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印第安人有谚语云:如果我们走得太快.就要停一停,以便让灵魂跟上来。我们感谢邓小平的英明和人道.他一声令下.让“一部分先富起来”.表现出了对人的能力和需求的基本尊重。于是人们八仙过海、各显神通,在谋求个人利益的同时.也把整个社会的经济发展推上了快车道。政府.企业、民间组织、个人等都感觉到了这种“快”.所以.社会责任这个古老的词总是被频频提起.尤其是企业的社会责任。慈善募捐,员工福利、生态环保、公益广告…,企业有心通过各种方式来实践自己的社会责任、让灵魂跟上来。[编者按]  相似文献   

In a nonhypothetical laboratory experiment, participants were willing to pay an average of $0.71 for the right to exchange a typical meat sandwich for a sandwich irradiated to eliminate the potential risk of foodborne bacteria. Forty-one of sixty participants (68.3%) were willing to pay some positive amount. Tobit analysis was used in order to allow for the fact that Willingness To Pay (WTP) was censored at zero. WTP was interpreted as the demand for irradiation to control foodborne disease. A positive WTP was interpreted as acceptance of irradiation. The aggregated WTP greatly exceeds the estimated direct costs of foodborne disease, and the estimated costs of irradiation for many food products. There was a positive relationship between WTP and the perceived risk of foodborne disease, and a negative relationship between WTP and years of education.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Research in Dairying invites each year an outstanding person in the dairy industry, engaged either in the field of milk production, milk distribution, milk manujacture, dairy economics, dairy research or dairy education, to give a Special Lecture to the whole of the Institute staff. The Special Lecturer is given entire jreedom of choice as regards the title of his address, though it is hoped that it will have some bearing, direct or indirect, on the work of the Institute .
The Special Lecturer for 1957-58 was Mr. J. L. Davies, C.B.E., General Manager of the Milk Marketing Board. His lecture delivered at the Institute on 17th February, 1958, was not only of particular interest to the N.I.R.D. staff, but had wider interest to many others associated with the dairy industry and he has kindly consented to its publication in the Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology. H.D.K.  相似文献   

混搭是一种时髦,今年流行起一种更有味道并更实用的“优雅”混搭哲学,好好研究一下,让自己做一回优雅女主角。[编者按]  相似文献   

“时装秀”如今早已经不是我们常见的程式化的T台猫步了,如果你参加过巴黎时装周,肯定能列举出许多用戏剧,歌剧或者贵族生活场景,编排出来的时装秀场,而9月10日晚,在798工厂车间内也上演了一场属于中国人的情景时装秀。[编者按]  相似文献   

崔涛 《江苏纺织》2007,(2B):22-29
结构的价值远远大于细节的价值,结构性的机会才是真正的市场机会。 蒙牛是如何找到行业的结构性缺陷,并有效利用,从零起步,快速成长为行业巨头的?当年,整个乳业的结构缺陷是市场上的品牌同质化严重,都在清一色打天然、环保、优质、营养的牌,大多数乳业品牌是没有品牌文化和底蕴的空品牌;实际上,整个行业还基本上处于产品销售阶段。蒙牛正是抓住了这样一些结构性的缺陷,化为自己腾飞的机会;通过与神州五号捆绑,与超级女生联姻,使品牌内涵、品牌联想更加丰富、饱满,更有冲击力,单点切入,引发整个乳品行业大地震。  相似文献   

有人说,面料是时装最终形成的关键,由轻柔纱线和自然肌理织就的针织时装是对此有力的注释;也有人说,时装是连接艺术与实用科学最美丽的使者,那么针织时装设计师掌握着的则是朴素与奢华之间的平衡,彰显着独特的魅力。当时间的眼睛掠过闪耀的伸展台,当镁光灯咔嚓声再次雀跃起,人们永远不会遗忘的,是那些含蓄中透着精致的艺术家式的品位作品。  相似文献   

The development of electrodialysis is described with its use as a practical process in demineralizing and concentrating solutions of electrolytes. The applications and basic types of ion-exchange membranes for use in electrodialysis are discussed. Membrane properties such as electrical resistance, permselectivity, ionic capacity, solvent transfer and chemical resistance are given in detail as being particularly important in characterizing electrodialytic properties of ion-exchange membranes. Demineralization of cheese whey is dealt with fully and various problems and techniques discussed. Variants of electrodialysis - transport depletion, ion substitution and electro osmosis are also given. ( Editor's summary )  相似文献   

A concentrate from the pressings of spent grains makes an effective antifoaming agent in the fermentor. The active components are a mixture of complex lipids which appear to be removed by yeast metabolism towards the end of the fermentation. Hop utilization is improved and properties of the final beer are either unaffected or improved.  相似文献   

七月的骄阳炙烈似火.七月的梦舒雅热情激扬。7月13日.梦舒雅女裤以“舞”为主题召开的2006大型秋季产品订货会在郑州隆重拉开帷幕。五天的订货会主要是面对优质省级代理商和部分经销商而召开的,行业协会领导及各界媒体朋友的现场祝贺为大会增添了不少亮点。  相似文献   

第七届中国休闲服装博览会(CHCW2006)期间,在广东沙溪霞湖世家的倡导下,霞湖世家的欧卡曼、江苏常熟的百成江,福建石狮的圣吉奥,分别作为中国服装产业三大区域经济发展模式中最具代表性的大型服装制造企业。  相似文献   

多丽丝以个人形象顾问为起点,将事业的触角逐步延伸到了服装销售领域。无疑,与其他同行相比,多丽丝在形象顾问这条路上走得更远,视野更为宽广。然而,她是如何做到这一点的呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

Zn++ ion was observed to be a strong effector of the flocculation—deflocculation process in an in vitro system for strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at ion concentration ranges that are normal in conventional substrates, such as wort. All strains of Saccharomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis) examined in this study did not exhibit any flocculation response to Zn++ ion. This test could be employed to distinguish between ale and lager flocculating yeast strains.  相似文献   

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