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We consider multiple message broadcasting in tree networks. The source (considered as the root of the tree) has k messages which have to be broadcast to all nodes of the tree. In every time unit each node can send one of its already obtained messages to one of its children. A k-message broadcasting scheme prescribes in which time unit a given node should send a message to which child. It is k-optimal if it achieves the smallest possible time for broadcasting k messages from the source to all nodes. We give an algorithm to construct a k-optimal broadcasting scheme for an arbitrary n-node tree. The time complexity of our algorithm is O(nk), i.e., the best possible.  相似文献   

Optimal broadcasting schemes for interconnection networks (INs) are most essential for the efficient interprocess communication amongst parallel computers. In this paper two novel broadcasting schemes are proposed for hypercube computers with bursty background traffic and a single-port mode of message passing communication. The schemes utilize a maximum entropy (ME) based queue-by-queue decomposition algorithm for arbitrary queueing network models (QNMs) [D.D. Kouvatsos, I. Awan, Perform. Eval. 51 (2003) 191] and are based on binomial trees and graph theoretic concepts. It is shown that the overall cost of the one-to-all broadcasting scheme is given by max{ω1,ω2,…,ω2n/2}, where ωi, i=1,2,…,2n/2 is the total weight at each leaf node of the binomial tree and n is the degree of the hypercube. Moreover, the upper bound of the total cost of the neighbourhood broadcasting scheme is determined by ∑i=1Fmax{ωi}, where F is an upper bound of the number of steps and is equal to 1.33⌈log2(n−1)⌉+1. Evidence based on empirical studies indicates the suitability of the schemes for achieving optimal broadcasting costs.  相似文献   

A k-core Ck of a tree T is subtree with exactly k leaves for k?nl, where nl the number of leaves in T, and minimizes the sum of the distances of all nodes from Ck. In this paper first we propose a distributed algorithm for constructing a rooted spanning tree of a dynamic graph such that root of the tree is located near the center of the graph. Then we provide a distributed algorithm for finding k-core of that spanning tree. The spanning tree is constructed in two stages. In the first stage, a forest of trees is generated. In the next stage these trees are connected to form a single rooted tree. An interesting aspect of the first stage of proposed spanning algorithm is that it implicitly constructs the (convex) hull of those nodes which are not already included in the spanning forest. The process is repeated till all non root nodes of the graph have chosen a unique parent. We implemented the algorithms for finding spanning tree and its k-core. A core can be quite useful for routing messages in a dynamic network consisting of a set of mobile devices.  相似文献   

Vertex Covering by Paths on Trees with applications in machine translation is the task to cover all vertices of a tree T=(V,E) by choosing a minimum-weight subset of given paths in the tree. The problem is NP-hard and has recently been solved by an exact algorithm running in O(C42|V|) time, where C denotes the maximum number of paths covering a tree vertex. We improve this running time to O(C2C⋅|V|). On the route to this, we introduce the problem Tree-like Weighted Hitting Set which might be of independent interest. In addition, for the unweighted case of Vertex Covering by Paths on Trees, we present an exact algorithm using a search tree of size O(k2k!), where k denotes the number of chosen covering paths. Finally, we briefly discuss the existence of a size-O(k2) problem kernel.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the problem of indexing a text for approximate string matching. Specifically, given a text T of length n and a positive integer k, we want to construct an index of T such that for any input pattern P, we can find all its k-error matches in T efficiently. This problem is well-studied in the internal-memory setting. Here, we extend some of these recent results to external-memory solutions, which are also cache-oblivious. Our first index occupies O((nlogkn)/B) disk pages and finds all k-error matches with O((|P|+occ)/B+logknloglogBn) I/Os, where B denotes the number of words in a disk page. To the best of our knowledge, this index is the first external-memory data structure that does not require Ω(|P|+occ+poly(logn)) I/Os. The second index reduces the space to O((nlogn)/B) disk pages, and the I/O complexity is O((|P|+occ)/B+logk(k+1)nloglogn).  相似文献   

The length-constrained heaviest path (LCHP) in a weighted tree T, where each edge is assigned a weight and a length, is the path P in T with maximum total path weight and total path length bounded by a given value B. This paper presents an O(nlogn) time LCHP algorithm which utilizes a data structure constructed from the spine decomposition of the input tree. This is an improvement over the existing algorithm by Wu et al. (1999), which runs in O(nlog2n) time. Our method also improves on a previous O(nlogn) time algorithm by Kim (2005) for the special case of finding a longest nonnegative path in a constant degree tree in that we can handle trees of arbitrary degree within the same time bounds.  相似文献   

We study the embedding of binomial trees with variable roots inn-dimensional hypercubes (n-cubes) with faulty links. A simple embedding algorithm is first proposed that can embed ann-level binomial tree in ann-cube with up ton−1 faulty links in log(n−1) steps. We then extend the result to show that spanning binomial trees exist in a connectedn-cube with up to ⌈(3(n−1)/2)⌉−1 faulty links. A constructive proof is provided to locate spanning binomial trees in the given system. Our results reveal the fault tolerance property of hypercubes and they can be used to predict the performance of broadcasting and reduction operations, where the binomial tree structure is commonly used.  相似文献   

J. C. Hansen  E. Schmutz 《Algorithmica》2001,29(1-2):148-180
Random costsC(i, j) are assigned to the arcs of a complete directed graph onn labeled vertices. Given the cost matrixC n =(C(i, j)), letT* k =T* k (C n ) be the spanning tree that has minimum cost among spanning trees with in-degree less than or equal tok. Since it is NP-hard to findT* k , we instead consider an efficient algorithm that finds a near-optimal spanning treeT k a . If the edge costs are independent, with a common exponential(I) distribution, then, asn → ∞, $$E(Cost(T_k^a {\text{)) = }}E(Cost(T_k^* {\text{)) + }}o\left( 1 \right).$$ Upper and lower bounds forE(Cost(T* k )) are also obtained fork≥2.  相似文献   

This paper presents three efficient contention-free algorithms for broadcasting on heterogeneous networks of workstations (HNOW). In an HNOW, many different speed types of workstations can have distinct send and receive overhead. Previous research has shown that finding an optimal routing scheme in an HNOW is not easy [2,12], because properly arranging all workstations in the scheduling tree is difficult. Therefore, this investigation focuses mainly on enhancing the performance of an HNOW by properly arranging fastest nodes into the internal nodes of upper levels in the scheduling tree. Fastest node first is fundamental in designing an efficient algorithm. This paper presents three schemes called EBS, VBBS, and VBBSWF. All of these three schemes can be executed in O(n log(n)) time, where n is the number of workstations. They are all contention-free when broadcasting in an HNOW. Based on the simulation result, the proposed schemes outperform the broadcast with minimal steps [13] and the scheduling tree [22] generated by dynamic programing in an HNOW.  相似文献   

A pair (T,C) of a tree T and a coloring C is called a colored tree. Given a colored tree (T,C) any coloring C′ of T is called a recoloring of T. Given a weight function on the vertices of the tree the recoloring distance of a recoloring is the total weight of recolored vertices. A coloring of a tree is convex if for any two vertices u and v that are colored by the same color c, every vertex on the path from u to v is also colored by c. In the minimum convex recoloring problem we are given a colored tree and a weight function and our goal is to find a convex recoloring of minimum recoloring distance. The minimum convex recoloring problem naturally arises in the context of phylogenetic trees. Given a set of related species the goal of phylogenetic reconstruction is to construct a tree that would best describe the evolution of this set of species. In this context a convex coloring corresponds to perfect phylogeny. Since perfect phylogeny is not always possible the next best thing is to find a tree which is as close to convex as possible, or, in other words, a tree with minimum recoloring distance. We present a (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for the minimum convex recoloring problem, whose running time is O(n 2+n(1/ε)241/ε ). This result improves the previously known 3-approximation algorithm for this NP-hard problem. We also present an algorithm for computing an optimal convex recoloring whose running time is , where n * is the number of colors that violate convexity in the input tree, and Δ is the maximum degree of vertices in the tree. The parameterized complexity of this algorithm is O(n 2+nk⋅2 k ).  相似文献   

In this paper, we solve the maximum agreement subtree problem for a set T of k rooted leaf-labeled evolutionary trees on n leaves where T contains a binary tree. We show that the O(kn3)-time dynamic-programming algorithm proposed by Bryant [Building trees, hunting for trees, and comparing trees: theory and methods in phylogenetic analysis, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. Math., University of Canterbury, 1997, pp. 174-182] can be implemented in O(kn2+n2logk−2nloglogn) and O(kn3−1/(k−1)) time by using multidimensional range search related data structures proposed by Gabow et al. [Scaling and related techniques for geometry problems, in: Proc. 16th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, 1984, pp. 135-143] and Bentley [Multidimensional binary search trees in database applications, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. SE-5 (4) (1979) 333-340], respectively. When k<2+(logn−logloglogn)/(loglogn), the first implementation will be significantly faster than Bryant's algorithm. For k=3, it yields the best known algorithm which runs in O(n2lognloglogn)-time.  相似文献   

Both the building cost and the multiple-source routing cost are important considerations in construction of a network system. A spanning tree with minimum building cost among all spanning trees is called a minimum spanning tree (MST), and a spanning tree with minimum k-source routing cost among all spanning trees is called a k-source minimum routing cost spanning tree (k-MRCT). This paper proposes an algorithm to construct a spanning tree T for a metric graph G with a source vertex set S such that the building cost of T is at most 1+2/(α−1) times of that of an MST of G, and the k-source routing cost of T is at most α(1+2(k−1)(n−2)/k(n+k−2)) times of that of a k-MRCT of G with respect to S, where α>1, k=|S| and n is the number of vertices of G.  相似文献   

Ak-extremal point set is a point set on the boundary of ak-sided rectilinear convex hull. Given ak-extremal point set of sizen, we present an algorithm that computes a rectilinear Steiner minimal tree in timeO(k 4 n). For constantk, this algorithm runs inO(n) time and is asymptotically optimal and, for arbitraryk, the algorithm is the fastest known for this problem.  相似文献   

Independent spanning trees on twisted cubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple independent spanning trees have applications to fault tolerance and data broadcasting in distributed networks. There are two versions of the n independent spanning trees conjecture. The vertex (edge) conjecture is that any n-connected (n-edge-connected) graph has n vertex-independent spanning trees (edge-independent spanning trees) rooted at an arbitrary vertex. Note that the vertex conjecture implies the edge conjecture. The vertex and edge conjectures have been confirmed only for n-connected graphs with n≤4, and they are still open for arbitrary n-connected graph when n≥5. In this paper, we confirm the vertex conjecture (and hence also the edge conjecture) for the n-dimensional twisted cube TQn by providing an O(NlogN) algorithm to construct n vertex-independent spanning trees rooted at any vertex, where N denotes the number of vertices in TQn. Moreover, all independent spanning trees rooted at an arbitrary vertex constructed by our construction method are isomorphic and the height of each tree is n+1 for any integer n≥2.  相似文献   

This paper gives efficient algorithms for the muiticommodity flow problem for two classes C12 and C01 of planar undirected graphs. Every graph in C12 has two face boundaries B1 and B2 such that each of the source-sink pairs lies on B1 or B2. On the other hand, every graph inC 01 has a face boundaryB 1 such that some of the source-sink pairs lie onB 1 and all the other pairs share a common sink lying onB 1. The algorithms run inO(kn +nT(n)) time if a graph hasn vertices andk source-sink pairs andT(n) is the time required for finding the single-source shortest paths in a planar graph ofn vertices.  相似文献   

A graph G is the k-leaf power of a tree T if its vertices are leaves of T such that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their distance in T is at most k. Then T is the k-leaf root of G. This notion was introduced and studied by Nishimura, Ragde, and Thilikos motivated by the search for underlying phylogenetic trees. Their results imply a O(n3) time recognition algorithm for 3-leaf powers. Later, Dom, Guo, Hüffner, and Niedermeier characterized 3-leaf powers as the (bull, dart, gem)-free chordal graphs. We show that a connected graph is a 3-leaf power if and only if it results from substituting cliques into the vertices of a tree. This characterization is much simpler than the previous characterizations via critical cliques and forbidden induced subgraphs and also leads to linear time recognition of these graphs.  相似文献   

Let Hn be the n-dimensional boolean hypercube with 2n vertices labeled {0, 1, ... 2n − 1}, with an edge between two vertices whenever their Hamning distance is 1. We describe a spanning tree Tn of Hn with the following properties. Tn is complete for the first n − 2 levels with the remaining nodes on level n and n − 1 of the tree. Except for levels n and n − 1, there is a dilation 2 embedding of Hk on level k of Tn. Tn has minimum internal path length with respect to all binary spanning trees of Hn. Finally, each subtree of Tn is contained in the optimal sized subcube of Hn. This collection of almost complete binary trees is important for the implementation of tree-structured computation on hypercube configured multiprocessors.  相似文献   

Distance labeling schemes are composed of a marker algorithm for labeling the vertices of a graph with short labels, coupled with a decoder algorithm allowing one to compute the distance between any two vertices directly from their labels (without using any additional information). As applications for distance labeling schemes concern mainly large and dynamically changing networks, it is of interest to study distributed dynamic labeling schemes. The current paper considers the problem on dynamic trees, and proposes efficient distributed schemes for it. The paper first presents a labeling scheme for distances in the dynamic tree model, with amortized message complexity O(log2 n) per operation, where n is the size of the tree at the time the operation takes place. The protocol maintains O(log2 n) bit labels. This label size is known to be optimal even in the static scenario. A more general labeling scheme is then introduced for the dynamic tree model, based on extending an existing static tree labeling scheme to the dynamic setting. The approach fits a number of natural tree functions, such as distance, separation level, and flow. The main resulting scheme incurs an overhead of an O(log n) multiplicative factor in both the label size and amortized message complexity in the case of dynamically growing trees (with no vertex deletions). If an upper bound on n is known in advance, this method yields a different tradeoff, with an O(log2 n/log log n) multiplicative overhead on the label size but only an O(log n/log log n) overhead on the amortized message complexity. In the fully dynamic model the scheme also incurs an increased additive overhead in amortized communication, of O(log2 n) messages per operation.  相似文献   

Given an n-node edge-weighted graph and a subset of k terminal nodes, the NP-hard (weighted) Steiner tree problem is to compute a minimum-weight tree which spans the terminals. All the known algorithms for this problem which improve on trivial O(1.62 n )-time enumeration are based on dynamic programming, and require exponential space. Motivated by the fact that exponential-space algorithms are typically impractical, in this paper we address the problem of designing faster polynomial-space algorithms. Our first contribution is a simple O((27/4) k n O(logk))-time polynomial-space algorithm for the problem. This algorithm is based on a variant of the classical tree-separator theorem: every Steiner tree has a node whose removal partitions the tree in two forests, containing at most 2k/3 terminals each. Exploiting separators of logarithmic size which evenly partition the terminals, we are able to reduce the running time to $O(4^{k}n^{O(\log^{2} k)})$ . This improves on trivial enumeration for roughly k<n/3, which covers most of the cases of practical interest. Combining the latter algorithm (for small k) with trivial enumeration (for large k) we obtain a O(1.59 n )-time polynomial-space algorithm for the weighted Steiner tree problem. As a second contribution of this paper, we present a O(1.55 n )-time polynomial-space algorithm for the cardinality version of the problem, where all edge weights are one. This result is based on a improved branching strategy. The refined branching is based on a charging mechanism which shows that, for large values of k, convenient local configurations of terminals and non-terminals exist. The analysis of the algorithm relies on the Measure & Conquer approach: the non-standard measure used here is a linear combination of the number of nodes and number of non-terminals. Using a recent result in Nederlof (International colloquium on automata, languages and programming (ICALP), pp. 713–725, 2009), the running time can be reduced to O(1.36 n ). The previous best algorithm for the cardinality case runs in O(1.42 n ) time and exponential space.  相似文献   

We describe an optimal algorithm to decide if one closed curve on a triangulated 2-manifold can be continuously transformed to another, i.e., if they are homotopic. SupposeC1andC2are two closed curves on a surfaceMof genusg. Further, supposeTis a triangulation ofMof sizensuch thatC1andC2are represented as edge–vertex sequences of lengthsk1andk2inT, respectively. Then, our algorithm decides ifC1andC2are homotopic inO(n+k1+k2) time and space, providedg≠2 ifMis orientable, andg≠3, 4 ifMis nonorientable. This implies as well an optimal algorithm to decide if a closed curve on a surface can be continuously contracted to a point. Except for three low genus cases, our algorithm completes an investigation into the computational complexity of two classical problems for surfaces posed by the mathematician Max Dehn at the beginning of this century. The novelty of our approach is in the application of methods from modern combinatorial group theory.  相似文献   

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