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The maximum weight matching problem is a fundamental problem in graph theory with a variety of important applications. Recently Manne and Mjelde presented the first self-stabilizing algorithm computing a 2-approximation of the optimal solution. They established that their algorithm stabilizes after O(2n) (resp. O(3n)) moves under a central (resp. distributed) scheduler. This paper contributes a new analysis, improving these bounds considerably. In particular it is shown that the algorithm stabilizes after O(nm) moves under the central scheduler and that a modified version of the algorithm also stabilizes after O(nm) moves under the distributed scheduler. The paper presents a new proof technique based on graph reduction for analyzing the complexity of self-stabilizing algorithms.  相似文献   

Splay trees are self-organizing binary search trees that were introduced by Sleator and Tarjan [J. ACM 32 (1985) 652-686]. In this paper we present a randomized variant of these trees. The new algorithm for reorganizing the tree is both simple and easy to implement. We prove that our randomized splaying scheme has the same asymptotic performance as the original deterministic scheme but improves constants in the expected running time. This is interesting in practice because the search time in splay trees is typically higher than the search time in skip lists and AVL-trees. We present a detailed experimental study of our algorithm. On request sequences generated by fixed probability distributions, we can achieve improvements of up to 25% over deterministic splaying. On request sequences that exhibit high locality of reference, the improvements are minor.  相似文献   

A bipartite graph G=(V,W,E) is convex if there exists an ordering of the vertices of W such that, for each vV, the neighbors of v are consecutive in W. We describe both a sequential and a BSP/CGM algorithm to find a maximum independent set in a convex bipartite graph. The sequential algorithm improves over the running time of the previously known algorithm and the BSP/CGM algorithm is a parallel version of the sequential one. The complexity of the algorithms does not depend on |W|. This work was supported by FAPESP (Proc. 98/06327-0). The first author was also supported by FAPESP (Proc. 96/04505–2), and CNPq/MCT/FINEP (PRONEX project 107/97).  相似文献   

We derive an efficient parallel algorithm to find all occurrences of a pattern string in a subject string in O(logn) time, where n is the length of the subject string. The number of processors employed is of the order of the product of the two string lengths. The theory of powerlists [J. Kornerup, PhD Thesis, 1997; J. Misra, ACM Trans. Programming Languages Systems 16 (6) (1994) 1737-1740] is central to the development of the algorithm and its algebraic manipulations.  相似文献   

3-D Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have been proposed as a potent solution to address both the interconnection and design complexity problems facing future System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. In this paper, two topology-aware multicast routing algorithms, Multicasting XYZ (MXYZ) and Alternative XYZ (AL + XYZ) algorithms in supporting of 3-D NoC are proposed. In essence, MXYZ is a simple dimension order multicast routing algorithm that targets 3-D NoC systems built upon regular topologies. To support multicast routing in irregular regions, AL + XYZ can be applied, where an alternative output channel is sought to forward/replicate the packets whenever the output channel determined by MXYZ is not available. To evaluate the performance of MXYZ and AL + XYZ, extensive experiments have been conducted by comparing MXYZ and AL + XYZ against a path-based multicast routing algorithm and an irregular region oriented multiple unicast routing algorithm, respectively. The experimental results confirm that the proposed MXYZ and AL + XYZ schemes, respectively, have lower latency and power consumption than the other two routing algorithms, meriting the two proposed algorithms to be more suitable for supporting multicasting in 3-D NoC systems. In addition, the hardware implementation cost of AL + XYZ is shown to be quite modest.  相似文献   

The data migration problem is to compute an efficient plan for moving data stored on devices in a network from one configuration to another. It is modeled by a transfer graph, where vertices represent the storage devices, and edges represent data transfers required between pairs of devices. Each vertex has a non-negative weight, and each edge has a processing time. A vertex completes when all the edges incident on it complete; the constraint is that two edges incident on the same vertex cannot be processed simultaneously. The objective is to minimize the sum of weighted completion times of all vertices. Kim (J. Algorithms 55, 42–57, 2005) gave an LP-rounding 3-approximation algorithm when edges have unit processing times. We give a more efficient primal-dual algorithm that achieves the same approximation guarantee. When edges have arbitrary processing times we give a primal-dual 5.83-approximation algorithm. We also study a variant of the open shop scheduling problem. This is a special case of the data migration problem in which the transfer graph is bipartite and the objective is to minimize the sum of completion times of edges. We present a simple algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of , thus improving the 1.796-approximation given by Gandhi et al. (ACM Trans. Algorithms 2(1), 116–129, 2006). We show that the analysis of our algorithm is almost tight. A preliminary version of the paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, APPROX 2006. Research of R. Gandhi partially supported by Rutgers University Research Council Grant. Research of J. Mestre done at the University of Maryland; supported by NSF Awards CCR-0113192 and CCF-0430650, and the University of Maryland Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship.  相似文献   

We continue the study of priority or “greedy-like” algorithms as initiated in Borodin et al. (2003) [10] and as extended to graph theoretic problems in Davis and Impagliazzo (2009) [12]. Graph theoretic problems pose some modeling problems that did not exist in the original applications of Borodin et al. and Angelopoulos and Borodin (2002) [3]. Following the work of Davis and Impagliazzo, we further clarify these concepts. In the graph theoretic setting, there are several natural input formulations for a given problem and we show that priority algorithm bounds in general depend on the input formulation. We study a variety of graph problems in the context of arbitrary and restricted priority models corresponding to known “greedy algorithms”.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm that takes I/Os (sort(N)=Θ((N/(DB))log  M/B (N/B)) is the number of I/Os it takes to sort N data items) to compute a tree decomposition of width at most k, for any graph G of treewidth at most k and size N, where k is a constant. Given such a tree decomposition, we use a dynamic programming framework to solve a wide variety of problems on G in I/Os, including the single-source shortest path problem and a number of problems that are NP-hard on general graphs. The tree decomposition can also be used to obtain an optimal separator decomposition of G. We use such a decomposition to perform depth-first search in G in  I/Os. As important tools that are used in the tree decomposition algorithm, we introduce flippable DAGs and present an algorithm that computes a perfect elimination ordering of a k-tree in I/Os. The second contribution of our paper, which is of independent interest, is a general and simple framework for obtaining I/O-efficient algorithms for a number of graph problems that can be solved using greedy algorithms in internal memory. We apply this framework in order to obtain an improved algorithm for finding a maximal matching and the first deterministic I/O-efficient algorithm for finding a maximal independent set of an arbitrary graph. Both algorithms take I/Os. The maximal matching algorithm is used in the tree decomposition algorithm. An abstract of this paper was presented at the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Proceedings, pp. 89–90, 2001. Research of A. Maheshwari supported by NSERC. Part of this work was done while the second author was a Ph.D. student at the School of Computer Science of Carleton University.  相似文献   

Computing the duplication history of a tandem repeated region is an important problem in computational biology (Fitch in Genetics 86:623–644, 1977; Jaitly et al. in J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65:494–507, 2002; Tang et al. in J. Comput. Biol. 9:429–446, 2002). In this paper, we design a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the case where the size of the duplication block is 1. Our PTAS is faster than the previously best PTAS in Jaitly et al. (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65:494–507, 2002). For example, to achieve a ratio of 1.5, our PTAS takes O(n 5) time while the PTAS in Jaitly et al. (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65:494–507, 2002) takes O(n 11) time. We also design a ratio-6 polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the case where the size of each duplication block is at most 2. This is the first polynomial-time approximation algorithm with a guaranteed ratio for this case. Part of work was done during a Z.-Z. Chen visit at City University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

By using the notion of elite pool, this paper presents an effective asexual genetic algorithm for solving the job shop scheduling problem. Based on mutation operations, the algorithm selectively picks the solution with the highest quality from the pool and after its modification, it can replace the solution with the lowest quality with such a modified solution. The elite pool is initially filled with a number of non-delay schedules, and then, in each iteration, the best solution of the elite pool is removed and mutated in a biased fashion through running a limited tabu search procedure. A decision strategy which balances exploitation versus exploration determines (i) whether any intermediate solution along the run of tabu search should join the elite pool, and (ii) whether upon joining a new solution to the pool, the worst solution should leave the pool. The genetic algorithm procedure is repeated until either a time limit is reached or the elite pool becomes empty. The results of extensive computational experiments on the benchmark instances indicate that the success of the procedure significantly depends on the employed mechanism of updating the elite pool. In these experiments, the optimal value of the well-known 10 × 10 instance, ft10, is obtained in 0.06 s. Moreover, for larger problems, solutions with the precision of less than one percent from the best known solutions are achieved within several seconds.  相似文献   

We study an on-line broadcast scheduling problem in which requests have deadlines, and the objective is to maximize the weighted throughput, i.e., the weighted total length of the satisfied requests. For the case where all requested pages have the same length, we present an online deterministic algorithm named BAR and prove that it is 4.56-competitive. This improves the previous algorithm of (Kim, J.-H., Chwa, K.-Y. in Theor. Comput. Sci. 325(3):479–488, 2004) which is shown to be 5-competitive by (Chan, W.-T., et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3106, pp. 210–218, 2004). In the case that pages may have different lengths, we give a ( )-competitive algorithm where Δ is the ratio of maximum to minimum page lengths. This improves the (4Δ+3)-competitive algorithm of (Chan, W.-T., et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3106, pp. 210–218, 2004). We also prove an almost matching lower bound of Ω(Δ/log Δ). Furthermore, for small values of Δ we give better lower bounds. The work described in this paper was fully supported by grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China [CityU 1198/03E, HKU 7142/03E, HKU 5172/03E], an NSF Grant of China [No. 10371094], and a Nuffield Foundation Grant of UK [NAL/01004/G].  相似文献   

It has been recently shown in Ren et al. (2010) that by collecting noise-contaminated time series generated by a coupled-oscillator system at each node of a network, it is possible to robustly reconstruct its topology, i.e. determine the graph Laplacian. Restricting ourselves to linear consensus dynamics over undirected communication networks, in this paper we introduce a new dynamic average consensus least-squares algorithm to locally estimate these time series at each node, thus making the reconstruction process fully distributed and more easily applicable in the real world. We also propose a novel efficient method for separating the off-diagonal entries of the reconstructed Laplacian, and examine several concepts related to the trace of the dynamic correlation matrix of the coupled single integrators, which is a distinctive element of our network reconstruction method. The theory is illustrated with examples from computer, power and transportation systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for implementing a reconfigurable distributed shared memory in an asynchronous dynamic network. The algorithm guarantees atomic consistency (linearizability) in all executions in the presence of arbitrary crash failures of the processing nodes, message delays, and message loss. The algorithm incorporates a classic quorum-based algorithm for read/write operations, and an optimized consensus protocol, based on Fast Paxos for reconfiguration, and achieves the design goals of: (i) allowing read and write operations to complete rapidly and (ii) providing long-term fault-tolerance through reconfiguration, a process that evolves the quorum configurations used by the read and write operations. The resulting algorithm tolerates dynamism. We formally prove our algorithm to be correct, we present its performance and compare it to existing reconfigurable memories, and we evaluate experimentally the cost of its reconfiguration mechanism.  相似文献   

DAVID R. MUSSER 《Software》1997,27(8):983-993
Quicksort is the preferred in-place sorting algorithm in many contexts, since its average computing time on uniformly distributed inputs is Θ(N log N), and it is in fact faster than most other sorting algorithms on most inputs. Its drawback is that its worst-case time bound is Θ(N2). Previous attempts to protect against the worst case by improving the way quicksort chooses pivot elements for partitioning have increased the average computing time too much – one might as well use heapsort, which has a Θ(N log N) worst-case time bound, but is on the average 2–5 times slower than quicksort. A similar dilemma exists with selection algorithms (for finding the i-th largest element) based on partitioning. This paper describes a simple solution to this dilemma: limit the depth of partitioning, and for subproblems that exceed the limit switch to another algorithm with a better worst-case bound. Using heapsort as the ‘stopper’ yields a sorting algorithm that is just as fast as quicksort in the average case, but also has an Θ(N log N) worst case time bound. For selection, a hybrid of Hoare's FIND algorithm, which is linear on average but quadratic in the worst case, and the Blum–Floyd–Pratt–Rivest–Tarjan algorithm is as fast as Hoare's algorithm in practice, yet has a linear worst-case time bound. Also discussed are issues of implementing the new algorithms as generic algorithms, and accurately measuring their performance in the framework of the C+:+ Standard Template Library. ©1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider two aesthetic criteria for the visualization of rooted trees: inclusion and tip-over. Finding the minimum area layout according to either of these two standards is an NP-hard task, even when we restrict ourselves to binary trees.We provide a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for this problem. This result applies to any tree for tip-over layouts and to bounded degree trees in the case of the inclusion convention. We also prove that such restriction is necessary since, for unbounded degree trees, the inclusion problem is strongly NP-hard. Hence, neither a fully polynomial time approximation scheme nor a pseudopolynomial time algorithm exists, unless P=NP. Our technique, combined with the parallel algorithm by Metaxas et al. [Comput. Geom. 9 (1998) 145-158], also yields an NC fully parallel approximation scheme. This latter result holds for inclusion of binary trees and for the slicing floorplanning problem. Although this problem is in P, it is unknown whether it belongs to NC or not. All the above results also apply to other size functions of the drawing (e.g., the perimeter).  相似文献   

A general parallel task scheduling problem is considered. A task can be processed in parallel on one of several alternative subsets of processors. The processing time of the task depends on the subset of processors assigned to the task. We first show the hardness of approximating the problem for both preemptive and nonpreemptive cases in the general setting. Next we focus on linear array network of m processors. We give an approximation algorithm of ratio O(logm) for nonpreemptive scheduling, and another algorithm of ratio 2 for preemptive scheduling. Finally, we give a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm of ratio O(log2m) for m×m two-dimensional meshes.  相似文献   

Suppose that a program makes a sequence of m accesses (references) to data blocks; the cache can hold k<m blocks. An access to a block in the cache incurs one time unit, and fetching a missing block incurs d time units. A fetch of a new block can be initiated while a previous fetch is in progress; thus, min{k,d} block fetches can be in progress simultaneously. Any sequence of block references is modeled as a walk on the access graph of the program. The goal is to find a policy for prefetching and caching, which minimizes the overall execution time of a given reference sequence. This study is motivated from the pipelined operation of modern memory controllers, and from program execution on fast processors. In the offline case, we show that an algorithm proposed by Cao et al. [Proc. of SIGMETRICS, 1995, pp. 188-197] is optimal for this problem. In the online case, we give an algorithm that is within factor of 2 from the optimal in the set of online deterministic algorithms, for any access graph, and k,d?1. Better ratios are obtained for several classes of access graphs which arise in applications, including complete graphs and directed acyclic graphs (DAG).  相似文献   

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