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BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to determine whether human monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes contain angiotensins I and II. METHODS AND RESULTS: Human mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leukocytes were isolated from blood. To identify angiotensins in human leukocytes, we performed immunocytochemistry using both alkaline phosphatase and fluorescence methods. With light microscopy immunocytochemistry with alkaline phosphatase, prominent staining of angiotensin II was observed in mononuclear leukocytes. Angiotensin I was also demonstrated in mononuclear leukocytes, but the signal was less pronounced than for angiotensin II. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes showed very little staining for angiotensin II. Fluorescence immunocytochemistry also demonstrated angiotensin II in mononuclear leukocytes. Angiotensins I and II in homogenate of leukocytes were quantified by radioimmunoassay. The concentration of angiotensins I and II in mononuclear leukocytes was 355 +/- 216 (mean +/- SEM) and 2331 +/- 106 fmol/mg protein, respectively, and the concentration in polymorphonuclear leukocytes was 36 +/- 10 and 336 +/- 120 fmol/mg protein. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that human mononuclear leukocytes contain large amounts of angiotensin II and lesser amounts of angiotensin I. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes contain small amounts of angiotensin I and II.  相似文献   

Evidence for natural foamy virus (FV) infections in humans is still lacking. However, accidental infections of humans with simian FV have been demonstrated by serology and PCR, but all previous attempts to recover infectious virus in such cases have failed. Here we describe the isolation of a simian FV from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of a healthy animal caretaker, who acquired the virus 20 years ago from an African green monkey (AGM) bite. Properties of the human isolate such as host range in cell cultures including human PBMC and ability to induce neutralizing antibodies in the primate host proved to be similar to those of FV obtained from AGM. The genomic sequence of the isolate was found to be virtually identical to the proviral sequence present in the host lymphocytes and related to AGM isolates but distinct from those of all FV isolates handled in the laboratory. For successful virus isolation, it was essential to stimulate the host lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2 for 2 weeks prior to cocultivation with permissive cells. In contrast to the situation found in FV-infected monkeys, virus isolation from the saliva of the animal caretaker was not possible, and no evidence for FV transmission to family contacts was obtained. We conclude that, in contrast to active infection in monkeys, FV persists in a state of latency following accidental infection of humans.  相似文献   

The infectivity of human foamy virus (HFV) was examined in primary and cultured human leukocytes. Cell-free infectious viral stocks of HFV were prepared from the human kidney cell line 293 transfected with an infectious molecular clone of HFV. HFV productively infects a variety of human myeloid and lymphoid cell lines. In addition, primary cell cultures enriched for human CD4+, monocytes and brain-derived microglial cells, were readily infected by HFV. Interestingly, while infected primary CD4+ lymphocytes and microglial cells showed marked cytopathology characteristic of foamy virus, HFV-infected monocyte-derived macrophages failed to show any cytopathology. In addition, marked cytotoxicity due to HFV infection was seen in both human T-cell leukemia virus type 1- and human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected T-cell lines and in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected monocytoid cell lines. Thus, HFV infection produces differential cytopathology in a wide host range of primary human leukocytes and hematopoietic cell lines.  相似文献   

Infectious proviral clones of simian foamy virus isolated from chimpanzee (SFVcpz) were generated by long PCR. Two overlapping fragments representing the complete provirus were amplified from genomic DNA of infected cells. Four 8.8-kbp amplimers extending from base 1 of the provirus into the env gene and five 4.45-kbp amplimers reaching from env to the end of the 3'-LTR were cloned into pCR II. Subsequently, the proviral fragments were combined in a chessboard manner to generate 20 plasmids containing full-length proviral DNA. Four plasmids produced infectious virus after transfection of susceptible cells. A distinct proviral form bearing a deletion in the transactivator gene joining both exons of a second regulatory gene present in wild-type foamy virus-infected cells started to emerge 48 hr after transfection of BHK cells with infectious SFVcpz DNA. This observation supports a novel hypothesis to explain establishment of foamy virus latency. The transactivator protein Taf of SFVcpz transcomplemented for the homologous protein Bel-1 of the unique human foamy virus isolate (HFV) and Bel-1 exhibited the reciprocal activity, suggesting that HFV could represent a variant of chimpanzee foamy virus.  相似文献   

Incorporation of human foamy virus (HFV) envelope proteins into murine leukemia virus (MuLV) particles was studied in a transient transfection packaging cell system. We report here that wild-type HFV envelope protein can pseudotype MuLV particles, albeit at low efficiency. Complete or partial removal of the HFV cytoplasmic tail resulted in an abolishment or reduction of HFV-mediated infectivity, implicating a role of the HFV envelope cytoplasmic tail in the pseudotyping of MuLV particles. Mutation of the endoplasmic reticulum retention signal present in the HFV envelope cytoplasmic tail did not result in a higher relative infectivity of pseudotyped retroviral vectors. However, a chimeric envelope protein, containing an unprocessed MuLV envelope cytoplasmic domain fused to a truncated HFV envelope protein, showed an enhanced HFV specific infectivity as a result of an increased incorporation of chimeric envelope proteins into MuLV particles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An altered nocturnal sleep pattern and a dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system are neurobiological abnormalities typical for depression. A persistence of these neurobiological alterations during remission has been shown to be associated with an increased risk for a relapse. However, it remains unclear whether these persisting abnormalities are trait markers indicative of an increased vulnerability for affective disorders or only represent 'biological scars' acquired during past episodes. Thus, respective examinations need to be performed in the premorbid state in order to answer this open question. METHODS: In the present article we have summarized the various results of the index investigation of a prospectively designed study in which we investigated 54 healthy first-degree relatives (high-risk probands; HRPs) of patients with an affective disorder using polysomnography, the combined dexamethasone corticotropine-releasing hormone (DEX-CRH) test and psychometric measurements. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional part of this study the HRPs, as a group, exhibited a 'depression-like' sleep EEG profile and DEX-CRH test result, while their psychometric profile was characterized by elevated scores on the measures 'Rigidity' and 'Autonomic lability'. On an individual level, 35% of the HRPs were identified as conspicuous in at least two of the three areas under investigation. CONCLUSIONS: The question of whether these abnormalities do indeed reflect trait markers indicative of an increased vulnerability for depression will be answered by the longitudinal part of the study that allows for the retrospective identification of the premorbid status of those HRPs who develop an affective disorder during the follow-up period.  相似文献   

The activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by mitogens or by triggering the T-cell receptor with anti-CD3 antibodies leads to the production of a potent soluble inhibitory activity against foamy virus-induced cytopathic effects in vitro. The inhibitory activity acts in a species-specific manner. As a consequence, the isolation of foamy viruses from blood lymphocytes of infected humans is accelerated in a heterologous coculture system. Antibodies against gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) are able to suppress most of the inhibitory activity, suggesting that IFN-gamma is the dominant component.  相似文献   

We have characterized a new form of human foamy virus (HFV) non-random deleted long terminal repeat (LTR) sizing 1078-bp, deleted in its U3 region, sensitive to the viral transactivator and functional in an infectious proviral clone. Besides two known HFV LTRs of 1260-bp and 1123-bp, this LTR represents the smallest, designed S. Analysis of the LTR sequence shows the presence of short direct repeats surrounding the deletions, suggesting a mechanism generating deletion by misalignment of the growing strand during replication. Our data suggest that the deleted LTRs, preferentially associated with chronic viral infection, could be related with viral persistence.  相似文献   

We report several classes of human interspersed repeats that resemble fossils of DNA transposons, elements that move by excision and reintegration in the genome, whereas previously characterized mammalian repeats all appear to have accumulated by retrotransposition, which involves an RNA intermediate. The human genome contains at least 14 families and > 100,000 degenerate copies of short (180-1200 bp) elements that have 14- to 25-bp terminal inverted repeats and are flanked by either 8 bp or TA target site duplications. We describe two ancient 2.5-kb elements with coding capacity, Tigger1 and -2, that closely resemble pogo, a DNA transposon in Drosophila, and probably were responsible for the distribution of some of the short elements. The deduced pogo and Tigger proteins are related to products of five DNA transposons found in fungi and nematodes, and more distantly, to the Tc1 and mariner transposases. They also are very similar to the major mammalian centromere protein CENP-B, suggesting that this may have a transposase origin. We further identified relatively low-copy-number mariner elements in both human and sheep DNA. These belong to two subfamilies previously identified in insect genomes, suggesting lateral transfer between diverse species.  相似文献   

Using pooled serum from congenitally duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV)-infected ducks as inoculum, we examined the effect of virus dose on the incubation period of infection and on the patterns of spread of virus infection in the liver. The pooled serum inoculum contained 9.5 x 10(9) DHBV genomes per milliliter and had an infectivity titre (ID50) in newly hatched ducks of 1.5 x 10(10) per milliliter with a 95% confidence interval of 3.0 x 10(9) to 6.3 x 10(10) ID50/ml, indicating the equivalence between one DHBV genome and one infectious unit within the limits of the assays. The incubation period of infection was inversely related to the dose of inoculum and the onset of viraemia ranged from Day 6 with the highest dose to Day 14 or 29 with the lowest dose inoculum. To study the spread of virus infection from a low percentage of initially infected cells we inoculated newly hatched ducks intravenously with sufficient DHBV (1.5 x 10(3) ID50) to infect only approximately 0.0001% of total liver cells. DHBV infection first reached detectable levels on Day 4 postinoculation (p.i.) and was detected in approximately 0.035% of hepatocytes, most of which occurred as single cells or pairs of cells, indicating that a number of rounds of infection had occurred with the spread of virus both to adjoining cells, i.e., by cell-to-cell spread, and to cells located in other parts of the liver lobule. Despite some bird-to-bird variation in timing, the percentage of infected hepatocytes increased exponentially with a mean doubling time of 16 hr from Day 4 to Day 14 p.i., by which time replication was seen in > 95% of hepatocytes. This rapid dissemination from a small number of infected hepatocytes suggests that, in neonatal ducks, there are no major delays in virus replication within the liver, that any innate and adaptive defence mechanisms operating during the first 10 to 14 days of infection are insufficient to contain virus spread, and that even a small number of infected hepatocytes produce enough progeny to rapidly infect the remaining hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Integration of transgenic DNA into the plant genome was investigated in 13 transgenic oat (Avena sativa L.) lines produced using microprojectile bombardment with one or two cotransformed plasmids. In all transformation events, the transgenic DNA integrated into the plant genome consisted of intact transgene copies that were accompanied by multiple, rearranged, and/or truncated transgene fragments. All fragments of transgenic DNA cosegregated, indicating that they were integrated at single gene loci. Analysis of the structure of the transgenic loci indicated that the transgenic DNA was interspersed by the host genomic DNA. The number of insertions of transgenic DNA within the transgene loci varied from 2 to 12 among the 13 lines. Restriction endonucleases that do not cleave the introduced plasmids produced restriction fragments ranging from 3.6 to about 60 kb in length hybridizing to a probe comprising the introduced plasmids. Although the size of the interspersing host DNA within the transgene locus is unknown, the sizes of the transgene-hybridizing restriction fragments indicated that the entire transgene locus must be at least from 35-280 kb. The observation that all transgenic lines analyzed exhibited genomic interspersion of multiple clustered transgenes suggests a predominating integration mechanism. We propose that transgene integration at multiple clustered DNA replication forks could account for the observed interspersion of transgenic DNA with host genomic DNA within transgenic loci.  相似文献   

To identify cis-acting elements in the foamy virus (FV) RNA pregenome, we developed a transient-vector-production system based on cotransfection of indicator gene-bearing vector and gag-pol and env expression plasmids. Two elements which were critical for vector transfer were found and mapped approximately. The first element was located in the RU5 leader and the 5' gag region (approximately up to position 650 of the viral RNA). The second element was located in an approximately 2-kb sequence in the 3' pol region. Although small 5' and 3' deletions, as well as internal deletions of the latter element, were tolerated, both elements were found to be absolutely required for vector transfer. The functional characterization of the pol region-located cis-acting element revealed that it is essential for efficient incorporation or the stability of particle-associated virion RNA. Furthermore, virions derived from a vector lacking this sequence were found to be deficient in the cleavage of the Gag protein by the Pol precursor protease. Our results suggest that during the formation of infectious virions, complex interactions between FV Gag and Pol and the viral RNA take place.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles have been shown to undergo bidirectional disassembly when they are introduced into host cells. Approximately three-quarters of the genomic RNA (i.e., the 126-kDa and 183-kDa protein ORFs) is first uncoated in the 5'-to-3' direction and the process is then completed by removal of coat protein molecules in the 3'-to-5' direction. An effort was made to determine whether the 126-kDa protein or the 183-kDa protein, both of which are involved in replication of the viral RNA, is required for the second part of the disassembly reaction. It was shown that progeny negative-strand viral RNA begins to be produced in inoculated cells at about the same time that 3'-to-5' disassembly is initiated thus suggesting that the two processes may be coupled. Particles containing mutant forms of the viral RNA in which large sections of the 126-kDa and 183-kDa protein ORFs were missing were not disassembled in the 3'-to-5' direction when they were introduced into cells. However, they were disassembled when the inoculum contained purified TMV RNA from which, presumably, the two functional proteins could be translated Particles containing mutants of the RNA from which a few codons had been deleted in or near conserved regions in the 126-kDa protein ORF also did not undergo 3'-to-5' disassembly unless mixed with wild type viral RNA prior to inoculation. These results suggest that the 126-kDa and/or 183-kDa protein plays a role in the completion of disassembly of TMV particles at the onset of the infection process.  相似文献   

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