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C. H. Liu Chunta Huang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2003,58(12):1765-1783
In this paper a special crack tip element has been developed in which displacements and stresses have the same behaviour as those of bi‐material interface cracks with open tips. The element degenerates into a traditional triangular quarter point element in cases of homogeneous cracks. An isoparametric co‐ordinate system (ρ, t) is defined in this study, and numerical techniques using these co‐ordinates to evaluate Jacobian matrices, shape function derivatives, and element stiffness matrices are developed. Also, equations calculating the complex stress intensity factor using displacements are obtained in this study. Numerical results are in good agreement with known analytical solutions in two examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Bruce P. Johnston John M. Sullivan Andrew Kwasnik 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1991,31(1):67-84
A method is presented for the fully automatic conversion of a general finite element mesh containing triangular elements into a mesh composed of exclusively quadrilateral elements. The initial mesh may be constructed of entirely triangular elements or may consist of a mixture of triangular and quadrilateral elements. The technique used employs heuristic procedures and criteria to selectively combine adjacent triangular elements into quadrilaterals based on preestablished criteria for element quality. Additional procedures are included to eliminate isolated triangles. The methods operates completely without user intervention once the nodal co-ordinates and element connectivity of the original mesh are supplied. 相似文献
In this paper, six-node hybrid-Trefftz triangular finite element models which can readily be incorporated into the standard finite element program framework in the form of additional element subroutines are devised via a hybrid variational principle for Helmholtz problem. In these elements, domain and boundary variables are independently assumed. The former is truncated from the Trefftz solution sets and the latter is obtained by the standard polynomial-based nodal interpolation. The equality of the two variables are enforced along the element boundary. Both the plane-wave solutions and Bessel solutions are employed to construct the domain variable. For full rankness of the element matrix, a minimal of six domain modes are required. By using local coordinates and directions, rank sufficient and invariant elements with six plane-wave modes, six Bessel solution modes and seven Bessel solution modes are devised. Numerical studies indicate that the hybrid-Trefftz elements are typically 50% less erroneous than their continuous Galerkin element counterpart. 相似文献
Jean‐François Remacle Nicolas Chevaugeon Émilie Marchandise Christophe Geuzaine 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2007,69(4):750-771
A general method for the post‐processing treatment of high‐order finite element fields is presented. The method applies to general polynomial fields, including discontinuous finite element fields. The technique uses error estimation and h‐refinement to provide an optimal visualization grid. Some filtering is added to the algorithm in order to focus the refinement on a visualization plane or on the computation of one single iso‐zero surface. 2D and 3D examples are provided that illustrate the power of the technique. In addition, schemes and algorithms that are discussed in the paper are readily available as part of an open source project that is developed by the authors, namely Gmsh. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn this work, the formulation of a new triangular finite element is presented for static and free vibration of plate bending. The developed element which contains the three essential external degrees of freedom at each of the three corner nodes is based on the Reissner/Mindlin theory and the strain-based approach. This element is based on the linear variation of the three bending strains and constant transverse shear strains. The present element performances are evaluated through several tests related to moderated thick and thin plates with various shapes where it is found to be numerically more efficient than the bilinear element. 相似文献
Doo Bo Chung Miguel A. Gutirrez Lori L. Graham‐Brady Frederik‐Jan Lingen 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2005,64(10):1334-1349
The use of spectral stochastic finite element models results in large systems of equations requiring specialized solution strategies. This paper discusses three different numerical algorithms for solving these large systems of equations. It presents a trade‐off of these algorithms in terms of memory usage and computation time. It also shows that the structure of the spectral stochastic stiffness matrix can be exploited to accelerate the solution process, while keeping the memory usage to a minimum. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jos M. Simes Moita Cristvo M. Mota Soares Carlos A. Mota Soares 《Composite Structures》2009,91(4):421
In this paper is presented a higher-order model for static and free vibration analyses of magneto-electro-elastic plates, which allows the study of thin and thick plates. The finite element model is a single layer triangular plate/shell element with 24 degrees of freedom for the generalized mechanical displacements. Two degrees of freedom are introduced per each element layer, one corresponding to the electrical potential and the other for magnetic potential. Solutions are obtained for different laminations of the magneto-electro-elastic plate, as well as for the purely elastic plate as a special case. Results are compared with alternative models for static and free vibrations situations. 相似文献
《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》1987,28(3):251-274
A general finite element procedure for obtaining strain-energy release rates for crack growth in isotropic materials is presented. The procedure is applicable to two-dimensional finite element analyses and uses the virtual crack-closure method. The procedure was applied to non-singular 4-noded (linear), 8-noded (parabolic), and 12-noded (cubic) elements and to quarter-point and cubic singularity elements. Simple formulae for strain-energy release rates were obtained with this procedure for both non-singular and singularity elements. The formulae were evaluated by applying them to two mode I and two mixed mode problems. Comparisons with results from the literature for these problems showed that the formulae give accurate strain-energy release rates. 相似文献
P. Silvester 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1978,12(2):237-244
The various ‘universal’ matrices from which finite element matrices for triangular elements are assembled in many electromagnetics and acoustics problems, can all be derived from a basic set of three fundamental matrices. These represent, respectively, the metric of the linear manifold spanned by the triangle interpolation polynominals, the finite differentiation operator on that same manifold, and a product-embedding operator for the corresponding manifold for interpolation polynomials one order higher. Two of these have already been tabulated and published; the required method for computing the third is given in this paper, along with tables of low-order matrices. 相似文献
A. H. van den Boogaard T. Meinders J. Hutink 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2003,56(8):1083-1107
The computation time for implicit finite element analyses tends to increase disproportionally with increasing problem size. This is due to the repeated solution of linear sets of equations, if direct solvers are used. By using iterative linear equation solvers the total analysis time can be reduced for large systems. For plate or shell element models, however, the condition of the matrix is so ill that iterative solvers do not reach the huge time‐savings that are realized with solid elements. By introducing inertial effects into the implicit finite element code the condition number can be improved and iterative solvers perform much better. An additional advantage is that the inertial effects stabilize the Newton–Raphson iterations. This also applies to quasi‐static processes, for which the inertial effects finally do not affect the results. The presented method can readily be implemented in existing implicit finite element codes. Industrial size deep drawing simulations are executed to investigate the performance of the recommended strategy. It is concluded that the computation time is decreased by a factor of 5 to 10. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
P. Lardeur J. L. Batoz 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1989,27(2):343-359
This paper deals with the static and dynamic (free vibrations) analysis of plates built up with a symmetric series of orthotropic layers. The formulation of a new simple triangular finite element having three nodes and three degrees of freedom per node is presented. The element called DST (Discrete Shear Triangle) is free of shear locking and has a proper rank. It coincides with DKT (Discrete Kirchhoff Triangle) when the transverse shear effects are negligible. A large number of classical problems is considered to evaluate the performance of the element for the analysis of composite plates. Very satisfactory results are obtained for displacements, stresses and frequencies. 相似文献
C. T. Reddy D. J. Shippy 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1981,17(1):133-139
Some new formulae are presented for numerical integration over triangular regions. These formulae, which are triangularly symmetric, involve four, six, and seven integration points, respectively. They were derived by determining co-ordinates and weight factors for which polynomial functions of up to a certain degree are integrated exactly. The effectiveness of the formulae is demonstrated by applying them to the integration of five non-polynomial functions, two of which are singular within the region of integration. Results obtained with the new formulae are compared with results obtained with other, comparable formulae. It is seen that the new formulae are more accurate than some existing ones with the same numbers of points. 相似文献
Kolbein Bell 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1969,1(1):101-122
The derivation of the stiffness matrix for a refined, fully compatible triangular plate bending finite element is presented. The Kirchhoff plate bending theory is assumed. Six parameters or degrees of freedom are introduced at each of the three corner nodes resulting in an 18 degree of freedom element. This refined element is found to give better results for displacements and particularly for internal moments than any plate bending element, regardless of shape, previously reported in the literature. 相似文献
The behaviour of mixed fluid finite elements, formulated based on the Lagrangian frame of reference, is investigated to understand
the effects of locking due to incompressibility and irrotational constraints. For this purpose, both linear and quadratic
mixed triangular fluid elements are formulated. It is found that there exists a close relationship between the penalty finite
element approach that uses reduced/selective numerical integration to alleviate locking, and the mixed finite element approach.
That is, performing reduced/ selective integration in the penalty approach amounts to reducing the order of pressure interpolation
in the mixed finite element approach for obtaining similar results. A number of numerical experiments are performed to determine
the optimum degree of interpolation of both the mean pressure and the rotational pressure in order that the twin constraints
are satisfied exactly. For this purpose, the benchmark solution of the rigid rectangular tank is used. It is found that, irrespective
of the degree of mean and the rotational pressure interpolation, the linear triangle mesh, with or without central bubble
function (incompatible mode), locks when both the constraints are enforced simultaneously. However, for quadratic triangle,
linear interpolation of the mean pressure and constant rotational pressure ensures exact satisfaction of the constraints and
the mesh does not lock. Based on the results obtained from the numerical experiments, a number of important conclusions are
arrived at. 相似文献
Yuliana V. Pavlova Todor D. Karamanski 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1979,14(8):1268-1270
In Reference 1 a mistake has been made by the derivation of equation (40). The correct expression is shown in the present note. 相似文献
《International Journal of Engineering Science》1969,7(8):849-861
An analytic derivation is given for high-accuracy triangular finite elements useful for numerical solution of field problems involving Laplace's, Poisson's, Helmholtz's, or related elliptic partial differential equations in two dimensions. General expressions are developed for complete polynomial fields of arbitrarily high order, and the method for obtaining element describing matrices is shown. These matrices can always be written in terms of trigonometric functions of the vertex angles, and the triangle area, multiplied by certain numerical coefficient matrices which are the same for any triangle. For polynomial fields up to fourth order, the numerical coefficient matrices are given, so that the element matrices for any triangle can be found easily. Use of these new elements is illustrated by a simple vibration problem. 相似文献
This paper presents a simple procedure for obtaining a numerical approximation to the consistent tangent matrix, together with a straightforward implicit (Euler backward) integration algorithm. The combined algorithm is used to incorporate four models into the commercial finite element package ABAQUS/Standard; illustrating how it can be used to rapidly implement material models within finite element analysis. The models have been chosen, not only because they help to illuminate the structure of the algorithm, but also because they illustrate its wide ranging applicability and permit the procedure to be tested against analytical results and an existing, well established, model. 相似文献
A conforming plate bending solution using simple polynomial deflection functions of third-degree inside each triangular element is presented. In order to avoid normal slope discontinuities along the sides of the elements, the plate displacement parameters are subjected to ‘slope continuity conditions’ acting as constraints to the minimum potential energy problem. This is then solved by the classical method of Lagrange introducing multipliers as new auxiliary variables. If a special variational formulation of the problem is used, it can be shown that the Lagrangean multipliers are generalized stress parameters. The suggested solution is therefore basically a ‘mixed’ solution, the unknown variables of the problem being both displacement and stress parameters. Several numerical results are presented. 相似文献