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A series of undrained cyclic torsional simple shear tests using hollow cylindrical torsional shear apparatus was carried out to investigate the dynamic shear moduli and damping properties of clayey specimens with various sand contents and plasticity indices. The clayey soils used were collected from various sites along the coast of west Japan. Among these clayey soils, a clay sample with intermediate plasticity and another with high plasticity were mixed with silica sand at different proportions in order to examine the dynamic properties of sand-clay mixtures. In addition, experiments were carried out on undisturbed and remolded natural clay specimens with various plasticities. The effects of plasticity, loading frequency and confining pressure on the strain dependent normalized shear modulus and damping ratio were examined. Based on the results, empirical correlations for predicting the normalized shear modulus and damping ratio of remolded sand-clay mixtures at various shear strain levels were proposed.  相似文献   

Initial Shear Modulus of Remolded Sand-Clay Mixtures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the dynamic properties of undisturbed and remolded clays and sand-clay mixtures based on the results of undrained hollow cylindrical torsional cyclic simple shear tests. The clays were obtained from different sites having a wide range of plasticity, covering fluvial and marine sediments. The main focus of this investigation is the dynamic properties of sand-clay mixtures whose properties are intermediate between those of clays and sands. The initial shear moduli are examined in terms of fines content, and conventional plasticity index. An equivalent plasticity index has been defined in the present investigation and a better correlation is obtained between the initial shear modulus of sand-clay mixtures and this parameter than with the conventional plasticity index. Further, a simple method has been suggested to determine the equivalent plasticity index based on the conventional consistency limit tests and grain size analysis. An empirical correlation for predicting the initial shear modulus is also proposed.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present a number of simple, practical, and useful analytical expressions of a yield surface for geomaterials. In classical plasticity, the analytical expression of a yield surface defines the locus of points in stress space at which plastic flow initiates, and the corresponding function must depend on direct and mixed invariants of stress and tensor-valued internal variables. One single function describes a yield surface in order to avoid singularities and computational difficulties arising from the use of multiple functions representing intersecting surfaces in stress space that are often used for cap-type models in soil plasticity. The presented functions are conveniently subdivided in three main categories depending on the type of analytical expression used, and they all describe properly closed yield surfaces which are continuous and convex. The internal variables in these functions can be used in order to address classical plasticity features such as isotropic and kinematic hardening, the latter in the form of rotational hardening. The effects of parameters on the shape of yield surfaces are clearly demonstrated and illustrated for all functions in triaxial stress space. The generalization of these functions to the multiaxial stress space is presented using a consistent method such that if one applies triaxial loading conditions on the multiaxial expressions, the triaxial ones are retrieved. Finally, the appropriateness of the yield functions in regards to the soil type is discussed.  相似文献   

Estimation of spudcan penetration resistance is an important design step to guarantee the stability and functionality of offshore mobile jack-up units. Dependence on in situ penetrometer test data to evaluate the stratigraphy and resulting spudcan capacity profile has been increased. However, this becomes difficult in intermediate soil types in which the degree of consolidation during penetration falls between the extremes of fully drained or fully undrained. In this study, a penetrometer-based methodology utilizing results from cone and T-bar penetration tests is developed. Three main steps are involved, comprising estimation of the relative penetration resistance of spudcan and cone or T-bar penetrometer under fully drained and fully undrained conditions, and then quantifying the effect of the different normalized penetration rates for spudcan and penetrometer. Values of the various correlation parameters for the proposed model are evaluated. The validity and accuracy of the proposed methodology are evaluated through case studies from centrifuge tests in clay and a field example of spudcan installation in interbedded carbonate silts and sands. The comparisons confirm the potential of the proposed methodology for interpretation of penetrometer tests and application to the prediction of foundation performance.  相似文献   

In this paper a theoretical study of the behavior of structured soils, including both clays and sands, is presented. A new model, which is referred to as the “Sydney soil model,” is formulated within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. In the proposed model, the mechanical behavior of soil is divided into two parts, that at a reference state and that attributed to the influence of soil structure. The reference state behavior is formulated according to the soil properties at the critical state of deformation, based on the concept of plastic volumetric hardening. The effects of structure are captured in the model by incorporation of the additional voids ratio that arises owing to the presence of soil structure. The formulation is generalized to include both isotropic compression and general shearing. In part?I of this paper, a new theoretical framework for modeling structured soil behavior and the formulation of the proposed Sydney soil model are introduced. In part?II of this paper, the Sydney soil model is employed to simulate the behavior of clays and sands, including calcareous clays and sands subjected to both drained and undrained shearing, and the performance of the model is evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper presents simulations of the mechanical behavior of reconstituted and natural soils using a new model presented in a companion paper and referred to as the “Sydney soil model.” It is demonstrated that the performance of the proposed model is essentially the same as that of modified Cam clay model when describing the behavior of clays in laboratory reconstituted states. The model has also been employed to simulate the drained and undrained behavior of structured clays and sands, including calcareous clay and sand. Five sets of conventional triaxial tests and one set of true triaxial tests have been considered. It is demonstrated that the new model provides satisfactory qualitative and quantitative modeling of many important features of the behavior of structured soils, particularly in capturing various patterns of the stress and strain behavior associated with soil type and structure. A general discussion of the model parameters is also included. It is concluded that the Sydney soil model is suitable for representing the behavior of many soils if their ultimate state during shearing can be defined by an intrinsic and constant stress ratio M* and a unique relationship between mean effective stress and voids ratio, i.e., a unique p′-e curve.  相似文献   

A geofoam was produced by blending expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and sands in proportions. The formed mixtures, known as EPS-sands, were 26–63% lighter than general earth fills (e.g., sand). Consolidated-drained (CD) triaxial compression tests were conducted on EPS-sand mixture specimens to observe their stress-strain characteristics, specifically, the stress-strain responses in relation to the EPS contents (0.5, 1.5, and 2.5% by weight) used in the mixtures and confining pressures (100, 200, 300 to 400 kPa) loaded on the specimens. The EPS content and confining pressure were found to influence the stress-strain and volumetric strain behavior of the mixtures. Increasing EPS content led to decreased shear strength and increased volumetric strain. Increasing confining pressures enhanced the strength of the mixture. EPS-sand mixtures underwent a shear contraction throughout the CD tests. The optimum EPS bead content (i.e., the one reasonably balancing the unit weight, strength, and deformation) was in the order of 0.5% by weight. EPS content dependent strain increment equations were derived by compromising Cam-clay and modified Cam-clay, and used to model the stress-strain characteristics of EPS-sand mixtures. The established equations were verified being able to depict the stress-strain observations of EPS-sand specimens, at least for the ranges of EPS contents and confinements considered in this study.  相似文献   

A variety of hot mix asphalt mixtures are used in highway and runway pavement construction. Each mixture caters to specific needs. Mixtures differ from one another in the type and percentage of aggregates and asphalt used, and their response can be markedly different, and thus there is a need to develop constitutive models that can differentiate between the different kinds of mixtures. In this paper, we outline a general procedure for the constitutive modeling of bituminous mixtures. We illustrate the efficacy of this approach by means of an application to sand asphalt. The governing equations for this special problem reduce to a stiff nonlinear ordinary differential equation and this is solved numerically using Gear’s method. We compare the results of the predictions of the model that we have developed with the compressive creep experiments carried out by Wood and Goetz on a typical sand asphalt mixture and find them to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Mercury is one of the many hazardous substances that has been recognized and banned by many natural codes of practice and governments. Because many laboratory works in research and practice require the use of mercury, safe alternative materials and procedures are being researched. One of the Atterberg limits dealing with volume stability of soils in the field is the shrinkage limit. The conventional method followed by many national codes of practice involves the use of mercury to measure the volume of dry soil pat. This paper proposes sand replacement method to determine the shrinkage limit of soils in the laboratory. This method uses sand of uniform gradation to determine the volume of dry soil pat. The proposed method is simple, safe, free from the limitations of the conventional mercury and wax methods, and eco-friendly. The shrinkage limit values obtained from the proposed sand replacement method compare very well with those from the mercury displacement method.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of a centrifuge modeling technique in studying slope instability. The slope models were prepared from sand, and sand mixed with 15 and 30% fines by weight, compacted at optimum water content. The validity of the modeling technique was confirmed using slope models of different heights, inclinations, and soil types. The soil behavior was studied under triaxial and plane strain conditions, and the extended Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was found relevant for expressing the strength of unsaturated compacted soil based on the angle of internal friction and apparent cohesion. The Bishop’s circular mechanism, together with the extended Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, was able to simulate the slope failure reasonably well. The rainfall of different intensities was then induced on the 60° stable slopes of sand with 15% fines. It was found that the failure of slope under rainfall may be interpreted as a reduction in apparent cohesion. The centrifuge tests also allowed the rainfall intensity-duration threshold curve (local curve) to be generated for the test slopes, and the accumulated rainfall corresponded well to some of the reported field observations.  相似文献   

Volumetric Threshold Shear Strain for Cyclic Settlement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The volumetric cyclic threshold shear strain for cyclic settlement, γtv, is evaluated for seven different sands and clays at different degrees of saturation, S, from the results of 11 Norwegian Geotechnical Institute-type direct simple shear, multistage cyclic settlement tests. Each test included several cyclic strain-controlled stages at cyclic shear strain amplitudes, γc, slightly smaller and slightly larger than γtv, such that γtv could be evaluated from each single test. At γc<γtv, specimens did not experience a permanent change in volume or settle even after a large number of cycles, while at γc>γtv they did. The data show that γtv is larger for clays than for sands and that it generally increases with the soil’s plasticity index (PI). For example, γtv ≈ 0.01–0.02% was obtained for sands and γtv ≈ 0.04–0.09% was obtained for clays having PI ≈ 30. A rather consistent γtv versus PI correlation for cyclic settlement is presented. No obvious trends were found between γtv and S and vertical stress.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the significance of basal reinforcement and the presence of the surface sand layer in the stability. This evaluation is carried out by means of field measurements and stability analyses of three test embankments on soft clay taken to failure. Two of the test embankments were reinforced and one was unreinforced. Stability analyses were carried out taking into account measured values of reinforcement tension forces during construction. The set of analyses have shown that the top sand layer was more important to the stability of the embankments than the basal reinforcement. The cases studied have also shown that the conventional design practice that assumes for the reinforcement a fixed tension contribution may lead to unrealistic higher factor of safety.  相似文献   

Sand particle crushing generates coarse fragments with size d ≥ 75?μm and fine fragments, i.e., “fines,” with size d<75?μm. Yet, postcrushing fines are seldom characterized due to testing constraints. An experimental study was conducted to examine the size distribution evolution of fine fragments generated by crushing two uniform sands with contrasting degrees of mineral composition heterogeneity, in one-dimensional compression. The determination of fine fragment sizes was made possible by using a particle size analyzer that employs a small sample. The results indicate that the degree of mineral composition heterogeneity affects the load–deformation behavior of crushing sands and the resulting amounts and size distribution evolutions of the produced coarse and fine fragments. In particular, the trends gathered suggest that fines generation occurs by abrasion of parent particles, coarse fragment breakage, and subsequent breakage of fine fragments with sizes larger than the comminution limit.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analytical modeling of three-layered hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures. Conventional HMA mixtures can be regarded as a two-layered composite with asphalt-coated aggregate particles dispersed in an equivalent medium. The three-layered HMA mixtures can be constructed by introducing an intermediate layer of stiff binder coated over coarse aggregates prior to mixing them with hot asphalt cement. Based on the equivalent medium theorem reported by Eshelby in 1957 in “The Determination of the Elastic Field of an Ellipsoidal Inclusion, and Related Problems,” HMA mixtures were treated as particulate-filled composite materials. Theoretical formulations of the composite modulus were developed and finite element analysis of stress concentration in the asphalt binder was conducted. To validate the analytical results, a three-layered HMA utilizing natural asphalt (gilsonite) as the intermediate layer was prepared and dynamic modulus and indirect tensile strength tests were conducted. The lab-scale tests agreed with the theoretical results and further ascertained the benefits of utilizing the three-layered structure in HMA mixtures.  相似文献   

The influence of three loading paths on the collapse of loose sand is analyzed with a particular attention paid to the onset of collapse and the mode of failure exhibited. Experimental results on conventional undrained triaxial compression tests, constant shear drained tests, as well as quasi-constant shear undrained path are presented, compared, and analyzed. It is now recognized that some collapses can occur before the Mohr-Coulomb plastic limit criterion is reached, and our recent results obtained with the new arrangement built up highlight that these collapses occur under a diffuse mode of failure. An extensive experimental series of tests shows that the first negative value of the second-order work computed using experimental data corresponds to the loss of controllability. Moreover, it is shown that the stress ratios at collapse and the corresponding mobilized angles of friction are very close for all types of tests. For similar void ratios, the onset of collapse is thus largely independent of the loading path under drained and undrained conditions but depends on a stress state to bring the material inside the unstable domain and also on the current direction of the stress increment. Indeed, it appears that the orientations of the stress increments at collapse for all tests are the same, what explains, according to the second-order work criterion, that collapse occurs at the same stress ratio. A potentially unstable domain, depending on the stress increment direction, can thus be defined.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity, the coefficient of consolidation, and the coefficient of volume compressibility play major roles on the pore pressure generation during undrained and partially drained loading of granular soils with fines. This paper aims to determine how much these soil parameters are affected by the percentage of fines and void ratio of the soil. The results of a large number of flexible wall permeameter tests performed on 60 specimens of two poorly graded sands with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% nonplastic silt are presented and discussed. Hydraulic conductivity measurements were done at effective confining stresses of 50–300 kPa. The evaluation of the data shows that the hydraulic conductivity and the coefficient of consolidation of sands with 25% silt content are approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than those of clean sands. The coefficient of volume compressibility of the sand-silt mixtures is affected in a lesser degree by void ratio, silt content, and confining stress. The influence of the degree of saturation on the laboratory-measured k values is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the problem of designing standard artificial tunnels for rock boulder protection. The proposed approach consists in uncoupling the problem of the dynamic response of the granular dissipative soil cushion placed on the top of artificial tunnels from the dynamic response of the reinforced concrete structure underneath. An already conceived elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model capable of simulating the penetration process of the boulder within the soil stratum and reproducing the force acting on the boulder is briefly described. Its simplified one-dimensional formulation is outlined. A modified version of the model, taking into account large displacements occurring when either impacts on loose granular soils or high energetic content impacts on dense sand strata are considered, is also introduced. To validate the approach, some in situ test results are numerically simulated. A simplified numerical approach is proposed for obtaining the evolution with time of both impact force and boulder penetration, bypassing the use of the rheological model. This goal is achieved by introducing some abaci obtained numerically with reference to an ideal dense sand soil stratum of reference.  相似文献   

Pullout Behavior of Granular Pile-Anchors in Expansive Clay Beds In Situ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Granular pile anchors (GPA) are one of the recent innovative foundation techniques devised for mitigating the problems posed by swelling clay beds. In a granular pile anchor, the footing is anchored to an anchor plate at the bottom of the granular pile. This makes the granular pile tension resistant and enables it to absorb the tensile force caused on the foundation by the swelling clay. An understanding of the amount of uplift resistance offered by the GPA is important in the design of granular pile-anchor foundations in field situations causing tensile forces on foundations, such as in expansive clay beds. This paper presents the results of a field-scale test program conducted to study the pullout response of GPAs embedded in expansive clay beds. Pullout load tests were conducted on GPAs of varying lengths and diameters. It was found from the field pullout load tests that granular pile anchors of larger surface area resulted in higher pullout capacity. Of the various single granular pile anchors with l/d values between 2.5 and 10, the GPA of length 1000?mm and diameter 200?mm (l/d = 5) showed the best pullout load response when tested alone, resulting in a failure uplift capacity of 14.71?kN. Increase in diameter and length of granular pile anchor increased the uplift capacity. When the length of the GPA was increased from 500 to 750 and 1000?mm, the percentage increase in the uplift load required for an upward movement of 25?mm was 33.3 and 55.5% respectively. The pullout load of the GPA when tested under group was 18?kN as against a 12?kN for the GPA when tested single.  相似文献   

Effect of Sand Columns on the Undrained Load Response of Soft Clays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When sand columns are used as vertical drains in soil improvement schemes, the possible reinforcing role that these columns can play in regards to improving the bearing capacity is usually neglected in design. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the degree of improvement in the mechanical properties of soft clays in practical applications involving the use of sand drains or sand columns in clayey soils. For this purpose, 32 isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial tests were performed on normally consolidated kaolin specimens. The parameters that were varied were the diameter of the sand columns, the height of the columns, the type of columns (geotextile encased versus nonencased), and the effective confining pressure. Test results indicated that sand columns improved the undrained strength significantly even for area replacement ratios that were less than 18%. The increase in undrained strength was accompanied by a decrease in pore pressure generation during shear and an increase in Young’s modulus. The drained shear strength parameters were found to be relatively unaffected by the sand column reinforcement, except for fully penetrating columns with high area replacement ratios.  相似文献   

Scale Effects of Shallow Foundation Bearing Capacity on Granular Material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scale effects of shallow foundation bearing capacity on granular materials were investigated to further evaluate the trend of decreasing bearing capacity factor, Nγ, with increasing footing width, B, observed by other researchers. Model-scale square and circular footing tests ranging in width from 0.025 to 0.914?m were performed on two compacted sands at three relative densities. Results of the model-scale footing tests show that the bearing capacity factor, Nγ, is dependent on the absolute width of the footing for both square and circular footings. Although this phenomenon is well known, the current study used a large range of footing sizes tested on well-graded sands to show that the previously reported modifications to the bearing capacity factor, Nγ, using grain-size and reference footing width do not sufficiently account for the scale effect seen in the test results from this study. It also shows that behavior of most model-scale footing tests cannot be directly correlated to the behavior of full-scale tests because of differences in mean stresses experienced beneath footings of varying sizes. The relationship of the initial testing conditions (i.e., void ratio) of the sand beds and mean stress experienced beneath the footing (correlated to footing size) to the critical state line controls footing behavior and, therefore, model-scale tests must be performed at a lower density than a corresponding prototype footing in order to correctly predict behavior. Small footings were shown to have low mean stresses but high Nγ values, which indicates high operative friction angles and may be related to the curvature of the Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope.  相似文献   

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