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The influence of suspended sediments on coherent flow structures has been studied by simultaneously measuring the longitudinal and vertical components of the instantaneous velocity vector and the instantaneous suspended particle concentration with an acoustic particle flux profiler. The measurements were carried out in clear water and in particle-laden open-channel flows. In both cases, they clearly show the predominance of ejection and sweep phases that are part of a burst cycle. The analysis further demonstrates the importance of the ejection and sweep phases in sediment resuspension and transport. Ejections pick up the sediment at the bed and carry it up through the water column close to the surface. It is shown that ejections and sweeps are in near equality in the near-bottom layer, whereas ejections clearly dominate in the remaining water column. The implications of these results for sediment transport dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

The governing conservation equation for the transport of noncohesive suspended sediment in erodible channels is recognized as a stochastic partial differential equation due to the uncertainties in the parameters, and a deterministic ensemble-averaged equation is developed. Variables in this one-dimensional equation are represented as averaged quantities, and their covariances are also taken into account. Lateral inflows and deposition and entrainment of sediment are incorporated in the formulation. A hypothetical test problem is constructed to examine the model behavior. Manning’s coefficient, bed slope and bottom width are taken as the primary random parameters. Results from the solution of the ensemble-averaged equation are compared to results from Monte Carlo simulations. For comparison purposes, predicted values are also obtained by solving the deterministic transport equation without the covariance terms. It is found that predictions obtained from this latter approach deviate significantly from Monte Carlo simulation results. On the other hand, the ensemble-averaged predictions compare favorably to the Monte Carlo simulation results indicating that this promising technique needs further exploration.  相似文献   

Problems and difficulties in modeling sediment transport in alluvial rivers arise when one uses the theory of equilibrium transport of uniform sediment to simulate riverbed variation. A two-dimensional mathematical model for nonuniform suspended sediment transport is presented to simulate riverbed deformation. Through dividing sediment mixture into several size groups in which the sediment particles are thought to be uniform, the nonuniformity and the exchange between suspended sediment and bed material are considered. The change of concentration along the flow direction, size redistribution, and cross-sectional bed variation can then be described reasonably well by the model. In simulating the flow field with big dry-wet flats, moving boundary problems are solved very well by introducing a so-called finite-slot technique. Verification with laboratory data shows that the model has a good ability to simulate channel bed variations. Last, the model was applied to a real alluvial river system. Variables such as water level, sediment concentration, suspended sediment size distribution, and riverbed variation were obtained with encouraging results.  相似文献   

A complex problem of turbulent-sediment interactions in an open-channel flow is approached experimentally, using specially designed field experiments in an irrigation canal. The experimental design included synchronous measurements of instantaneous three-dimensional (3D) velocities and suspended sediment concentration using acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV) and a water sampling system. Various statistical measures of sediment concentration fluctuations, turbulent sediment fluxes, and diffusion coefficients for fluid momentum and sediment are considered. Statistics, fractal behavior, and contributions of bursting events to vertical fluxes of fluid momentum and sediment are evaluated using quadrant analysis. It has been found that both turbulence and sediment events are organized in fractal clusters which introduce additional characteristic time and spatial scales into the problem and should be further explored. It is also shown that Barenblatt’s theory of sediment-laden flows appears to be a good approximation of experimental data.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory flume experiments were conducted to characterize lateral variations of suspended sediment over dunes. Forty experimental runs were made using flow depths of 0.328 and 0.127?m in a 1.2-m-wide channel. The Froude number was 0.47 and the median diameter of the bed material was 0.52?mm. Point samples of suspended sediment and depth-integrated values calculated using acoustic backscatter data were collected simultaneously at two lateral positions at spacings of 0.41, 0.20, 0.10, and 0.05?m. Root mean square differences between the paired samples increased from 30 to 94% and from 20 to 45% of the mean concentration for point samples and depth-integrated samples, respectively, as the lateral spacing between samples was increased. Lateral variations in the concentration of suspended sediment should be considered when designing sediment sampling strategies over dune beds.  相似文献   

A sediment plug is defined as aggradation in a river that completely blocks the main channel. Information from documented cases of sediment plug development in alluvial rivers was used to develop criteria for plug formation and to identify the setup conditions for sites that are prone to plug formation. Site characteristics, processes, and associated parameters were evaluated based on a comprehensive literature review and evaluation of data. A plug formation theory was developed and tested using a unique sediment transport/movable bed numerical model that simulates the key processes considered to affect plug formation. The theory and model were calibrated and validated against field data, and then used to develop simplified criteria that can be used to predict plug formation. Findings from this study can be used to identify sites that may be prone to plug formation, and the criteria can be used to evaluate the potential for plug formation based upon field site conditions when data are not available to complete a more detailed study.  相似文献   

A marina was constructed in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area in close proximity to coral reefs that could be damaged by excess turbidity generated during construction. Since there was uncertainty about both the fate of suspended sediments and their effect on corals, initial water quality constraints were set very conservatively. In order to better understand the movement of suspended sediment during construction, a numerical model study was commissioned using three-dimensional, numerical, hydrodynamic, and Lagrangian particle tracking models. The study was successful in: (1) increasing the understanding of and reducing the uncertainty of sediment dispersal patterns under a range of common forcing conditions; (2) testing the variation in suspended sediment concentrations over sensitive areas for two different outfall locations; (3) offering evidence that a good choice in outfall locations will reduce the threat to corals; and importantly (4) presenting the results in a way that enhanced understanding by nontechnical reef managers. This final result was achieved by creating movies of sediment movement that clearly demonstrated the complex hydrodynamic processes involved with near-coastal water currents. Specific model results showed: (1) that a more seaward outfall increases effluent dispersal away from sensitive areas; (2) the highest concentrations of effluent over sensitive sites occur during no wind and neap tide conditions; and (3) prevailing southeast winds advect effluent offshore, away from sensitive sites.  相似文献   

There is increasing demand for simulation tools of flow and suspended sediment transport over complex boundaries in hydraulic engineering. The diagonal Cartesian method, which approximates complex boundaries using both Cartesian grid lines and diagonal lines segments, is presented in the paper to simulate the complex boundaries of two-dimensional shallow-water turbulence equations and nonequilibrium suspended sediment transport equation. The method, which utilizes cell-centered nodes on a nonstaggered grid, uses boundary velocity information at the wall boundary to avoid the specification of water level. An enlarged finite-difference method is introduced for momentum and suspended sediment equations on the complex boundary. This paper describes an application of the diagonal Cartesian method to calculate the tidal current and suspended sediment concentration of Quanzhou Bay in the Fujian province of China. The results show that the method predicts the flow and suspended sediment concentration well, and the calculations agree well with the measurement.  相似文献   

The problem of suspended sediment transport in river and coastal flows is addressed. High-quality field data of river and coastal flows have been selected and clustered into four particle size classes (60–100, 100–200, 200–400, and 400–600?μm). The suspended sand transport is found to be strongly dependent on particle size and on current velocity. The suspended sand transport in the coastal zone is found to be strongly dependent on the relative wave height (Hs/h), particularly for current velocities in the range 0.2–0.5?m/s. The time-averaged (over the wave period) advection–diffusion equation is applied to compute the time-averaged sand concentration profile for combined current and wave conditions. Flocculation, hindered settling, and stratification effects are included by fairly simple expressions. The bed-shear stress is based on a new bed roughness predictor. The reference concentration function has been recalibrated using laboratory and field data for combined steady and oscillatory flow. The computed transport rates show reasonably good agreement (within a factor of 2) with measured values for velocities in the range of 0.6–1.8?m/s and sediments in the range of 60–600?μm. The proposed method underpredicts in the low-velocity range (<0.6?m/s). A new simplified transport formula is presented, which can be used to obtain a quick estimate of suspended transport. The modeling of wash load transport in river flow based on the energy concept of Bagnold shows that an extremely large amount of very fine sediment (clay and very fine silt) can be transported by the flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of suspended sediment transport in open channels under various flow conditions through a kinetic-model-based simulation. The kinetic model, accounting for both sediment-turbulence and sediment-sediment interactions, successfully represents experimentally observed diffusion and transport characteristics of suspended sediments with different densities and sizes. Without tuning any model coefficients, the nonmonotonic concentration distribution and the noticeable lag velocity with a negative value close to the wall are reasonably reproduced. Examination of flow conditions typical of suspension dominated rivers shows that the conventional method may overestimate or underestimate unit suspended-sediment discharge, depending on the Rouse number, sediment size, as well as shear velocity. The error may be less than 20% for dp<0.5?mm and might exceed 60% for dp>1.0?mm under typical flow conditions where shear velocity ranges from 1.0?to?12.5?cm/s and flow depth ranges from 1.0?to?5.0?m.  相似文献   

The continuity equation, Manning’s equation, Einstein’s wall correction procedure and sediment transport equations are combined to indicate channel aspect ratios which maximize sediment transport for a given water discharge in rigid-bank trapezoidal and rectangular channels with fixed slope. Higher aspect ratios are required to maximize sediment transport for channels conveying bed load than for those with a dominant suspended load. A total load equation predicts optimum aspect ratios lying in between those for bed load and suspended load channels. The equations imply that the optimum aspect ratio increases markedly as the channel bank to channel bed roughness ratio increases. The resulting optimum ratios are smaller than the aspect ratios of many natural rivers.  相似文献   

A negative bias in discharge measurements made with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) is attributed to the movement of sediment on or near the streambed, and is an issue widely acknowledged by the scientific community. The integration of a differentially corrected global positioning system (DGPS) to track the movement of the ADCP can be used to avoid the systematic bias associated with a moving bed. DGPS, however, cannot provide consistently accurate positions because of multipath errors and satellite signal reception problems on waterways with dense tree canopy along the banks, in deep valleys or canyons, and near bridges. An alternative method of correcting for the moving-bed bias, based on the closure error resulting from a two-way crossing of the river, is presented. The uncertainty in the mean moving-bed velocity measured by the loop method is shown to be approximately 0.6?cm/s. For the 13 field measurements presented, the loop method resulted in corrected discharges that were within 5% of discharges measured utilizing DGPS to compensate for moving-bed conditions.  相似文献   

Turbulent Effects on the Settling Velocity of Suspended Sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mean settling velocities of suspended sediments in turbulence have been examined. The settling velocities in a flume are directly measured by using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. The results indicate the same trend as previous work in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. In addition to the flume experiment, the numerical experiments were conducted in the velocity field of homogeneous isotropic turbulence simulated by Kraichnan’s technique. The experimental and numerical results show that at high turbulence intensity the relative settling velocity increases with the increasing relative turbulence intensity regardless of the Stokes number. At intermediate turbulence intensity, it seems that the settling data bifurcate, i.e., the particles at the large Stokes number tend to be slowed, whereas the settling velocity of particles is increased at the small Stokes number.  相似文献   

In this study, the proposed one-dimensional model simulates the nonequilibrium transport of nonuniform total load under unsteady flow conditions in dendritic channel networks with hydraulic structures. The equations of sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting are solved in a coupling procedure with a direct solution technique, while still decoupled from the flow model. This coupled model for sediment calculation is more stable and less likely to produce negative values for bed-material gradation than the traditional fully decoupled model. The sediment transport capacity is calculated by one of four formulas, which have taken into consideration the hiding and exposure mechanism of nonuniform sediment transport. The fluvial erosion at bank toes and the mass failure of banks are simulated to complement the modeling of bed morphological changes in channels. The tests in several cases show that the present model is capable of predicting sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

A depth-averaged two-dimensional (2D) numerical model for unsteady flow and nonuniform sediment transport in open channels is established using the finite volume method on a nonstaggered, curvilinear grid. The 2D shallow water equations are solved by the SIMPLE(C) algorithms with the Rhie and Chow’s momentum interpolation technique. The proposed sediment transport model adopts a nonequilibrium approach for nonuniform total-load sediment transport. The bed load and suspended load are calculated separately or jointly according to sediment transport mode. The sediment transport capacity is determined by four formulas which are capable of accounting for the hiding and exposure effects among different size classes. An empirical formula is proposed to consider the effects of the gravity on the sediment transport capacity and the bed-load movement direction in channels with steep slopes. Flow and sediment transport are simulated in a decoupled manner, but the sediment module adopts a coupling procedure for the computations of sediment transport, bed change, and bed material sorting. The model has been tested against several experimental and field cases, showing good agreement between the simulated results and measured data.  相似文献   

Suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) in surface-water bodies such as rivers and reservoirs is one of the most important hydrologic data in solving engineering problems ranging from hydraulic design, river restoration, to water quality improvement and water resources management. Presently, obtaining SSC information relies primarily on direct manual collection, which is evidently affected by site accessibility, climatic condition, and safety concerns, not to mention the cost for sampling and laboratory analysis as well as turn-around time. There is need for alternative SSC measurement techniques suitable for continuous and real-time SSC measurements during hydrologic events where data are difficult to collect and are generally lacking or inadequate at present. This study examines the densimetric method to measure SSC, as a means of automated, continuous, and real-time collection in a laboratory setting with realistic sediments. Results showed good linear relations between SSC and the output current (milliampere) from the densimeter, and higher R2 values are obtained from samples of finer particle sizes. The densimetric method performs better for smaller sediment sizes, especially when the sample SSC is high. Preliminary field results show promise in automated real-time SSC observations, demonstrating reasonable agreement with limited direct SSC sample results.  相似文献   

Lateral and longitudinal variability in suspended-sediment concentration was investigated over dune and upper-regime plane beds under steady, uniform flow in a laboratory flume. A much greater sampling time was required to reliably predict mean concentration in a dune bed than for an upper-regime plane bed. Laterally separated, simultaneous samples over both dune and upper-regime plane beds were poorly correlated.  相似文献   

In March of 2003, the 43?m wide, 2.2?m high St. Johns Dam (Sandusky River, Ohio) was breached to lower the water level in the reservoir. In November of the same year, the dam was removed in an effort to restore aquatic habitat and connectivity in the river. During both the breach and the dam removal, high resolution time series of discharge and suspended sediment concentrations were monitored 200?m downstream of the dam. Discharge and suspended sediment during the breach were not discernible from background values. In contrast, the dam removal resulted in a peak suspended sediment concentration of 59?mg/L and a peak discharge of 33.5?m3/s, which returned to background levels of 19?mg/L and 1.5?m3/s, respectively, approximately 8?h after the removal. The floodwave during the removal attenuated by 50% at the City of Fremont, 53?km downstream, illustrating the diffusive nature of the channel and the limited risk of flooding downstream. Levels of suspended sediment and discharge during the removal were comparable to subsequent discharge events. Spatial distributions of turbidity in and upstream of the dam pool and archived turbidity data from the City of Tiffin, 13?km downstream of the dam, suggest that sediments stored in the impoundment did not statistically enhance turbidity up to 2 years after the removal. Generally, the removal had a minor impact on water quality and posed no risk to public safety or to downstream aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

This study investigates the feasibility of using turbidity (T) as a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration (C) in an irrigation-dominated watershed in southeastern California. A nonlinear T–C relationship was developed and evaluated using two independent sets of data obtained by physical sampling and laboratory turbidimeter. The relationship was interpreted in terms of the heterogeneous particle size distribution in the samples. The effects of spatial and temporal variation of particle sizes and water colors on the relationship were examined. Further, possible effects of laboratory procedures on the relationship such as time delay of sample measurement and calibration of T for C using lab-prepared samples were analyzed. The study showed that the variation of particle size distribution is the key factor controlling the T–C relationship. Water color and time delay for sample analysis did not significantly affect the turbidity values, whereas laboratory procedures may mislead the T–C relationship. It is concluded that turbidity may be a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration in such irrigation-dominated watersheds in arid regions, though the T–C relationship has to be established with care.  相似文献   

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