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张红 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,(9):1195-1196,1208
高校信息发布系统采用B/S(Browser/Server)开发模式,开发工具选用JSP技术,后台数据库使用MySQL。系统前台用户可对信息进行浏览、搜索、注册、留言;后台实现了信息的在线发布、审核与管理、用户的审核与管理以及留言管理等功能。系统适用于高校信息的发布和管理,经测试后,运行良好。  相似文献   

高校信息发布系统采用B/S(Browser/Server)开发模式,开发工具选用JSP技术,后台数据库使用MySQL.系统前台用户可对信息进行浏览、搜索、注册、留言;后台实现了信息的在线发布、审核与管理、用户的审核与管理以及留言管理等功能.系统适用于高校信息的发布和管理,经测试后,运行良好.  相似文献   

为了发布信息及时,便于用户快速浏览,开发了一个新闻发布系统信息化平台。该系统采用Visual Studio 2010与Sql Server2008进行开发,基于B/S架构。系统采用了一个关键技术——数字水印技术,将数字水印直接嵌入到新闻发布系统图片信息中,是新闻图片版权保护的重要手段。  相似文献   

该系统结构合理,功能完善,实现了新闻的动态管理,采用前台浏览和后台管理双层架构,前台部分包括用户登陆、新闻浏览及发布功能,后台管理则包括新闻添加、修改和删除功能。该系统用户分为普通游客和注册用户。普通游客可以方便地浏览新闻,注册用户可以方便、快捷地发布和管理新闻。新闻发布及后台管理页面包含身份验证的内容,未登陆的用户无法访问。在系统中设计了一个通用类,方便后台页面对数据库所作的各种操作,比如读取、写入或更新数据库。在各个页面的上方都添加了其它页面的链接,以便于在不同页面之间快速切换。在首页和新闻列表页面显示新闻列表的地方使用了GridView控件,以便于格式化地显示新闻信息。  相似文献   

基于.Net的新闻发布系统的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡昭权 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(6):1645-1647,1650
基于ASENet技术与SQL Server 2000数据库,开发三层架构的新闻发布管理系统,介绍了ASP.Net技术特点,在ASP.Net技术下使用C#语言开发DLL组件,同时对系统的功能模块设计及系统的实现过程进行了详细的介绍,实现了网站新闻的动态管理,使得对新闻信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率;提高了表统的安全性,可靠性及浏览速度。  相似文献   

本网站制作成一个分类新闻系统,具有时政、体育、科教、法制、经济、军事等新闻栏目,可以随时发布重要新闻,通过最新新闻了解最新的内容,实现了新闻管理系统中所需的管理功能和查看浏览功能。通过管理登录,输入正确的密码后,用户不仅可以浏览新闻,还可以对新闻添加,用户管理和新闻管理等,使得对新闻信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了系统的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍了基于Struts MVC框架设计的高校体育部新闻发布系统.该系统主要分为两部分,前台实现新闻浏览和检索;后台主要实现新闻的信息管理、新闻类别管理、用户管理等功能.通过该平台学校师生可以方便、及时了解学校的体育动态,同时辅助体育教学.  相似文献   

荣上荣 《网友世界》2014,(11):121-121
为了更加方便地管理网站,我们迫切地需要利用动态技术创建一个新闻发布管理信息系统。本系统的开发着力于凸显于简单大方、分类明晰的特点,基于PHP开发平台,将新闻展现给用户,用户在阅读完后可进行评论,文字留言等相关功能的操作。本系统采用动态网页及数据库相结合的方法来进行设计,鉴于PHP和ASP在设计动态网页上的优势地位及其对数据库的良好支持,因此可以选择它们来制作动态页面。本系统就是一个能够在网上实现新闻发布,多栏目管理,实时的进行行为统计和记录的网上交互系统。  相似文献   

介绍了基于开源平台的思政教研室管理系统的分析与设计,通过计算机实现思政教研室的新闻发布和内容管理,可以完成思政教学信息的及时发布和管理等功能.通过后台管理界面,管理员可以把信息加入数据库,用户可以通过前台浏览数据库新闻内容,从而改变了思政教研室信息管理与发布和获取的方式.软件具备用户类别管理(管理员/超级管理员)、用户管理(增、删、改、查)、新闻类别管理、新闻管理(增、删、改、查)、等功能.除此以外,该系统可通过访问权限控制以及数据备份功能来确保数据的安全性.  相似文献   

本文是一个新闻发布管理系统的开发设计说明。该系统运用B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式架构,采用ASP作为主要开发语言,数据库以SQL SERVER 2000建立关系型数据库管理系统,利用Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004搭建后台管理框架。前台用户通过网页浏览查看新闻信息,后台管理主要实现新闻的发布、修改、删除,新闻类别的添加、删除,管理用户的添加、删除、用户权限的设置等功能。后台相应地划分了主界面模块、新闻发布模块、新闻类别管理模块、新闻模板管理模块、用户管理模块等。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的日益发展,新闻的发布和管理也不再以传统的方式进行,越来越多的企业愿意将自己的信息以数字化、网络化的形式传递出去。这样不但扩大了信息传递的范围,而且使通讯变得既方便又快捷。新闻发布管理系统作为企业管理信息系统的一个重要部分。本系统以ASP.NET(C#语言)和ADO.NET技术开发,以SQL Server2000作为后台数据库实现了新闻的动态显示和管理.使得对信息的管理维护更加及时、高效。ASP.NET的技术的应用,不仅极大的缩短了开发周期,提高了工作效率,更有助于提高企业的影响力。本系统主要实现新闻的发布和管理功能,因此涉及到前台新闻的浏览和后台新闻的管理。前台新闻显示模块主要分为最热门新闻、头条新闻、搜索新闻、最近发布新闻以及按分类显示新闻。新闻的后台管理模块主要分为新闻、分类、用户和系统的管理模块.主要实现对新闻、分类、用户和上传文件的添加、删除、修改的功能。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,人们的生活方式也产生了很大的变化,网络新闻成为人们获取信息的一种重要途径,因其信息传播速度较快而深受大家的喜爱.然而在网络新闻的发展过程中也存在一些问题,使它的真实性让人怀疑.本文提出了网络新闻发展中存在的问题及解决问题的对策,希望对网络新闻的健康发展有一定的启示.  相似文献   

Online news articles,as a new format of press releases,have sprung up on the Internet.With its convenience and recency,more and more people prefer to read news online instead of reading the paper-format press releases.However,a gigantic amount of news events might be released at a rate of hundreds,even thousands per hour.A challenging problem is how to efficiently select specific news articles from a large corpus of newly-published press releases to recommend to individual readers,where the selected news items should match the reader’s reading preference as much as possible.This issue refers to personalized news recommendation.Recently,personalized news recommendation has become a promising research direction as the Internet provides fast access to real-time information from multiple sources around the world.Existing personalized news recommendation systems strive to adapt their services to individual users by virtue of both user and news content information.A variety of techniques have been proposed to tackle personalized news recommendation,including content-based,collaborative filtering systems and hybrid versions of these two.In this paper,we provide a comprehensive investigation of existing personalized news recommenders.We discuss several essential issues underlying the problem of personalized news recommendation,and explore possible solutions for performance improvement.Further,we provide an empirical study on a collection of news articles obtained from various news websites,and evaluate the effect of different factors for personalized news recommendation.We hope our discussion and exploration would provide insights for researchers who are interested in personalized news recommendation.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationship between general perceived levels of stress, quality of life, social networking usage, and disclosing important life events on Facebook in order to better understand the complex relationship between online disclosure and individual well-being. An online survey was completed by adult Facebook users aged 18–70. Results indicate that the more time spent on and the more social network memberships, the higher stress and lower quality of life; Facebook-specific usage was unrelated to either well-being variable. Together, these findings suggest that the current increase in social media variety and usage may be detrimental to user well-being. Users who shared important, bad health news on Facebook had higher stress and lower quality of life than those who did not, with no significant differences for sharing good health news. The more that users did not share important news on Facebook for self-protection and friend unresponsiveness reasons, the greater their stress. The self-protection reason was also negatively related to quality of life. These inconsistent findings can likely be partially explained by the nature of the information that is shared. These findings are discussed in light of disclosure and relationship patterns on social networks.  相似文献   

网站黄页系统是一个自动生成网站黄页目录并以此为基础为用户提供一系列服务的系统。它通过快速收集网络上的教育资源,并自动化地对其进行高质量的分类和信息抽取,形成教育网站黄页,为用户提供浏览、检索等服务。未经过二次开发的黄页系统检索的准确性普遍较低,不适合校园网络的使用.针对普通搜索引擎的固有缺陷,提出了一种应用于新闻检索的搜索引擎,该引擎是利用开源的网络爬虫工具将互联网信息抓取到本地,并利用Lucene开放的API,对特定的信息进行索引和搜索。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,用户信息行为的研究越来越受到重视,浏览行为是用户信息行为的重要组成部分,浏览行为的研究对提升用户体验具有重要意义.以今日头条用户为研究对象,基于顾客感知价值理论,使用访谈法与问卷调查法相结合的方法,探索影响用户浏览新闻的行为的因素.研究发现,用户在移动端浏览新闻场景下,只有实用价值对新闻浏览行为正...  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more users keep up with news through information streams coming from real-time micro-blogging activity offered by services such as Twitter. In these sites, information is shared via a followers/followees social network structure in which a follower receives all the micro-blogs from his/her followees. Recent research efforts on understanding micro-blogging as a novel form of communication and news spreading medium have identified three different categories of users in these systems: information sources, information seekers and friends. As social networks grow in the number of registered users, finding relevant and reliable users to receive interesting information becomes essential. In this paper we propose a followee recommender system based on both the analysis of the content of micro-blogs to detect users' interests and in the exploration of the topology of the network to find candidate users for recommendation. Experimental evaluation was conducted in order to determine the impact of different profiling strategies based on the text analysis of micro-blogs as well as several factors that allows the identification of users acting as good information sources. We found that user-generated content available in the network is a rich source of information for profiling users and finding like-minded people.  相似文献   

Although topic detection and tracking techniques have made great progress, most of the researchers seldom pay more attention to the following two aspects. First, the construction of a topic model does not take the characteristics of different topics into consideration. Second, the factors that determine the formation and development of hot topics are not further analyzed. In order to correctly extract news blog hot topics, the paper views the above problems in a new perspective based on the W2T (Wisdom Web of Things) methodology, in which the characteristics of blog users, context of topic propagation and information granularity are investigated in a unified way. The motivations and features of blog users are first analyzed to understand the characteristics of news blog topics. Then the context of topic propagation is decomposed into the blog community, topic network and opinion network, respectively. Some important factors such as the user behavior pattern, opinion leader and network opinion are identified to track the development trends of news blog topics. Moreover, a blog hot topic detection algorithm is proposed, in which news blog hot topics are identified by measuring the duration, topic novelty, attention degree of users and topic growth. Experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective. These results are also useful for further studying the formation mechanism of opinion leaders in blogspace.  相似文献   

随着互联网的飞速发展,在人们的生活中网络变得愈加重要,因此,在这样的发展要求下,新闻网络编辑这一新的职业便随之而生.这一职业在短时间内发展迅速,一跃成为了国家型的职业大典,出现将近六百多万人的新闻编辑工作者.这些工作者与网站建设、网络新闻传播联系紧密.版面编辑、业务知识和创新策划能力,改良新闻的板块设计与信息采集方式,增加与网络民众的深度互动,凸显原创特质,把握社会主动话语权是新时代对网络新闻编辑的要求.  相似文献   

Facebook and other social networking sites (SNSs)1 are altering the way individuals communicate. These online environments allow users to keep up with friends, network with colleagues, and share their personal views and observations with others. Previous work describes typical social networking site users as young, extroverted, and technologically savvy. Little research exists, however, on the emerging role of news in the social network environment. With over 500 million global Facebook users, both print and television based media outlets are making concerted efforts to become part of this important and increasingly ubiquitous virtual world. The present study uses a sample of students, faculty, and staff from a large university to investigate the factors that are related to news use on Facebook. Findings indicate that while news use is still a minor component of overall social network site activity, certain key variables, such as gender and life satisfaction, have a significant impact on how Facebook is used for news-related purposes. Future implications for news in the social networking world are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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