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Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Flows in Open-Channel Junctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An open-channel junction flow is encountered in many hydraulic structures ranging from wastewater treatment facilities to fish passage conveyance structures. An extensive number of experimental studies have been conducted but a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical study of junction flow characteristics has not been performed and reported. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to investigate the open-channel junction flow. The main objective is to present the validation of a three-dimensional numerical model with high-quality experimental data and compare additional simulations with classical one-dimensional water surface calculations. The three-dimensional model is first validated using the experimental data of a 90° junction flow under two flow conditions. Good agreement is obtained between the model simulation and the experimental measurements. The model is then applied to investigate the effect of the junction angle on the flow characteristics and a discussion of the results is presented.  相似文献   

A direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a square duct was performed for a Reynolds number based on bulk streamwise velocity and duct height equal to 4,440. The mechanism by which secondary flows are generated in a square duct was investigated. Two counterrotating secondary flows occur around the duct corner. These secondary flows were found to play a key role in momentum transfer between the corner and center of the duct. A conditional quadrant analysis was performed in the local maximum and minimum regions of the wall shear stress in order to characterize the pattern of the mean secondary flows.  相似文献   

In this study, the proposed one-dimensional model simulates the nonequilibrium transport of nonuniform total load under unsteady flow conditions in dendritic channel networks with hydraulic structures. The equations of sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting are solved in a coupling procedure with a direct solution technique, while still decoupled from the flow model. This coupled model for sediment calculation is more stable and less likely to produce negative values for bed-material gradation than the traditional fully decoupled model. The sediment transport capacity is calculated by one of four formulas, which have taken into consideration the hiding and exposure mechanism of nonuniform sediment transport. The fluvial erosion at bank toes and the mass failure of banks are simulated to complement the modeling of bed morphological changes in channels. The tests in several cases show that the present model is capable of predicting sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

Stream rehabilitation projects often involve the installation of instream structures such as flow deflectors. The objective of this study is to use the output of a three-dimensional numerically simulated flow field over a flat, predeformation bed to predict the planform extent of the equilibrium scour hole near stream deflectors of varying angles. It is shown that the upstream extent of the simulated flow separation zone determines the upstream limit of scour, whereas the lateral scour extent at the nose of the deflector is determined by the width of the separation zone. Further, scour depths are greatest in regions where strong downwelling (negative vertical velocity) exists, and the position of the local minimum dynamic pressure point in the simulated flow field defines the downstream limit of scouring. The results have implications for future design of habitat improvement structures where different angles and lengths of structures could potentially be tested prior to their implementation to determine the resultant scour geometry.  相似文献   

The present study examines the flow around a self-occurring cluster bed form and the use of general computation fluid dynamics methods for hydraulic and geophysical flow applications. This is accomplished through a comprehensive experimental/numerical investigation. In the laboratory, cluster bed forms are first formed from movable sediment, and laser Doppler velocimeter measurements of two-dimensional fluid velocity are then taken around a formed cluster. A three-dimensional (3D) Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulation of the physical cluster and flow conditions is then conducted using near-wall, shear stress transport (SST) turbulence modeling with the inclusion of hydraulic roughness, ks (R = 31,150, ks/h = 0.1, ks+ = 274, i.e., in the fully rough regime). SST near-wall modeling is advantageous compared to the more widely used wall functions approach for flows with significant roughness and flow separation because the model equations can be integrated down to the wall. Therefore, SST near-wall modeling makes no a priori assumption that the law of the wall is valid throughout the wall region of the flow. Additionally, it has the ability to intrinsically handle boundary roughness through the boundary condition for turbulent specific dissipation at the wall, allowing for wall functions to be bypassed in accounting for roughness effects. The study shows that in the wall region surrounding the cluster, flow is 3D and quite complex, with different scales of embedded flow structures dominating the cluster wake and leading to flow heterogeneities in pressure and bed-shear stress. Results also indicate that near-wall modeling with SST compared favorably with the experimental flow data without tuning of model constants.  相似文献   

To improve navigation conditions for barges passing through river channels, many submerged weirs (SWs) have been installed along the bendways of many waterways by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This paper presents results from three-dimensional numerical simulations that were conducted to study the helical secondary current (HSC) and the near-field flow distribution around one SW. The simulated flow fields around a SW in a scale physical model were validated using experimental data. The three-dimensional flow fields around a SW, the influence of the SW on general HSC, and the implication of effectiveness of submerged weirs to realign the flow field and improve navigability in bendways were analyzed. The numerical simulations indicated that the SW significantly altered the general HSC. Its presence induced a skewed pressure difference cross its top and a triangular-shaped recirculation to the downstream side. The over-top flow tends to realign toward the inner bank and therefore improves conditions for navigation.  相似文献   

Torpedo anchors are used as foundations for mooring deep-water offshore facilities, including risers and floating structures. They are cone-tipped cylindrical steel pipes ballasted with concrete and scrap metal and penetrate the seabed by the kinetic energy they acquire during free fall through the water. A mooring line is usually connected at the top of the anchor. The design of such anchors involves estimation of the embedment depth as well as short-term and long-term pullout capacities. This paper describes the development of a computational procedure that leads to prediction of torpedo-anchor embedment depth. The procedure relies on a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for evaluation of the resisting forces on the anchor. In the model, the soil is represented as a viscous fluid and the procedure is applied to axially symmetric penetration of the seabed. The CFD approach provides estimates of not only the embedment depth but the pressure and shear distributions on the soil-anchor interface and in the soil.  相似文献   

Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are commonly used to measure streamflow and water velocities in rivers and streams. This paper presents laboratory, field, and numerical model evidence of errors in ADCP measurements caused by flow disturbance. A state-of-the-art three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic model is validated with and used to complement field and laboratory observations of flow disturbance and its effect on measured velocities. Results show that near the instrument, flow velocities measured by the ADCP are neither the undisturbed stream velocity nor the velocity of the flow field around the ADCP. The velocities measured by the ADCP are biased low due to the downward flow near the upstream face of the ADCP and upward recovering flow in the path of downstream transducer, which violate the flow homogeneity assumption used to transform beam velocities into Cartesian velocity components. The magnitude of the bias is dependent on the deployment configuration, the diameter of the instrument, and the approach velocity, and was observed to range from more than 25% at 5?cm from the transducers to less than 1% at about 50?cm from the transducers for the scenarios simulated.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the modeling framework and identifies a number of parameters relevant when setting up a computational fluid dynamics simulation of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) tank. The selection of a turbulence model, the choice between performing two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) simulations, the effects of the design of the flow geometry and the influence of the size of the air bubbles are addressed in the paper. The two-phase flow of air and water is solved in the Eulerian-Lagrangian frame of reference. The realizable k-ε model with nonequilibrium wall functions is suggested as a compromise between a need to effectively resolve the flow and the cost of the simulations. There is a discussion on the conditions for which the steady-state simulations are appropriate. We demonstrate that a steady 2D model can simulate a stratified flow pattern. Our results show that 2D models require adjustments in geometry (e.g., substitution of the outlet pipes to an outlet distributed over the total width of the tank) and in the parameters governing the flow in order to account for the true 3D nature of some of the flow patterns. In addition, we show that the bubble size has a larger influence on the flow in the separation zone than in the contact zone.  相似文献   

Oxygen transfer is one of the key processes in the bioreactor. Herein a computational fluid dynamics model for the oxygen transfer in high-speed surface aeration tank has been developed and validated through a full-scale aeration test. The test results indicate that the oxygen transfer mainly comes from the spray water in air and that the gas entrainment by the plunging of spray water and the surface reaeration in the aeration tank contribute little to the total oxygen transfer in high-speed surface aerator. A simple method was proposed to measure the oxygen transfer rate for high-speed surface aerator.  相似文献   

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