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Failure and Dilatancy Properties of Sand at Relatively Low Stresses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of geotechnical problems concerned by low confinement such as design of shallow foundations and analysis of slope stability and soil liquefaction requires modeling of the soil behavior at low stresses. This note includes a laboratory study of the behavior of Hostun RF sand at low cell pressure (20–50?kPa). Isotropic and triaxial compression drained tests were performed. Drained tests show that both failure and dilatancy angles at low stresses are stress dependent. The contractive/dilative phase transition is observed for loose sand, which may result from the overconsolidated nature of this sand for low values of cell pressure.  相似文献   

Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Sands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Soil reinforcement using discrete randomly distributed fibers has been widely investigated over the last 30 years. Several models were suggested to estimate the improvement brought by fibers to the shear strength of soils. The objectives of this paper are to (1) supplement the data available in the literature on the behavior of fiber-reinforced sands; (2) study the effect of several parameters which are known to affect the shear strength of fiber-reinforced sands; and (3) investigate the effectiveness of current models in predicting the improvement in shear strength of fiber-reinforced sand. An extensive direct shear testing program was implemented using coarse and fine sands tested with three types of fibers. Results indicate the existence of a fiber-grain scale effect which is not catered for in current prediction models. A comparison between measured and predicted shear strengths indicates that the energy dissipation model is effective in predicting the shear strength of fiber-reinforced specimens in reference to the tests conducted in this study. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the predictions of the discrete model is affected by the parameters of the model, which may depend on the test setup and the procedure used for mixing the fibers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a systematic laboratory investigation on the static behavior of silica sand containing various amounts of either plastic or nonplastic fines. Specimens were reconstituted using a new technique suitable for element testing of homogeneous specimens of sands containing fines deposited in water (e.g., alluvial deposits, hydraulic fills, tailings dams, and offshore deposits). The fabric of sands containing fines was examined using the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). Static, monotonic, isotropically consolidated, drained triaxial compression tests were performed to evaluate the stress-strain-volumetric response of these soils. Piezoceramic bender element instrumentation was developed and integrated into a conventional triaxial apparatus; shear-wave velocity measurements were made to evaluate the small-strain stiffness of the sands tested at various states. The intrinsic parameters that characterize critical state, dilatancy, and small-strain stiffness of clean, silty, and clayey sands were determined. All aspects of the mechanical behavior investigated in this study (e.g., stress-strain-volumetric response, shear strength, and small-strain stiffness) are affected by both the amount and plasticity of the fines present in the sand. Microstructural evaluation using the ESEM highlighted the importance of soil fabric on the overall soil response.  相似文献   

Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Sand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A theory that accurately describes tensile strength of wet sand is presented. A closed form expression for tensile strength unifies tensile strength characteristics in all three water retention regimes: pendular, funicular, and capillary. Tensile strength characteristically increases as soil water content increases in the pendular regime, reaches a peak in the funicular regime, and reduces with a continuing water content increase in the capillary regime. Three parameters are employed in the theory: internal friction angle (at low normal stress) ?t, the inverse value of the air-entry pressure α, and the pore size spectrum parameter n. The magnitude of peak tensile strength is dominantly controlled by the α parameter. The saturation at which peak tensile strength occurs only depends on the pore size spectrum parameter n. The closed form expression accords well with experimental water retention and tensile strength data for different sands.  相似文献   

Stress Dilatancy and Fabric Dependencies on Sand Behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A stress dilatancy model with embedded microstructural information, originally developed by the writers, is used to illustrate the pivotal importance of dilatancy and fabric on the behavior of sand. Fabric, as a second-order tensor, enters into the stress dilatancy equation obtained from a microscopic analysis of an ensemble of rigid particles. Model simulations of sand behavior are carried out in triaxial stress conditions along strain paths with varying degrees of controlled dilation (or compaction) including isochoric deformations as a particular case. Under particular strain paths and fabric conditions, it is shown that a relatively dense sand can succumb to instability or liquefaction under other than isochoric (undrained) conditions. This phenomenon is in accord with laboratory experiments in which dilation or compaction is controlled by modulating the amount of water flowing in or out of a sand specimen during shearing. Mixed drained–undrained loading paths are also simulated with particular reference to fabric dependence at a fixed void ratio. Model simulations capture most of the observed characteristics of sand response, such as instability and asymptotic behavior under various conditions.  相似文献   

The results of drained triaxial tests on fiber reinforced and nonreinforced sand (Osorio sand) specimens are presented in this work, considering effective stresses varying from 20 to 680?kPa and a variety of stress paths. The tests on nonreinforced samples yielded effective strength envelopes that were approximately linear and defined by a friction angle of 32.5° for the Osorio sand, with a cohesion intercept of zero. The failure envelope for sand when reinforced with fibers was distinctly nonlinear, with a well-defined kink point, so that it could be approximated by a bilinear envelope. The failure envelope of the fiber-reinforced sand was found to be independent of the stress path followed by the triaxial tests. The strength parameters for the lower-pressure part of the failure envelope, where failure is governed by both fiber stretching and slippage, were, respectively, a cohesion intercept of about 15?kPa and friction angle of 48.6?deg. The higher-pressure part of the failure envelope, governed by tensile yielding or stretching of the fibers, had a cohesion intercept of 124?kPa, and friction angle of 34.6?deg. No fiber breakage was measured and only fiber extension was observed. It is, therefore, believed that the fibers did not break because they are highly extensible, with a fiber strain at failure of 80%, and the necessary strain to cause fiber breakage was not reached under triaxial conditions at these stress and strain levels.  相似文献   

The residual shear strength mobilized between pipelines and supporting soils at low effective normal stresses is needed for designing stable pipelines in offshore environments. A tilt table device is used to study the effect that effective normal stress, type of pipeline coating, composition of soil, stress history, and rate of loading have on the drained residual shear strength mobilized at the interface between a variety of clays and polymeric pipe coatings. The drained residual friction angles for both the interfaces and the clays decrease substantially as the effective normal stress increases. Empirical correlations published for predicting the residual strength of clays cannot be readily extrapolated to the pipeline problem because the correlations do not cover the relatively small effective normal stresses acting on pipelines. Residual shear strengths for the interfaces range from 60 to 90% of the residual shear strength for the clay. The residual shear strength for the interface depends both on the composition of the clay and the type of pipeline coating.  相似文献   

A series of undrained tests were performed on granular soils consisting of sand and gravel with different particle gradations and different relative densities reconstituted in laboratory. Despite large differences in grading, only a small difference was observed in undrained cyclic shear strength or liquefaction strength defined as the cyclic stress causing 5% double amplitude axial strain for specimens having the same relative density. In a good contrast, undrained monotonic shear strength defined at larger strains after undrained cyclic loading was at least eight times larger for well-graded soils than poorly graded sand despite the same relative density. This indicates that devastating failures with large postliquefaction soil strain are less likely to develop in well-graded granular soils compared to poorly graded sands with the same relative density, although they are almost equally liquefiable. However, if gravelly particles of well-graded materials are crushable such as decomposed granite soils, undrained monotonic strengths are considerably small and almost identical to or lower than that of poorly graded sands.  相似文献   

A series of single-staged consolidated drained direct shear tests are carried out on recompacted completely decomposed granite (CDG) soil—a typical residual soil in Hong Kong, under different matric suctions and net normal stresses. Matric suction is controlled by applying air pressure in the pressure chamber and water pressure at the bottom of the high air-entry ceramic disk. The experimental results show that the contribution of suction to shear strength is significant. Shear strength of CDG soil increases with the increase of matric suction. Net normal stress has a remarkable influence on the shear strength of unsaturated CDG soil. The increase in shear strength due to an increase in matric suction (suction envelope) is observed as nonlinear i.e., ?b value varies with matric suction. No soil dilatancy is observed for zero matric suction (saturated case) but as the suction value is increased, higher soil dilatancy is obvious in lower net normal stresses. The rate of increase of soil dilatancy is greater in lower suction range than in higher suction range. The experimental shear strength data match closely with the shear strength predicted by existing shear strength model considering the soil-dilation effect.  相似文献   

State-Dependent Strength of Sands from the Perspective of Unified Modeling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the state-dependent strength of sands from the perspective of unified modeling in triaxial stress space. The modeling accounts for the dependence of dilatancy on the material internal state during the deformation history and thus has the capability of describing the behavior of a sand with different densities and stress levels in a unified way. Analyses are made for the Toyoura sand whose behavior has been well documented by laboratory tests and meanwhile comparisons with experimental observations on other sands are presented. It is shown that the influence of density and stress level on the strength of sands can be combined through the state-dependent dilatancy such that both the peak friction angle and maximum dilation angle are well correlated with a so-called state parameter. A unique, linear relationship is suggested between the peak friction angle and the maximum dilation angle for a wide range of densities and stress levels. The relationship, which is found to be in good agreement with recent experimental findings on a different sand, implies that the excess angle of shearing due to dilatancy in triaxial conditions is less than 40% of that in plane strain conditions. A careful identification of the deficiency of the classical Rowe’s and Cam-clay’s stress–dilatancy relations reveals that the unique relationship between the stress ratio and dilatancy assumed in both relations does not exist and thereby obstructs unified modeling of the sand behavior over a full range of densities and stress levels.  相似文献   

Modified Direct Shear Test for Anisotropic Strength of Sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a simple method to estimate the directional dependency of granular soil strength using a modified shear box and a special specimen preparation procedure. This method is used to investigate the strength anisotropy of granular materials with particle shapes varying from spherical to angular. The experimental results show that the friction angle of granular materials varies with the orientation of shear plane relative to the bedding plane, and the degree of anisotropy is affected by particle shape. Comparison of the data from direct shear tests in this study with those of plane strain and torsional simple shear tests in the literature shows that direct shear using the modified direct shear box can reasonably capture the directional dependency of the friction angle for cohesionless materials.  相似文献   

Influence of Optimized Tire Shreds on Shear Strength Parameters of Sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the usefulness of optimizing the size of waste tire shreds on shear strength parameters of sand reinforced with shredded waste tires. A relatively, uniform sand has been mixed with randomly distributed waste tire shreds with rectangular shape and compacted at 2° of compaction. Waste tire shreds were prepared with a special cutter in three widths of 2, 3, and 4?cm and various lengths for each shred width. Three shred contents of 15, 30, and 50% by volume were chosen and mixed with the sand to obtain a uniformly distributed mixture. In order to compare the shear strength of different sand–tire shred samples, two compaction efforts in terms of sand matrix unit weights of 15.5 and 16.8?kN/m3 were considered. The results show that the influencing parameters on shear strength characteristics of sand–shred mixtures are normal stress, sand matrix unit weight, shred content, shred width, and aspect ratio of tire shreds. With the selected widths of shreds, compaction efforts, shred contents, and the variations of aspect ratios, it is possible to increase the initial friction angle ?1 up to 113.5%, that is ?1 = 67°. The average value for the influence of aspect ratio variations on increase in friction angle of the mixtures for all tests has been found to be about 25%. These average values for lower and higher compacted samples containing different widths and aspect rations were 37.6 and 17.2%, respectively. It has been investigated that for a given width of tire rectangular shreds, there is solely a certain length, which gives the greatest initial friction angle for sand–tire shred mixtures. This is the main contribution of this paper.  相似文献   

On the basis of critical state soil mechanics, this study derives theoretical formulas for predicting the undrained shear strength of K0 consolidated soft soils in triaxial compression and extension. Although the modified Cam-clay model is often utilized to predict the undrained shear strength of soft clays, it is applicable mainly to isotropically consolidated soils. Because of the anisotropy under K0 consolidation, an inclined elliptical yield surface is chosen, which is different from those methods based on the original Cam-clay model. The inclined elliptical yield surface is testified to be appropriate to the K0 consolidated soft soil and results in a better prediction of undrained strength, especially for the triaxial extension test. It is concluded that the analytical solutions obtained in this paper are in good agreement with the available test results and back-analysis of slope failures. On the basis of the investigation of soil properties, a simple formula is proposed for calculating the mean undrained shear strength along the failure surface.  相似文献   

Shear Strength in Preexisting Landslides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drained residual shear strength is used for the analysis of slopes containing preexisting shear surfaces. Some recent research suggests that preexisting shear surfaces in prior landslides can gain strength with time. Torsional ring and direct shear tests performed during this study show that the recovered shear strength measured in the laboratory is only noticeably greater than the drained residual strength at effective normal stress of 100 kPa or less. The test results also show that the recovered strength even at effective normal stresses of 100 kPa or less is lost after a small shear displacement, i.e., slope movement. An effective normal stress of 100 kPa corresponds to a shallow depth so the observed strength gain has little, if any, impact on the analysis of deep landslides. This paper describes the laboratory strength recovery testing and the results for soils with different plasticities at various rest periods and effective normal stresses.  相似文献   

Experimental results show very different stress-dilatancy behavior for sand under compression and extension loading conditions. In order to describe the behavior in both compression and extension conditions, two separate dilatancy equations are needed; one for each case. Furthermore, the effect of inherent anisotropy has not been considered in those equations. In this paper, a new micromechanics based method is presented, by which the stress dilatancy relation is obtained by considering the slip mechanism of the interparticle contacts in all orientations. The method also accounts for the effect of inherent anisotropy in sand. Experimental results on Hostun sand and LSI-30 sand are used for illustration the proposed method.  相似文献   

A geofoam was produced by blending expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and sands in proportions. The formed mixtures, known as EPS-sands, were 26–63% lighter than general earth fills (e.g., sand). Consolidated-drained (CD) triaxial compression tests were conducted on EPS-sand mixture specimens to observe their stress-strain characteristics, specifically, the stress-strain responses in relation to the EPS contents (0.5, 1.5, and 2.5% by weight) used in the mixtures and confining pressures (100, 200, 300 to 400 kPa) loaded on the specimens. The EPS content and confining pressure were found to influence the stress-strain and volumetric strain behavior of the mixtures. Increasing EPS content led to decreased shear strength and increased volumetric strain. Increasing confining pressures enhanced the strength of the mixture. EPS-sand mixtures underwent a shear contraction throughout the CD tests. The optimum EPS bead content (i.e., the one reasonably balancing the unit weight, strength, and deformation) was in the order of 0.5% by weight. EPS content dependent strain increment equations were derived by compromising Cam-clay and modified Cam-clay, and used to model the stress-strain characteristics of EPS-sand mixtures. The established equations were verified being able to depict the stress-strain observations of EPS-sand specimens, at least for the ranges of EPS contents and confinements considered in this study.  相似文献   

Drained and Undrained Strength Interpretation for Low-Plasticity Silts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The engineering behavior of low-plasticity silts is more difficult to characterize than is the behavior of clay or sand. Due to their tendency to dilate during shear, establishing a consistent and practically useful failure criterion for low-plasticity silts can be very difficult. Consideration of how the undrained shear strength of silt is related to changes in pore pressure provides a more useful and practical framework for understanding the undrained strengths of these materials and for characterizing undrained strengths for practical purposes. Using a value of Skempton’s as a failure criterion has been found to result in very reasonable values of undrained strength and to reduce scatter in the results as compared to using other criteria. Using a failure criterion based on an appropriate value of results in consistent values of Su/p, and tolerably small values of strain at failure. For low-plasticity, dilative silts that pose the greatest problems with respect to definition of “failure,” using = 0 as a failure criterion is an appropriate and simple choice.  相似文献   

Laboratory sand-steel interface tests, using a range of sand sizes on a wide range of surface roughnesses, have been conducted using a direct shear apparatus modified to enable reliable measurements of both friction and dilation. The paper looks at the minimum interface strength after peak, termed here the postpeak strength, and assesses its dependence on roughness, density, and stress level. Its upper limit is the large displacement direct shear friction angle, related to but not equal to the critical state friction angle. When data are normalized by this value, they show linear dependence on the logarithm of relative roughness in the intermediate zone between smooth and rough. Once the roughness dependence of the postpeak strength has been allowed for, dilatant interfaces are found to follow classical stress–dilatancy relationships. It appears that there is no fundamental difference in the responses of sand-on-steel or sand-on-sand interfaces.  相似文献   

The pressure and density dependence of the shear strength of sand poses a tricky problem in pile foundation design. In this study, a correlation is suggested to link the effective friction angle of sand with its initial confining pressure and relative density, and a simple approach incorporating this correlation is presented for predicting pile end bearing capacity. Assessment of the approach against pile load tests shows reasonably good agreement between predictions and measurements. It is also shown that the effect of the state-dependent strength is particularly important in cases where long piles are installed in dense sand deposits and the use of critical state friction angle will produce a conservative prediction in such cases.  相似文献   

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