualization. Such information is not easily discoverable in traditional text based interfaces. A detailed analysis of our design choices for visual layout, interaction and prediction techniques is presented. Our evaluations discuss results from a user study in which SmallWorlds was deployed as an interactive recommender system on Facebook.  相似文献   

针对传统制鞋企业无法满足个性化需求的问题,结合虚拟现实技术的交互性等特点,设计了基于MAYA和Unity3D在线定制鞋系统.首先采用MAYA建模软件中多边形与细分建模相结合的技术进行三维鞋建模;然后基于Unity3D引擎,采用Shader渲染技术实现打包纹理贴图并结合C#脚本语言,实现人机交互功能;最后,应用WebGL技术发布至网页,使用户通过浏览器即可进行在线三维定制鞋的设计及浏览.该系统可以实现用户在网页上个性化定制属于自己的鞋,满足人们个性化定制的理念,对制鞋企业的发展会产生很大的推动力.  相似文献   

赵梦媛  黄晓雯  桑基韬  于剑 《软件学报》2022,33(12):4616-4643
推荐系统是一种通过理解用户的兴趣和偏好帮助用户过滤大量无效信息并获取感兴趣的信息或者物品的信息过滤系统.目前主流的推荐系统主要基于离线的、历史的用户数据,不断训练和优化线下模型,继而为在线的用户推荐物品,这类训练方式主要存在3个问题:基于稀疏且具有噪声的历史数据估计用户偏好的不可靠估计、对影响用户行为的在线上下文环境因素的忽略和默认用户清楚自身偏好的不可靠假设.由于对话系统关注于用户的实时反馈数据,获取用户当前交互的意图,因此“对话推荐”通过结合对话形式与推荐任务成为解决传统推荐问题的有效手段.对话推荐将对话系统实时交互的数据获取方式应用到推荐系统中,采用了与传统推荐系统不同的推荐思路,通过利用在线交互信息,引导和捕捉用户当前的偏好兴趣,并及时进行反馈和更新.在过去的几年里,越来越多的研究者开始关注对话推荐系统,这一方面归功于自然语言处理领域中语音助手以及聊天机器人技术的广泛使用,另一方面受益于强化学习、知识图谱等技术在推荐策略中的成熟应用.将对话推荐系统的整体框架进行梳理,将对话推荐算法研究所使用的数据集进行分类,同时对评价对话推荐效果的相关指标进行讨论,重点关注于对话推荐系统中的后...  相似文献   

Semiotic engineering is a semiotic theory of human–computer interaction, where interactive computer systems are viewed as one-shot messages sent from designers to users. Through the system's interface, in many direct and indirect ways, designers are telling the users how they can, should, or must interact with the system in order to achieve a particular range of goals anticipated at design time. Designers are thus active interlocutors at human–computer interaction time. Their interactive discourse is delivered implicitly and/or explicitly by the system, which constitutes the designer's deputy. The importance of bringing designers and users together at interaction time springs from the intellectual nature of software artifacts. They are the result of human reasoning, choice and decision, rather than the direct effect of universal or natural laws. An adequate understanding of interactive artifacts depends on apprehending and comprehending the human intellect in action. Hence, in addition to producing interactive artifacts, designers must also introduce them appropriately, as is the case of other intellectual products. In this paper, we show how semiotic engineering can provide substantial theoretic support for viewing and exploring design possibilities brought about by this shift in perspective. We also discuss ontological and epistemological aspects of the theory, and conclude that it can bridge some of the gaps between other fragmented HCI theories and approaches.  相似文献   

VALENCE is an interactive visualisation controlled by live brainwave monitoring. We used a wireless EEG headset to monitor the player's alpha waves (an indicator of relaxation) and valence (an indicator of emotion or arousal). The game world is an emergent system of attractive and repulsive forces responding to EEG input.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the rationale for—and describes the methodology of—a new system of interactive storytelling being developed by the Ename Centre for Public Archaeology Heritage Presentation in Belgium. Based on 5 years' experience with multimedia heritage presentation systems, both on‐site and in museum contexts, this approach to the presentation of history and archaeology enables visitors to create their own ‘stories’ as they explore the information contained in a database. The collaborative virtual environment in this case is the visitor's exploration of a historical monument through a series of interactive panoramas and navigation options that allow the visitor to weave archaeological facts and historical information to larger narratives. Because the visitor can follow a number of different trajectories (of time, space and theme) through the monument, and can freely switch trajectories, hundreds of different narratives are possible. The creation of these interactive stories has a larger educational purpose. It has proved to be a uniquely flexible medium for the communication of personalized, interest‐oriented, and user‐driven heritage information for the general public. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泉州提线木偶属于首批中国非物质文化遗产,是中华传统文化的实现形式之一.然而,由于木偶体积庞大,携带与操作不便,直接限制了其受众群体.为了实现提线木偶的有效传承与保护,设计了基于手势识别的虚拟现实提线木偶动画方案,构建了基于MYO臂环肌电信号的人体生理信号控制动画原型系统,应用两个用户实验验证了算法的高精确性与易操控性.首先,通过低通滤波与平滑实现多通道肌电信号数据的信号处理.其次,提取八通道时域特征与时频域特征,并通过线性判别器将其降维为六维特征向量,实现特征间关联性消除与算法鲁棒性增强.最后,构造多分类支撑向量机实现特征向量,确定手势识别结果.实验验证算法离线动作平均识别准确率为95.59%,实时动作平均识别准确率达到90.75%,在1.1s左右完成手势识别.面向提线木偶任务,构造了两个用户体验任务,普通用户人群中,木偶动作识别率较高,用户使用意愿、易学性等方面,系统性能亦显著高于真实木偶操控;专业用户在承认系统可用性的同时,具有较高的接受度.用户任务表明该设计满足了手势识别实时性和准确性的要求,具有良好的交互性和趣味性.相关研究可以广泛地应用于计算机动画等类似的系统,对于体验和保护提线木偶具有现实意义.  相似文献   

TV is a medium with high penetration rates and has been suited to deliver informal education in several aspects since years. Thus, interactive TV may play a significant role in the current Life-Long Learning challenges, provided that meaningful applications are implemented. In this research work, we have explored the added value of interactivity in digital TV, with a particular focus on Serious Games (SGs), given their growing relevance in technology-enhanced learning. We have followed an evolutionary rather than revolutionary approach, in particular given the still traditional use of TV by a large audience. The approach preserves a media-driven strategy and the role of the author/director in proposing contents (storytelling), as in the TV tradition. We argue that interactive SGs may help the viewer to better contextualize/understand the video stream and go more in depth about the touched items at the end of the stream. This also enables new iTV applications, in particular to support weaker users (i.e. users that could not view the video without a help). This paper presents the results from user tests based on an interactive enhancement of a clip from the Disney’s Snow White movie, that challenged the authors in addressing a dynamic, high-value document. Qualitative and quantitative results show the potential of the system for informal education. The tests also stress the importance of good solutions (e.g., development languages, display modalities, metaphors) for synchronizing video and overlaid interactive elements. To the best of our knowledge, this research work is the first one discussing user test results about the usefulness of a class of iTV SG applications that can be instantiated serially in several different contexts.  相似文献   

Digital artifacts or "artistic applications" as they are usually called, aim at displaying information content by materializing concepts in a digital format. In this article the author explains about the concepts and definitions behind digital art and the technological issues related to artistic and cultural heritage applications. Artistic creation begins with a concept or an abstract idea, which is gradually modeled into a form of tangible or intangible digital content that can be both the means and the end product. Digital artists consider computer technology as a way to enhance creativity and as a final artifact. The dual manifestation of artistic and cultural heritage applications results in workflow that differs for each application class. Application constraints identification is one of the most important but often undervalued issues in digital art creation. Displacement is an interactive installation applying augmented reality technology.  相似文献   

Human–human interaction consists of various nonverbal behaviors that are often emotion-related. To establish rapport, it is essential that the listener respond to reactive emotion in a way that makes sense given the speaker's emotional state. However, human–robot interactions generally fail in this regard because most spoken dialogue systems play only a question-answer role. Aiming for natural conversation, we examine an emotion processing module that consists of a user emotion recognition function and a reactive emotion expression function for a spoken dialogue system to improve human–robot interaction. For the emotion recognition function, we propose a method that combines valence from prosody and sentiment from text by decision-level fusion, which considerably improves the performance. Moreover, this method reduces fatal recognition errors, thereby improving the user experience. For the reactive emotion expression function, the system's emotion is divided into emotion category and emotion level, which are predicted using the parameters estimated by the recognition function on the basis of distributions inferred from human–human dialogue data. As a result, the emotion processing module can recognize the user's emotion from his/her speech, and expresses a reactive emotion that matches. Evaluation with ten participants demonstrated that the system enhanced by this module is effective to conduct natural conversation.  相似文献   

为了在新时代多媒体环境下更有效地传承中国二十四节气传统文化,通过二十四节气文化与微信表情包的结合创新,让人们深入了解二十四节气的文化内涵和时代价值,实现对人类非物质文化遗产的有效保护与传承。基于二十四节气文化的微信表情包,在发扬光大繁荣中华民族传统文化的同时,也对实现提升国家文化软实力、建设文化强国的奋斗目标有着非凡的社会意义。  相似文献   

自2003年世界教科文组织对于非物质文化遗产有着明确定义之后,保护非物质文化遗产的意识也被纳入了城市发展的重要组成部分。就上海这座大都市来探究,其城市在日新月异的变化下历史文化的流失也比较严重,而对于既存的一些以其独特形式的文化遗产也勾起人们的回忆,本文主要以上海为城市背景,探讨城市声音作为一种非物质文化遗产在城市发展中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

针灸铜人是中国古代医学珍贵的艺术品,具有重要的文化和艺术价值。针对针灸铜人等文化遗产数字化保护手段传统单一,体验性差和传播力不强等问题,本文综合利用三维激光扫描、三维可视化和虚拟现实等技术提出了一种新的数字化方法。以湖北省博物馆珍藏的腧穴针灸铜人为对象,首先采用三维激光扫描技术进行数据采集和模型构建,然后利用XML语言对其承载的传统中医知识进行表示与存储;其次,基于改进的二次误差度量和递进网格算法实现了铜人多分辨率简化模型的自动生成;最后,基于Unity引擎开发了一套针灸铜人虚拟交互展示系统,实现了穴位、经络和常见疾病等传统中医知识在三维虚拟场景下的可视化展示与交互查询。本文提出的方法可以为历史文物与非物质文化遗产的数字化保护与传播提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Complex product configuration design requires rapid and accurate response to customers’ demand. The participation of customers in product design will be a very effective solution to achieve this. The traditional interactive genetic algorithm (IGA) can solve the above problem to some extent by a computer-aided user interface. However, it is difficult to adopt an accurate number to express an individual's fitness because the customers’ cognition of evolutionary population is uncertain, and to solve the users’ fatigue problem in IGA. Thus, an interactive genetic algorithm with interval individual fitness based on hesitancy (IGA-HIIF) is proposed in this paper. In IGA-HIIF, the interval number derived from users’ evaluation time is adopted to express an individual's fitness, and the evolutionary individuals are compared according to the interval probability dominant strategy proposed in this paper. Then, the genetic operations are applied to generate offspring population and the evolutionary process doesn’t stop until it meets the termination conditions of the evolution or user manually terminates the evolution process. The IGA-HIIF is applied into the design system of the car console configuration, and compared to the other two kinds of IGA. The extensive experiment results are provided to demonstrate that our proposed algorithm is correct and efficient.  相似文献   

基于Markov决策过程的交互虚拟人情感计算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感在生物体的交流和适应性方面起到了关键作用。同样,交互虚拟人也需要有恰如其分的表达情感的能力。由于具有情感交互能力的虚拟人在虚拟现实、电子教育、娱乐等领域均有着广阔的应用前景,当前,在虚拟人中加入情感成分的研究受到了越来越多的重视。本文提出了一个人工心理的情感计算模型,模型用马尔可夫过程来描述情感的变化过程,并且使用马尔可夫决策过程建立了情感、个性与环境之间的联系,并且我们把该模型应用到了一个交互虚拟人系统中。研究结果表明,模型能够构建具有不同性格特征的虚拟人,使之产生较为自然的情感反应。  相似文献   

刘霄  章昭辉  魏子明  王鹏伟 《软件学报》2021,32(6):1733-1747
基于交互行为的用户特征提取和身份认证方法是一种重要的身份识别方式,但高频用户的交互行为模式和操作习惯相对稳定,易被欺诈者模仿,使得现有模型对此类欺诈行为的误判较高.如何使得用户行为主动平滑变化且可区分,成为解决上述问题的关键.针对此问题,提出一种基于个体交互行为系统平滑干预模型:首先,根据用户历史交互行为日志从多个维度...  相似文献   

Intellectual Capital (IC) has been proposed by Edvinsson and Malone (Intellectual capital, Harper, 1997) as a technique for quantifying a company's intangible assets. A careful analysis can result in hundreds of variables, and extracting knowledge from these measurements can be difficult. We introduce a knowledge management technique called IC mapping that attempts to synthesize this data into a fitness landscape. Using the map, managers can query the surrounding landscape, view the company's trajectory across the landscape, and calculate what parameters need to be changed to reach new locations. IC mapping provides a novel knowledge management tool for understanding, managing, and representing a company's intangible knowledge assets.  相似文献   

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