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An investment in solar photovoltaic (PV) is considered a home improvement, and should be reflected in home sales prices. However, uncertainty about PV policies and information asymmetries may result in an imperfect pass-through. Hawai‘i serves as an illustrative case study to assess the impact of PV on home prices because Hawai‘i has the highest number of PV installations per capita nationwide. Applying a hedonic pricing model using home resale and PV building permit data from 2000 to 2013 for Oʻahu, I find that the presence of PV adds on average 5.4% to the value of a home. The value of PV exceeds total average installed costs because many of Hawai‘i's electricity circuits have reached legal limits for PV installations and thus many neighborhoods could technically no longer install additional PV capacity. Therefore, the value of the system goes beyond its capital investment—on average, by $5000—to incorporate expected electricity savings.  相似文献   

This paper examines solar energy development in Malaysia, particularly in relation to the installation of solar Photovoltaic (PV) in residential houses. It analyzes the past activities related to solar energy in Malaysia, in terms of research and developments (R&Ds), the implementations used as well as the national policies for the past 20 years which have pushed the installation of PV in the country. The Feed-In Tariff (FiT) scheme is discussed, showing comparative cost-benefit analysis between the PV installation in houses in the United Kingdom (UK) and Malaysia, and with other investment schemes available in Malaysia. To investigate the awareness of renewable energy policies and incentives, a preliminary survey of the public opinion in Malaysia has been carried out, and an evaluation of public willingness to invest in the FiT scheme by installing the PV on their houses is presented. The cost-benefit analysis shows that the proposed FiT programme is capable of generating good return on investment as compared to the one in the UK, but the return is lower than other investment tools. The survey suggests that most Malaysians are unaware of the government’s incentives and policies towards renewable energies, and are not willing to invest in the FiT scheme.  相似文献   

China is the largest solar photovoltaic cell producer in the world, with more than one third of worldwide production in 2008, exporting more than 95 percent of what it produces. The purpose of this paper is to understand the drivers of this success and its limits, with a particular emphasis on the role of technology transfers and innovation. Our analysis combines a review of international patent data at a detailed technology level with field interviews of ten Chinese PV companies. We show that Chinese producers have acquired the technologies and skills necessary to produce PV products through two main channels: the purchasing of manufacturing equipment in a competitive international market and the recruitment of skilled executives from the Chinese diaspora who built pioneer PV firms. The success of these firms in their market is, however, not reflected in their performance in terms of innovation. Rather, patent data highlight a policy-driven effort to catch up in critical technological areas.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the application of genetic algorithm (GA) and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference scheme (ANFIS), for the prediction of the optimal sizing coefficient of stand-alone photovoltaic supply (SAPVS) systems in remote areas. A database of total solar radiation data for 60 sites in Algeria has been used to determine the iso-reliability curves of a PVS system (C A, C S) for each site. Initially, the GA is used for determining the optimal coefficient (C Aop, C Sop) for each site by minimising the optimal cost (objective function). These coefficients allow the determination of the number of PV modules and the capacity of the battery. Subsequently, an ANFIS is used for the prediction of the optimal coefficient in remote areas based only on geographical coordinates. Therefore, 56 couples of C Aop and C Sop have been used for the training of the network and four couples have been used for testing and validation of the proposed technique. The simulation results have been analysed and compared with the alternative techniques. The technique has been applied and tested for Algeria locations, but it can be generalised for any location in the world.  相似文献   

邯郸地区温度和灰尘对独立太阳能光伏发电系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过具体的实验,研究邯郸市温度和灰尘对太阳能光伏发电系统的影响。利用红外测温仪测量太阳能光伏板温度,记录温度变化对输出电流、电压、功率的影响;对比光伏板在干净及积尘下系统输出电流、电压、功率的变化。结果表明:温度及灰尘对系统的影响较小。  相似文献   

The impact of PV surface orientation and inclination on grid-connected photovoltaic system performance under maritime climates was investigated using validated TRNSYS simulations. Insolation, PV output, PV efficiency, inverter efficiency, system efficiency, performance ratio (PR) and PV savings were estimated annually, seasonally and on monthly bases for various surface inclinations and orientations. Incident insolation and PV output were maximum for a surface with inclination 30° facing due south and minimum for a vertical surface with orientation 90° east or west from south. The monthly optimum collection angle maximising incident insolation varied from 10° to 70°. For the particular location and system studied, the maximum annual PV efficiency, the inverter efficiency, the PR and the system efficiency were for a south-facing surface with an inclination of 20°. For a horizontal surface, the monthly variation of system parameters was significant over a year. For time-dependent tariff rates, the annual PV savings were higher for a system oriented with same orientation towards the west than east from south while for constants tariff rates, the PV savings was the same for east or west orientation from south.  相似文献   

There are several technoeconomic modeling approaches that provide quantitative results such as costs and the level of achievement of certain renewable energy (RE) policy targets. These approaches often do not consider other important factors for policy implementation (such as socio-political aspects and stakeholders' preferences). Recent multicriteria analysis (MCA) approaches attempt to integrate these multiple aspects in decision making process. In this respect, aim of this paper is to combine technoeconomic modeling and MCA approaches in a general analytical framework incorporating multiple aspects. Each method in an RE policy interaction problem can feed in the necessary policy information for the subsequent steps of an ex-ante and an ex-post assessment in a decision tree, starting from recognizing the need for implementing a new policy in parallel to the incumbent ones, assessing the actual policy costs and finally identifying the social acceptability of these RE policies.  相似文献   

Urbanization, one of the most obvious characteristics of economic growth in China, has an apparent “lock-in effect” on residential energy consumption pattern. It is expected that residential sector would become a major force that drives China's energy consumption after urbanization process. We estimate price and expenditure elasticities of residential energy demand using data from China's Residential Energy Consumption Survey (CRECS) that covers households at different income levels and from different regional and social groups. Empirical results from the Almost Ideal Demand System model are in accordance with the basic expectations: the demands for electricity, natural gas and transport fuels are inelastic in the residential sector due to the unreasonable pricing mechanism. We further investigate the sensitivities of different income groups to prices of the three types of energy. Policy simulations indicate that rationalizing energy pricing mechanism is an important guarantee for energy sustainable development during urbanization. Finally, we put forward suggestions on energy pricing reform in the residential sector based on characteristics of China's undergoing urbanization process and the current energy consumption situations.  相似文献   

This paper at first describes a basic study on the prediction of hourly or daily amount of solar irradiation. The method is based on theoretical equation and observation of solar irradiance. Then, the novel method to control photovoltaic-diesel hybrid generation system using the prediction is proposed to improve the total efficiency of the system. A numerical simulation result shows the possibility of the method.  相似文献   

M. Beerepoot   《Renewable Energy》2007,32(11):1882-1897
Energy performance policy is an important element in the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2002/91/EC—in short: EPBD, published 4 January 2003), which the European Commission is now urging all European member states to introduce for the building sector by 2006. One of the expected benefits of energy performance policy is that it can help to introduce innovations such as solar thermal systems. However, few studies have analysed this so far. This paper describes the extent to which the penetration of solar thermal systems in the residential building sector is directly related to energy performance policy in the Netherlands. The concept of energy performance policy is explained and the effects of using energy performance policy for several years in the Netherlands are described, through the results of an empirical study. Statistical analysis appears to show no association between Dutch energy performance policy and the application of solar thermal systems in the domestic sector.  相似文献   

Using a panel database for 27 programs in 16 U.S. states over 1998–2009, we assess the impact of 12 state-level policies on the cost and deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies for two sectors defined by system sizes: residential (<10 kW) and commercial (10−100 kW). We first examine the impact of policies on the deployment of solar PV. We show that cash incentives increase the deployment of commercial systems. We also show that interconnection standards potentially promote the deployment of residential systems, whereas property tax incentives potentially foster the deployment of commercial systems. We next examine the impact of policies on the cost of solar PV, and show that the key policies have different effects on costs. The cost of residential systems declines faster if there are cash or property tax incentives in place, whereas the presence of interconnection standards potentially accelerates the decline in commercial system costs. Further, states with a renewable portfolio standard see residential system costs potentially declining slower than states without such a policy. As solar PV is at the brink of becoming cost competitive, our findings assist regulators in fine-tuning their set of support tools.  相似文献   

The effect on the cost of electricity from concentrating solar power (CSP) plants of the solar multiple, the capacity factor and the storage capacity is studied. The interplay among these factors can be used to search for a minimal-cost objective that can serve as a technical criterion to guide in the design of economic incentives for CSP plants. The probability-density function of irradiation is used in conjunction with screening models to evaluate the performance characteristics and costs of concentrating solar power plants. Two technologies have been analyzed in this study: parabolic-trough and tower plants. The results provide information to define the optimal operational range as a function of the desired objective. Thus, it is possible to derive a technical criterion for the design of CSP plants which optimizes the solar electricity produced and its generation cost. The methodology is applied to Spain, and the analysis of the results shows that a solar energy production of 37 kWh/m2/year for tower plants and 66 kWh/m2/year for parabolic-trough ones define the approximate optimal working conditions for the mean DNI in Spain.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of oil price uncertainty on Malaysian macroeconomic activities and monetary responses. We use a structural VAR (SVAR) model based on monthly data over the period 1986−2009. The EGARCH model estimates show an important asymmetric effect of oil price shocks on the conditional oil price volatility. Dynamic impulse response functions obtained from the SVAR model show a prolonged dampening effect of oil price volatility shock on Malaysian industrial production. We also find that levels of Consumer Price Index (CPI) decline with a positive shock to oil price uncertainty. This is the result of negative demand shock due to the postponement of consumption of big ticket items by individuals, households and other sectors of the economy. We also found that the Malaysian central bank adopts an expansionary monetary policy in response to oil price uncertainty. Variance decomposition analysis reconfirms that volatility in the oil price is the second most important factor to explain the variance of industrial production after its own shocks. These results shed some light on how the central bank of Malaysia can use controlling mechanisms to stabilize aggregate output and price level.  相似文献   

In Italy solar thermal energy and energy from biogas are two possible means of reducing dependence on energy imports. Using a multiperiod LP model (MARKAL) the authors assessed the likely potential of both technologies under various circumstances. The study covered the period 1980–2005, in five segments of five years. It focused only on the subsystem of the energy end-uses which can be substituted for by solar thermal and biogas technologies. The overall non-renewable sources which can be saved in 20 years by these technologies total 450 PJ (1 PJ = 101 5 J) if the fuel prices rise at 0 per cent average annual, 1450 PJ if the fuel prices rise at 4.2 per cent average annual, 1860 PJ if the fuel prices rise at 7.2 per cent average annual and 3780 PJ if the fuel prices rise at 15 per cent average annual. However the most competitive technologies appear to be solar water heaters used mainly in the private and commercial sectors and biogas systems used mainly in the agricultural sector. The study was carried out by APRE under ENEA (formerly CNEN) contract and was intended to serve as an analytical basis for establishing an overall development and demonstration strategy for end-use renewable technologies in Italy.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of pricing CO2 emissions over the configuration of new refinery complexes in their conceptual phase. Two refineries’ schemes were simulated through a linear programming optimization model in order to compare the optimum configuration obtained before and after the input of different CO2 prices. The cases analyzed represent refining projects to be located in Brazil, a growing market for fuels and petrochemical feedstocks, as well as an oil producing country with rising crude exports. After 2012, emerging countries, such as Brazil, may adopt carbon emission reduction targets. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the impact of pricing CO2 emissions in these countries, where the majority of new refining projects will be located. Our findings indicate that the initial refinery configurations proposed are quite rigid technologically for CO2 prices up to US$ 100/t CO2. For CO2 prices higher than US$ 100/t CO2, refineries reduced their emissions by increasing the consumption of natural gas used to produce hydrogen, and through changes in the original configurations towards less-energy consuming process units. Promising technological advances, such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), can also diminish the rigidity of the model and facilitate actions to curb carbon emissions.  相似文献   

The performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) using simulated coal-derived syngas, with and without arsine (AsH3), was studied. Anode-supported SOFCs were tested galvanostatically at 0.25 and 0.5 A cm−2 at 750 and 800 °C with simulated coal syngas containing 0.1, 1, and 2 ppm AsH3. The tests with simulated coal syngas containing 1 ppm AsH3 show little degradation over 100 h of operation. The tests with simulated coal syngas containing 2 ppm AsH3 show some signs of degradation, however no secondary arsenide phases were found. Extended trial testing with 0.1 ppm AsH3 showed degradation as well as the formation of a secondary nickel arsenide phase in the anode of the SOFC.  相似文献   

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