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Indoor air quality at nine shopping malls in Hong Kong.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hong Kong is one of the most attractive shopping paradises in the world. Many local people and international tourists favor to spend their time in shopping malls in Hong Kong. Good indoor air quality is, therefore, very essential to shoppers. In order to characterize the indoor air quality in shopping malls, nine shopping malls in Hong Kong were selected for this study. The indoor air pollutants included carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons (THC), formaldehyde (HCHO), respirable particulate matter (PM10) and total bacteria count (TBC). More than 40% of the shopping malls had 1-h average CO2 levels above the 1000 ppm of the ASHRAE standard on both weekdays and weekends. Also, they had average weekday PM10 concentrations that exceeded the Hong Kong Indoor Air Quality Objective (HKIAQO). The highest indoor PM10 level at a mall was 380 microg/m3. Of the malls surveyed, 30% had indoor airborne bacteria levels above 1000 cfu/m3 set by the HKIAQO. The elevated indoor CO2 and bacteria levels could result from high occupancy combined with insufficient ventilation. The increased PM10 levels could be probably attributed to illegal smoking inside these establishments. In comparison, the shopping malls that contained internal public transport drop-off areas, where vehicles were parked with idling engines and had major entry doors close to heavy traffic roads had higher CO and PM10 indoor levels. In addition, the extensive use of cooking stoves without adequate ventilation inside food courts could increase indoor CO2, CO and PM10 levels.  相似文献   

To characterize indoor air quality at the markets in Hong Kong, three non-air-conditioned and two air-conditioned markets were selected for this study. The indoor air pollutants measured included PM(10) (particulate matters with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 microm), total bacteria count (TBC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and sulfur dioxide (SO(2)). The indoor and outdoor concentrations of these target air pollutants at these markets were measured and compared. The effects of air conditioning, temperature/relative humidity variation and different stalls on the indoor air quality were also investigated. The results indicated that all of the average indoor concentrations of PM(10), TBC, CO and NO(2) at the markets were below the Hong Kong Indoor Air Quality Objectives (HKIAQO) standards with a few exceptions for PM(10) and TBC. The elevated PM(10) concentrations at Hung Hom, Ngau Tau Kok and Wan Chai markets were probably due to the air filtration of outdoor airborne particulates emitted from vehicular exhaust, whereas high concentrations of airborne bacteria at Sai Ying Pun and Tin Shing markets were linked to the use of air conditioning. Correlation analysis demonstrated that indoor bacteria concentrations were correlated with temperature and relative humidity. The operation of air conditioning did not significantly reduce the levels of air pollutants at the markets. However, the higher indoor/outdoor ratios demonstrated that the operation of air conditioning had influence on the levels of bacteria at the markets. It was found that average PM(10) concentration at poultry stalls was higher than the HKIAQO standard of 180 microg/m(3), and was over two times that measured at vegetable, fish and meat stalls. Furthermore, the concentration of airborne bacteria at the poultry stalls was as high as 1031 CFU/m(3), which was above the HKIAQO standard of 1000 CFU/m(3). The bacteria levels at other three stalls were all below the HKIAQO standard. Statistical analysis indicated that there were no significant differences among the four stalls for CO, NO(x) and SO(2).  相似文献   

Review of literature has revealed that little research on conflict management has been conducted in Hong Kong industries despite Hong Kong being one of the world's most competitive economies, and a major commercial, financial, industrial centre. This paper examines the use of different conflict resolutions in 63 actual case studies from Hong Kong industries. Contrary to common perception and previous findings, ‘confrontation', as a mode of conflict resolution, is found to be more commonly used in handling conflict. And significantly, almost all of the case incidents which used the ‘confrontation' approach were said to have achieved positive consequences. The authors argue that this change of resolution strategy in the past decade could be due to the increasing number of Hong Kong companies adopting the matrix structure explicitly or implicitly in carrying their projects. It appears that in Hong Kong industries, the influence of the Chinese culture and traditional values in attitude, behaviour and professional practices of both engineers as well as managers, is diminishing. Although the ‘withdrawal' and ‘forcing' approaches were also being used for certain types of conflict, as revealed by some of the case studies, the consequences are often recognised to be dysfunctional to team work.  相似文献   

This paper presents pollutant concentrations and performance data for code-required mechanical ventilation equipment in 23 low-income apartments at 4 properties constructed or renovated 2013-2017. All apartments had natural gas cooking burners. Occupants pledged to not use windows for ventilation during the study but several did. Measured airflows of range hoods and bathroom exhaust fans were lower than product specifications. Only eight apartments operationally met all ventilation code requirements. Pollutants measured over one week in each apartment included time-resolved fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde and carbon dioxide (CO2) and time-integrated formaldehyde, NO2 and nitrogen oxides (NOX). Compared to a recent study of California houses with code-compliant ventilation, apartments were smaller, had fewer occupants, higher densities, and higher mechanical ventilation rates. Mean PM2.5, formaldehyde, NO2, and CO2 were 7.7 µg/m3, 14.1, 18.8, and 741 ppm in apartments; these are 4% lower, 25% lower, 165% higher, and 18% higher compared to houses with similar cooking frequency. Four apartments had weekly PM2.5 above the California annual outdoor standard of 12 µg/m3 and also discrete days above the World Health Organization 24-hour guideline of 25 µg/m3. Two apartments had weekly NO2 above the California annual outdoor standard of 30 ppb.  相似文献   

Air-conditioning settings are important factors in controlling the comfort of passengers on buses. The local bus operators control in-bus air quality and thermal environment by conforming to the prescribed levels stated in published standards. As a result, the settings are merely adjusted to fulfill the standards, rather than to satisfy the passengers' thermal comfort and air quality. Such "standard-oriented" practices are not appropriate; the passengers' preferences and satisfaction should be emphasized instead. Thus a "comfort-oriented" philosophy should be implemented to achieve a comfortable in-bus commuting environment. In this study, the achievement of a comfortable in-bus environment was examined with emphasis on thermal comfort and air quality. Both the measurement of physical parameters and subjective questionnaire surveys were conducted to collect practical in-bus thermal and air parameters data, as well as subjective satisfaction and sensation votes from the passengers. By analyzing the correlation between the objective and subjective data, a combined comfort models were developed. The models helped in evaluating the percentage of dissatisfaction under various combinations of passengers' sensation votes towards thermal comfort and air quality. An effective approach integrated the combined comfort model, hardware and software systems and the bus air-conditioning system could effectively control the transient in-bus environment. By processing and analyzing the data from the continuous monitoring system with the combined comfort model, air-conditioning setting adjustment commands could be determined and delivered to the hardware. This system adjusted air-conditioning settings depending on real-time commands along the bus journey. Therefore, a comfortable in-bus air quality and thermal environment could be achieved and efficiently maintained along the bus journey despite dynamic outdoor influences. Moreover, this model can help optimize air-conditioning control by striking a beneficial balance between energy conservation and passengers' satisfaction level.  相似文献   

In this study, the potential exposure of bus commuters to significant air parameters (CO(2), CO and RSP) and thermal environment (air temperature and relative humidity) when buses traveled through tunnels in Hong Kong was investigated. It was found that air-conditioned buses provided a better commuting environment than non-air-conditioned buses. The blate increasing trend was found on air-conditioned buses as the in-bus air parameters concentration levels rose slowly throughout the traveling process. In contrast, the in-bus environment varied rapidly on non-air-conditioned buses as it depended on the out-bus environment. The measured in-bus CO concentration was 2.9 ppm on air-conditioned buses, while it was 4.6 ppm (even reaching the highest level at 12.0 ppm) on non-air-conditioned buses. Considering the in-bus thermal environment, air-conditioned buses provided thermally comfortable cabins (about 24 degrees C and 59% of relative humidity). However, on non-air-conditioned buses, the thermal environment varied with the out-bus environment. The mean in-bus air temperature was about 34 degrees C and 66% of relative humidity, and the in-bus air temperature varied between 29 and 38 degrees C. Also, the lower-deck to upper-deck air parameters concentration ratios indicated that the vertical dispersion of air pollutants in tunnels influenced non-air-conditioned buses as higher air parameters concentration levels were obtained on the lower-deck cabins.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality at the Correr Museum, Venice, Italy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two multidisciplinary field surveys, one in winter and the other in summer have monitored the indoor microclimate, air pollution, deposition and origin of the suspended particulate matter and microorganisms of the Correr Museum, Venice. In addition, this study was focused to identify the problems caused by the heating and air conditioning system (HAC) and the effects due to the presence of carpets. Heating and air conditioning systems (HACs), when chiefly designed for human welfare, are not suitable for conservation and can cause dangerous temperature and humidity fluctuations. Improvements at the Correr Museum have been achieved with the assistance of environmental monitoring. The carpet has a negative influence as it retains particles and bacteria which are resuspended each time people walk on it. The indoor/outdoor pollutants ratio is greater in the summertime, when doors and windows are more frequently open to allow for better ventilation, illustrating that this ratio is mainly governed by the free exchange of the air masses. The chemical composition, size and origin of the suspended particulate matter have been identified, as well as the bacteria potentially dangerous to the paintings. Some general suggestions for improving indoor air quality are reported in the conclusions.  相似文献   

The Environment Protection Department of Hong Kong has been using an air pollution index (API) to report the status of ambient air quality since 1995. Such an index system was first developed by the USA Environmental Protection Authority. The API compares five main air pollutants, i.e. sulfur dioxide (SO2), respirable suspended particulates (RSP), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and Ozone (O3) as sub-indexes, which are calculated separately from a segmented linear function that transforms ambient pollutants concentrations into a normalized scale extending from 0 to 500. The resultant pollution level is described by the maximal value of these five sub-indexes. The limitation of this API system is that it considers only one pollutant with the maximum value at a time but reflects other pollutants concurrently. In this study, a revised air quality index (RAPI) is proposed based on the entropy function, which combines the effect of all pollutants on public health. The design of the revised index is based on database of air pollutants collected at two air quality monitoring stations in Hong Kong, i.e. a roadside station in Mong Kok and a general station in Sha Tin. Compared with the existing API, values of RAPI (calculated from data collected for API) at both stations are at higher levels and provide more information of levels of all pollutants. Therefore, RAPI should be representatively and widely used to provide the public with a better indicator of air quality. In addition, variations and oscillations of pollutants concentrations were also examined and the results show that RSP and NO2 contribute more to the overall pollution level than other components. It is suggested that more abatement strategies be focused on these pollutants to improve air quality in the future.  相似文献   

Godwin C  Batterman S 《Indoor air》2007,17(2):109-121
Indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters in 64 elementary and middle school classrooms in Michigan were examined for the purposes of assessing ventilation rates, levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bioaerosols, air quality differences within and between schools, and emission sources. In each classroom, bioaerosols, VOCs, CO(2), relative humidity, and temperature were monitored over one workweek, and a comprehensive walkthough survey was completed. Ventilation rates were derived from CO(2) and occupancy data. Ventilation was poor in many of the tested classrooms, e.g., CO(2) concentrations often exceeded 1000 ppm and sometimes 3000 ppm. Most VOCs had low concentrations (mean of individual species <4.5 microg/m(3)); bioaerosol concentrations were moderate (<6500 count per m(3) indoors, <41,000 count per m(3) outdoors). The variability of CO(2), VOC, and bioaerosol concentrations within schools exceeded the variability between schools. These findings suggest that none of the sampled rooms were contaminated and that no building-wide contamination sources were present. However, localized IAQ problems might remain in spaces where contaminant sources are concentrated and that are poorly ventilated. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a continuing concern for students, parents, teachers, and school staff, leading to many complaints regarding poor IAQ. Investigations of these complaints often include air sampling, which must be carefully conducted if representative data are to be collected. To better understand sampling results, investigators need to account for the variability of contaminants both within and between schools.  相似文献   

办公楼的室内空气品质与新风   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据对上海市区7幢甲级办公楼的室内空气品质和新风量的现场测试结果,试图分析办公楼的室内空气品质和新风量的关系,以及室外空气品质对室内空气品质的影响。  相似文献   

Air pollution in a metropolitan city like Hong Kong is a major obstacle to improve air quality and living environment due to the high population density and the vehicle emission increases. The high air pollutant levels impose harm to the human health and impair the city image. The characteristic analysis of air pollutants is very important and necessary to pollutant monitoring, forecasting and controlling. In this study, the interaction patterns of principle air pollutants, e.g. nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxides (NO(x)) and ozone (O(3)), a secondary pollutant, are investigated based on the measured database in four selected areas, which covers two urban types (i.e. residential area, mixed residential/commercial/industrial area) in Hong Kong, during the period of 1999-2001. The study involves analyzing the chemical and physical properties, the characteristics of air pollutants and the factors affecting such interactions using statistical method. The results reveal several routines in urban air pollutants' variations, interaction and trends from macro aspect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to assess, both experimentally and theoretically the status of air quality in a dentistry clinic of the Athens University Dentistry Faculty with respect to chemical pollutants and identify the indoor sources associated with dental activities. Total VOCs, CO(2), PM(10), PM(2.5), NO(x) and SO(2) were measured over a period of approximately three months in a selected dentistry clinic. High pollution levels during the operation hours regarding CO(2), total VOCs and Particulate Matter were found, while in the non-working periods lower levels were recorded. On the contrary, NO(x) and SO(2) remained at low levels for the whole experimental period. These conditions were associated with the number of occupants, the nature of the dental clinical procedures, the materials used and the ventilation schemes, which lead to high concentrations, far above the limits that are set by international organizations and concern human exposure. The indoor environmental conditions were investigated using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model PHOENICS for inert gases simulation. The results revealed diagonal temperature stratification and low air velocities leading to pollution stratification, accompanied by accumulation of inert gaseous species in certain areas of the room. Different schemes of natural ventilation were also applied in order to examine their effect on the indoor comfort conditions for the occupants, in terms of air renewal and double cross ventilation was found to be most effective. The relative contribution of the indoor sources, which are mainly associated with indoor activities, was assessed by application of the Multi Chamber Indoor Air Quality Model (MIAQ) to the experimental data. It was found that deposition onto indoor surfaces is an important removal mechanism while a great amount of particulate matter emitted in the Clinic burdened severely the indoor air quality. The natural ventilation of the room seemed to reduce the levels of the fine particles. The emission rates for the fine and coarse particulates were found to be almost equal, while the coarse particles were found susceptible to deposition onto indoor surfaces.  相似文献   

A voluntary indoor air quality certification scheme has been proposed in Hong Kong for assessing and evaluating the indoor air quality level in a variety of public places like offices, restaurants and pubs. The scheme intends to promote the public well being, however, its technical and financial practicality has led to serious discussions among the government officials, practitioners and premises owners. Accordingly, this study intends to develop a protocol for examining its financial viability by linking the appropriate dose-response and economic data with the results from indoor micro-environment models. The financial viability of the scheme is evaluated by examining the cost and benefit associated with compliance on the different prescribed indoor particulate (PM10) levels. According to our analysis, the indoor action level of 180 microg/m3 as 8-h mean (with the objective of protecting the health of general public) does not require office owners to improve beyond the base setting. Nevertheless, owners should consider altering the base settings in their air conditioning systems so as to secure more benefit on every dollar they spent. On the contrary, the 20 microg/m3 level as 8-h mean (with the objective of providing comfort) is not considered to be financially viable for office owners as they will incur financial loss on compliance. Subsequent sensitivity analysis indicates that the total net benefit derived have a great dependency on the value-of-life estimates used. If conservative health estimates are adopted, the optimum level determined to be beneficial to both owners and the society will be 55 microg/m3, which can be obtained by operating the air conditioning system with a ventilation rate of 10 l/s, primary filters of 80-85% efficiency and secondary filters efficiency of 60-65% arrestance. This information should be extremely valuable for government officials and policy makers in assessing the financial viability of the voluntary indoor assessment scheme.  相似文献   

Data were collected in 70 detached houses built in 2011-2017 in compliance with the mechanical ventilation requirements of California's building energy efficiency standards. Each home was monitored for a 1-week period with windows closed and the central mechanical ventilation system operating. Pollutant measurements included time-resolved fine particulate matter (PM2.5) indoors and outdoors and formaldehyde and carbon dioxide (CO2) indoors. Time-integrated measurements were made for formaldehyde, NO2, and nitrogen oxides (NOX) indoors and outdoors. Operation of the cooktop, range hood, and other exhaust fans was continuously recorded during the monitoring period. Onetime diagnostic measurements included mechanical airflows and envelope and duct system air leakage. All homes met or were very close to meeting the ventilation requirements. On average, the dwelling unit ventilation fan moved 50% more airflow than the minimum requirement. Pollutant concentrations were similar to or lower than those reported in a 2006-2007 study of California new homes built in 2002-2005. Mean and median indoor concentrations were lower by 44% and 38% for formaldehyde and 44% and 54% for PM2.5. Ventilation fans were operating in only 26% of homes when first visited, and the control switches in many homes did not have informative labels as required by building standards.  相似文献   

To improve indoor air quality and to protect public health, Taiwan has enacted the “Indoor Air Quality Act (IAQ Act)” in 2012. For the general public, the indoor air quality in hair salons is important because it is a popular location that people will often visit for hair treatments. However, only a few exposure assessments regarding air pollutants have previously been performed in hair salons. To assess the air quality of hairdressing environments in Taipei, ten hairdressing salons were included for a walk‐through survey in this study. In addition, the airborne concentrations of formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO2, and phthalate esters were also determined in 5 salons. Charcoal, XAD‐2, and OVS‐Tenax tubes were used for the air sampling, while the samples were analyzed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometer. It was found that the products used in hair salons contained various chemicals. In fact, from the walk‐through survey, a total of 387 different ingredients were found on 129 hair product labels. The hair salons were not well ventilated, with CO2 levels of 600 to 3576 ppm. The formaldehyde concentrations determined in this study ranged from 12.40 to 1.04 × 103 μg m?3, and the maximum level was above the permissible exposure limit (PEL) of US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US OSHA). Additionally, 83% of the samples were with levels higher than the standard regulated by Taiwan's IAQ Act. The concentrations of VOCs and phthalate esters were below the occupational exposure limits (OELs), but higher than what was found in general residential environments. The hair products were considered as the major source of air pollutants because significantly higher concentrations were found around the working areas. The number of perming treatments, the number of workers, and the frequency of using formaldehyde releasing products, were found to be associated with the levels of formaldehyde. This study indicates that efforts are needed to improve the indoor air quality in hairdressing salons in Taipei.  相似文献   

Chan P 《Indoor air》1999,9(4):290-296
With the greater use of air-conditioned offices in Singapore, achieving good indoor air quality has become an important issue. The laws that impose duties upon designers and contractors with respect to the design and construction of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) systems are set out in the Building Control Regulations and the Singapore Standard Code of Practice for Mechanical Ventilation and Air-conditioning in Buildings (hereinafter "SS CP 13:1980"). ACMV maintenance is governed by the Environmental Public Health Act, the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act, and the Land Titles (Strata) Act, as well as by lease or tenancy agreements. Designers, contractors, developers, building owners and management corporations may also be liable to the workers, occupants and other premises users for indoor air quality (IAQ)-related injuries under the general principles of contract and tort. Recently, the Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises was issued by the Ministry of Environment to complement SS CP 13:1980 toward improving the indoor air quality of air-conditioned office premises. Although the Guidelines have no statutory effect, they may be adopted as contractual requirements in construction, lease and maintenance contracts. They may also be used to determine the relevant standard of duty of care required to discharge tortious liability. This paper looks at the existing laws and rules affecting the design, construction and maintenance of air-conditioned offices in light of Part III of the Ministry's Guidelines.  相似文献   

In retail stores, workers are constantly exposed to new manufactured goods. The issue of the exposure of retail workers to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) should clearly be considered. Therefore, this study provides data regarding VOC concentrations in ten French retail stores. The stores were chosen to represent various products: sports goods, shoes and leather, furniture, car equipment, bazaars, online-sales storage, clothes, books, DIY (do-it-yourself), and household appliances. VOCs and aldehydes were actively sampled on the same day in five to seven locations per building and outdoors. Toluene and formaldehyde were omnipresent with indoor concentrations reaching 252 and 53 µg/m3, respectively. The car equipment store, followed by clothing, shoes, and leather, and DIY stores showed the worst indoor air quality. High concentrations were measured, for example, the maximum α-pinene concentration in the furniture and DIY stores was 364 and 141 µg/m3, respectively, and the heptane concentration in the car equipment store reached 1,316 µg/m3. Two VOCs classified as toxic to reproduction were measured: hexane in the car equipment store and the bazaar, and dimethylformamide in the sports goods store. This study shows some disparities in the indoor concentrations among different locations in the same store, particularly between sales and storage areas.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality is a major issue for public health, particularly in northern communities. In this extreme environment, adequate ventilation is crucial to provide a healthier indoor environment, especially in airtight dwellings. The main objective of the study is to assess the impact of ventilation systems and their optimization on microbial communities in bioaerosols and dust in 54 dwellings in Nunavik. Dwellings with three ventilation strategies (without mechanical ventilators, with heat recovery ventilators, and with energy recovery ventilators) were investigated before and after optimization of the ventilation systems. Indoor environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity) and microbiological parameters (total bacteria, Aspergillus/Penicillium, endotoxin, and microbial biodiversity) were measured. Dust samples were collected in closed face cassettes with a polycarbonate filter using a micro-vacuum while a volume of 20 m3 of bioaerosols were collected on filters using a SASS3100 (airflow of 300 L/min). In bioaerosols, the median number of copies was 4.01 × 103 copies/m3 of air for total bacteria and 1.45 × 101 copies/m3 for Aspergillus/Penicillium. Median concentrations were 5.13 × 104 copies/mg of dust, 5.07 × 101 copies/mg, 9.98 EU/mg for total bacteria, Aspergillus/Penicillium and endotoxin concentrations, respectively. The main microorganisms were associated with human occupancy such as skin-related bacteria or yeasts, regardless of the type of ventilation.  相似文献   

利用能耗模拟软件HTB2/BECON对香港地区两栋办公大楼能耗进行了定量分析,比较了CAV与VAV系统的风机能耗与总能耗,预测了两个系统全年的能耗与VAV系统的节能情况。  相似文献   

Cao JJ  Lee SC  Chow JC  Cheng Y  Ho KF  Fung K  Liu SX  Watson JG 《Indoor air》2005,15(3):197-204
Six residences were selected (two roadside, two urban, and two rural) to evaluate the indoor-outdoor characteristics of PM(2.5) (aerodynamic diameter <2.5 microm) carbonaceous species in Hong Kong during March and April 2004. Twenty-minute-averaged indoor and outdoor PM(2.5) concentrations were recorded by DustTrak samplers simultaneously at each site for 3 days to examine diurnal variability of PM(2.5) mass concentrations and their indoor-to-outdoor (I/O) ratios. Daily (24-h average) indoor/outdoor PM(2.5) samples were collected on pre-fired quartz-fiber filters with battery-powered portable mini-volume samplers and analyzed for organic and elemental carbon (OC, EC) by thermal/optical reflectance (TOR) following the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) protocol. The average indoor and outdoor concentrations of 24 h PM(2.5) were 56.7 and 43.8 microg/m(3), respectively. The short-term PM(2.5) profiles indicated that the penetration of outdoor particles was an important contributor to indoor PM(2.5), and a household survey indicated that daily activities were also sources of episodic peaks in indoor PM(2.5). The average indoor OC and EC concentrations of 17.1 and 2.8 microg/m(3), respectively, accounted for an average of 29.5 and 5.2%, respectively, of indoor PM(2.5) mass. The average indoor OC/EC ratios were 5.8, 9.1, and 5.0 in roadside, urban, and rural areas, respectively; while average outdoor OC/EC ratios were 4.0, 4.3, and 4.0, respectively. The average I/O ratios of 24 h PM(2.5), OC, and EC were 1.4, 1.8, and 1.2, respectively. High indoor-outdoor correlations (r(2)) were found for PM(2.5) EC (0.96) and mass (0.81), and low correlations were found for OC (0.55), indicative of different organic carbon sources indoors. A simple model implied that about two-thirds of carbonaceous particles in indoor air are originated from outdoor sources. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Indoor particulate pollution has received more attentions in Asia. This study presents a case study regarding the fine particulate matter and its carbonaceous compositions at six residential homes in Hong Kong. The characteristics and relationship of atmospheric organic and elemental carbon were discussed indoors and outdoors. The distribution of eight carbon fractions was first reported in indoor samples to interpret potential sources of indoor carbonaceous particles. The data set can provide significant scientific basis for indoor air quality and epidemiology study in Hong Kong and China.  相似文献   

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