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Al2O3透明陶瓷显微结构的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
采用高纯Al2O3(>99.9%)粉末为原料,用无压烧结工艺制备Al2O3透明陶瓷.研究了添加剂Y2O3、烧结温度、保温时间等对Al2O3透明陶瓷显微结构和光学性能的影响.实验结果表明,适量的Y2O3能够抑制Al2O3晶粒的生长,改善烧结性能,但添加量过多会使Al2O3陶瓷气孔略有增加.在1800℃烧结的样品密度接近理论密度,具有较好的光学性能.延长保温时间能够使晶粒长大的同时有效排除晶界处少量气孔. 相似文献
针对Al熔液在850℃以下不润湿Al2O3而难以直接钎焊的困难, 本工作研究了溅射Al对Al2O3的“润湿”作用, 提出了一种采用溅射Al基薄膜作为钎料直接钎焊Al2O3的方法。结果表明, 这种方法可以在不满足熔态Al润湿条件的680℃实现Al和Al-Cu合金对Al2O3的直接真空钎焊, 并且仅需0.1 Pa的真空度。所获得的Al/Al2O3的接头剪切强度达到115 MPa, Al-1.6at% Cu合金钎焊接头的剪切强度可提高到163 MPa, 当钎料中的Cu含量提高至14.3at%后, 钎焊接头中焊缝与陶瓷界面产生Cu的偏聚, 接头的剪切强度因界面断裂降低为127 MPa。并对这种不基于金属熔态润湿钎焊方法的原理进行了分析讨论。 相似文献
本文主要介绍了Ni-Al/Al2O3、Ti-Al/Al2O3和Fe-Al/Al2O3三种复合材料的最新研究进展情况,对它们的最新研究动态进行了综述。着重介绍了Fe-Al/Al2O3的研究进展,并认为Fe-Al/Al2O3是一种应用前景非常广阔的新型材料,添加合金元素是进一步提高其性能的重要途径。 相似文献
通过一定范围内的强度实验数据建立了Al2O3/Cu/Al扩散连接工艺规范参数优化的数学模型,得到了评价接头综合性能的回归方程。利用该方程求得最佳接头性能的工艺参数为:T=777K、t=1226s。对该工艺规范扩散连接的Al2O3/Cu/Al接头进行强度试验,接头抗拉强度为108MPa、剪切强度为45MPa。强度试验结果表明,接头获得最佳综合强度值的工艺规范介于获得最大抗拉强度值时的规范与获得最大剪切值时的规范之间。在最佳综合规范下,接头的抗拉强度和剪切强度值与最大抗拉强度、最大剪切强度值接近,这表明数学模型所计算出来的最佳规范与实际值吻合较好。 相似文献
采用电弧离子镀方法在Al2O3陶瓷片上沉积Ti金属膜,并对成膜厚度的影响因素进行分析,沉积Ti金属膜合适的工艺参数为:电流70A,时间20min~30min,工件转速2 r/min~4 r/min. 相似文献
采用直接压痕法测定了一种TiCN颗粒强化Al2O3陶瓷复合材料的断裂韧性,发现在材料表面不同位置测得的压痕韧性值不同,测试结果呈现出较大的离散性。这一离散性可能与材料表面显微结构的不均匀性有关。对100个测试数据进行的统计分析表明,压痕韧性服从Weibull分布。 相似文献
Brazing Al2O3 to sintered Fe-Ni-Co alloys 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
R. M. Do Nascimento A. E. Martinelli A. J. De A. Buschinelli A. N. Klein 《Journal of Materials Science》1999,34(23):5839-5845
Active metal brazing has been widely used to join ceramics to metals, as sound joints are usually achieved in a single step process without special equipment. However, residual stresses may be a potential problem especially upon joining ceramics to alloys with relatively high thermal expansion coefficients. This work investigates the brazing behavior of Alumina (Al2O3) to a sintered Fe-Ni-Co alloy, specially designed to match its coefficient of thermal expansion to that of the ceramic counterpart. The results indicate the presence of an interfacial zone whose microstructure depends on the filler alloy employed. A relationship was established between the microstructure of the interface and the flexural strength of the joints. 相似文献
Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用热压工艺制备了Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料,测量了其力学性能.结果表明,当CaF2含量为10%(质量分数,下同)时,Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料的强度和硬度最高,分别达到了589MPa和HV1537.其微观结构显示,Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料的晶粒大小均匀,基体组织成网状结构,有利于提高材料的强度.对Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料室温干摩擦下的摩擦磨损行为进行了研究,当CaF2含量为10%时,摩擦系数最低,约为0.28左右,CaF2含量为15%的陶瓷反而具有较大的摩擦系数,达到了0.32左右.研究表明,Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷材料能形成有效的减磨层,从而显著降低摩擦系数和磨损因子,具有一定的自润滑性能. 相似文献
Al/Al2O3陶瓷基复合材料的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在综述Al/Al2O3复合材料制备工艺的基础上,提出了将石英玻璃浸入铝镕体中,通过Al向SiO2玻璃中的反应浸渗.制备Al/Al2O3复合材料的新方法.获得了Al与Al2O3相互连通的Al/Al2O3复合材料.由于玻璃具有容易被加工成各种形状零件的特点,通过Al液向致密玻璃坯体的反应浸渗,可以获得近成形的Al/Al2O3复合材料.实验结果发现,由于Al/Al2O3中不存在孔隙,Al/Al2O3的弯曲强度和断裂韧性分别可达430MPa和13MPa·m1/2,其性能优于用Lanxide工艺制备的Al/Al2O3. 相似文献
重点研究了氧化铝陶瓷注射成型中热塑性粘结剂的选取和对应的热脱脂工艺。结果表明,当Al2O3粉料质量百分含量为70%、选用石蜡/聚丙烯/硬脂酸(mpw:mpp:mSA=79:20:1)热塑性粘结剂时,采用适当的热脱脂工艺,可获得结构缺陷少、性能较高的Al2O3陶瓷材料。 相似文献
Various processing routes may be used to fabricate Ni3Al matrix composites. In the present study, vacuum hot pressing and hot extrusion were used to fabricate an Al2O3 Composite particulate-reinforced Ni3Al composite. Relatively low extrusion temperatures promoted gamma-phase formation as did extended high temperature anneals. The room-temperature bend strength was found to increase as the gamma-phase content increased. Furthermore, the composite creep rate was affected by the. processing parameters and their effect on the amount of gamma/pgamma-prime interface. The matrix and particulates did not exhibit any reaction after normal processing. However, a minor reaction was noted after annealing near 1000°C, while extensive reaction resulting in Ni-Al spinel formation occurred above 1200°C in air 相似文献
《Materials Science and Engineering: A》2007,443(1-2):296-300
The (Al2O3 + Ni) composite, (Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni and Al2O3/(Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni laminated materials were prepared by aqueous tape casting and hot pressing. Results indicated that the (Al2O3 + Ni) composite had higher strength and fracture toughness than those of pure Al2O3. The fracture toughness of (Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni and Al2O3/(Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni laminated materials was higher than not only those of pure Al2O3, but also those of Al2O3/Ni laminar with the same layer numbers and thickness ratio. It was found that the toughness of the Al2O3/(Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni laminated material with five layers and layer thickness ratio = 2 could reach 16.10 MPa m1/2, which were about 4.6 times of pure Al2O3. The strength and toughness of the (Al2O3 + Ni)/Ni laminated material with three layers and layer thickness ratio = 2 could reach 417.41 MPa and 12.42 MPa m1/2. It indicated the material had better mechanical property. 相似文献