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The influence of minor amounts of pro‐ and anti‐oxidants on the kinetics of the autoxidation of fat has been evaluated. The reaction rates of oxygen with the substrates were found to follow the same basic equation, hitherto established for pure substrates. There is evidence that the surface of the reaction vessel also acts as a reaction catalyst and its effect is proportional to the area of glass in contact with lipids. Oxidation is enhanced by trace metal ions as well as by surface‐active compounds (e.g. hydroperoxides and sterols). Antioxidants such as α‐tocopherol and butylated hydroxyanisole inhibit the oxidation by delaying the start of oxygen consumption (the induction period) while retarders like amino acids only decrease the rate of oxidation. Thus pro‐ and anti‐ oxidants affect either the start or the rate of oxygen consumption. The empirical formula dx/dt = k [O2] (1‐x/n) f′(t) was found applicable to the different stages of oxidation.  相似文献   

The autoxidation of methyl oleate and oleic acid shows some differences as compared to the autoxidation of linoleate,e.g., the formation of water at an early stage. Linearization of experimental data on the autoxidation to high oxidation degrees of methyl oleate and other monounsaturated substrates shows that the rate equations previously derived for methyl linoleate in the range of 1–25% oxidation are valid, provided the correct expression for the remaining unreacted substrate is used. With monounsaturated substrates, part of the oxygen is consumed by a secondary oxidation reaction almost from the beginning, and only a certain constant fraction α of the total O2 consumption is consumed in hydroperoxide formation. The fraction α is different for methyl oleate, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid andcis 9-octadecene, but the rate constant for the hydroperoxide formation is the same for all of them when experimental conditions are the same. The main difference between oleate and linoleate autoxidation is the much faster decomposition of the oleate hydroperoxides relative to their slow formation.  相似文献   

Interest in conjugated-diene fatty acids in foods has recently been increased by discovery of their antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Conjugated octadecatrienes (COTs), members of another group of fatty acids, are also present in foods. COTs are formed during the processing of vegetable oils as the result of the dehydration of secondary oxidation products of linoleic acid. Little information is available concerning the occurrence and nutritional properties of COTs in edible oils. Levels of COTs, determined in 27 vegetable oils by ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, ranged from not detected (<0.001) to 0.2%. Determination of COTs by gas chromatography of the methyl esters, obtained by transesterification at room temperature with sodium methoxide/methanol, gave lower levels (not detected, 0.051%) than did determination by UV spectroscopy. Methylation with boron trifluoride produced COTs from naturally occurring moieties in the oils and, therefore, is not recommended.  相似文献   

The mechanism of fat autoxidation is elucidated from the rate data. All the data treated here and in an earlier publication follow the same basic rate equation, including the time function f(t) empirically derived for heterogeneous oxidation. Metals and glass (the wall of the reaction vessel) are catalysts. Depending on the state of the catalyst, f(t)=t2 or f(t)=t. When f(t)=t, the kinetics are first-order as found for monolayer autoxidation, but in bulk phase they are complicated by a transient stage caused by the solubilization of O2 into the hydroperoxide micelles produced in the exponential (“autocatalytic”) part of the oxidation. Certain additives, such as inhibitors, affect the catalyst and thereby f(t). The kinetics, as determined by O2 consumption or by analysis of the remaining unreacted substrate, show the first oxidation step. It is unaffected by further chemical changes of the primary oxidation products,e.g., decomposition of hydroperoxides and trimerization in the autoxidation of 9,11-octadecadienoic acid methyl ester.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether hydroperoxides are formed in the autoxidation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) methyl ester both in the presence and absence of α‐tocopherol. The existence of hydroperoxide protons was confirmed by D2O exchange and by chemoselective reduction of the hydroperoxide groups into hydroxyl groups using NaBH4. These experiments were followed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The 13C and 1HNMR spectra of a mixture of 9‐hydroper‐oxy‐10‐trans,12‐cis‐octadecadienoic acid methyl ester (9‐OOH) and 13‐hydroperoxy‐9‐cis, 11‐trans‐octadecadienoic acid methyl ester (13‐OOH), which are formed during the autoxidation of methyl linoleate, were studied in detail to allow the comparison between the two linoleate hydroperoxides and the CLA methyl ester hydroperoxides. The 13CNMR spectra of samples enriched with one of the two linoleate hydroperoxide isomers were assigned using 2D NMR techniques, namely Correlated Spectroscopy (COSY), gradient Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation (gHMBC), and gradient Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation (gHSQC). The 13C and 1H NMR experiments performed in this study show that hydroperoxides are formed during the autoxidation of CLA methyl ester both in the presence and absence of α‐tocopherol and that the major isomers of CLA methyl ester hydroperoxides have a conjugated monohydroperoxydiene structure similar to that in linoleate hydroperoxides.  相似文献   

刘晓伟 《天津化工》2011,25(4):26-28
通过利用共轭亚油酸的弱酸性质,将共轭亚油酸制成盐,以期生理功能的改变,本文利用具有生物功能活性的共轭亚油酸,先与氢氧化钠反应得到共轭亚油酸的钠盐溶液,再加入氯化锌溶液得到共轭亚油酸锌盐,平均收率为67%。为共轭亚油酸锌制成制剂的进一步研究提供了原料。  相似文献   

The biotransformation of linoleic acid (LA) into conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) by microorganisms is a potentially useful industrial process. In most cases, however, the identities of proteins involved and the details of enzymatic activity regulation are far from clear. Here we summarize available data on the reaction mechanisms of CLA-producing enzymes characterized until now, from Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Ptilota filicina, and Propionibacterium acnes. A general feature of enzymatic LA isomerization is the protein-assisted abstraction of an aliphatic hydrogen atom from position C-11, while the role of flavin as cofactor for the double bond activation in CLA-producing enzymes is also discussed with regard to the recently published three-dimensional structure of an isomerase from P. acnes. Combined data from structural studies, isotopic labeling experiments, and sequence comparison suggest that at least two different prototypical active site geometries occur among polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) double bond isomerases.  相似文献   

Contrary to current opinion, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) as a mixture of several isomers have been previously shown to function as prooxidants in the form of free fatty acids and methyl esters in heated canola oil. Furthermore, CLA oxidizes considerably faster than linoleic acid. However, stability of CLA relative to other polyunsaturated fatty acids remains undetermined. The present study was therefore undertaken to examine the relative oxidation rate of CLA compared with that of linolenic acid (LNA), arachidonic acid (AA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in air at 90°C. CLA, both in the form of free fatty acids and triacylglycerols, were extremely unstable to the same extent as DHA, but they oxidized considerably faster than LNA and AA. The mechanism by which CLA were readily decomposed was probably due to formation of the unstable free-radical intermediate.  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸粉末化微胶囊的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石强  吾满江·艾力 《应用化工》2006,35(4):291-294,312
研究了喷雾干燥法制备共轭亚油酸微胶囊的工艺参数及配比条件。结果表明,最佳的工艺参数及配比条件为:乳液80℃热处理60 m in,乳化剂蔗糖酯加入量为水液的1%~1.5%,大豆分离蛋白与麦芽糊精质量比为1∶4,壁材中玉米糖浆含量38.5%,固形物含量16.7%,共轭亚油酸理论含量16%左右,进风温度130~150℃,进料流量(2.5~3.5)×150 mL/h,进料温度35℃,进风流量1.1 m3/m in左右,喷嘴压力180 kPa。制备出的共轭亚油酸微胶囊有较好的产品质量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lactobacillus reuteri was grown in De Man/Rogosa/Sharpe (MRS) broth (initial pH 6.5) supplemented with free linoleic acid (LA) at different concentrations (5, 10, 20 and 30 mg mL?1) and incubated aerobically at different temperatures (4, 10, 16, 22 and 30 °C) in order to test its ability to accomplish the bioconversion of LA to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Temperatures and LA concentrations producing the highest conversion of LA to CLA in the initial trials were tested further using micro‐anaerobic conditions and a lower initial pH (5.5). RESULTS: Data showed that production of CLA exhibited variations with regard to the fermentation conditions used. The highest production of CLA (0.108 mg mL?1) was measured in a broth containing 20 mg mL?1 free LA that was incubated aerobically at 10 °C for 30 h. When the initial pH of the reaction medium was reduced from 6.5 to 5.5, CLA production decreased. Micro‐aerobic conditions reduced the ability of Lb. reuteri to produce CLA, since production of CLA under aerobic conditions was at least 1.4 times greater. CONCLUSION: Production of CLA by Lb. reuteri at low temperatures and relatively high substrate concentrations provides novel opportunities for the development of functional foods with the benefits of enrichment in CLA and probiotic bacteria. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the profiles of fatty acids in fermented milks and dairy derivatives made with milk fat substituted by polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)‐enriched fat. In order to improve the organoleptic properties of those products, whey protein concentrates (WPC) were added during the manufacturing process. Interest was focused during manufacturing and storage period on the contents of “healthy” fatty acids, mainly conjugated linoleic acid and n‐3 PUFA. Contents of these fatty acids were not affected by the manufacture practices and neither did addition of WPC during manufacturing nor cold storage cause their decrease. Percentages of total n‐3 fatty acids in fat from dairy derivatives enriched in PUFA after 21 d of storage (1.45%) were very close to those obtained before processing (1.39%). Contents did not differ either substantially when WPC were added during manufacturing (1.46%). The increase of volatile compounds was also examined. Although a slight decrease in the total volatile content was observed, percentages of different compounds were not modified when milk fat was substituted by PUFA enriched fat.  相似文献   

Chemical pathways responsible of the conjugation of linoleic acid during heat treatments such as refining (deodorization), frying or cooking processes have been investigated. For this purpose, methyl linoleate was submitted to oxidative and non‐oxidative thermal conditions. The resulting degradation products were mainly composed of geometrical and conjugated fatty acid isomers. Oxidative conditions were obtained using tert‐butyl hydroperoxide under inert atmosphere, and air. The obtained results from both thermal oxidative conditions were compared to non‐oxidative thermal treatment. Higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid were found when linoleate was heated under oxidative conditions. Two distinct mechanisms responsible for the formation of CLA isomers are proposed and discussed. Evidence of formation of 9,11‐C18:2 and 10,12‐C18:2 acids from 9,12‐C18:2 by a free‐radical chain reaction is provided. The first step consists in the formation of a free radical by abstraction of an active bis‐allylic hydrogen. By delocalization of the initial free radical, two allylic free radicals were stabilized and converted into the corresponding CLA isomers via the abstraction of a hydrogen radical from other linoleic acid or oxygenated species. Kinetic observations confirmed the significance of the bimolecular mechanism. Moreover, the proposed mechanism is supported by several pieces of information from the literature on peroxidation of linoleic acid. Under pure thermal conditions and/or for diluted samples, a second pathway to the formation of CLA from heat‐treated linoleic acid is proposed via an intramolecular rearrangement of the pentadienyl structure. This thermal [1,3]‐sigmatropic rearrangement results in a mixture of 9,11 and 10,12 CLA isomers. The formed cis/trans CLA isomers were readily rearranged by a [1,5]‐sigmatropic shift to yield trans‐8,cis‐10 and cis‐11,trans‐13 CLA isomers, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of eight vitamin E homologues, i.e. α‐, β‐, γ‐, and δ‐tocopherol and α‐, β‐, γ, and δ‐tocotrienol, on the inhibition of autoxidation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) were investigated. The oxidation was carried out in the dark for 21 days at 50 °C and monitored by peroxide values (PV) and TBA values. The levels of the individual vitamin E homologues in CLA during storage were determined by HPLC. γ‐Tocopherol exhibited the highest antioxidant activity among the homologues tested in this study when the antioxidant activities of the individual homologues in CLA were compared by PV. The order of antioxidant activity of eight homologues was γ‐tocopherol > δ‐tocopherol = δ‐tocotrienol ≥ γ‐tocotrienol > β‐tocopherol = β‐tocotrienol > α‐tocopherol = α‐tocotrienol. The degradation rates of α‐tocopherol and α‐tocotrienol were faster than those of the other homologues, whereas δ‐tocopherol had the highest stability in CLA during storage. All homologues exhibited an antioxidant activity by inhibiting the formation of secondary oxidation products. It appears that α‐tocotrienol and β‐tocotrienol have significantly higher antioxidant activities for secondary oxidation in CLA than α‐tocopherol and β‐tocopherol. Meanwhile, the other homologues, namely γ‐tocopherol, γ‐tocotrienol, δ‐tocopherol, and δ‐tocotrienol, exhibited similar antioxidant activity for secondary oxidation in CLA.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of 39 mature human milk samples from four Spanish women collected between 2 and 18 weeks during lactation was studied by gas chromatography. The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomer profile was also determined by silver‐ion HPLC (Ag+‐HPLC) with three columns in series. The major fatty acid fraction in milk lipids throughout lactation was represented by the monounsaturated fatty acids, with oleic acid being the predominant compound (36–49% of total fatty acids). The saturated fatty acid fraction represented more than 35% of the total fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids ranged on average between 10 and 13%. Mean values of total CLA varied from 0.12 to 0.15% of total fatty acids. The complex mixture of CLA isomers was separated by Ag+‐HPLC. Rumenic acid (RA, cis‐9 trans‐11 C18:2) was the major isomer, representing more than 60% of total CLA. Trans‐9 trans‐11 and 7‐9 (cistrans + transcis) C18:2 were the main CLA isomers after RA. Very small amounts of 8‐10 and 10‐12 C18:2 (cis‐trans + trans‐cis) isomers were detected, as were different proportions of cis‐11 trans‐13 and trans‐11 cis‐13 C18:2. Although most of the isomers were present in all samples, their concentrations varied considerably.  相似文献   

Rapid synthesis of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) by the alkali-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) isomerization method is presented in this study. Seeds from fruit processing residues in Thailand were screened as an alternative potential source of linoleic acid (LA)-rich oil. Passion fruit with 72.10% LA and 26.18% oil in the seeds was selected as starting oil. The Alkali-DMSO isomerization was carried out by mixing DMSO with alkali hydroxides and polyhydric alcohols. Under a mass ratio of 1:0.5:1:1 oil/NaOH/propylene glycol/DMSO, at 180°C, production of the major isomers of CLA (c9,t11, and t10,c12) was complete within 3 min, resulting in a 20-fold increase in productivity compared to the conventional method. The reaction time decreased because of an increment in the basic strength of the alkali-DMSO catalyst. CLA from alkali-DMSO isomerization and commercial supplements showed a similar isomer distribution and yielded similar CC50 values when evaluated against the Vero cell line. This method might be an alternative in industrial production as it is fast and simply applied to the conventional system. In addition, seed oils from fruit processing residues can be used as an alternative to traditional LA-rich oils.  相似文献   

Three commercially available immobilized lipases, Novozym 435 from Candida antarctica, Lipozyme IM from Rhizomucor miehei, and Lipase PS-C from Pseudomonas cepacia, were used as biocatalysts for the interesterification of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) ethyl ester and tricaprylin. The reactions were carried out in hexane, and the products were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The effects of molar ratio, enzyme load, incubation time, and temperature on CLA incorporation were investigated. Novozym 435, as compared to Lipozyme IM and Lipase PC-C, showed the highest degree of CLA incorporation into tricaprylin. By hydrolysis with pancreatic lipase, it was found that Lipozyme IM and Lipase PS-C exhibited high selectivity for the sn-1,3 position of the triacylglycerol early in the interesterification, with small extents of incorporation of CLA into the sn-2 position, probably due to acyl migration, at later reaction times. A small extent of sn-1,3 selectivity during interesterification by Novozym 435 was observed.  相似文献   

The amounts of Δ9,Δ11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers were determined in loin-associated fat samples of bulls (n=6) and steers (n=7) by capillary gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives. The main CLA-isomer—18:2 c9,t11—provided approximately 0.76 ± 0.15% and 0.86 ± 0.15% of total FAME in bulls and steers, respectively. No differences (P>0.05) were observed between the CLA isomer distribution of bulls (t9,c11, 0.026 ± 0.014%; c9,c11, 0.015 ± 0.008%; and t9,t11, 0.029 ± 0.003%) and steers (t9,c11, 0.027 ± 0.014%; c9,c11, 0.015 ± 0.005%; and t9,t11, 0.030 ± 0.007%).  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸微胶囊化中壁材优化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大豆分离蛋白(SPI)、麦芽糊精(MD)为主要壁材,研究了以喷雾干燥法对共轭亚油酸(CLA)微胶囊化时其复合壁材的优化及其方法。利用界面膜成膜理论分析了各组分配比对微胶囊化效果的影响,进而指导最优条件的选择。结果表明,SPI与MD质量比为1∶4,壁材中玉米糖浆质量分数为38.5%,固形物质量分数在16.7%,CLA添加量以微胶囊质量分数计约为16%时,微胶囊化产率(MEY)和效率(MEE)分别达到了98%和85%;加入明胶可进一步提高微胶囊产品的含油量而微胶囊化效果基本不变。  相似文献   

Free fatty acids from fish oil were prepared by saponification of menhaden oil. The resulting mixture of fatty acids contained ca. 15% eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 10% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), together with other saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Four commercial lipases (PS from Pseudomonas cepacia, G from Penicillium camemberti, L2 from Candida antarctica fraction B, and L9 from Mucor miehei) were tested for their ability to catalyze the esterification of glycerol with a mixture of free fatty acids derived from saponified menhaden oil, to which 20% (w/w) conjugated linoleic acid had been added. The mixtures were incubated at 40°C for 48h. The ultimate extent of the esterification reaction (60%) was similar for three of the four lipases studied. Lipase PS produced triacylglycerols at the fastest rate. Lipase G differed from the other three lipases in terms of effecting a much slower reaction rate. In addition, the rate of incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids when mediated by lipase G was slower than the rates of incorporation of other fatty acids present in the reaction mixture. With respect to fatty acid specificities, lipases PS and L9 showed appreciable discrimination against esterification of EPA and DHA, respectively, while lipase L2 exhibited similar activity for all fatty acids present in the reaction mixture. The positional distribution of the various fatty acids between the sn-1,3 and sn-2 positions on the glycerol backbone was also determined.  相似文献   

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