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Rates and methods of suicide during 1961-70 migrants in Australia were compared with native born Australians. Large differences in both rates and methods of suicide were found in individual migrant groups. The rates were more akin to those in the country of origin than of the Australian-born, no matter how long the migrants had lived in Australia. By contrast, methods of suicide use by migrants approached more closely those of the Australian-born the longer they had lived in Australia. The change in methods used was greater in those migrant groups coming from countries with a language and culture more akin to those in Australia. A discussion follows of various possible sociological and cultural factors, both within the countries of origin and within Australia, which could have contributed to these results.  相似文献   

Applied psychology lost one of its pioneers and one of the major contributors to its development with the death on October 4, 1961 of Donald G. Paterson. Returning to this country after participating in the fourteenth International Congress of Applied Psychology in Copenhagen, he was hospitalized in Minneapolis and died of cancer after a brief illness. Paterson was Editor of this journal for 12 years, from 1943 through 1954, being the first person to perform this service under the APA's ownership and management of the journal. Paterson moved to the University of Minnesota in 1921, and in 1923 was promoted to Professor. He retired in 1960 after 39 years of service. In this interval he became a leading figure in psychology nationally, in his own community, and in the University of Minnesota. He pioneered in the whole advance of student personnel work, vocational counseling, industrial and personnel psychology, and differential psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The secular trends in induction in 111 818 births over eight years in the largely rural areas of Oxfordshire and west Berkshire were analysed. Although the induction rate started to rise only in 1969, the forceps and episiotomy rates had been increasing throughout, but both procedures were always twice as prevalent in induced as in non-induced cases. The proportion of women given an anaesthetic was also consistently higher in induced cases, but that of women with long labours fell considerably over the period. The reduction in stillbirth rate was more apparent in induced than in non-induced births.  相似文献   

Trends in the incidence of non-epithelial cancers are particularly likely to reflect environmental carcinogens, since these malignancies are not commonly the targets of screening efforts, and have generally not been closely associated with life style factors such as cigarette smoking and diet. We used data from nation-wide cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden to examine trends in non-epithelial cancers over the period 1961-1990. Linear regression analysis of age-standardized rates, and age-period-cohort models were fit to assess the temporal patterns within each country. Within each of the 3 countries, there was a similarly increasing incidence of both hematological malignancies and nervous system/bone/soft-tissue neoplasms. The increases were smallest in children and adolescents (ages 0-14), moderate among young and middle aged adults (ages 15-64), and most pronounced among the elderly (ages 65+). Age-period-cohort modeling suggested that the dominant factor in the increases were birth cohort effects. It is not clear what factors underlie this increase in incidence; it seems most likely that increases both in diagnostic efficiency and in exposure to environmental carcinogens play a role.  相似文献   

The International Scientist Program involves a small number of first rank scientists and their visits to a limited number of American universities. The Program of Visiting Scientists continued for the 2nd year (in 1961-62); visits were arranged to each of the 96 institutions applying. A table listing the colleges and their respective visitors is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of classic Kaposi's sarcoma (CKS) has been reported to be high in Jewish populations, mostly born in Eastern Europe. OBJECTIVE: To describe the incidence on CKS in Israeli Jews and to determine differences in incidence according to their geography origin. DESIGN: We analysed data on 1098 incident CKS cases with known country of origin occurring between 1961 and 1989 in the Jewish Israeli population. Reporting systems were the Israel Cancer Registry, the medical documentation of all-Kaposi's sarcoma cases and the registry of HIV-seropositive patients. Patients who were seropositive for HIV were excluded from the study population. Population figures for groups of migrants and natives were derived from census surveys (1961, 1972, 1983) and inter-census estimates based on the population registry. RESULTS: The overall age-standardized rate of CKS was 16.9 per million in men and 6.3 per million in women. The ratio between genders remained stable during the study period. In both genders, there was a steep increase in CKS incidence between the late 1960s (age-standardized rates per million: 8.0 in men and 2.2 in women) and the early 1970s (17.9 in men and 6.7 in women). No further increase was present after 1971. Overall, immigrants experienced a relative risk (RR) of 1.17 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.90-1.521 compared with Jews born in Israel. Immigrants from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia had the highest incidence (RR 2.01; 95% CI 1.52-2.65) compared with Jews born in Israel, followed by those born in Iraq (RR 1.74; CI 95% 1.27-2.37). The lowest incidence was experienced by immigrants from Iran (RR 0.37; CI 95% 0.18-0.77) and from Central European countries (RR 0.45; CI 95% 0.30-0.66). Immigrants from other countries in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe had similar rates as Jews born in Israel. CONCLUSIONS: Israeli Jews present one of the highest incidences of CKS reported from developed countries. The incidence varies according to geographical origin. Countries surrounding the Mediterranean sea represent the area of highest CKS incidence.  相似文献   

[目的]分析安康市汉滨区43年的暴雨特征.[方法]利用安康市汉滨区1961~2003年逐日降水和小时降水资料,对该区43年中暴雨天气的发生规律和变化特征进行分析.[结果]安康市汉滨区暴雨日分布具有明显的季节性,暴雨日最早出现在5月,6月开始增多,频发于夏季的7、8月份,9月逐渐减少,最晚结束于10月中旬末;1961~2003年安康市汉滨区暴雨量和暴雨日均呈明显的线性增加趋势,其中暴雨量在20世纪70~80年代末是较多时期,暴雨日在60~70年代初和90年代初期较少,70年代中期至80年代后期、90年代中期以后较多;暴雨日小时降水时间分布特征明显,主要以单峰型为主,时间多集中在白天,以短时强降水居多.[结论]该研究为准确预报暴雨发生和防灾减灾工作提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Children (0-14 years) with malignant brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumours (ICD9 191 and 192) were listed from the Scottish Cancer Registration Scheme for the years 1975-90. These cases formed the basis for validation and verification procedures aimed at providing a complete and accurate data set for epidemiological analyses. A variety of data sources were cross-checked to optimise ascertainment, and resulting from this 5.7% of validated cases were found on the cancer registry with diagnostic codes outside the ICD-9 range 191-192. A further 8.4% were newly registered cases. Analyses were conducted on the validated data set showing a significant temporal increase in incidence rates over the 16 year study period with an average annual percentage change of +2.6%. Large-scale geographical heterogeneity was also found, with a particularly high incidence in the Fife and Lothian areas and a low incidence in Grampian. Examination of associations with socioeconomic status, using the Carstairs deprivation index, revealed a rising trend in incidence strongly linked to areas with increasing levels of affluence. Our results suggest that for studies of childhood CNS tumours validation of cancer registry data is necessary and large-scale geographical variation and socioeconomic factors should be taken into account in any investigation of distribution in small geographical areas.  相似文献   

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