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Baku, the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic, was one of the major industrial cities in the Soviet Union. In contrast, the post-Soviet development of Baku has witnessed a major reconstruction with grandiose construction projects, which is meant to turn the city into a global city. Consequently, the urban landscape has been transformed in many parts of the city, while informal settlements and a deteriorating environment have become the main scourges of Baku. However, while the administration has attempted to follow the model of Dubai, in practice, the urban development is characteristically chaotic due to the absence of effective regulation and planning. Indeed, with the continued influx of oil revenue, the city is spending vast sums on new projects, buildings and infrastructure without any apparent strategic plan. This paper identifies the key forces and processes underlying the transformation of Baku and looks at the problems haunting the city.  相似文献   

During the first Five-Year Plan, the Soviet state relied on the expert knowledge of groups of German and other foreign workers (architects, planners, skilled labourers) to design and build the standardized housing projects for industrial cities. This paper outlines the complicated transfer of Western planning ideas and designs into actual built spaces, focusing on the gap between initial plans and the makeshift and provisional types of housing that were constructed in the Soviet industrial city of the early 1930s, amidst escalating attacks on functionalist architecture and constantly fluctuating attitudes toward foreign specialists.  相似文献   

Migration and the quasi-labor market in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"This paper explores the twin concepts of labor demand and labor mobility during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The study uses a detailed data set on labor stock, industrial labor demand, and labor flows for the 1980s in the Yaroslavl' Oblast, and data on migration and regional labor markets for all Russian regions in the 1990s. Contextual features, such as the social contract, full employment, methods of labor allocation, and a generally low rate of geographic mobility, distinguish the centrally planned quasi-labor market from the labor market in capitalist democracies. The findings suggest that net in-migration induces employment change in the current period rather than in a future period. The job creation effects appear concurrent with migration during the Soviet period. In the post-Soviet period, migration and employment relationships are not predictable based on the same relationships during the Soviet period."  相似文献   

During the 20th century, Moscow changed from being a one million person city in Russia to the largest European urban agglomeration. The growth and urbanization processes were particularly strong during the Soviet period. At the beginning of the 1990s, new forms of political and economic regulation were established, which were accompanied by new spatial structures. Moscow and its periphery were subjected to new tendencies of spatial differentiation and polarization. The paper analyzes the new post-Soviet developments in the periphery of the Moscow metropolitan area.  相似文献   

以武汉市城郊结合地区发展现势分析为基础,剖析"两型社会"背景下,处于转型期的特大城市城郊结合地区规划面临的挑战,回顾并分析了传统分区规划对该类区域规划的不适应性。以武汉市新城组群分区规划的工作实践为例,从工作目标、模式与路径选择、规划主要内容等方面探讨了武汉市在大尺度城郊结合地区分区规划中的变革思路。  相似文献   

刘亦师 《建筑史学刊》2021,2(3):135-148
本文以新中国成立后至二十世纪六十年代清华大学先后经历的两小两大 4 次规划为研究对象,在综述既有研究的基础上,根据新史料综论其规划背景、设计机构、 规划内容等,着重评述 1954 年和 1960 年两版总体规划的目标、原则、方法及其实施,其中 1960 年版总体规划堪称彼时清华乃至全国校园规划的集大成者。同时阐述历次规划间的差别与联系,论证苏联教育模式和规划思想对我国校园空间规划的深刻影响。二十世纪五、六十年代清华校园规划是毛泽东时代校园规划的集大成者,其发展经历了新中国成立初的短暂过渡、全面学苏和自辟蹊径三个阶段, 通过校园规划在空间形态上体现了二十世纪五十年代教育体制的巨大变革,折射出那一时期新中国的国家建构过程。  相似文献   

In Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, housing estates are often associated with inhumane architecture and unwelcoming public space, an outcome that can be attributed to strict design requirements in a rigid centralized system. Due to the uniformity of residential housing produced during socialist times, both the design process and its master – the architect – are believed to have played only minor roles in shaping townscapes. This study, situated in the large housing estates of Tallinn, Estonia, challenges these assumptions using analyses of archival material (relating to planning procedures during state socialism) and articles in specialized magazines. The study also explains – through first-hand interviews with senior architects who were key players in building socialist cities – the relations between Soviet regulations and vital elements of the city-building process, including creativity, power, and artistry. Analysis of primary source materials highlights an oversimplification of socialist modernism, which suggests more nuanced explanations for town planning outcomes. Findings suggest that regulations issued in Moscow for Union of Soviet Socialist Republic-wide planning played a less important role than previously assumed in town planning outcomes in Estonia. International modernist city planning ideals, combined with local expertise, strongly influenced town planning practice in the Soviet ‘West’.  相似文献   


A new stage of urban planning emerged in Brazil in the 1950s, with the region as the object of planning. Planners began to recognize the international contribution to the institutionalization of planning and to the development of proposals for Brazilian cities, as well as the connection between planning and urban decentralization ideas. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to delineate the city model that was being proposed within regional scale plans as the result of international urban practices and ideas. Two examples of such plans are presented in this paper: the Regional Plan of Santos (1950) and the Basic Regional Plan for the Coastline of Parana State (1966). As a result of the international references incorporated into these plans, a mixture of urban principles can be identified in these territorial proposals. The regional city model is the predominant principle arising from these plans, derived from the association of two planning scales: urban and regional.  相似文献   

This paper argues that in China, between the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911 and the onset of the fullfledged Chinese war of resistance (Kanzheng) against Japan in 1937, American planners and Chinese municipal experts trained in American universities initiated significant planning schemes in several Chinese cities. This influence marked a crucial change in Chinese city planning because from the mid-19th century to 1911 it had primarily been British, French or German planners who had exerted foreign influence on Chinese urban form, particularly in the treaty ports of eastern China. Three of the best examples that demonstrate this shift of emphasis to American-based ideals of municipal progress are the plans for Guangzhou (Canton) in the early 1920s, the new capital plan at Nanjing (Nanking) and the greater Shanghai plan in the late 1920s. Although some scholars have analysed the Shanghai and Nanjing plans, few have explored the ways city planning during the republican period reflects a pattern of North American influence in the reshaping of Chinese urban form. In identifying this pattern, this paper will argue that Guangzhou was a first testing ground where Chinese politicians, within a decade after the first American city planning conference of 1909, consciously tried to apply up-to-date American planning principles associated with the 'city functional', the 'city scientific' or the 'city efficient' to a Chinese city that they perceived as inefficient. There were two initial spheres of influence associated with this American connection: (1) an institutional one, in which Guangzhou planners experimented with a commission form of American municipal government which, since 1900, had become popular especially in the American west and midwest; and (2) an influence related to urban space and form, as planners widened several narrow streets of congested Guangzhou and demolished its city wall, thereby following the gospel of Americans such as Benjamin Marsh who, since 1907, had been proselytizing about the ill effects of urban congestion. Guangzhou's planning experiments in the 1920s were at the forefront of further American planning connections, manifested in four ways: (1) through the actions of largely American-trained Chinese municipal experts, who studied in the US using scholarships from the Boxer Indemnity Fund; (2) through American planning advisors, such as Henry K. Murphy, who were hired by Chinese politicians to provide direct planning assistance; (3) through the formation of professional organizations, such as the Association of Chinese and American Engineers; and (4) through publications in English and Chinese that disseminated information about city planning, urbanism and architecture to a professional audience. This paper will discuss these trends as they apply to Chinese cities of the Republican period, with particular attention to Nanjing and Guangzhou. A fuller recognition of these Chinese cities' planning histories, as well as those of others such as Xiamen (Amoy), Shenyang (Mukden) or Fuzhou (Foochow) that followed their lead, demonstrates that American planning efforts in the western Pacific were far more pervasive than has previously been assumed. Although the initiatives of Daniel Burnham and William Parsons in the Philippines after the American military victories there in 1898 are well-established, and although Walter Burley Griffin's Canberra plan of 1913 is even more fully documented, the work of American planners in China, or of Chinese planners deriving their concepts from American practices, is less well understood. This paper clarifies the historical perspective associated with these planning tendencies.  相似文献   

李阿萌  张京祥 《规划师》2011,27(3):70-75
随着我国城市化的加速发展和城市的迅速扩展,都市区化已成为我国沿海地区特大城市发展的新主题,特大城市空间结构向多中心演变,由此在原主城区的外围形成了一些承载中心城区功能外溢的次区域.然而,我国既有的法定规划体系中没有次区域规划层面的规定,导致法定规划层面的巨大落差和规划衔接的困难.鉴于此,有必要在特大城市中增加次区域规划...  相似文献   

新中国的城市规划事业是在苏联专家的大力帮助下建立起来的。以第二批来华的苏联专家穆欣为研究对象,阐述了其1952年4月至1953年9月在华期间的技术援助工作及贡献:①帮助首都北京建立了城市规划工作的科学观念;②对新中国“适用、经济、在可能条件下注意美观”建设方针的研究发挥了重要影响;③对新中国向苏联学习规划理论的思想认识起到了重要统一作用;④帮助拟定出新中国第一版《城市规划设计程序(初稿)》;⑤推动一批既有城市按照社会主义城市原则进行改建规划;⑥引导我国城市规划设计工作走上规范化的轨道;⑦对“城市规划”专业术语的定名发挥了重要影响;⑧为八大重点新工业城市的联合选厂和初步规划做出了重要贡献;⑨亲手拟定出杭州和上海的初步规划方案;①培养和影响了最早一批新中国第一代城市规划工作者。穆欣对中国城市规划的重要影响,从一个侧面折射出新中国城市规划事业在开创初期的特殊状况,而他较多关注城市规划思想性和理论性的特点,也导致其部分技术援助工作存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

German air raids during the Second World War damaged many British cities. Plymouth is one of the few cities in Britain that has persisted in its aim of comprehensively rebuilding the gutted city centre. It is also one of the few cities whose city centre plans gained approval during the 1940s from the Ministry responsible for town planning. Plymouth's plan was elaborated by Patrick Abercrombie, an eminent planner of the day, and Paton Watson, the city's engineer. Most other blitzed cities were not able to obtain a ministerial approval, and some ultimately abandoned their initial plans. This article considers the relationship between the government and Plymouth, especially from the viewpoint of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, established during the war. In examining the Plymouth case through the prism of the new Ministry and comparing it with the circumstances of other blitzed cities, this article shows that the attitudes of the Ministry officials in their relationships with blitzed cities were at fault, and that they were consequently unable to intervene in a sufficiently effective and timely way.  相似文献   

Many historians believe that war produces revolutionary or at least extraordinary change. That would seem to be true of some wars in a military sense and sometimes in a diplomatic sense. However, the picture of non-military change is not so clear for every society. Since World War II had such a great impact on American cities, the experience of cities seems like an ideal realm in which to test the degree of change. Since city planning is one of the premier modern urban professions, gauging the impact on city planning is a good place to begin. This article argues that southern city planning experienced only modest changes during the World War II. The war did create considerable growth in a few southern cities. However, the vast majority of them did not grow and usually declined. In the boom cities, the war created disorderly conditions, inimical to good city planning. On the other hand, the cities that declined made modest progress in planning, mainly in establishing amateur planning commissions and adopting zoning laws. These relatively tranquil cities laid the foundations for planning development, while the boom cities just tried to keep their heads above water. The dramatic changes that war caused to other aspects of historical experience did not touch southern city planning.  相似文献   

于海漪 《华中建筑》2005,23(3):145-151
在1912~1921年,南通建设数量较大,其特点是,第一,城市规划走向区域。第二,由经济发展,带动了城市基础设施和环境建设,带动了整个城市各个方面的全面规划建设。1922-1929年,由于经济衰退,南通近代城市规划建设在数量上大幅减少。张謇规划思想走向成熟,明确提出了城市规划的指导思想,和方法、步骤等。经过近代城市建设,南通在城市规模、文化教育、经济与社会等方面都有了明显的变化。南通近代城市规划是在张謇“地方自治”政治理想指导下的社会系统规划和发展的部分。其特点,是具有系统性,表现为从工农商经济规划,到文化教育,到社会规划的统一规划设置;二是空间方面的区域统筹。  相似文献   

从《市政全书》看张謇城市规划思想的地位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于海漪 《华中建筑》2006,24(1):104-107
《市政全书》是一部介绍国内20世纪20年代末期各城市所进行城市规划建设及市政改革实践,与国内外城市规划理论的书籍,在书末,编者附上了当时影响较大的一些书目,该文对其书目的内容和年代分布进行分析,认为张謇城市规划思想的形成.在时间上.它是处于中国传统城市规划建设与20世纪20~30年代学界引进西方近代城市规划思想之间的过渡阶段因此处于中国近代城市规划思想的领先地位。  相似文献   

Social and ethnic stratification has changed significantly in the former Soviet space since 1991. This research analyses the evolution of inherited ethnic differences in housing during two post-Soviet decades in Tartu, Estonia. The results suggest that ethnic inequalities in dwelling type as well as in housing size per person decreased between 1989 and 2008. More minorities now occupy single-family houses than at the end of the Soviet period. Access to modern facilities within dwelling units, however, is still higher among the minority population. We conclude that inherited ethnic differences in housing conditions were pronounced and, despite evidence of decreasing housing inequalities, subsequent changes have been too modest to overcome inherited patterns of housing segmentation from the Soviet period.  相似文献   

谢舒逸 《建筑师》2021,(2):65-71
类型学与形态学主导的规划技术是意大利自战后以来对历史中心与历史城市规划的重要方法.本文梳理该技术及其主导的规划实践的发展历程,特别是其主导的当代城市规划实践.以罗马和博洛尼亚最新版总体规划为例,重点讨论该技术如何指引对历史城市的规划与管理,并结合UNESCO近年提出的“历史城市景观”(HUL)理念以及我国历史城市保护与...  相似文献   

Gary Hausladen 《Cities》1985,2(1):55-69
The relative dominance of large cities in the USSR is striking given the traditional Soviet ideological bias against such cities. This bias has been translated into policies designed to divert growth away from major urban centres to satellite cities in the metropolitan region, a strategy quite similar to UK urban and regional economic plans. This article examines urban growth in the Moscow metropolitan region to determine the extent to which satellite city policies have helped regulate the growth of Moscow itself. Throughout the analysis the Moscow experience is compared to and contrasted with the UK regional development experience around London.  相似文献   

20世纪俄罗斯(苏联)城市风貌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵迪 《山西建筑》2006,32(17):20-21
从城市建设、建筑、园林等方面分析了20世纪俄罗斯城市的面貌,阐述了苏联时期红色文化下的城市演变特征,并对新时期园林、建筑的发展做了规划,城市景观的修复和改建取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(11):1538-1547
This article compares the values of the environment, and the sense of social and political responsibility in public recreational areas in two cities: Simferopol in Crimea in Ukraine, and Raleigh in North Carolina in the USA. The respondents were users of recreational urban park spaces and were assessed through a written survey of both populations. This study found both commonalities in the values and constructions held, as well as important differences that point to the future of environmental protection in the NIS (Newly Independent States). It was designed to assess respondent perceptions of the dynamic environmental conditions that currently exist in the post-Soviet city for future planning and development initiatives.  相似文献   

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