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联合循环技术对北方热电厂改造探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北方热电厂的中小容量机组普遍存在效率低,高污染等问题。一直未能得到很好的解决。若采用燃气-蒸汽联合循环技术进行改造,则是即可实现能源的阶梯利用,又能从根本解决环保问题的一种有效改造方式。  相似文献   

针对长沙市燃气锅炉的低氮改造工作,对分级燃烧联合烟气再循环、全预混表面燃烧、水冷预混等三种燃气在全国范围锅炉低氮改造方案,以及燃烧器的选型、安装与调试、再循环烟气管道安装等关键技术进行了相应的研究分析,并结合改造后检测数据的统计结果,对长沙市燃气锅炉低氮改造技术的实施效果进行分析。该研究成果可为后续推进低氮改造项目提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造,能够提高能源的综合使用率,降低能耗,并有效利用老电厂的现有设备,可以减少投资并见效快。本文对利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造的主要方式和热效率进行了分析。  相似文献   

测试分析了大庆油田某联合站的效率及能耗分布,找出系统效率低、能耗高的主要影响因素,提出节能改造方案,并对改造前后的效率及能耗进行了对比分析,给出了改造效益。  相似文献   

利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造,能够提高能源的综合使用率,降低能耗,并有效利用老电厂的现有设备,可以减少投资并见效快,文章对利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造的主要方式和热效率进行了分析。  相似文献   

利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造,能够提高能源的综合使用率,降低能耗,并有效利用老电厂的现有设备,可以减少投资并见效快.本文对利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造的主要方式和热效率进行了分析.  相似文献   

利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造,能够提高能源的综合使用率,降低能耗,并有效利用老电厂的现有设备,可以减少投资并见效快.本文对利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造的主要方式和热效率进行了分析.  相似文献   

低温余热的有效利用是一个有利于生产、生活和环境保护的系统工程,必须从全局出发,各部门统筹规划,按照能量梯级利用原则,提高能量有效利用率,才能实现经济效益、社会效益、环境效益的最优化。洛阳石化按照能源利用"三环节"理论,以"高温高用,低温低用"的原则选择匹配热源和热阱,消除上游装置物流冷却、下游装置再加热所需能量,提高能效。先后实施了低温热水系统改造,炼油装置一、二低温热水系统改造,焦化装置与电站低温热联合,二催化装置与气分低温热联合改造,装置间深度热联合,部分采暖改用凝结水等措施,使大部分装置的低温余热得到有效利用。对于存在的问题,比如第二低温热水系统冬夏季热量不匹配,260×104t柴油加氢装置、芳烃装置以及焦化装置仍有部分低温余热未能有效利用等,提出改进建议,并估算出节能效益。  相似文献   

为满足新版火电厂大气污染排放标准,对某燃气蒸汽联合缩环机组进行了低氮燃烧系统技术改造,提高了机组的环保性和社会效益。对该低氮改造工程进行了介绍。  相似文献   

氮氧化物是大气的主要污染物,随着世界各地环保标准的不断提高,采用低NOx燃烧与其他脱硝技术结合的联合深度脱硝技术是既经济又环保的选择。首先介绍了低NOx燃烧器、再燃技术和与SNCR技术结合的联合深度脱硝技术的研究发展。然后介绍了浙江大学自主研发的低NOx燃烧与SNCR联合深度脱硝技术在410 t/h锅炉上的改造应用,实施改造后,锅炉运行正常,对主要运行参数影响小,达到了预期脱硝要求。锅炉飞灰含碳量大多情况在3%以下,NOx从原来的550 mg/m3左右降到了150~200 mg/m3,联合脱硝率在70%左右。  相似文献   

洛阳石化公司芳烃联合装置由芳烃抽提和对二甲苯装置组成,2012年装置综合能耗为310.39kg标油/t,其中蒸汽能耗为124.44kg标油/t,占总能耗的40.09%。蒸汽能耗高主要与减温减压器的用损、闪蒸汽的不合理利用和浪费,以及装置蒸汽网络能级不匹配等因素有关。采用能量平衡和用分析的方法,对芳烃联合装置蒸汽用能现状进行分析,提出以蒸汽喷射式热泵替代减温减压器和蒸汽网络优化方案。蒸汽喷射式热泵能有效回收闪蒸蒸汽,并能提供介于高、低压蒸汽压力间各种压力等级的蒸汽,实现不同压力等级的蒸汽综合利用。以蒸汽喷射式热泵替代减温减压器,是优化蒸汽网络、提高能源综合利用效率的有效途径。装置经蒸汽网络优化后,蒸汽管网用效率可从84.53%提高至90.77%,蒸汽能级匹配更为合理,年节约标煤3657t,年创经济效益366×104元,投资回报期不超过一年。  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2003,24(2):117-124
Palm oil mills in Malaysia operate on cogeneration system using biomass residue as fuel in the boiler. The boiler produces high pressure and temperature steam which expands in a backpressure steam turbine and produces enough electric power for the internal needs of the mill. The exhaust steam from the turbine goes to an accumulator which distributes the steam to various processes in the mill.The study were made on seven palm oil mills in the Perak state in Malaysia. The primary objectives of the study are to determine boiler and turbine efficiencies, energy utilization factor, oil extraction rate and heat/power ratio for various palm oil mills working under similar conditions and adopting same processes. The palm oil industry is one of those rare industries where very little attempt is made to save energy. The energy balance in a typical palm oil mill is far from optimum and there is considerable scope for improvement. Bench-marking is necessary for the components in the mill. Energy-use bench-marking can give an overview of energy performance of the mills. The calculations were done to get net gain in power when back pressure turbine is replaced by a condensing turbine.It was found that the boiler and turbine have low thermal efficiencies compared to conventional ones used in power plants due to non-homogeneity and non-uniform quality of the fuel. The extraction rate was around 0.188. The use of condensing turbine increase the power output by 60% and the utilization factor was found to be 65% for the cogeneration system.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种利用海洋温差能和风能联合发电的方法及装置。利用海洋表层的热海水加热低沸点工质,使之蒸发.送入汽轮机推动汽轮发电机组做功发电,汽轮机排出的工质乏气用海洋深层的冷海水冷凝为液态,再用热海水加热,送入汽轮机,使之蒸发,推动汽轮机发电机组做功发电,如此循环,持续发电;并且利用洋面风力发电,并用该电力驱动热泵装置.由热泵装置的媒质将工质的温度进一步提高.增大工质体积膨胀率;由热泵装置的媒质将冷海水的温度进一步降低.再用该低温海水去冷凝工质乏气,增强对工质乏汽的冷凝效果。该装置既需要用到小型透平,又需要用到风力发电装置.十分适合公司发展。  相似文献   

中国海油惠州炼油分公司420× 104t/a延迟焦化装置通过停用解吸塔上重沸器3.5MPa蒸汽、停用柴油汽提塔1.0MPa汽提蒸汽、降低循环比、采用先进控制(APC)提高加热炉热效率、降低高压水泵和罐区减渣原料泵电耗、提高水的回用率、加大装置处理量等工艺优化措施,装置综合能耗比设计能耗39.03kg标油/t原料降低3kg标油/t原料.为了进一步降低装置能耗,达到国内其他先进装置的能耗水平,该装置在2011年利用检修时机,通过加热炉节能改造降低排烟温度、利用柴油低温热发生0.45MPa蒸汽、焦化富气压缩机叶轮更换、焦炭塔区特阀汽封线改造等节能改造措施.加热炉热效率由89%提高至91.5%,节约3.5MPa蒸汽用量约6.5t/h,同时减少了燃料气、蒸汽和电的消耗,使装置能耗总体降低3.16kg标油/t原料.装置节能改造每年可增加4000万元的经济效益.  相似文献   

潘罗其 《中外能源》2013,18(1):89-94
巴陵石化炼油联合装置以105× 104t/a MIP-CGP装置为核心,配套产品精制、气体分离及循环水、空压站等公用工程系统.该装置直接以200×104t/a常压装置的渣油为原料,具有多产高辛烷值汽油和气体烯烃的特点.针对重油催化装置高气体收率和大注汽量的工艺特点,从催化生焦理论人手,进一步分析了随着进料密度、残炭和重金属含量的增加,装置的能耗越显著,联合装置的用能优化越复杂.通过对再生器取热系统、烟气余热回收系统、蒸汽能量梯级利用、烟机系统、供风系统、加热炉燃烧器系统、高低温位热能回收以及循环水、酸性水、凝结水系统的用能分析及优化改造,充分综合利用了各类能源,减少了装置对水的消耗.炼油联合装置能耗由72.20kg标油/t原油降至61.74kg标油/t原油,吨原油取水南0,72t/t降至0.61t/t,吨原油排水由0.64t/t降至0.30t/t.  相似文献   

M.E. McKay  A. Rabl 《Energy》1985,10(6):707-720
Princeton University is considering the installation of a new central energy supply system. The existing system burns natural gas or residual oil to produce low temperature steam at 232 °C and 1.62 MPa. This steam powers compression chillers, supplies process heat, and drives a small backpressure turbine, the exhaust of which is used for hot water and space heat on campus. The steam demand varies from approximately 7 to 70 MWt, and the electric demand from 3 to 8 MWe. Energy prices have escalated sharply during the past decade, and recent changes in utility regulations have created favorable conditions for cogeneration. Therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate reasonable alternatives for reducing energy costs. We study the most promising candidate systems: a gas turbine cogeneration system and a coal-fired fluidized bed boiler with a new, high temperature steam cogeneration system. A diesel cogeneration system is also investigated, but it turns out to be less attractive in this particular application because much of the cogenerated heat has too low a temperature. The savings are critically dependent on the economic scenario, in particular the escalation rates for energy prices. A wide price range for the various energy forms has been considered and the results for life-cycle savings and for rate of return are presented in compact graphical format. Under the most likely economic scenarios both the coal/steam system and the gas turbine offer rates of return in the range of 10–20% above inflation.  相似文献   

洛阳石化延迟焦化装置节能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄天旭  王培超 《中外能源》2010,15(12):99-101
洛阳石化140×104t/a延迟焦化装置采用"一炉两塔"和"可灵活调节循环比"的工艺流程,2008年和2009年装置综合能耗分别为35.42kg标油/t和33.36kg标油/t,与设计值、中国石化平均水平(24.27kg标油/t)相比差距较大。综合分析,能耗较高的原因包括蜡油汽包产0.4MPa蒸汽未计入能耗、1.0MPa蒸汽放空、低温热回收系统未投用、蜡油热输出量小、装置加工负荷率低以及加热炉效率低等。为此,对装置采取用0.4MPa蒸汽替代1.0MPa蒸汽;回收分馏塔顶油气、接触冷却塔顶油气和冷焦水低温热量;增加稳定汽油热出料流程;增设节电变频设施,减少电耗;降低加热炉排烟温度和炉外壁温度;加热炉进料泵叶轮抽级或更换为小叶轮,降压节能;增上加热炉先进控制(APC)手段,保证加热炉最佳燃烧;加热炉出口管线保温及管托更新换型,增加空气预热器等措施,有效降低装置能耗。  相似文献   

孙衍锋 《热能动力工程》2017,32(11):117-121
对AE94.3A型燃气轮机燃气-蒸汽联合循环热力系统平衡进行研究进而发现,与同类型、同等级不同型号机组相比,AE94.3A型联合循环机组余热锅炉的排烟温度较高,排烟余热仍有进一步利用的空间。通过设计优化,扩大省煤器受热面,回收烟气余热加热给水,驱动热水型溴化锂制冷机制冷,用于机组满负荷调峰时的压气机进气冷却或厂房及办公区域空调供冷,对改善燃气轮机联合循环的运行性能,实现能源梯级利用,提高能源利用率和机组经济性运行起到了很大作用。  相似文献   

Kuwait and most of the Gulf countries, depend mainly on desalted water from the sea for satisfying their fresh water needs. These countries are using the multi-stage flash (MSF) desalting system, as the ‘work horse’ for their water production. This system is less efficient in energy consumption as compared to the reverse osmosis (RO) system. Moreover, large units based on the MSF system have to be combined with steam or gas turbines power plants for better utilization of steam supplied to the MSF units at moderately low temperature and pressure (as compared to steam produced by large steam generators). The value and the cost of the thermal energy supplied to the MSF desalting system depends on the method of supplying this energy. This steam can be supplied directly from a fuel operated boiler or heat recovery steam generator associated with a gas turbine. It can also be supplied from the exhaust of a steam back pressure turbine or bled from condensed extraction steam turbine at a pressure suitable for the desalting process. Any energy comparison should be based on simple criteria, either how much fuel energy is consumed to produce this energy or how much mechanical energy is needed per unit product. The energy consumed in the light of the practice used in most Gulf countries are discussed here. In this study, reference desalting and power plants are used for comparison purposes. This study shows that shifting from MSF desalting system to the RO system can save up to 66% of the fuel energy used to desalt seawater.  相似文献   

吴晓干 《锅炉技术》2021,52(1):65-68
为解决燃煤机组产生的大量烟气余热难以进行回收利用的问题,提出了一种低温省煤器耦合暖风器的烟气余热深度利用技术方案,该技术将锅炉系统和汽轮机回热抽汽系统结合在一起,实现能量的梯级利用和能量品位的转换,从而提高系统经济性.以某电厂600 MW等级超临界机组的应用方案为例,对低温省煤器耦合暖风器系统进行了计算分析.结果表明:...  相似文献   

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