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Compaction Grouting Test Program for Liquefaction Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake a detailed analysis of liquefaction risk was carried out for an industrial site near the Pajaro River at Watsonville, Calif. A ground improvement project, by grouting, was proposed to prevent lateral spreading and a compaction grout test program was undertaken to validate and refine the project design. In phase 1 of the test program the grout hole spacing was 2.5 and 1.8 m (8 and 6 ft). In phase 2, a closer hole spacing was used, 1.5 and 1.2 m (5 and 4 ft.) The test program employed cone penetration tests and standard penetration tests measurements for evaluation before and after each phase. The results showed the relationship of ground improvement versus grout hole spacing, grout take, and grout pressure. The test program showed that a zone of susceptible soils at the site could be effectively improved to increase their strength and resistance to liquefaction and thus prevent lateral spreading during severe earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new simplified method for assessing the liquefaction resistance of soils based on the cone penetration test (CPT). A relatively large database consisting of CPT measurements and field liquefaction performance observations of historical earthquakes is analyzed. This database is first used to train an artificial neural network for predicting the occurrence and nonoccurrence of liquefaction based on soil and seismic load parameters. The successfully trained and tested neural network is then used to generate a set of artificial data points that collectively define the liquefaction boundary surface, the limit state function. An empirical equation is further obtained by regression analysis to approximate the unknown limit state function. The empirical equation developed represents a deterministic method for assessing liquefaction resistance using the CPT. Based on this newly developed deterministic method, probabilistic analyses of the cases in the database are conducted using the Bayesian mapping function approach. The results of the probabilistic analyses, expressed as a mapping function, provide a simple means for probability-based evaluation of the liquefaction potential. The newly developed simplified method compares favorably to a widely used existing method.  相似文献   

A semiempirical approach to estimate liquefaction-induced lateral displacements using standard penetration test (SPT) or cone penetration test (CPT) data is presented. The approach combines available SPT- and CPT-based methods to evaluate liquefaction potential with laboratory test results for clean sands to estimate the potential maximum cyclic shear strains for saturated sandy soils under seismic loading. A lateral displacement index is then introduced, which is obtained by integrating the maximum cyclic shear strains with depth. Empirical correlations from case history data are proposed between actual lateral displacement, the lateral displacement index, and geometric parameters characterizing ground geometry for gently sloping ground without a free face, level ground with a free face, and gently sloping ground with a free face. The proposed approach can be applied to obtain preliminary estimates of the magnitude of lateral displacements associated with a liquefaction-induced lateral spread.  相似文献   

High Overburden Stress Effects in Liquefaction Analyses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reevaluation is presented of two factors that can strongly affect the estimation of liquefaction resistance for clean sands under high effective overburden stresses (σv′): the relation used to normalize penetration resistances to a σv′ of 1 atm (i.e., CN), and the adjustment factor for the effects of σv′ on cyclic resistance ratio (i.e., Kσ). These two factors have been investigated in a number of ways and several relations exist for each of them. An improved CN relation is developed based on cone penetration theory and validation against calibration chamber test data for both cone penetration and standard penetration tests. A relative state parameter index (ξR) is shown to provide a consistent theoretical framework for interrelating the penetration and cyclic loading resistances. It is subsequently shown that the CN and Kσ relations are interrelated through the sand properties and relative density (DR) in ways that have compensating effects on the predicted cyclic resistance. The derived relations provide an improved representation of the effects of high σv′ levels, and reduce the conservatism that results when some established relations are extended to σv′ levels higher than they were calibrated for.  相似文献   

This paper presents new correlations for assessment of the likelihood of initiation (or “triggering”) of soil liquefaction. These new correlations eliminate several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar correlations, and provide greatly reduced overall uncertainty and variance. Key elements in the development of these new correlations are (1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of field performance case histories; (2) use of improved knowledge and understanding of factors affecting interpretation of standard penetration test data; (3) incorporation of improved understanding of factors affecting site-specific earthquake ground motions (including directivity effects, site-specific response, etc.); (4) use of improved methods for assessment of in situ cyclic shear stress ratio; (5) screening of field data case histories on a quality/uncertainty basis; and (6) use of high-order probabilistic tools (Bayesian updating). The resulting relationships not only provide greatly reduced uncertainty, they also help to resolve a number of corollary issues that have long been difficult and controversial including: (1) magnitude-correlated duration weighting factors, (2) adjustments for fines content, and (3) corrections for overburden stress.  相似文献   

The potential for liquefaction triggering of a soil under a given seismic loading is measured herein by probability of liquefaction. The first order reliability method (FORM) is used to calculate reliability index, from which the probability of liquefaction is obtained. This approach requires the knowledge of parameter and model uncertainties; the latter is the focus of this paper. An empirical model for determining liquefaction resistance based on cone penetration test (CPT) is established through “neural network learning” of case histories. This resistance model along with a reference seismic loading model forms a performance function or limit state for liquefaction triggering analysis. Within the framework of the FORM, the uncertainty of this limit state model is characterized through an extensive series of sensitivity studies using Bayesian mapping functions that have been calibrated with a set of quality case histories. In addition, a deterministic model for assessing liquefaction potential in terms of factor of safety is presented, and the probability-safety factor mapping functions for estimating the probability of liquefaction for a given factor of safety in the absence of the knowledge of parameter uncertainty are also established. Examples are presented to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis using a discriminant model is applied to 399 cone penetration test (CPT) data sets of both liquefaction and nonliquefaction cases, including 174 sets from the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan and 225 sets of synthesized data. The discriminant model employed is a multivariate statistical method. In situ testing results of cone tip resistance qc and sleeve friction ratio Rf are adopted as the major parameters for analyses. A model for evaluating liquefaction potential using CPT-qc data is also established in this study, which allows calculated results to be compared with the empirical curves.  相似文献   

The Cooper marl in Charleston, S.C., a deep layer of clayey soils approximately 5–21?m below the ground surface, is generally recognized as nonliquefiable material. Data from field cone penetration tests and laboratory tests of samples taken from the Cooper marl are used to investigate the adequacy of index properties-based criteria for assessing liquefaction susceptibility of clayey soils. In particular, the criterion based on soil behavior type index (Ic) and that based on Atterberg limits are examined. The results show that the Atterberg limits-based criterion adequately reflected the characteristics of the marl, whereas the Ic-based criterion erroneously identified the marl as being liquefiable. A possible reason for the deficiency of Ic and a modification to overcome this deficiency are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of penetration rate on cone resistance in saturated clayey soils are investigated. Shear strength rate effects in clayey soils are related to two physical processes: the increase of shear strength with increasing rate of loading and the increase of shear strength as the process transitions from undrained to drained. Special focus is placed on this second effect. Cone penetration tests were performed at various penetration rates both in the field and in a calibration chamber, and the resulting data were analyzed. The field cone penetration tests were performed at two test sites with fairly homogeneous clayey silt and silty clay layers located below the groundwater table. Additionally, tests with both cone and flat-tip penetrometers in sand-clay mixtures were performed in a calibration chamber to investigate the change in drainage conditions from undrained to partially drained and from partially drained to fully drained. A series of flexible-wall permeameter tests were conducted in the laboratory for various clayey sand mixtures prepared at various mixing ratios in order to obtain values of the coefficient of consolidation, which is required to estimate the penetration rates below which penetration is drained and above which penetration is undrained. A correlation between cone resistance and drainage conditions was established based on the results of the calibration chamber and field penetration tests.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the applicability of eight direct cone penetration test (CPT) methods to predict the ultimate load capacity of square precast prestressed concrete (PPC) driven friction piles. Analyses and evaluation were conducted on 35 driven friction piles of different sizes and lengths that were failed during pile load testing. The CPT methods, as well as the static α and β methods, were used to estimate the load carrying capacities of the investigated piles (QP). The Butler–Hoy method was used to determine the measured load carrying capacities from pile load tests (Qm). The pile capacities determined using the different methods were compared with the measured pile capacities obtained from the pile load tests. Four criteria were selected as bases of evaluation: the best fit line for Qp versus Qm, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation for the ratio Qp/Qm, the cumulative probability for Qp/Qm, and the histogram and log normal distribution for Qp/Qm. Results of the analyses showed that the best performing CPT methods are the LCPC method by Bustamante and Gianeselli as well as the De Ruiter and Beringen method. These methods were ranked number one according to the mentioned criteria.  相似文献   

Liquefaction of granular soil deposits is one of the major causes of loss resulting from earthquakes. The accuracy in the assessment of the likelihood of liquefaction at a site affects the safety and economy of the design. In this paper, curves of cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) versus cone penetration test (CPT) stress-normalized cone resistance qc1 are developed from a combination of analysis and laboratory testing. The approach consists of two steps: (1) determination of the CRR as a function of relative density from cyclic triaxial tests performed on samples isotropically consolidated to 100 kPa; and (2) estimation of the stress-normalized cone resistance qc1 for the relative densities at which the soil liquefaction tests were performed. A well-tested penetration resistance analysis based on cavity expansion analysis was used to calculate qc1 for the various soil densities. A set of 64 cyclic triaxial tests were performed on specimens of Ottawa sand with nonplastic silt content in the range of 0–15% by weight, and relative densities from loose to dense for each gradation, to establish the relationship of the CRR to the soil state and fines content. The resulting (CRR)7.5-qc1 relationship for clean sand is consistent with widely accepted empirical relationships. The (CRR)7.5-qc1 relationships for the silty sands depend on the relative effect of silt content on the CRR and qc1. It is shown that the cone resistance increases at a higher rate with increasing silt content than does liquefaction resistance, shifting the (CRR)7.5-qc1 curves to the right. The (CRR)7.5-qc1 curves proposed for both clean and silty sands are consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

Resistance against earthquake-related liquefaction is usually assessed using relationships between an index of soil strength such as normalized cone tip resistance and the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) developed from observed field performance. The alternative approach based on laboratory testing is rarely used, mainly because of the apprehension that laboratory results may not reflect field behavior since the quality of laboratory data is often compromised by sampling disturbance. In this study, a database of laboratory data obtained mainly from cyclic testing of frozen (undisturbed) samples and in situ index measurements from near sampling locations comprised of cone tip resistance, qc, and shear wave velocity, Vs, have been assembled. These data indicate that neither normalized cone tip resistance nor normalized shear wave velocity individually correlate well with laboratory-measured CRR. However, the ratio of qc to the small strain shear modulus, G0, relates reasonably with CRR via separate correlations depending on geologic age. The derived qc/G0-CRR relationships were also found to be consistent with earthquake field-performance case histories.  相似文献   

Pipe piles can be classified as either closed- or open-ended piles. In the present paper, the load capacity of both closed- and open-ended piles is related to cone penetration resistance qc through an experimental program using calibration chamber model pile load tests and field pile load tests. A total of 36 calibration chamber pile load tests and two full-scale field pile load tests were analyzed. All the test piles were instrumented for separate measurement of each component of pile load capacity. Based on the test results, the normalized base resistance qb/qc was obtained as a function of the relative density DR for closed-ended piles, and of both the relative density DR and the incremental filling ratio (IFR) for open-ended piles. A relationship between the IFR and the relative density DR is proposed as a function of the pile diameter and driving depth. The relationship between IFR and DR allows the estimation of IFR and thus of the pile load capacity of open-ended piles at the design stage, before pile driving operations.  相似文献   

Factors for correcting liquefaction resistance for aged sands using ratios of measured to estimated shear-wave velocity (MEVR) are derived in this paper. Estimated values of shear-wave velocity (VS) are computed for 91 penetration resistance-VS data pairs using previously published relationships. Linear regression is performed on values of MEVR and corresponding average age. Age of the sand layer is taken as the time between VS measurements and initial deposition or last critical disturbance. It is found that MEVR increases by a factor of about 0.08 per log cycle of time, and time equals about 6?years on average when MEVR equals 1 for the recommended penetration resistance-VS relationships. The resulting regression equation is combined with the strength gain equation reported by Hayati et al. 2008 in “Proc., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV,” to produce a MEVR versus deposit resistance correction relationship. This new corrective relationship is applied to create liquefaction resistance curves based on VS, standard penetration test blow count, and cone tip resistance for sands of various ages (or MEVRs). Because age of natural soil deposits is usually difficult to accurately determine, MEVR appears to be a promising alternative.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a three step method for characterizing geologic deposits for liquefaction potential using sample based liquefaction probability values. The steps include statistically characterizing the sample population, evaluating the spatial correlation of the population, and finally providing a local and/or global estimate of the distribution of high liquefaction probability values for the deposit. When spatial correlation is present, ordinary kriging can be used to evaluate spatial clustering of high liquefaction probability values within a geologic unit which in turn can be used in a regional liquefaction potential characterization. If spatial correlation is not present in the data, then a global estimate can be used to estimate the percentage of samples within the deposit which have a high liquefaction probability. By describing the liquefaction potential with a binomial distribution (high versus low), a global estimate can provide an estimate of the mean as well as uncertainty in the estimate. To demonstrate the method, we used a dense data set of subsurface borings to identify and characterize liquefiable deposits for hazard mapping in Cambridge, Mass.  相似文献   

This paper presents a complete methodology for both probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering potential based on the cone penetration test (CPT). A comprehensive worldwide set of CPT-based liquefaction field case histories were compiled and back analyzed, and the data then used to develop probabilistic triggering correlations. Issues investigated in this study include improved normalization of CPT resistance measurements for the influence of effective overburden stress, and adjustment to CPT tip resistance for the potential influence of “thin” liquefiable layers. The effects of soil type and soil character (i.e., “fines” adjustment) for the new correlations are based on a combination of CPT tip and sleeve resistance. To quantify probability for performance-based engineering applications, Bayesian “regression” methods were used, and the uncertainties of all variables comprising both the seismic demand and the liquefaction resistance were estimated and included in the analysis. The resulting correlations were developed using a Bayesian framework and are presented in both probabilistic and deterministic formats. The results are compared to previous probabilistic and deterministic correlations.  相似文献   

A liquefaction potential map of the peninsula of Charleston, S.C., is presented in this paper. Liquefaction potential is expressed in terms of the liquefaction potential index developed by Iwasaki et al. and calculated using 44 cone penetration test profiles. The cone profiles are supplemented with information from the 1:24,000 scale geologic map by Weems and Lemon, several first-hand accounts of liquefaction and ground deformation that occurred during the 1886 Charleston earthquake, and liquefaction probabilities determined by Elton and Hadj-Hamou based on standard penetration tests. Nearly all of the cases of liquefaction and ground deformation occurred in the Holocene to late Pleistocene beach deposits that flank the higher-ground sediments of the Wando Formation. To match the observed field behavior, a deposit resistance correction factor of 1.8 is applied to cyclic resistance ratios calculated for the 100,000-year-old Wando Formation. No corrections are needed for the younger deposits. In additional to 1886 field behavior, the deposit resistance corrections are supported by ratios of measured to predicted shear-wave velocity.  相似文献   

A field investigation was performed to retest liquefaction and nonliquefaction sites from the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China. These sites were carefully investigated in 1978 and 1979 by using standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT) equipment; however, the CPT measurements are obsolete because of the now nonstandard cone that was used at the time. In 2007, a modern cone was mobilized to retest 18 selected sites that are particularly important because of the intense ground shaking they sustained despite their high fines content and/or because the site did not liquefy. Of the sites reinvestigated and carefully reprocessed, 13 were considered accurate representative case histories. Two of the sites that were originally investigated for liquefaction have been reinvestigated for cyclic failure of fine-grained soil and removed from consideration for liquefaction triggering. The most important outcome of these field investigations was the collection of more accurate data for three nonliquefaction sites that experienced intense ground shaking. Data for these three case histories is now included in an area of the liquefaction triggering database that was poorly populated and will help constrain the upper bound of future liquefaction triggering curves.  相似文献   

This paper presents centrifuge data from model footing tests on dry sand, where a high resolution optical displacement measurement technique was employed to record subsurface soil displacements beneath the centerline of loaded strip footings. These measurements allow derivation of vertical strain profiles, which are then used to estimate operational soil stiffness values. The stiffness values, which were assessed assuming a dependence on cone penetration test tip resistance and initial vertical effective stress level, are shown to degrade rapidly with increasing strain level. Despite such nonlinearity, the experimental strain data can be represented using an updated form of the well known Schmertmann strain influence profile. Settlements calculated using this profile are shown to be in agreement with subsurface settlements when appropriate soil stiffness values are employed.  相似文献   

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