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应用CORBA技术在电信网络管理系统中建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了通用对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)技术规范及其产生的背景、CORBA的特点、体系结构和在电信网络管理系统中建模的方法,以及应用于电信网络管理中的优点等等。  相似文献   

多业务受理派发系统设计采用B/S结构,开发语言采用ASP动态网页技术,后台数据库采用Microsoft Access2003,详细介绍系统主要功能模块包括业务受理模块、施工管理模块、回访模块、查询统计模块、业务数据修改模块的设计与实现。  相似文献   

A circuit is presented that exhibits stable long-term memory analogous to that provided by Coulomb friction in mechanical systems. The circuit stabilizes the voltage across a capacitor. The capacitor voltage controls the length of a delay whose beginning is synchronized with a stable oscillator. At the end of the delay, the oscillator output is sampled and fed as a current to the capacitor. Periodic repetition of this procedure produces an average capacitor current that is a periodic function of capacitor voltage. Over the voltage range where the peak value of this current exceeds the intrinsic leakage current, every other one of those voltages at which the net average current is zero is a stable voltage. The principles used in this circuit may be applied to cancel the drift of any viscous-type analog memory element. The stored values are discrete but may be made so numerous as to approximate true analog memory to virtually any desired degree.  相似文献   

Many discriminative classification algorithms are designed for tasks where samples can be represented by fixed-length vectors. However, many examples in the fields of text processing, computational biology and speech recognition are best represented as variable-length sequences of vectors. Although several dynamic kernels have been proposed for mapping sequences of discrete observations into fixed-dimensional feature-spaces, few kernels exist for sequences of continuous observations. This paper introduces continuous rational kernels, an extension of standard rational kernels, as a general framework for classifying sequences of continuous observations. In addition to allowing new task-dependent kernels to be defined, continuous rational kernels allow existing continuous dynamic kernels, such as Fisher and generative kernels, to be calculated using standard weighted finite-state transducer algorithms. Preliminary results on both a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task and the TIMIT database are presented.  相似文献   

王军  鹿姝  李云伟 《信号处理》2020,36(9):1429-1439
连续手语识别的难点之一是手语数据中存在时空维度的冗余信息,以及手语数据与给定标签序列的对齐问题。因此,本文提出一种融合注意力机制和连接时序分类的连续手语识别模型,可以提取手语数据中彩色和深度视频片段的短期时空特征以及手部运动轨迹特征,将三种模态的特征融合后使用空间注意力加权并按照时间顺序输入到双向长短期记忆网络中进行时序建模,以获取长期时空特征,最后利用融合注意力机制和连接时序分类模型的解码网络以端到端的方式实现连续手语的准确识别。本模型在自行采集的中国手语数据集上进行测试,得到了高达0.935的准确率。   相似文献   

This paper presents a formal framework for representing enterprise knowledge. The concepts of our framework (objectives and goals, roles and actors, actions and processes, responsibilities and constraints) allow business analysts to capture knowledge about an enterprise in a way that is both intuitive and mathematically formal. It also outlines the basic steps of a methodology that allows business analysts to go from high-level enterprise objectives, to detailed and formal specifications of business processes that can be enacted to realise these objectives. The formal language used means that the specifications can be verified as having certain correctness properties, e.g. that responsibilities assigned to roles are fulfilled, and constraints are maintained as a result of process execution.  相似文献   

针对电信运营企业业务支撑部门面临的诸多运维问题提出了一种基于智能监控方式解决电信运营企业运维支撑系统问题的解决方案,该方案内容包括智能监控工作原理、关键技术、系统结构和部署环境,以及技术特点与优势。  相似文献   

介绍了利用现有频道开展增值业务在县级台取得的成功经验,重点介绍了点播业务开展的详细过程和取得的经验.  相似文献   

数字伺服系统实现激光器频率长期锁定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了一种用共焦法布里-珀罗(F-P)腔和稳定的He-Ne激光对受控半导体激光器进行长时间频率锁定的方法:稳定的He-Ne激光作为参考标准.通过信号发生器和高压放大器扫描共焦F-P腔,同时将He-Ne激光与受控激光注入F-P腔,得到He-Ne激光与受控激光的透射峰信号,将探测到的透射峰信号输入到数据采集卡中,用LabVIEW软件编写的程序可以确定扫描腔体时所有峰的位置,计算出He-Ne激光透射峰和受控激光透射峰的相对位置.与设定值比较,产生反馈电压信号使受控激光器频率稳定在设定值,将He-Ne激光的稳定性转移到受控激光上.利用此方法,实现了将半导体激光器(DL100)的激光频率稳定在所选择的波数为11716.1706 cm-1的位置,一小时频率漂移小于±2 MHZ.  相似文献   

This paper presents a strategy for the analytic determination of the natural voltage balancing dynamics of flying capacitor converters. The approach substitutes double Fourier series representations of the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) switching signals into a nonlinear dynamic circuit model of the converter. The result reduces to a linearized state-space model that can be readily solved, with the Fourier solution coefficients defining the state-space matrix terms. The solution can be readily developed for converters of any level, and allows rapid analytical investigation of the dynamic (and static) balancing behavior over a wide range of conditions. Furthermore, the approach allows powerful strategies such as root locus to be used to investigate the converter's performance as a function of changes in parameters such as modulation index and load. The analysis approach has been fully verified by comparing it against experimental results on a low voltage prototype converter.  相似文献   

思科推出新一代产品RF Gateway 1通用IPQAM调制器,其主要特点有:在1RU机框内提供48路QAM通道,实现完整的视频(广播、SDV、高清、标清、MPEG一2、AVC)和高速数据(M-CMTS/DTI.DOCSIS3.0)服务:支持基于表格或者按次的功能:48个可配置的QAM通道,每一个通道都可以从45-1000 MHz灵活设置,射频指标优于CableLabs DRFI最新要求的指标:  相似文献   

对于下一代面向FMC综合业务网中非常关键的系统融合进行了初步介绍,并以短信、彩铃、分组域等3类最基本的业务为例进行了系统融合实践。  相似文献   

PSpiceModelingofOpto┐electronicdevicesUsingABMComponentsJianpingCHENDieterSTOLL1(NationalLaboratoryonLocalFiber-OpticCommuni...  相似文献   

由于商务智能投资巨大且效益具有不确定性,因此对商务智能系统进行评估非常重要.本文分析了商务智能系统的特点,构建了一套商务智能系统的评估体系,并对评估体系中的指标体系以及指标权重进行了探讨.  相似文献   

从电子系统的结构层面进行分析,将其分解为系统功能模块和连接结构模块两大部分,构建了电子系统的层次结构模型。将电子系统的连接结构映射为一种稀疏矩阵,从而将电子系统的设计、故障监测、故障修复等问题转化为特定功能模块下带参数的矩阵求解与优化问题,为电子系统中生物特性的引入提供新的思路。最后从电子系统实际连接状态与结构矩阵之间的对应性出发,证明了模型的可行性。  相似文献   

A method has been devised for recording low-frequency dc physiologic signals for extended periods. The signal is transformed to a pulse train that can be recorded on a portable ECG tape recorder. The reproducing circuit permits the construction of an analog signal proportional to the average of the original signal.  相似文献   

Quality of Service (QoS) measurement of multimedia applications is one of the most important issues for call handoff and call admission control in mobile networks. Based on the QoS measures, we propose a Generalized Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN) based model, called QoS-GSPN, which can express the real-time behavior of QoS measurement for mobile networks. QoS-GSPN performance analysis methodology includes the formal expression and performance analysis environment. It offers the promise of providing real-time behavior predictability for systems characterized by substantial stochastic behavior. With this methodology we model and analyze the call handoff and call admission control schemes in the different multimedia traffic environments of a mobile network. The results of simulation experiments are used to verify the optimal performance achievable for these schemes under the QoS constraints in the given setting of design parameters.  相似文献   

首先介绍了商业智能的概念,着着描述了电信行业中商业智能系统的体系结构,功能及特点。  相似文献   

从市场需求出发,说明新业务开发的重要性和必要性,提出了新业务开发的思路和方法,并以“小灵通”的营业系统开发为例,完整地阐述了一个自行新业务的开发过程。  相似文献   

业务支撑系统网络化体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提升业务支撑能力,在竞争激烈的市场抢占业务发展制高点,已成为目前通信业界关注的重点问题。本文针对全网一体化运营需求,结合新一代网络体系架构,研究业务支撑系统网络化部署方案,介绍了网络化体系应用模式及实施方案,为全网一体化运营提供参考。  相似文献   

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