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Xu XiuzhongDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai ChinaZhang Zhiyi Hua HongxingNational Key Laboratory of VibrationShock & Noise Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai ChinaChen ZhaonengSchool of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China 《机械工程学报(英文版)》2003,16(4):445-448
A new method of parameter identification based on linear time-frequency representation andHilbert transform is proposed to identify modal parameters of linear time-varying systems frommeasured vibration responses. Using Gabor expansion and synthesis theory measured responses arerepresented in the time-frequency domain and modal components are reconstructed by time-frequencyfiltering. The Hilbert transform is applied to obtain time histories of the amplitude and phase angle ofeach modal component, from which time-varying frequencies and damping ratios are identified. The 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2003,17(2):379-407
Modal analysis is extensively used to study dynamic behaviour of linear mechanical structures. The extension of this tool to non-linear structures is examined here, using Volterra functional series which generalises the superposition principle and permits to obtain impulse responses and transfer functions of various orders. These functions will be presented in close-form expressions which allow going from one class of functions to another one. 相似文献
子结构间联结动力学参数的实验识别 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
提出了两个利用实测传递函数识别子结构间联结刚度,阻尼参数的方法,它分别适用于子结构在自由状态下的有限元模型已建立和没有建立两种情况,给出了识别的数学原理,由于该方法不需对实测传递函矩阵求逆,因而有效地防止了不可避免的实测误差给参数识别造成的不利影响,提出了辨别精度。 相似文献
Conventional modal parameter identifications are usually based on frequency response functions, which require measurements of both the input force and the resulting response. However, in many cases, only response data are available while the actual excitations (such as wind/wave load) are not measurable. Modal parameters estimation must base itself on response-only data. Over the past years, many time-domain modal parameter identification techniques from output-only are proposed. A poly-reference frequency-domain modal identification scheme on response-only is presented. It is based on coupling the cross-correlation theory with conventional frequency-domain modal parameter extraction. An experiment using an airplane model is performed to verify the proposed method. 相似文献
提出一种利用不完整测量的模态数据检测桁架结构损伤的方法。首先采用改进的残余力向量法预先评估可能的损伤区域,在此基础上再利用特征值灵敏度法精确判断损伤位置和求解损伤程度。以一个平面桁架结构为算例验证该方法。结果表明,文中所提方法能在测量数据不完整的条件下成功识别出桁架结构的损伤情况。 相似文献
结构损伤的一种两阶段诊断方法 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
提出一种结构损伤诊断的两阶段方法.利用不完整的模态测量数据,首先采用最佳逼近特征向量法, 预先评估可能的损伤区域,然后使用频率灵敏度法求解损伤程度.以平面桁架结构为例验证该方法,结果表明,文中所提方法是可行的. 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2003,17(1):203-210
A method to identify the parameters involved in the non-linear terms of randomly excited mechanical systems is presented. It is based on the minimisation of an index function which reflects the difference between an analytical approximation of the power-spectral density function response and the measured one. Using the concept of non-linear modes, an equivalent linear system with random parameters is used to approximate the power-spectral density. The method is applied to the ECL benchmark. 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2001,15(1):3-10
Some analytical models of vibrating systems may be expressed as a linear combination of known connectivity matrices. The connectivity matrices depend on the modelling method and the order of the approximation chosen, while the combination factors are determined by the physical parameters of the system. The physical parameters of such models can be identified from a single natural frequency, two mode shapes and a static deflection due to a unit load. It is shown that the identification process is determined by the solution of a certain generalised eigenvalue problem, where the physical parameter vector is proportional to one of its eigenvectors. It thus follows that generally for an n -degree-of-freedom (dof) system there are n possible solutions. Realisable solutions, however, correspond only to eigenvectors with no sign change in their entries and no vanishing elements, which limits the number of possible physical solutions. The results are demonstrated by an analytical example of an axially vibrating rod and a numerical solution for a Bernoulli–Euler beam. 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2001,15(1):227-242
This paper focuses on quantification of damping non-proportionality present in a discrete vibratory system. The study assumes that the information available is a set of identified system eigenvalues and eigenvectors and that the system parameters such as mass, stiffness, and damping matrices are unknown a priori. This set of modal parameters may be incomplete. The investigation is concentrated on how two existing analytical indices can be utilised when the modal damping matrix is not available. The quantification procedure starts with extraction of normal modes using a known algorithm. It is shown that two matrices, by-products of the normal model extraction, can be used to study damping non-proportionality. The first matrix is a scaled modal damping matrix. The paper shows that the indices developed from the scaled modal damping matrix preserves the properties of the indices based on the analytical modal damping matrix. The second matrix is a complex matrix which is obtained by expanding complex modes into the subspace of real modes. The off-diagonal elements of the complex matrix indicate coupling between modes due to damping non-proportionality. Based on this characteristic, three new indices are proposed. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the use of the new indices and to compare them with the indices that are described in literature. 相似文献
电磁耦合无级变速传动系统 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
分析现有级联式电传动的优缺点,对其进行结构改进,形成一种电磁耦合无级变速传动系统。该系统主要由具有铁心绕组的转子和定子、附加调磁线圈、具有特殊磁极结构的杯形转子、感应式集流器和功率电子控制器等组成。该系统的特点是将级联式电传动与电磁滑差耦合式机械传动结合为一体,并加上非接触旋转输电,形成原动机的功率分汇流,配以变频与调磁相结合的调速手段,构成拓扑布局紧凑、调控性能优良、运转可靠的无级变速系统。经理论分析可知,系统在保持与常规电传动相当的宽广无级变速范围的同时,总体效率得到提高。系统在内燃机式汽车上使用时,可省去主离合器及发动机起动机等部件,配以储能电池组后,可以作为多能源动力总成直接应用于混合动力电动汽车上。 相似文献
Special electrical and mechanical devices are used to obtain an electronic many-head slave hammer which can produce successive force impulses with adjustable delays. We show how to use this hammer to decompose the structure response into components of various orders. The scientific framework is the Volterra series. Evaluation of impulse responses of different orders is presented as well as corresponding transfer functions. Eigenvalues of various orders are then evaluated and interpreted. 相似文献
研究了腐蚀特别是点腐蚀过程产生声发射(AE)的源机制及AE信号特点,推导了AE信号幅度与腐蚀深度及频率的关系,并说明该关系对利用AE技术监测腐蚀损伤的意义。论述了利用模态声发射(MAE)技术识别腐蚀AE信号的理论根据,介绍了利用MAE技术对飞机主结构件日历损伤进行评估的方法。基于试验获得的航空用铝合金材料在加速腐蚀过程中的声发射信号与腐蚀损伤的关系对研究材料损伤程度与声发射强度之间的内在联系有重要意义。试验表明,腐蚀能远在被肉眼发现之前即可很方便地用AE仪器检测,利用AE技术探测早期腐蚀、研究腐蚀发展规律、监测和评估腐蚀损伤具有极其良好的应用前景。 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2003,17(3):713-721
A dual fitting algorithm (DFA) for modal parameters identification is presented. The method is implemented in three steps: first, the coefficients of the Forsythe orthogonal polynomials for the rational fraction of the frequency response functions (FRFs) are obtained by fitting the experimental FRF data; then the coefficients of the orthogonal polynomials are converted into the coefficients of ordinary power polynomials by the fitting method again; and finally, the poles and residues of the rational fraction of FRFs in ordinary power polynomials are extracted to identify the modal parameters. Some notes to the definition and use of the recurrence formulation for the real half-function Forsythe orthogonal polynomials are introduced. An example is given to show the aspects of the present method. 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2001,15(1):173-188
Active vibration control has been successfully tested for structures with simple geometry, such as beams and plates, by using modal controllers. Since the dynamical behaviour of a variety of mechanical structures can be expressed in terms of modal parameters, the application of modal control concepts can be extended to structures with more complex geometries. For such structures the evaluation of modal parameters from numerical calculations of local modes is complicated because the results strongly depend on proper boundary conditions of the truncated structure. Therefore, the modal data are identified by an experimental modal analysis. The transformation of the experimentally evaluated mode shapes into a closed analytical formulation and the extraction of modal input and output factors for sensors and actuators connect experimental modal analysis and modal control theory. The implementation of the input and output factors into a modal state-space formulation results in a modal filter for the point sensor array and a retransformation filter for the segmented actuator patches. In this study, PVDF foil is used for sensors and actuators. The modal controller is implemented on a digital controller board and experimental tests with the floor panel and centre panel of a car body are carried out to validate the proposed concept. 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2000,14(1):63-74
Experimental and analytical modal analysis techniques have been widely used in civil engineering for a number of years, mostly in seismic applications. Since the beginning of this decade, these techniques have received considerable attention in non-seismic applications such as structural damage detection, analytical model calibration and remote-monitoring systems. In these applications, most studies have concentrated on correlating modal parameters to changes in structural condition. However, for reliable performance of modal techniques in field situations, it is essential to understand and establish the variability of modal parameters due to test procedures and in-service environments of structures. New York has been researching this subject extensively for the past few years, and has tested several structures including (1) a 1/6-scale model highway bridge, (2) an abandoned fracture-critical highway bridge and (3) an in-service highway bridge. Both the abandoned highway bridge and model bridge were tested under intact and simulated-damage conditions. This paper briefly describes these studies. Results indicate that modal frequencies in conjunction with mode shapes may be used to identify the existence of bridge damage or deterioration of interest, but it is difficult to isolate damage locations using these modal parameters. Operating conditions affect the modal properties and are critical in establishing a baseline for structural monitoring. 相似文献