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Radar altimeter mean return waveforms from near-normal-incidence ocean surface scattering 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Under assumptions common in radar altimetry, the mean backscattered return power for a short-pulse radar and near-normal-incidence scattering from a rough ocean surface is given by the convolution of several terms. For a nearly Gaussian transmitted pulse shape scattered from a nearly Gaussian distributed sea surface, a small-argument series expansion of one of the terms within the convolution leads to a several-term power series expansion for the mean return waveform. Specific expressions are given for the first four terms. These results, which require much less computer time than would the otherwise necessary numerical convolution, are useful for data analysis from current or past radar altimeters and for design studies of future systems. Several representative results are presented for an idealized SEASAT radar altimeter. 相似文献
大气多次散射效应会使得星载激光测高仪脉冲回波信号发生拖尾现象,导致激光测高仪的测距值出现偏差。根据激光测高仪的工作原理并利用半解析型蒙特卡罗方法,建立了大气多次散射效应条件下的脉冲回波信号及距离偏差的数学模型,并基于GLAS系统参数,仿真分析了云和雾的多次散射效应对距离偏差值的影响规律。结果表明,随着大气参数的变化,距离偏差会呈现不规则的起伏变化。当云层粒子尺度大于150μm或雾的消光系数小于1.68 km-1时,大气多次散射效应对测距偏差值的影响小于1 cm。所得的结论为星载激光测高仪测量天气的选取以及系统参数的优化提供了理论依据。 相似文献
Plant W.J. Keller W.C. Hayes K. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2005,43(6):1242-1257
River surface currents have been measured using coherent microwave systems from a bridge, a cableway, several riverbanks, a helicopter, and an airplane. In most cases, the microwave measurements have been compared with conventional measurements of near-surface currents and found to be accurate to within about 10 cm/s. In all cases, the basis for the microwave measurement of surface current is the Doppler shift induced in the signal backscattered from the rough water surface. In this paper, we outline the principles of the measurements and the various implementations that have been used to make microwave measurements of surface currents. Continuous-wave (CW) microwave systems have been used from a bridge to make long-term measurements of surface currents; these are compared with current-meter measurements and with time series of stage. A compact CW system has been developed and used on a cableway to measure surface currents at various distances across a river; these measurements have been compared with acoustic ones. Pulsed Doppler radars have been used to measure river surface currents from a riverbank, a helicopter, and an airplane. In the first two cases, comparisons with both current-meter and acoustic measurements have been made. We suggest that the CW system would be preferable to the pulsed Doppler radar to make such measurements from helicopters in the future. Finally, we consider the implications of our experiments for the measurement of surface currents from aircraft or satellites using interferometric synthetic aperture radars (INSARs). We find that a combination along-track, cross-track INSAR is necessary but that significant limitations are inherent in the technique. 相似文献
If one transmits an electromagnetic wave, an electric field is set up in space. The earth's surface modifies the field and an interference pattern results. To calculate such a pattern one must know the reflection characteristics of the surface for the polarization of the incident wave. These are known for linear polarizations. Since a circularly polarized wave is a combination of the two linear polarizations, we can compute the reflection coefficient for circular polarizations by proper combination of the two linear reflection coefficients. This reflection coefficient is known for smooth sea conditions. In this paper the vector model of reflectivity for a rough sea is extended to include circular polarization. Reflection coefficients for the rough sea case are derived. Analytical expressions are given for the total received signal including the coherent and incoherent components. Receiver antenna polarizations of the same and opposite senses to that of the transmitter are considered. 相似文献
A number of models which would explain ocean wave imagery taken with a synthetic aperture imaging radar are analyzed analytically and numerically. Actual radar imagery is used to support some conclusions. The models considered correspond to three sources of radar backscatter cross section modulation:tilt modulation, roughness variation, and the wave orbital velocity. The effect of the temporal changes of the surface structure, parametric interactions, and the resulting distortions are discussed. 相似文献
A pilot needs operational information about wind over sea as well as wave height to provide safety for a hydroplane landing on water. Near-surface wind speed and direction can be obtained with an airborne microwave scatterometer, a radar designed for measuring the scatter characteristics of a surface. Mostly narrow-beam antennas are applied for such wind measurement. Unfortunately, a microwave narrow-beam antenna has considerable size that hampers its placement on flying apparatus. In this connection, a possibility to apply a conventional airborne radar altimeter as a scatterometer with a nadir-looking wide-beam antenna in conjunction with Doppler filtering for recovering the wind vector over sea is discussed, and measuring algorithms of sea surface wind speed and direction are proposed. The obtained result can be interesting for many studies in oceanography, meteorology, air-sea interaction, and climate change and for creation of an airborne radar system for amphibious airplane safe landing on the sea surface, in particular for search and rescue operations in coastal areas. 相似文献
Li Li Im E. Connor L.N. Chang P.S. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2004,42(6):1271-1282
Spaceborne scatterometery has been used for many years now to retrieve the ocean surface wind field from normalized radar cross-section measurements of the ocean surface. Though designed specifically for the measurement of precipitation profiles in the atmosphere, the Precipitation Radar (PR) of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) also acquires surface backscattering measurements of the global oceans. As such, this instrument provides an interesting opportunity to explore the benefits and pitfalls of alternative radar configurations in the satellite remote sensing of ocean winds. In this paper, a technique was developed for retrieving ocean surface winds using surface backscattering measurements from the TRMM PR. The wind retrieval algorithm developed for TRMM PR makes use of a maximum-likelihood estimation technique to compensate for the low backscattering associated with the PR configuration. The high vertical resolution of the PR serves to filter-out rain-contaminated cells normally integrated into Ku-band scatterometer measurements. The algorithm was validated through comparisons of ocean surface wind speeds derived from PR with remotely measured winds from TMI and QuikSCAT, as well as in situ observations from oceanographic buoys, revealing good agreements in wind speed estimations. 相似文献
Papa F. Legresy B. Mognard N.M. Josberger E.G. Remy F. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2002,40(10):2162-2169
Active and passive microwave measurements obtained by the dual-frequency TOPEX-Poseidon radar altimeter from the Northern Great Plains of the United States are used to develop a snow pack radar backscatter model. The model results are compared with daily time series of surface snow observations made by the U.S. National Weather Service. The model results show that Ku-band provides more accurate snow depth determinations than does C-band. Comparing the snow depth determinations derived from the TOPEX-Poseidon nadir-looking passive microwave radiometers with the oblique-looking Satellite Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) passive microwave observations and surface observations shows that both instruments accurately portray the temporal characteristics of the snow depth time series. While both retrievals consistently underestimate the actual snow depths, the TOPEX-Poseidon results are more accurate. 相似文献
Azimuthal harmonic coefficients of the microwave backscattering from a non-Gaussian ocean surface with the first-order SSA model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, the first-order small slope approximation is applied to a rough sea surface with non-Gaussian statistics, for which the third- and the fourth-order statistics are taken into account in the calculation of the radar cross section. From the Cox and Munk slope distribution, the higher order statistic moments are derived, and behaviors of the corresponding correlation functions are assumed. We show that the fourth order (related to the peakedness or kurtosis) is isotropic, whereas the third order (related to the skewness) has a behavior as cos(/spl psi/), where /spl psi/ is the wave direction along the wind direction. Thus, using the Elfouhaily et al. sea height spectrum, related to the second-order statistics, we show that the normalized radar backscattering cross section (NRBCS) can be expanded as an even Fourier series in cos(n/spl phi/) (where n is a positive integer), for which the harmonic coefficients require only a single integration over the radial distance. This result is consistent with experimental data done for microwave frequencies. In addition, we show for microwave frequencies (like C- and Ku-bands) that the Fourier series can be truncated up to the second order, since the higher order harmonic coefficients vanish. The NRBCS is also compared with empirical backscattering models CMOD2-I3 and SASS-II, valid in C- and Ku-bands, according to the scattering angle and the wind direction. The first-order harmonic coefficient predicts the surface asymmetry along the upwind and downwind directions, whereas the second-order harmonic coefficient describes the surface asymmetry along the upwind and crosswind directions. 相似文献
Tutorial review of synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) with applications to imaging of the ocean surface 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can produce high-resolution two-dimensional images of mapped areas. The SAR comprises a pulsed transmitter, an antenna, and a phase-coherent receiver. The SAR is borne by a constant velocity vehicle such as an aircraft or satellite, with the antenna beam axis oriented obliquely to the velocity vector. The image plane is defined by the velocity vector and antenna beam axis. The image orthogonal coordinates are range and cross range (azimuth). The amplitude and phase of the received signals are collected for the duration of an integration time after which the signal is processed. High range resolution is achieved by the use of wide bandwidth transmitted pulses. High azimuth resolution is achieved by focusing, with a signal processing technique, an extremely long antenna that is synthesized from the coherent phase history. The pulse repetition frequency of the SAR is constrained within bounds established by the geometry and signal ambiguity limits. SAR operation requires relative motion between radar and target. Nominal velocity values are assumed for signal processing and measurable deviations are used for error compensation. Residual uncertainties and high-order derivatives of the velocity which are difficult to compensate may cause image smearing, defocusing, and increased image sidelobes. The SAR transforms the ocean surface into numerous small cells, each with dimensions of range and azimuth resolution. An image of a cell can be produced provided the radar cross section of the cell is sufficiently large and the cell phase history is deterministic. Ocean waves evidently move sufficiently uniformly to produce SAR images which correlate well with optical photographs and visual observations. The relationship between SAR images and oceanic physical features is not completely understood, and more analyses and investigations are desired. 相似文献
The behavior of surface waves in truncated periodic arrays is examined through analysis of the currents. The surface waves to be studied are guided by the perfectly conducting elements of the array itself and are to be distinguished from the dielectric slab-guided surface waves encountered elsewhere in the literature. The conditions under which surface waves may arise are given. The surface wave currents are extracted from the method of moments solution for the finite by an infinite array using a least squares algorithm. Surface wave excitation and reflection coefficients are then be determined from the data and compared with the semi-infinite array solution. 相似文献
The phase information in along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (along-track INSAR, ATI) images is a measure of the Doppler shift of the backscattered signal and thus of the line-of-sight velocity of the scatterers. It can be exploited for oceanic surface current measurements from aircraft or spacecraft. However, as already discussed in previous publications, the mean Doppler frequency of the radar backscatter from the ocean is not exclusively determined by the mean surface current, but it includes contributions associated with surface wave motion. The authors present an efficient new model for the simulation of Doppler spectra and ATI signatures. The model is based on Bragg scattering theory in a composite surface model approach. They show that resulting Doppler spectra are consistent with predictions of an established model based on fundamental electrodynamic expressions, while computation times are reduced by more than one order of magnitude. This can be a key advantage with regard to operational applications of ATI. Based on model calculations for two simple current fields and various wind conditions and radar configurations, they study theoretical possibilities and limitations of oceanic current measurements by ATI. They find that best results can be expected from ATI systems operated at high microwave frequencies like 10 GHz (X band), high incidence angles like 60°, low platform altitude/speed ratios, and vertical (VV) polarization. The ATI time lag should be chosen long enough to obtain measurable phase differences, but much shorter than the decorrelation time of the backscattered field 相似文献
High-frequency surface currents induced on a surface with edges can be interpreted as being composed of components attributable to the reflections and edge or surface diffractions of the incident field as well as to the edge reflections of these components themselves. The explicit expressions of the former components can be obtained from a set of properly formulated canonical problems if the surface consists of a cylindrically or spherically curved sheet. These types of canonical problems are not suitable for the derivation of the edge-reflected components, a fact that should be considered in dealing with currents induced on sheets of finite extent. A conjecture is made about the edge-reflected currents induced on a cylindrically curved sheet, and some of its consequences are shown. The normal and oblique incidence cases are considered separately 相似文献
An improved geometrical optics model for bistatic GPS scattering from the ocean surface 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Thompson D.R. Elfouhaily T.M. Garrison J.L. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2005,43(12):2810-2821
This paper is concerned with the properties of bistatic microwave scattering from a randomly rough surface, and specifically its application to the study of global positioning system (GPS) satellite signals reflected from the ocean. We present a discussion of some recent refinements of Kirchhoff-type models based on second-order iterations of the surface-current integral equation, and the relationship between these models and their high-frequency (geometric optics) limit. In particular, we show that use of these refinements can extend the domain of applicability of the standard geometrical optics (GO) model. It is found that GO can be nearly as accurate as a Kirchhoff-based model provided that the wavenumber cutoff, at which the surface wave spectrum must be filtered in computing the required slope moments, depends on the roughness of the ocean surface (i.e., wind speed) as well as the incident angle and frequency of the radiation. We use a GO model refined in this way to analyze GPS surface reflection data collected from an aircraft equipped with two down-looking antennas for receiving both left- and right-hand circularly polarized reflections. Concurrent measurements of the local wind and wave conditions were collected from a nearby research vessel. Measured waveforms and mean Doppler widths at both polarizations are compared with predictions from our refined GO model, and discussion is given concerning the sensitivity of the reflected radiation to various geophysical parameters and the utility of GPS reflections for remote sensing applications. 相似文献
We consider the theory of waves scattered from a moving, rough, and dispersive surface in the small perturbation limit. The first-order scattered field for a time-dependent surface is obtained in the far zone of scattering in terms of the two-dimensional spectral amplitude of the surface and its dispersion relation. We develop a rigorous Δk radar theory and show that the nonzero output of a Δk radar occurs only when the Bragg condition for each signal component is satisfied separately. The frequency correlation function of the scattered field is then proportional to the mean value of the product of the spectral amplitudes of the surface at the corresponding Bragg wavenumbers. The mean value of this product is nonzero only for surfaces that have a locally varying spectrum and is proportional to the Fourier transform (with the argument Δk) of the variation of the local spectrum with respect to the pattern position. Such variations may be caused by either amplitude or phase modulation of the surface structure. In the former case, our results are similar to the results of existing theory. The latter case of phase modulation of the surface (for example, internal waves interacting with capillary waves) cannot be explained by previous theory 相似文献
The present paper is concerned with the derivation of the electric and magnetic surface currents induced on a cylindrical curved impedance strip. By considering the locality of the high-frequency diffraction phenomena the physical (-π,π) interval for the usual cylindrical polar angle is replaced by an abstract infinite interval (-∞,∞) whereby the related mixed boundary value problem is formulated as a “modified matrix Hilbert” problem. By using the Debye approximations for the Hankel and Bessel functions involved, the modified matrix Hilbert problem is first decoupled and then reduced to two pairs of simultaneous Fredholm integral equations of the second kind which are solved by iterations, The explicit expressions for the electric and magnetic surface current components attributable to the reflection, edge or surface diffractions of the incident field as well as to the edge reflections of these components themselves are obtained by evaluating the current integrals asymptotically. The results derived in the paper constitute also a rigorous proof for a conjecture made by Idemen on the reflections of the surface currents at the edges 相似文献
Microwave radiometric measurements were made at wavelengths ranging from 0.8 to 2.8 cm at altitudes from 0.16 to 11 km under well documented meteorological conditions over the Bering Sea. It is shown that determinations of wind speed at the ocean surface and liquid water content of the clouds may be made from such data. Determinations were made from two simultaneous but independent sets of radiometric measurements. The wind speeds and liquid water contents made from these two sets showed remarkable agreement. Independent estimates of these parameters made from in situ measurements showed reasonable agreement as well. 相似文献