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By enabling low-income families to move from high- to low-poverty neighbourhoods, tenant-based rental subsidies for poor families have the potential to reduce the degree of economic segregation in the US. This paper provides a framework for identifying the benefits and costs of such housing mobility programmes, and reviews the available empirical evidence on the net effects of quasi- or formal randomised housing mobility experiments. The best available evidence suggests that families in public housing who receive rental subsidies to move from high- to lower-poverty areas may experience reductions in welfare receipt and improvements in health status. Such moves may also improve schooling outcomes for children and reduce their problem behaviours. The benefits to society from these changes are substantial when measured in dollar terms. Unfortunately, very little is currently known about the effects of housing-mobility efforts on non-participants.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Turkish households adjust their housing consumption to their needs by making a housing career. The study was conducted in three middle-sized municipalities in the central part of Sweden: Gävle, Västerås and Jönköping. The longitudinal analysis is based on specially processed census data, and is limited to the period 1975-90. The study focuses on the housing choice by Turkish immigrants put into the conceptual framework of the life course. The supply of dwellings and their accessibility as well as the households' resources as constraining factors are explicitly recognised. This study reports a strong impact of higher income and increased household size on the households' moves to larger dwellings, and, in some cases, a move from rented into owner-occupied dwellings. This is in accordance with results from earlier residential mobility studies. Therefore, it would be expected that Turks go through more or less the same housing career as indigenous households, in this case as Swedes, but this is not true. The study reports that Turkish immigrant households are less likely to move out of the municipal rented sector and have a higher probability of remaining in certain immigrant-dense areas of the municipality than indigenous Swedish households.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a review of the residential mobility literature that arose out of housing and planning policy aimed at decreasing the negative effects of urban transience. The literature identified the range of factors influencing residential mobility, but Rossi's (1955) claim that mobility was a 'natural' outcome of life stage changes became the basis for the majority of this work. Most of this literature arose out of quantitative research approaches but writers drew attention to the inability of these approaches to capture the increasing complexity of family life and residential mobility. Drawing on data from the Christchurch, New Zealand, house and home study, this study argues that the qualitative ethnographic method used provides a more holistic approach to, and understanding of, the events and issues which influence household mobility over time. Within this context, the paper presents excerpts from interview data framed as ontological narratives and related stories embedded in social and economic contexts. Some of the themes identified are those of identity, home and place attachment, change and social differentiation, and the impact of gender relations on mobility decisions and experiences. These findings, like those in previous literature, are relevant to housing and planning policy making given the increasing diversity of residential developments and issues of access to social, financial and environmental resources. Understanding how individuals and families establish relationships between themselves and the places in which they live is important given increasingly divided and differentiated experiences of contemporary urban life.  相似文献   

Residential mobility is a widely discussed phenomenon perceived as a mechanism of housing adjustments and as a manifestation of housing choice. This paper focuses on 'in-place' adjustments and suggests its further recognition relative to mobility in both theoretical and empirical terms. By reviewing the main housing choice debates, the paper endeavours to show how the mobility-centred approach is insufficient to capture and explain those housing choice situations where non-market options of housing provision are significant. This is important for an understanding of housing choice not only in societies in transition, but also as far as non-market (public and self-help) provision of housing is recognised. The paper explores two specific types of 'in-place' housing adjustments: change in the housing status and major physical alteration of the residence of non-movers. For this purpose, Slovenian social survey data were used. Focusing on the present housing episode, its median duration was found to be very long and a surprisingly high incidence of such 'in-place dynamism' was found. The findings of the empirical analysis in case of Slovenia indicate how the mobilitycentred approach might be insufficient for comprehending a specific 'housing choice situation', and point out the need for a more context-sensitive discussion of housing options to avoid the dangers of 'Anglo-Saxon hegemony'.  相似文献   

There is a wide interest in the effects of forced relocation in the context of urban restructuring. This interest is also inspired by debates on gentrification and displacement. The prevailing idea is that the lowest income groups particularly suffer from displacement in terms of their housing quality and increased rents. In addition, increasing proportions of forced movers are assumed to harm the housing opportunities of other house seekers, while competing within the social rented sector. Although several studies deal with the consequences of forced relocation, a broader perspective on housing chances is currently lacking. Moreover, most studies are qualitative, whereas a larger-scale quantitative analysis is needed to test assumptions mentioned above. This paper addresses these matters by analysing housing allocation data of the Haaglanden in the Netherlands and two cross-sectional surveys among forced movers in the region's central city, The Hague. Findings indicate that housing chances for both forced and regular house seekers have not declined substantially since 2000. Moreover, most forced movers experienced dwelling progress, partly thanks to the design of the housing allocation model. However, low-educated, as well as middle- and higher-income households less often report dwelling progress. Explanations for these findings are provided.  相似文献   

The housing stock is being restructured in many Dutch post-war neighbourhoods. Through demolition and upgrading of social rented housing and the construction of new owner occupied dwellings, the housing stock and the living environment are being improved. This policy has triggered major residential moves in and beyond some neighbourhoods, partly involuntary. Residents whose dwelling is being demolished or heavily upgraded, are usually forced to move elsewhere. Knowledge of the social implications of forced relocation in the Netherlands is limited, especially on experiences and opinions of relocated households. This paper covers research in two recently restructured neighbourhoods. Movers were recruited to share their experiences and opinions in focus groups and interviews. Surprisingly, many movers were able to improve their housing situation, mostly due to their priority rights in the housing market. However, movers who were less able to take advantage of these rights reported a certain degree of degradation. Moreover, it appears that relocation processes must still be improved in order to reduce stress and refine communication with residents.  相似文献   

1960年以来,法国机动性发生了巨大变化。每人出行里程的增加值数倍于1950年之前所观测的增长数。这些变化聚焦于人们的出行行为,并通过调查可以观察得到,同时,这些变化也致力阐明演变机制中的个人意愿和责任。另一方面,聚焦于个人行为并不意味着人们是这一变化的主要决定者。政治立场、社会代表性、与城市化节奏相关的需求、投资政策等等,对形成今天的机动性都起到了关键作用。本文将所谓的"需求方"和"供给方"整合于同一视角,我们将首先描述1960年和2000年机动性系统的统计特征,然后将其划分为三个时期。针对每一个时期,集中讨论三个问题:居民的观念和需求、决策者对形势的理解、机动性领域向研究者提出的问题。然后我们聚焦于法兰西岛地区,一个拥有1200万人口的大都市区域。  相似文献   

本文运用生命历程研究方法,基于深度质性访谈资料,从微观层面研究了中国城市单位居民的迁居历程。通过宏观社会变迁和徽观个人特征的结合,探讨单位居民在再分配体制下的迁居特征,以及在住房市场化后自由迁居的动机和变化。研究发现,单位居民的迁居历程从高度同构性逐渐演变到异质多元化,自1980年代开始的一系列经济体制改革,使单位居民的住房轨迹开始分化。在单位导向下的迁居过程中,单位掌控住房分配权,居民所隶属的单位行政级别、经济效益等因素决定个人迁居机会和住房质量的上限,居民的实际迁居能力以身份级别、个人绩效行良的住房资格为取向,受非规范性的因素影响。在市场化下的自由迁居过程中,引致单位居民迁居的需求因素包括家庭变化、居住环境、居住通达性和社区交往。另外,住房市场政策的完善,一方面加强了普通单位居民的货币支付能力,另一方面也提供了多层次化的住房市场、加大了单位居民的迁居机会。  相似文献   


Questions about how to plan and govern for future urban mobility are reaching a critical point as Australian cities are faced with disruption to transport and urban systems arising from new forms of shared mobility services and the rise of autonomous vehicles. An industry engagement workshop, drawing on the insights of participants from public and private sectors of the industry, articulated a large array of complex and interrelated questions highlighting the uncertainty and scarcity of knowledge. These questions are grouped into three key themes concerning how implementation may take place, what the impacts of the uptake of these emerging transport technologies may be and how to understand them. The resultant research agenda is vast and one of multi-complexity by space, time and institutionally.  相似文献   

2 012年末,我国流动人口达2 . 3 4 亿,其中农村户籍的流动人口占比达80%, 这部分流动人口是我国城镇化的主要人口来 源,直接影响城镇化“数量”,同时其市民化 还关系到我国城镇化“质量”。因此,准确 把握人口流动特征,对科学推进城镇化具 有重要意义。本文基于统计数据,分析西南 地区的人口流动现状特征,判断人口流动趋 势及其对城镇化的影响,最后从城镇化模 式、(特)大城市健康发展、公共服务设施 规划、保障房住区规划4个方面提出城乡规 划应对策略。  相似文献   

Living in the suburbs is founded on mobility, as residents move to the periphery of the city, commute to work and travel for shops, schools and leisure. While there have been numerous studies raising critical questions on the vulnerability of outer suburban residents to loneliness, financial and mortgage stress, the actual experiences and challenges posed by the dependence of suburban life on mobility is rarely singled out for attention. Through purposive sampling and then snowballing, eight outer suburban residents participated in photo-elicited interviewing to detail their lifeworlds and mobility experiences. Problems ranged from getting to work to accessing schools, shops and even neighbourhood services as the suburban car culture was embraced but also constrained patterns of movement. However, there was also an array of positive experiences and alternatives to these patterns, including the pleasures to be found in traffic jams and the suburban environment and local actions to establish new pathways and means of movement as well as set up local employment options. Mobility constraint thereby generated a range of unexpected strategies, as residents exercised their agency to shape their experiences, create alternatives and to build suburban centred lives.  相似文献   

住房保障是社会保障的重要组成部分,备受各级政府关注,基于不同目标的住房补贴政策研究也是学术界经久不表的热门课题.本文从“砖头补贴”和“人头补贴”两类政策入手,总结欧美发达国家不同时期中低收入家庭住房补贴的目标与成效,认为在住房整体缺乏的状况下,进行“砖头补贴”能够取得良好收益,但是随着住房短缺情况的缓解,应逐步向“人头补贴”转化.中国现行住房补贴政策以“砖头补贴”为主,在目前市场住房供给比较紧缺的情况下,此类补贴能够起到较好效果.然而,根据发达国家经验并考虑政策效率,可逐步弱化对供给方的补贴,增添对需求方的补贴.  相似文献   

Studies of the impacts of gentrification have traditionally taken a relatively narrow view, focusing on the gentrifiers who move in and those who they displace. This paper seeks to apply the broader framework of residential mobility, using the vacancy chain concept to examine the knock-on implications across the entire housing market. Taking the case study of Stockholm, it is shown that tenure conversions from rental to co-operative ownership are of limited direct significance for gentrification. However, the indirect effects of this process, through the linked chains of household moves initiated, serve to reinforce other gentrification mechanisms operating within the rental sector, such as allocation mechanisms for rental housing. Therefore, the impacts of gentrification can be significantly underestimated if the wider effects on the housing market are ignored. It is suggested that this residential mobility approach is particularly important if the displacement effects of gentrification and the plight of any losers are to be fully appreciated.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop the evidence base for urban, neighbourhood and housing policies, that aim to increase neighbourhood satisfaction and reduce residential instability. Using the longitudinal Scottish House Condition Survey 1991-96, the paper examines whether residential perceptions are generally significant predictors of individual house moving intentions and behaviours, taking into account factors related to life cycle stage, employment, tenure and type of neighbourhood. The effect of specific residential perceptions on overall satisfaction with the home and neighbourhood is traced through moving intentions to actual moves over the 1991-96 period. Using a sample of matching respondents surveyed twice in 1991 and 1996, the paper also examines whether changed residential perceptions affect moving intentions. There is evidence that deteriorating neighbourhood perceptions increase the likelihood that an individual would consider a house move, while greater satisfaction with the home is associated with reduced moving intentions.  相似文献   

石墙是山地城市中的独特景观, 其作为一类受干扰较弱的城市残存近自 然生境,对维持城市生物多样性具有重要 作用。本研究以重庆市主城区石墙景观上 的植物为对象,调查研究其物种组成及特 征,并揭示物种的传播机制和繁殖策略。 结果显示,重庆主城区共有石墙植物2 2 1 种,分属于8 0 科17 5 属;乔木优势种为黄 葛树(Fi c u s v i r e n s),灌木优势种为 密蒙花(Buddl e ja of f i c inal i s)和石岩 枫(Mallotus repandus),草本优势种为蜈 蚣草(Pteris vittata)、蒲儿根(Sinosenecio oldhamianus)、贯众(Cyrtomium fortunei)、 黄鹌菜(Youngia japonica)和假粗毛鳞盖 蕨(Microlepia pseudostrigosa)。石墙植物 生活型组成以草本植物为主,共有158种,占 物种总数的71.49%,其中多年生草本和一年 生草本分别占42.53%和28.96%;其次为落叶 乔木和常绿灌木,常绿乔木、落叶灌木、常绿和落叶木质藤本较少。石墙植物繁殖方式主要为 种子繁殖和兼性繁殖,繁殖体传播方式主要为风力传播和鸟类传播,分别有119种和60种。石墙 植物以乡土植物占优势,约占物种总数的81.0%。本研究结果可加深公众对石墙景观植被的正确 认识,并为山地城市近自然垂直绿化和立体景观构建提质提供物种资源和配置参照  相似文献   

现代城市的发展很大程度上依赖高效运转的城市交通系统。城市交通的改善的确给我们带来了便利,促进了地区的发展,但大型城市变通设施割裂了城市的肌理,湮灭了城市的特性,我们的城市正在变成一堆堆构筑物的集合体,滚滚车流在带来商机的同时也带来了日益严重的环境问题,导致城市品质的退化。如何保持机动性与可持续发展之间的协调是我国城市普遍面临的巨大挑战,这既需要先进的理念,更需要不同专业知识、不同文化背景的专业人员的其同探讨。以“城市机动性和可持续发展”为主题由中欧四国六所大学联合举行的的城市规划设计竞赛,标志着一种全新的探讨。我们相信法国动态城市基金会的一系列学术活动必将会影响到城市交通规划的价值取向。  相似文献   

The first part of this paper is concerned with rethinking the notion of social rented housing, arguing that it is appropriate to refer to a dual social rented sector, both now and in the past, and to set municipal and non-municipal models of provision alongside the dominant consumption side models of mass and residual social housing. The idea of uneven development of social rented housing in Britain refers to the numerical dominance of local authority provision, and the insignificant quantitative contribution of housing associations and their predecessors until the last years of the 20th century. The second part of the paper poses the question of why the voluntary sector failed to thrive after 1918, and examines some historical evidence from four key periods up to the early 1960s. It is argued that the poor performance of these organisations immediately after 1918 led to them failing to overcome local authority opposition and civil service scepticism in the 1930s.  相似文献   

Neighbourhoods and cities are dynamic; their characteristics and relative positions change over time due to constant moves in and out. However, neighbourhood effect theory and most attempts to quantitatively estimate neighbourhood effects seem to treat neighbourhoods as if they were static. This paper argues that such a view is not only strange but may also result in biased estimates. Four methodological challenges are highlighted that are directly related to mobility: (1) measures of exposure time; (2) neighbourhood change; (3) selection bias; and (4) endogeneity. These are all topics worthy of scholarly interest in themselves, but also challenges that all neighbourhood effect studies must address to convincingly argue that their results are indicative of causal relationships—results of neighbourhood transmission mechanisms—and not just statistical correlations. The paper discusses how and to what extent these challenges have been met by the quantitative neighbourhood effect literature and gives directions to future research.  相似文献   

在新数据源与技术方法的支撑下, 把握城市在场人口的时空分布特征,对于了 解居民对城市资源时空配置的差异化需求 和城市空间的精细化管理有重要意义。以北 京中心城区为例,本文利用2017年连续4周 的联通手机信令数据,以500 m×500 m尺度 的栅格单元分析在场人口的分布、流动性及 时段变化特征。研究结果表明:一、在场人 口主要分布在六环以内,呈现“多组团状”分 布,部分空间单元在场人口高达居住人口的 6~38倍;二、在场人口的流动性形成依托环 线的明显的圈层结构,二环以内的第一圈层 随机流动性人口居多,二环至五环之间的第 二圈层规律流动性人口居多,五环以外的第 三圈层静止人口居多;三、北京市工作日在场 人口较休息日更多,一天中局部空间的在场人口密度波动极大,并且各类典型城市空间具有鲜明的时段变化规律。最后,提出面向在场人口 的城市设施配置及人口管理的思考和建议。  相似文献   

There exists a wealth of literature investigating the association between housing stability and the health of people living with, or at risk of acquiring, HIV. Following a review of the limitations of prevailing housing status measures, the concepts underlying definitions of housing status in HIV literature are presented. This review concludes by proposing a conceptual shift away from understanding housing as a predominantly material entity towards a more holistic understanding of the social and cultural importance people place on home, and various spaces people find and make “home”. Addressing the varied housing needs of people living with, and at risk of, HIV relies on a more careful consideration of context, and a commitment to cultivating and supporting spaces which allow people to manage their health and well-being.  相似文献   

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