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The groundwater vulnerability to the pollution assessment was considered as an efficient tool to limit and to control its quantitative and qualitative degradation risks. The DRASTIC high, moderate and low groundwater vulnerability zones of the Sfax–Agareb basin (Tunisia) cover about 10, 29 and 61% of the study area, respectively. The validation of the DRASTIC vulnerability map was undertaken through comparison of areas of high nitrate concentration and their relative vulnerability index. The DRASTIC vulnerability map illustrates a good rate of coincidence between the nitrate concentration ranges and the various vulnerability classes as recognized by statistical analysis. The reliability of the final vulnerability map has been tested, showing a general positive trend relating the mean nitrate concentration in the wells to their relative vulnerability classes (R2=0.88). When correlating the 214 available groundwater nitrate concentrations to the DRASTIC index in these wells location, a significant positive correlation with Cor=0.55 was found.  相似文献   


On 12th November 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 Richter scale in the town of Sarpol-e Zahab took place that caused lots of human casualties and devastation. After the incident, issues related to the probability of an earthquake with equal intensity and extents of similar building destruction were raised in Kermanshah city. Therefore, a seismic microzonation map of Kermanshah city has been prepared based on the geotechnical, geological, and geophysical data, and the data were analysed using Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In the next step, the vulnerability analysis of city buildings was carried out based on the ground-shaking map, vulnerability curves, and statistical data regarding the buildings. The results of the vulnerability rate of residential buildings indicate that 80% of residential buildings would be exposed to vulnerability from low to moderate. However, other buildings would suffer 2% fully destruction (D1), 7% very high destruction (D2) and 11% high destruction (D3), respectively. Finally, according to the obtained results, the proposed model is verified with the help of the data and observations from the Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake, which reveals that the model is in good agreement with the actual earthquake data.  相似文献   

Recent researchers have discovered microtremor applications for evaluating the liquefaction potential. Microtremor measurement is a fast, applicable and cost-effective method with extensive applications. In the present research the liquefaction potential has been reviewed by utilization of microtremor measurement results in Babol city. For this purpose microtremor measurements were performed at 60 measurement stations and the data were analyzed by suing Nakmaura’s method. By using the fundamental frequency and amplification factor, the value of vulnerability index (K g ) was calculated and the liquefaction potential has been evaluated. To control the accuracy of this method, its output has been compared with the results of Seed and Idriss [1] method in 30 excavated boreholes within the study area. Also, the results obtained by the artificial neural network (ANN) were compared with microtremor measurement. Regarding the results of these three methods, it was concluded that the threshold value of liquefaction potential is K g = 5. On the basis of the analysis performed in this research it is concluded that microtremors have the capability of assessing the liquefaction potential with desirable accuracy.  相似文献   

Greece has not yet undertaken one of the first and most important tasks required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD: the integrated review of the impact of human activity on the status of surface waters for each river basin – the IMPRESS analysis. Owing to the lack of a national methodology, a preliminary analysis was carried out for the Pinios river basin, applying a combination of different methodologies refined to suit the particularities of the Greek freshwater environment and to accommodate the limited availability of data. Pressures caused by the main pollution sources, point and nonpoint, were quantified in terms of pollution loads with the use of emission factors. The existing limited biological and physicochemical monitoring data were used to assess impacts. Additionally, we identified pressures caused by alterations from land-use data; we carried out a River Habitat Survey (RHS) and estimated the hydromorphological impacts through the calculation of a Habitat Modification Score (HMS). Our results suggest that the probability of the Pinios river basin failing to achieve good ecological quality by 2015 due to pollution is high, and due to hydromorphological pressures is moderate.  相似文献   

Monitoring of aquatic plant biomass in the Petchburi River, a regulated river system in Thailand, was carried out together with the examination of eco‐hydrological characters and the sedimentary organic content. The surveys were performed during May, August and November of 2010 and 2011. The results indicated temporal variation in water velocity (0.08–2.51 m/s) and medium to low organic levels (0.58–4.68%) of the benthic substrates. Dominant aquatic plants were Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle and Potamogeton malaianus Miq. with the highest biomass of 70.84 and 182.72 g/m2, respectively. The biomass was substantially decreased during the flood‐induced discharge period. This study indicates that Potamogeton has more adaptive potential to high water velocities than Hydrilla, while Hydrilla prefers lower water velocities. Discharge velocities of less than 0.5 m/s could provide positive growth rates of such submerged plants. Approaching the discharge control from this ecological point of view can further contribute to river habitat conservation.  相似文献   

在地下水脆弱性评价的GOD法和DRASTIC模型的基础上,提出了VLDA模型,其中V为包气带岩性(1ithology of vadose zone)、L为土地利用方式(pattern of land use)、D为地下水埋深(groundwater depth)、A为含水层特征(aquifer characterist...  相似文献   

We report the results from a pilot study on the use of 222Rn (222radon) for river–aquifer interaction assessment in the Limarí watershed, north‐central Chile. Previous studies on this tool for such applications are not abundant at international level, and no records exist for Chile. The lowest 222Rn levels (less than 1000 Bq/m3) were found in water reservoirs, thus indicating that this isotope is easily lost (and therefore usually absent) in surface waters. Conversely, the highest levels of 222Rn were found in groundwater, with maxima activities around 20 000 Bq/m3. This remarkable contrast allowed clear identification of zones of surface water–groundwater connectivity in the searched watershed domain.  相似文献   

To address data scarcity for calibration of rainfall‐pollutant‐runoff (RPR) models, we evaluated the suitability of nutrient levels estimated based on surrogate parameters as a novel source of data, using runoff of total nitrogen (TN) in the Tegiru basin as a case study. A linear regression equation was developed for estimating TN based on turbidity and electrical conductivity; this expression was then used to generate TN data (n = 113) for calibration of a catchment‐specific RPR model. Using solely the estimated TN concentrations for calibration, the model accurately predicted TN concentrations (21% error based on measured TN, n = 13) and revealed runoff trends during periods in which TN measurements were lacking. Finally, we utilised this model to show that TN runoff was highest during months with frequent and high intensity rainfall. In summary, this study demonstrates the applicability of surrogate parameters to extend data on difficult‐to‐monitor nutrient loads for model calibration.  相似文献   

Metal contamination from acid mine drainage (AMD) is a serious problem in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, where the Iberian Pyrite Belt is located. This zone contains original sulfide reserves of about 1700 Mt distributed among more than 50 massive sulfide deposits. Weathering of these minerals releases to the waters significant quantities of toxic elements, which severely affect the sediments and surface waters of the region. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the toxicity and the potential risk associated with the mining areas using Microtox test and different factors which assess the degree of contamination of the sediments and waters. For this, a natural stream polluted by AMD-discharge from an abandoned mine has been studied. The results show that elevated concentrations of Cu, As and Zn involve an important potential risk on the aquatic environment, associated both with sediments and waters. Microtox test informs that the sediments are extremely or very toxic, mainly related to concentrations of Fe, As, Cr, Al, Cd, Cu and Zn. Pollution is mainly transferred to the sediments increasing their potential toxicity. A natural creek affected by AMD can store a huge amount of pollution in its sediments while exhibiting a not very low water pH and low water metal concentration.  相似文献   

The ‘closed double‐sludge retention time anoxic‐oxic (SRT AO) process’ is a utility model designed by the Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute. It can quantitatively control the nitrification level by adjusting wastewater distribution and mixed sludge return during wastewater treatment, and can thus considerably reduce construction investment and operation costs. However, mixed sludge return from the sedimentation tank may dilute the concentration of nitrobacteria because the heterotrophic bacteria propagate faster. In this paper, the closed double‐SRT AO process was modelled and simulated based on its application at the Zhuyuan Second Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The distribution ratio was found to have a significant influence on the nitrobacteria's concentration but does not eliminate the existence of nitrobacteria in the system. Extension of sludge age enhanced the heterotrophic bacteria concentration and to a greater extent the nitrobacteria concentration, thus attenuated the dilution of nitrobacteria. Mixed liquid recycling showed little effect on nitrobacteria concentration. The closed double‐SRT AO process in Zhuyuan Second WWTP had enough capacity for complete nitrification, but the shortage of organic matter in the influent impeded the nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

The pesticide concentration levels flowing into paddy fields and surrounding lagoons of the Rhône river delta were investigated over a period of 6 months in 2004. Water samples were collected at the outlets of the major ditches and in the lagoons in order to study the seasonal variation in pesticide concentrations and the spatial contamination profile. Twenty four pesticides were monitored, mainly herbicides and insecticides. Rice pesticides accounted for 90% of the detection rates while the pesticides transported by the Rhône river water dissolved phase only accounted for 10%. Pretilachlor, oxadiazon, MCPA and bentazone herbicides were found at the highest frequencies into the effluent waters of ditches with maximum concentration levels of 1.2, 0.8, 2.5 and 1.6 μg/L, respectively. Only one insecticide, tebufenozide, was sporadically detected at a maximum concentration level of 0.12 μg/L. There were two main peaks of contamination. The first one in April corresponded to the use of pre-emergence herbicides (oxadiazon and pretilachlor) and the second one in June was related to the post-emergence herbicides (MCPA and bentazone). These concentration peaks were well correlated with the pesticide application period time and rapid pesticide transfer (1–2 weeks) from fields to lagoons were observed. Increased loads of the pre-emergence herbicides were induced by the specific management of paddy fields which includes water emptying of fields before and after rice seeding. Pesticide dissipation into the lagoons occurred very quickly and the duration of the exposure of non-target aquatic organisms to high pesticide concentrations (in total a few μg/L level) was no longer than 2 weeks. According to the physico-chemical properties of the chemicals, contrasting results were observed when studying the spatial variation in pesticide concentrations through the lagoons. The concentrations of bentazone and MCPA, two substances with high phototransformation abilities, quickly decreased between the ditches and the lagoons while the oxadiazon and pretilachlor concentrations were more homogeneous.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of optimisation in highway rehabilitation projects and the shortcomings of mathematical programming in performing such a task at a quite reasonable runtime span, a new binary harmony search (BHS) is devised to accomplish the decision-making process of highway rehabilitation problems. A new formulation and a BHS are developed and applied to a case study problem consisting of 96 highway segments needing rehabilitation, a number of which should be selected to be rehabilitated at a fixed budget in order to maximise the total quality of the highway network with the minimum possible cost. The BHS provides the value 1 for the segments which must be reconstructed and 0 for the remaining. Pavement Condition Index is employed to assess the quality of the highway. Several sensitivity analyses were performed to examine the influence of different parameters on the output.  相似文献   

The accuracy, precision, detection limit and rapidity in the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in river water by AAS determination, previous extraction with APDC-MIBK system, is compared with direct determination method ICP-AES. Both methods show a similar detection limit and an analogous accuracy by the addition standard method. With a calibration curve only ICP-AES presents good accuracy, this technique is advantageous in long term precision and requires minimum sample preparation. The sample stability at different temperature conservation is studied. Finally both methods are applied to the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in Congost river water.  相似文献   

This study presents a one‐dimensional, fully coupled numerical model for nonequilibrium suspended sediment transport that can be applied to channels and alluvial rivers. The accuracy of calculations was enhanced using a nonuniform size distribution, and evaluating probability of hiding and exposure effect of particles. This model is also capable of calculating the flocculation and temperature effect on sediment transport. In addition, the BOD and its influence on suspended sediment transport have been discussed. The study was conducted on the Aras River, Iran's third major river with a relatively high sediment concentration. To verify the model, water depth and sediment concentration of measured field data are compared with simulated data. Comparisons show a regression coefficient of more than 95% and mean computational error is less than 5%. The agreement of the data shows that the model is capable of predicting flow and suspended sediment transport with a correlation coefficient higher than 98%.  相似文献   

Performance assessment of high‐rise buildings has attracted peculiar attention among engineers. Care should be taken once higher‐mode effects are to be incorporated into analyses and designs. Recently, performance‐based evaluations have been widely used by designers to meet the required target capacities of engineering projects. A common tool to perform such studies is incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), which has been utilized for first‐mode‐dominant ordinary structures, whereas taller buildings demand other considerations to be made so that a thorough assessment of the structural response can be achieved. In this paper, performance‐based studies have been carried out for a sample 30‐story tall building, which takes advantage of tubular frame as lateral‐load‐resisting system. IDA is performed subsequently to quantify the structural response against a wide‐range of seismic loadings. Advanced intensity measures (IMs) are applied to optimize the capacity assessments resulting from multitude of non‐linear time‐history analyses. Finally, performance‐based evaluations have been carried out to provide a thorough assessment of target capacities that are normally advised by widely accepted codes. Results are also compared with regular short buildings where higher‐mode effects do not contribute significantly to structural response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization taking place in Asia since 1970 has exhibited a process different from that of the developed countries in the West. This process has contributed to the emergence of a new landscape in Asia — widely known as the desakota (a combination of two Indonesian words: “desa” for village, “kota” for town) regions described in the McGee–Ginsburg model. These desakota regions are characterized by an intense mix of agricultural and non-agricultural activities that often stretch along corridors between large city cores. Although, the McGee–Ginsburg model captures the socio-demographic dimensions of the rapid urbanization process, little is known about the dynamics of landscape structures in the emerging desakota regions in Asia. By linking remote sensing, landscape characterization indices, and cellular automata modeling with geographic information systems (GIS), this paper develops a GIS-based spatial analysis and modeling approach to study the landscape dynamics of the desakota regions in southeast China. We tested our method using data between 1992 and 1996 for the city of Longhua in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone — one of the fastest growing areas in southeast China. The results not only confirm the effectiveness of GIS-based spatial analysis and modeling approach in studying the ecological impacts of human activities, but also reveal the salient features of landscape dynamics in the desakota regions. Drawing from the results of this research, we conclude that the pace of urbanization and the size of desakota regions must be controlled in order to create a sustainable future in developing countries.  相似文献   

A new quantitative method named Attribute Interval Evaluation Theory (AIET) is proposed for risk assessment of geological disasters in underground engineering in the present study. The AIET not only can quantitatively evaluate and prioritize risks by combining consequences and probability of occurrence, but also can make an analysis of the reliability of evaluation results. The values of evaluation indices are taken as intervals rather than unique values, which is more reasonable because of geotechnical complexity and uncertainty. A simple and practical software package is developed so that the risk assessment process which is subjected to a large number of calculations can be completed automatically in a few seconds. Engineering applications to different geological disasters and results comparison indicate that the AIET can be successful in evaluating and prioritizing risks in most cases. The confidence coefficient value has a big impact on the reliability of evaluation results. The reasonable confidence coefficient value for an evaluation result with a reliability index of no less than 80% is found to be in the range of 0.60–0.63, and its maximum value can reach 0.66 for most of the engineering practices.  相似文献   

This research explores the external effects of erosion as a criterion based on the perceptions of residents of populated areas within a watershed. We applied a multiple correspondence analysis to survey responses in order to reveal the attitudes of residents towards erosion in the study area. This analysis is combined with an analysis of the adjusted residuals, with the goal of identifying the most important erosion externalities that characterize part of south‐eastern Spain. Our results demonstrated that the survey approach, combined with the statistical analysis, is capable of revealing differences among communities within a watershed in the perceived externalities of erosion. We identified the following key variables: municipality, conservation status of access routes, conservation status of sewer systems, conservation status of landscape, nature outings per year and agriculture abandonment.  相似文献   

Typhoon Morakot has been the most severe typhoon disaster to strike Taiwan in recent decades causing tremendous damage to bridge surroundings in 2009. However, we still lack a means of assessing post-typhoon damage for follow-up rebuilding. This paper presents an integrated model that automatically measures changes in rivers, areas of damage to bridge surroundings, and changes in vegetation. The proposed model is based on a neurofuzzy mechanism enhanced by the self-organising map optimisation algorithm and also includes the particular functions of dilation, erosion, and skeletonisation to deal with river imagery. High resolution FORMOSAT-2 satellite imagery from before and after the invasion period is adopted. A bridge is randomly selected from the 129 destroyed due to the typhoon for applications of the model. The recognition results show that the river average width has increased 66% with a maximum increase of over 200%. The ruined segment of the bridge is located exactly in the most scoured region. There has also been a nearly 10% reduction in the vegetation coverage. The results yielded by the proposed model demonstrate a pinpoint accuracy rate of 99.94%. This study successfully develops a tool for large-scale damage assessment as well as for precise measurement after disasters.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that evaporative coolers increase the level and diversity of bioaerosols, but this association remains understudied in low‐income homes. We conducted a cross‐sectional study of metropolitan, low‐income homes in Utah with evaporative coolers (n = 20) and central air conditioners (n = 28). Dust samples (N = 147) were collected from four locations in each home and analyzed for dust‐mite allergens Der p1 and Der f1, endotoxins, and β‐(1 → 3)‐d ‐glucans. In all sample locations combined, Der p1 or Der f1 was significantly higher in evaporative cooler versus central air conditioning homes (OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.05‐4.98). Endotoxin concentration was significantly higher in evaporative cooler versus central air conditioning homes in furniture (geometric mean (GM) = 8.05 vs 2.85 EU/mg, P < .01) and all samples combined (GM = 3.60 vs 1.29 EU/mg, P = .03). β‐(1 → 3)‐d ‐glucan concentration and surface loads were significantly higher in evaporative cooler versus central air conditioning homes in all four sample locations and all samples combined (P < .01). Our study suggests that low‐income, evaporative cooled homes have higher levels of immunologically important bioaerosols than central air‐conditioned homes in dry climates, warranting studies on health implications and other exposed populations.  相似文献   

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